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Felipe Santiago Salinas, PhD
Assistant Professor/Research - Department of Radiology, UTHSCSA
Chief, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Division - Research Imaging Institute, UTHSCSA
Research Health Scientist - Department of Veterans Affairs, South Texas Veterans Hospital
In my research, I utilize a multidisciplinary approach (i.e. physics, computer science, mathematics, engineering) to address current problems in medicine and biology. Specifically, I am interested in refining current imaging modalities and computer modeling techniques for applications to psychiatric, circulatory and neurological diseases and disorders. My predoctoral research focused on the development of the physics-based computations of electromagnetic field modeling in biological tissues. Modeling of the electromagnetic interactions with neurological tissues (and any resulting neuronal activations) requires extensive training in physics, imaging and neuroscience. This predoctoral training equipped me with a strong background in each of these fields.
Over the past decade, I have broadened my areas of expertise by continually stepping outside of my scientific comfort zone—while progressing down a consistent, logical biomedical research path. Through my postdoctoral work (on two NIH-funded R21s), I oversaw the development of a functional imaging baboon model—consisting of structural & functional MRI, positron emission tomography, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electrophysiology (surface & intracranial EEG, EMG), image analysis (resting-state, structural equation modeling (SEM), independent component analysis (ICA)), connectivity-based parcellation (CBP), physics-based neural computations, and graph theoretical analysis. While being trained in a broad array of current imaging modalities and techniques, I was also active in the experimental design and statistical analysis of these imaging projects. I am an expert in multi-modal neuroimaging acquisition and analysis and neuromodulation.
Professional Background
- 2012 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Neuroimaging and Neuroscience - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2010 - Postdoctoral Training - Electrophysiology and Epilepsy Research - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2008 - Ph.D. - Biomedical Engineering (Magna Cum Laude) - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2003 - BA - Chemistry - University of Texas at San Antonio
- 2003 - BA - Honors College - University of Texas at San Antonio
- 2003 - BS - Physics - University of Texas at San Antonio
- 05/2018 - Assistant Professor/Research - Department of Radiology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 07/2017 - Research Health Scientist - Department of Veterans Affairs, South Texas Veterans Hospital
- 05/2016 - Chief, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Division - Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 08/2020 - Present, RADI 6051: Statistical Parametric Mapping, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Book Chapters:
Szabó CÁ, Salinas FS (2017). Baboon Model of Genetic Generalized Epilepsy, In Models of Seizures and Epilepsy.
Narayana S, Salinas FS, Boop FA, Wheless JW, Papanicolaou AC (2016). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, In The Oxford Handbook of Functional Brain Imaging in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurosciences.
Journal Articles:
Arabkheradmand G, Krieg TD, Salinas FS, Fox PT, Mogul DJ (2019). Predicting TMS-induced activation in human neocortex using concurrent TMS/PET, finite element analysis and computational modeling. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 5(2):2057-1976.
De La Garza MA, Poldiak D, Shade R, Salinas FS, Papanastassiou AM, Szabó CÁ (2019). Cardiac changes in epileptic baboons with high-frequency microburst VNS therapy: A pilot study. Epilepsy Res., 155:106156.
Vanasse TJ, Franklin C, Salinas FS, Ramage AE, Calhoun VD, Robinson PC, Kok M, Peterson AL, Mintz J, Litz BT, Young-McCaughan S, Resick PA, Fox PT, STRONG STAR Consortium (2019). A resting-state network comparison of combat-related PTSD with combat-exposed and civilian controls. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 14(9):933-945.
Ishaque M, Manning JH, Woolsey MD, Franklin CG, Salinas FS, Fox PT (2017). White matter tract pathology in pediatric anoxic brain injury from drowning. Amer. J. of Neurorad., 38(4):814-9.
Salinas FS, Szabó CÁ (2017). Resting-state functional connectivity changes due to acute and short-term valproic acid administration in the baboon model of GGE. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16:132-41.
Szabó CÁ, Salinas FS, Papanastassiou AM, Begnaud J, Ravan M, Eggleston KS, Shade R, Lutz C, De La Garza M (2017). High-frequency burst vagal nerve simulation therapy in a natural primate model of genetic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsy Res., 138:46-52.
Szabo C, Salinas FS, Li K, Leland M, Fox PT, et al. (2016) Modeling the Effective Connectivity of the Visual Network in Healthy and Photosensitive, Epileptic Baboons. Brain Structure & Function, 221(4):2023-33.
