Timothy Raabe, PhD
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Currently not seeking mentees
I was a faculty member at St. Mary's University for over 20 years. During that time, I advised and mentored hundreds of students pursuing careers in both biomedical research and healthcare. Early in my career at St. Mary’s, I was awarded an R21 grant to examine if alterations in the neuregulin signaling pathway between neurons and glial cells as a result of elevated glucose could contribute to the development of diabetic neuropathy. I also served as Program Director/Principal Investigator for a research/training grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs (2000-2006). The VA grant enabled twelve students from St. Mary’s to participate in my research projects including the examination of altered signaling between neurons and glial cells in diabetic neuropathy on our campus. Of those twelve, at least eight students went on to graduate and/or medical school. In 2005, I was asked to serve as Interim Program Director for the U*STAR program and was able to secure funding to continue the program in 2008, 2013 and 2018. While at St. Mary’s, I also served as the Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences and the Associate Dean of the School of Science, Engineering, and Technology. In January 2019, I accepted the position as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at UT Health San Antonio. In this role, I oversee curricular, compliance, and assessment matters within the nineteen programs in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS). I was also appointed as a Professor in the School of Nursing at UT Health San Antonio.
Professional Background
- 1995 - Doctor of Philosophy - Zoology (Physiology) - University of Texas; Austin, TX
- 1991 - Master of Science - Biology - Southwest Texas State University; San Marcos, TX
- 1989 - Bachelor of Science - Biology - Southwest Texas State University; San Marcos, TX
Honors and Awards
- 2016, President’s Award for Excellence, St. Mary's University 2015 Gateway Million+ Club, St. Mary’s Alumni Association
- 2010 - 2018, Biaggini Endowed Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX
- 2019 - present - Professor - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018 - present - Associate Dean of Academic Affairs - Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UT Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
- 2017 - present - Adjunct Faculty - School of Public Health at Houston, San Antonio Regional Campus, San Antonio, TX
- 2014 - 2018 - Associate Dean - School of Science, Engineering and Technology, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX
- 2009 - 2018 - Professor & Chair - Department of Biological Sciences, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX
- 2005 - 2018 - Adjunct Associate Professor - Department of Cell Systems & Anatomy, UT Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
Instruction & Training
- 2019 - present, NURS 6388 Advanced Pathophysiology, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2019 - present , INTD 5035 UTeach, UT Health San Antonio
Research & Grants
Submitted and Not Funded or Unfunded Research/Projects:
- 2020, NIH/NIGMS T32 NRSA Institutional Predoctoral Training grant (submitted 6/25/20). 7/1/21-6/30/26 (proposed) $754,990 PI/coPIs: T. Raabe, L. Daws, J. Jiang, and S. Mooberry. Title: Predoctoral Training in Drug Discovery & Development at UT Health San Antonio
Completed Research/Projects:
- 2015 - 2020, NIH/NIGMS K12 IRACDA training grant. Program Coordinator: T. Raabe $234,455 (Sub-award to StMU) PDs: James Lechleiter, Linda McManus, and Kay Oyajobi (UTHSA). Title: San Antonio Biomedical Education and Research Program
- 2018 - 2023, NIH/NIGMS MARC U*STAR training grant PI: T. Raabe $2,317,830. Title: Undergraduate Biomedical Research Training at St. Mary's University
- 2013 - 2018, NIH/NIGMS MARC U*STAR training grant PI: T. Raabe $993,585. Title: Undergraduate Biomedical Research Training at St. Mary's University
Student Mentees/Trainees
