Departments & Divisions
Gregory M Anstead, M.D.
Dr. Gregory M. Anstead has loved creepy crawly things since he was a kid, when his parents let him turn the basement into a zoo. He started college at Northern Kentucky University with aspirations to be a field biologist, but was seduced by the beauty of the interplay of molecules to pursue a PhD in organic chemistry at the University of Illinois. After an unsatisfying NIH post-doc in chemistry at the State University of New York, he entered medical school at the University of Illinois, and then did an internal medicine and pediatrics residency at the University of Kentucky. He then decided to enter medical field with the creepy crawlies, infectious Diseases, and completed a fellowship at UT Health Science Center San Antonio in 2000.
Dr. Anstead is currently professor of medicine at UT Health San Antonio and staff physician at University Hospital, San Antonio, and the South Texas Veterans Healthcare System. He has been a preceptor for the infectious diseases fellows' clinic for over 20 years. His main professional interests are parasitic and vector-borne diseases, HIV clinical care, endemic mycoses, and the historic epidemiology of infectious diseases. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed medical and scientific papers and over 40 book chapters. He was a recipient of the University of Texas Presidential Teaching Excellence Award in 2012 and received the Outstanding Faculty Member from the fellows in the Division of Infectious Diseases in 2018. He has four sons, ranging in age from 10 to 26 years old. His hobby is observing and photographing the natural world.
Professional Background
- 2000 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Infectious diseases - University of Texas Health Sceince Center at San Antonio
- 1997 - Residency - Medicine/Pediatrics - University of Kentucky Medical Center
- 1994 - Internship - Medicine/Pediatrics - University of Kentucky Medical Center
- 1993 - MD - Medicine - University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign
- 1989 - Postdoctoral Training - organic chemistry - State University of New York at Stony Brook
- 1988 - PhD - Organic Chemistry - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 1982 - BA - Chemistry (Outstanding Senior in Chemistry) - Northern Kentucky University
- 1982 - BS - Biology - Northern Kentucky University
- 9/2014 - Professor/Clinical - UT Health Science Center San Antonio, Medicine, San Antonio
- 6/2006 - Medical Director, VA Immunosuppression Clinic - South Texas Veterans Healthcare System, Medicine, San Antonio
- 11/2000 - Attending Physician; Consultant in Infectious Diseases - South Texas Veterans Healthcare System, Medicine, San Antonio
- 7/2000 - Attending Physician; Consultant in Infectious Diseases - University Health System, Medicine, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/2014 - Present, Individual Instruction, UTHSCSA
- 7/2014 - Present, Individual Instruction, UTHSCSA
- 7/2014 - Present, Individual Instruction, UTHSCSA
- 7/2014 - Present, Individual Instruction, VA
- 8/2013 - Present, Individual Instruction, STVHCS
- 8/2013 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, South Texas Vetrans Healthcare System/UTHSCSA
- 7/2012 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/2012 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/2011 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/2006 - Present, Medicine Clerkship, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2006 - Present, Individual Instruction, UTHSCSA/South Texas Veterans Healthcare System
- 3/2002 - Present, Tropical Med Internat'l Health, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 8/2000 - Present, Intro to Clin Medicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2000 - Present, Medical Block Course Registratio, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2000 - Present, Medicine HIV Team VI/Infectious Diseases Didactic Lecture Series, UTHSCSA
- 7/2000 - Present, Individual Instruction, University Health System
- 7/2000 - Present, Clin Infectious Disease, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2000 - Present, Medicine Clerkship (spec), The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1/2000 - Present, Medical Block Course Registratio, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
Funding Agency ViiV Healthcare Title Prospective Observation study of safety of maraviroc with optimized background in HIV patients (POEM) Status Active Period 8/2007 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail An international, multi-center prospective study of the safety of maraviroc used with optimized background in treatment-experienced HIV-1 infected patients Funding Agency ViiV Healthcare Title A Study Of Maraviroc In HIV Co-Infected Subjects With Hepatitis C And/Or Hepatitis B Status Active Period 8/2011 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail A Multicenter, Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study To Evaluate The Safety Of Maraviroc In Combination With Other Antiretroviral Agents In HIV-1-Infected Subjects Co-Infected With Hepatitis C And/Or Hepatitis B Virus
Javeri H, Bowling J, Anstead GM. The use of N-acetylcysteine for the reversal of hepatotoxicty induced by anti-tuberculosis agents; 2013 Apr. (3rd Tuberculosis Research Symposium).
Book Chapter
Anstead GM, Shah J. Wound Infections. In: Shah, J. World Care Certification Study Guide. San Antonio: International ATMO; 2015. Anstead GM, Shah J. Basic Microbiology. In : Wound care Certification Study Guide. In: Shah J (ed). Wound Care Certification Study Guide. San Antonio: ATMO international; 2015.
Journal Article
Nordell AD1, McKenna M1, Borges AH2, Duprez D3, Neuhaus J1, Neaton JD1; INSIGHT SMART, ESPRIT Study Groups; SILCAAT Scientific Committee. Severity of cardiovascular disease outcomes among patients with HIV is related to markers of inflammation and coagulation J Am Heart Assoc 2014 May;3(3). Lima AA, Anstead GM, Zhang Q, Figueiredo IL, Soares AM, Mota RM, Lima NL1, Guerrant R, Oria RB. Effects of glutamine alone or in combination with zinc and vitamin A on growth, intestinal barrier function, stress and satiety-related hormones in Brazilian shantytown children Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2014 Jan;69(4):225-233. Kruger KS, Stern SL, Anstead G, Finley EP.
. Perceptions of companion dog benefits on well-being of US military veterans with HIV/AIDS Southern Medical Journal 2014 Jan;107(3):188-193. Ibrahim MK, Barnes JL, Osorio EY, Anstead GM, Jimenez F, Osterholzer JJ, Travi BL, Ahuja SS, White AC Jr, Melby PC. Deficiency of lymph node-resident dendritic cells (DCs) and dysregulation of DC chemoattractants in a malnourished mouse model of Leishmania donovani infection Infect Immun 2014 Jan;82(8):3098-3112. Taylor BS,Liang Y, Garduno LS, Walter E, Gerardi M,Anstead GM, BUllock D, Turner BJ. High risk of obesity and weight gain for HIV-infected uninsured minorities Journal of AIDS 2013 Sep;epub. Ibrahim, MK, Barnes JL, Anstead GM, Jimenez, F, Travi BL, Peniche, AG, Osorio EY, Ahuja SS, Melby, PC. The malnutrition-related increase in early visceralization of Leishmania donovani is associated with a reduced number of lymph node phagocytes and altered conduit system flow PloS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2013 Aug;7(8).Not Specified
Mocroft A, Lundgren JD, Ross M, Law M, Reiss P, Kirk O, Smith C, Wentworth D, Neuhaus J, Fux CA, Moranne O, Morlat P, Johnson MA, Ryom L; D:A:D study group; Royal Free Hospital Clinic Cohort; INSIGHT study group; SMART study group; ESPRIT study group. Development and validation of a risk score for chronic kidney disease in HIV infection using prospective cohort data from the D:A:D study PLoS Med 2015 Mar;12(3). Anstead GM. Coccidioidomycosis 2014 Jun;.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine/Infectious Disease