Salinas FS, Franklin C, Narayana S, Szabó CÁ, Fox PT (2016). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation educes frequency-specific causal relationships in the motor network. Brain Stimul., 9(3):406-14.
Szabó CÁ, Salinas FS (2016). Voxel-Based Morphometry in Epileptic Baboons: Parallels to Human Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. Epilepsy Res., 124:34-9.
Szabó CÁ, De La Garza M, Rice K, Bazan IC, Salinas FS (2016) Relationship between epilepsy and colpocephaly in baboons (Papio hamadryas), Comp Med., 66(3):241-5.
Krieg TD, Salinas FS, Narayana S, Fox PT, Mogul DJ (2015). Computational and experimental analysis of TMS-induced electric field vectors critical to neuronal activation. J. Neural Eng., 12(4):1-11.
Salinas FS, Szabó CÁ (2015). Resting-state functional connectivity in the baboon model of genetic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsia, 56(10):1580-9.
Szabó CÁ, Salinas FS (2015). Voxel-Based Morphometry in Epileptic Baboons. Epilepsia, 56(8):196-7.Krieg TD, Salinas FS, Narayana S, Fox PT, Mogul DJ (2013). PET-based confirmation of orientation sensitivity of TMS-induced cortical activation in humans. Brain Stimul., 6(6):898-904.
Salinas FS, Narayana S, Zhang W, Fox PT, Szabó CÁ (2013). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation elicits rate-dependent brain network responses in non-human primates. Brain Stimul., 6(5):777-87.
Salinas, FS, Szabó CÁ, Franklin, C, Leland MM, Fox PT, Narayana S (2013). Intermittent Light Stimulation-dependent CBF Changes In Photosensitive And Control Baboon. Epilepsia, 54:303.
Szabó CÁ, Salinas FS, Knape KD, Xie D, Leland MM, Caron JL, Williams JT (2012) Baboon model of generalized epilepsy: Continuous intracranial video-EEG monitoring with subdural electrodes, Epilepsy Res., 101(1-2):46-55.
Szabó CÁ, Salinas FS, Narayana S (2011) Functional PET evaluation of the photosensitive baboon, Open NeuroImaging Journal, 5, (Suppl 2-M9):206-15.
Salinas FS, Szabó CÁ, Zhang W, Jones L, Leland MM, Wey HY, Duong TQ, Fox PT, Narayana S, (2011), Functional neuroimaging of the baboon during concurrent image-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation, NeuroImage, 57:1393-401.
Salinas FS, Lancaster JL, Fox PT (2009). Analysis of transcranial magnetic stimulation in clinically relevant coil poses. NeuroImage, 47(S1):S79.
Salinas FS, Lancaster JL, Fox PT (2009). 3-D modeling of the total electric field induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation using the boundary element method. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 54:3631-47.
Salinas FS, Lancaster JL, Fox PT (2007). Detailed 3D models of the induced electric field of transcranial magnetic stimulation coils. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 52:2879-92.
Lancaster JL, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Martinez M, Salinas FS, Evans A, Zilles K, Mazziotta JC, Fox PT (2007). Bias between MNI and Talairach coordinates analyzed using the ICBM-152 brain template. Human Brain Mapping, 28(11):1194-205.
Sardar DK, Salinas FS, Perez J, Tsin ATC (2005). Polarization Characterization of Neovascularized Ocular Tissues. Biophysical Journal, 89:1-3.
Sardar DK, Salinas FS, Perez J, Tsin ATC (2004). Optical Characterization of Bovine Retinal Tissues. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 9:624-31.
Sardar DK, Salinas FS (2002). Optical Properties of a Laser Dye in a Solid State Polymeric Host. Journal of Applied Physics, 91:9598-602.
Sardar DK, Yow RM, Salinas FS (2001). Stark Components of Lower-lying manifolds and Phonon Effects on Sharp Spectral Lines for Inter-Stark Transitions of Nd3+ in LLGG Crystal Host. Journal of Optical Materials, 18:301-8.
Sardar, DK, Salinas FS, Yow RM (2000). Stark Components of Lower-lying Manifolds and Temperature Dependencies of Linewidth and Line Shift of a Strong Spectral Transition of Pr3+ in Sr5(PO4)3F. Journal of Applied Physics, 88:4688-92.