- Academic: Served as formal advisor for 20-30 Biology students annually between 1997-2018 & informal advisor for approximately 300 Biology majors annually in my previous roles at St. Mary’s University
- Research: Mentored several students in directed research projects including completion of several Honors Theses and one Master’s thesis (1999-2011)
- Aaron Cotrell – 1999-2001: earned M.D. from UTHSCSA; currently practicing pathologist in Austin, TX
- Belinda (Flores) Hernandez – 2000-2002: earned Ph.D. in Public Health from UTHSC Houston; currently Assistant Professor in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, UTHealth-Houston, School of Public Health in San Antonio
- Bradley Holmes – 2000-2002: earned M.D. from UTHSC-Houston; currently practicing physician in Houston, TX
- 2021-Pres Member, Nominations Committee, School of Nursing, UT Health San Antonio2022-Pres Member, Academic Planning Committee for The University of Texas School ofPublic Health San Antonio
- 2021-Pres Member, Comprehensive Health and Wellness Advisory Committee, UT HealthSan Antonio
- 2021-Pres Chair, Search Committee for Associate Dean of Student Affairs & Admissions,Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UT Health San Antonio
- 2021-22 Member, Search Committee for Dean of School of Nursing, UT Health SanAntonio
- 2019-Pres Member, Academic Affairs Council, Linking Interprofessional Networks forCollaboration (LINC), UT Health San Antonio
- 2019 - Present, Member, Ad hoc member, Committee for Institutional Approach to Conflicts of Interest and Commitment/Outside Activity, UT Health San Antonio
- 2019 - Present, Member, Graduate Education Advisory Committee, THECB
Service to the Profession
- 2019 Ad hoc reviewer, SALSI Postdoctoral Research Training Fellowship applications
- 2019-Pres MARC External Advisory Committee member, St. Mary’s University
- 2019-Pres S21 Endowment External Advisory Committee member, The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
- 2022-Pres Member, SC-2 Grant Advisory Committee for Bridget Ford (PI)
- 2019, Ad hoc reviewer, Translation Science Scholars TL1 applications
- 2019, Ad hoc reviewer, SALSI Postdoctoral Research Training Fellowship applications 2019 Ad hoc reviewer, Translation Science Scholars TL1 applications
- 2019, Ad hoc reviewer, Grant Seekers for Nathan Shock Center 2018-Pres Standing member, NIGMS, TWD-C review panel
- Higgins, P.B., Rodriguez, P.J., Vorunganti, V.S., Mattern, V., Bastarrachea, R.A., Rice, K., Raabe, T., and A.G. Comuzzie. 2014. Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Factors in Captive Baboons (Papio hamadryas sp.): Sexual Dimorphism. Am J Phys Anthropol. 153(1):9-14.
- Gu, Y., Chen, Z-W., Siegel, A., Koshy, R., Ramirez, C., Raabe, T.D., DeVries, G.H., and A.A. Ilyas. 2012. Analysis of Humoral Immune Responses to LM1 Ganglioside in Guinea Pigs. J Neuroimmunol., 246(1-2):58-64.
- Reinhard, S., Vela, E., Bombara, N., DeVries, G.H., and T.D. Raabe. 2009.
- Developmental regulation of neuregulin1 isoforms and erbB receptors in intact rat dorsal root ganglia. Neurochem Res. 34(1):17-22.
- Ponomareva, O.N., Ma, H., Dakour, R., Raabe, T.D., Lai, C., and M. Rimer. 2005. Stimulation of acetylcholine receptor transcription by neuregulin-2 requires an N-box response element and is regulated by alternative splicing. Neuroscience. 134:495-503.
- Raabe, T.D., Deadwyler, G., and G.H. DeVries. 2004. Localization of Neuregulin Isoforms and erbB Receptors in Myelinating Glial Cells. Glia. 45:197-207.
- Weigum, S.E., Garcia, D.M., Raabe, T.D., Christodoulides, N., and J.R. Koke. 2003. Discrete nuclear structures in actively growing neuroblastoma cells are revealed by antibodies raised against phosphorylated neurofilament proteins. BMC Neuroscience. 4:6.
- Glass, T., Raabe, T.D., Garcia, D.M., and J.R. Koke. 2002. Identification of neuritespecific antigens in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells in vitro. Brain Res 934:43-48.
- Francis, A., Raabe, T.D., Wen, D., and G. H. DeVries. 1999. Role of neuregulins in astrocyte function. J. Neurosci. Res. 57:487-494.
