Departments & Divisions
David R. Schmit, MD
Hospital Medicine Fellowship Co-Director
Associate Professor/Clinical
Dr. David Schmit is a published, board-certified Hospitalist who joined UT Health San Antonio as an Assistant Professor/Clinical in July 2012, rising to the rank of Associate Professor/Clinical in September 2018 and acting as Co-Director of the Hospital Medicine fellowship program beginning in 2022. Dr. Schmit earned his Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry (graduating with General and Departmental Honors) from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY in 2004 before going on to earn his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio in 2008. He then completed his Internal Medicine residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio in 2011 (serving as Chief Resident from 2011 to 2012). Dr. Schmit is a six-time recipient of the "Outstanding Faculty for Medicine Clerkship Award" (2013-2019) and has also received the "VA Teaching Award" (2013), "Outstanding Medicine Resident" (2011), "Outstanding Medicine Intern" (2009), the "Wallace McNutt Award" (2005), and the "Oliver Lambert Prize for Excellence in Biochemistry".
Professional Background
- 2008 - Doctor of Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 2004 - Bachelor of Arts - Biochemistry - Vassar College
- 2011 - Residency - Internal Medicine - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 07/2022 - Present - Hospital Medicine Fellowship Co-Director - UT Health San Antonio
- 09/2018 - Present - Associate Professor/Clinical - UT Health San Antonio
- 07/2012 - Present - Physician - South Texas Veterans Health Care System
- 07/2012 - 08/2018 - Assistant Professor/Clinical - UT Health San Antonio
- 07/2011 - 06/2012 - Chief Resident - University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 07/2015 - Present, Resident Mentorship, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2014 - Present, Hospital Medicine Elective, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 08/2012 - Present, CIRC5005 Clinical Skills, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2012 - Present, Transplant Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2011 - Present, MEDI3105 Medicine Clerkship, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2011 - Present, MEDI4046 General Medicine Ward/Subinternship UH/VA, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2011 - Present, UH/VA Medicine Wards, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2011 - Present, Journal Club, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2011 - Present, Night Float Attending, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2011 - Present, Medical Student Mentorship, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2014 - 04/2016, Physical Exam Rounds, South Texas Veterans Health Care System
- 05/2015 - 08/2015, Nurse Practitioner Mentorship, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 06/2011 - 07/2013, On Becoming a Doctor- Clinical Assessment of the Patient (CAP), University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2011 - 08/2012, Advanced Clinical Evaluation Skills, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 09/2011 - 06/2012, Intern Learning Group, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 07/2011 - 06/2012, Internal Medicine Clinic, Audie Murphy Veterans Affairs Hospital
- 05/2011 - 06/2012, Internal Medicine Morning Report, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
Research & Grants
Hospital Medicine
Inpatient Hospital Medicine Procedures
Transplant Medicine
Triage Medicine
Funding Agency: Kenneth I Shine Academy
Title: Kenneth I Shine Academy Grant
Status: Active
Period: 12/2017-12/2018
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $5,000
Grant Detail: Contributor, Small Grant submission to the University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine Academy, proposal entitled "Are your learners ready to hold the admissions pager?"
Funding Agency: Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine
Title: Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine iGrants Innovation Center
Status: Active
Period: 03/2017-02/2018
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $10,000
Grant Detail: "Are your learners ready to hold the admission pager?"- Building a resident curriculum for triage and disposition-making. This is a multi-institutional collaborative grant project to creat a curriculum for Internal Medicine faculty to direct Internal Medicine resident learners regarding triaging patients for intpatient admission. The curriculum has three objectives and the grant funding will focus on the objective of inter-professional education- a creation of an e-module with faculty guide. Statistics: 74 LOI reviewed by AAIM Subcommittee, 43 invited to submit full proposal, 37 full proposals reviewed, 13 grants awarded.
01/2018-Present: Member, Diehl and Lawrence Committee- UTHSCSA
10/2015-Present: Member, Interview Committee- UTHSCS
09/2009-05/2011 & 04/2014-Present: Member, Clinical Competence Committee- UTHSCSA
07/2011-06/2012: Member, Duty Hours Subcommittee- UTHSCSA
09/2009-05/2011: Member, Curriculum Committee- UTHSCSA
03/2018-Present: Reviewer, AOA Selection Committee- UTHSCSA
07/2014-Present: Course Director, Hospital Medicine Elective- UTHSCSA
04/2015-Present: Member, Physician Advisory Council- University Hospital
08/2012-Present: Faculty, Longitudinal Preceptorship- UTHSCSA
07/2011-Present: Peer Reviews- University Hospital
10/2012-10/2014: Member, Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (HCAPHS)- University Hospital
07/2012-12/2013: Member, Core Measures Committee- University Hospital
Service to the Profession
02/2016-Present: Abstract Reviewer, Society of General Internal Medicine
09/2015-Present: Abstract Reviewer, American College of Physicians
12/2012-Present: Abstract Reviewer, Society of Hospital Medicine
- Immunologic resilience and COVID-19 survival advantage
- Triaging Inpatient Admissions: an Opportunity for Resident Education
- Immune resilience despite inflammatory stress promotes longevity and favorable health outcomes including resistance to infection
- Breaking barriers, building faculty: A qualitative analysis to exploring faculty development in academic hospital medicine
Zhao D, Aduba I, Schmit DR. Challenges in Diagnosing and Treating IgG4-Releated Disease 2016 May. (Journal of General Internal Medicine; vol. 31, no. S2).
Maansor, Saad, Schmit DR. Cytology Ordering the Right Way 2015 Apr. (Journal of Hospital Medicine; vol. 10, no. S1).
Schmit DR, Trammell Velasquez SA, Wathen P, King P. The Design, Implementation and Impact of an Internal Medicine Resident Ultrasound based Procedure Service 2012 Mar. (Journal of Hospital Medicine; vol. 7, no. S2).
Schmit DR, Johnson M, Leykum LK. A Process for Improving Utilization in the Management of Cirrhotic Patients with GI Bleed 2011 Apr. (Journal of Hospital Medicine; vol. 6, no. S2).
Electronic/Web Publication
Schmit DR, Johnson MM. A Process for Improving Utilization in the Management of Cirrhotic Patients 2011 Nov. Description of a review of care processes associated with cirrhotic patients at University Hospital and a description of a care pathway to address utilization needs for those specific patients.
Journal Article
Murray C, Hoffmaster RM, Schmit DR, Hospenthal D, Ward JA, Cancio LC, Wolf SE. Evaluation of white blood cell count, neutrophil percentage, and elevated temperature as predictors of bloodstream infection in burn patients. Archives of Surgery 2007 Jul; 142(7):639-642.
Schmit DR, Wang ES, Trammell Velasquez SA, Ho TT. In the Literature, The Hospitalist 2020 May
Schmit DR, Wang ES, Trammell Velasquez SA, Matthias T, Smith C, Hsu S, Sehgal. SHM e-module on healthcare systems and systems-based practice. 2019 Sep
Schmit DR, Wang ES, Trammell Velasquez SA, Ho TT. In the Literature: Physician Review of HM-Relevant Research. The Hospitalist 2019 May
Wang ES, Trammell Velasquez SA, Schmit DR, Matthias T, Smith C, Hsu S, Leykum LK. Triaging Inpatient Admissions: an opportunity for Resident Education. JGIM 2019;34(5)
Schmit DR, Wang ES, Trammell Velasquez SA, Matthias T, Smith C, Hsu S. Sehgal. SHM e-module on communication. 2018 Jul
Schmit DR. In the Literature. The Hospitalist 2016 Apr
Board Certifications
- 2011 - American Board of Internal Medicine