- Raabe, T.D., Francis, A., and G.H. DeVries. 1998. Neuregulins in glial cells (review). Neurochem. Res. 23:313-320.
- Raabe, T.D., Clive, D.R., Wen, D., and G.H. DeVries. 1997. Neonatal oligodendrocytes contain and secrete neuregulins in vitro. J. Neurochem. 69:1859-1863.
- Raabe, T.D., Suy, S., Welcher, A., and G.H. DeVries. 1997. Effects of neu differentiation factor isoforms on oligodendrocyte function. J. Neurosci. Res. 50:1-14.
- Raabe, T.D., Clive, D.R., Neuberger, T.J., Wen, D., and G.H. DeVries. 1996. Cultured neonatal Schwann cells contain and secrete neuregulins. J. Neurosci. Res. 46:263-270.
- Raabe, T.D., and G.D. Bittner. 1996. Phosphorylation of neurofilament proteins in isolated goldfish Mauthner axoplasm. J. Neurochem. 66:1214-1221.
- Raabe, T.D., Nguyen, T., Archer, C., and G.D. Bittner. 1996. Mechanisms for the maintenance of neurofilament proteins in the distal segments of severed goldfish Mauthner axons. J. Neurosci. 16(5): 1605-1613.
- Raabe, T.D., Nguyen, T., and G.D. Bittner. 1995. Calcium-activated proteolysis of neurofilament proteins in goldfish Mauthner axons. J. Neurobiol. 26(2): 253-261.
- Graham, C., Raabe, T.D., and J.R. Koke. 1993. Plasmid DNA in skeletal muscle. Biomedical Letters. 48: 19-327.
- Araujo, D., Ramirez, C., and T.D. Raabe. 2009. Thalidomide-Induced Dysfunction in Schwann Cells. 10th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Creative Activities Exhibition, St. Mary’s University.
- Araujo, D., and T.D. Raabe. 2008. Thalidomide Induced Dysfunction in Schwann Cells. 9th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Creative Activities Exhibition, St. Mary’s University.
- Fischer, J., Ibekwe, L., Reinhard, S., and T.D. Raabe. 2007. Neuregulin Transduction Pathway Involved in Schwann Cell Maturation. 8th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Creative Activities Exhibition, St. Mary’s University.
- Reinhard, S., Garcia, M., and T.D. Raabe. 2006. The Cellular Pathways Utilized by the Neuregulin Isoforms in Neuronal and Glial Cells. 7th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Creative Activities Exhibition, St. Mary’s University.
- Gelabert, C., and T.D. Raabe. 2006. Effects of Neuregulin on Neurite Extension. 7th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Creative Activities Exhibition, St. Mary’s University.
- Reinhard, S., and T.D. Raabe. 2005. Developmental Regulation of the Expression of Neuregulin and ErbB Receptors in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion. 6th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Creative Activities Exhibition, St. Mary’s University.
- Gelabert, C., and T.D. Raabe. 2005. Reduced Neuregulin Signaling During Diabetic Neuropathy. 6th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Creative Activities Exhibition, St. Mary’s University.
- Fagg, B., Garcia, M., Rosillo, R, and T.D. Raabe. 2005. The Expression and Function of Neuregulin Isoforms on Glial and Neuronal Cells. 6th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Creative Activities Exhibition, St. Mary’s University.
- Reinhard, S., DeVries, G.H., and T.D. Raabe. 2004. Developmental regulation of the expression of neuregulin and erbB receptors in rat dorsal root ganglia. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Gelabert, C., Garza, D., and T.D. Raabe. 2004. Reduced neuregulin signaling during diabetic neuropathy. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Fagg, B., Garcia, M., Rosillo, R., DeVries, G.H., and T.D. Raabe. 2004. The expression and function of neuregulin isoforms on glial and neuronal cells. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Garcia, M., Gonzalez, K., DeVries, G.H., and T.D. Raabe. 2003. Presence and activation of erbB receptors in isolated rat dorsal root ganglia. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Fahim, J., Salas, E., DeVries, G.H., and T.D. Raabe. 2003. Identification of erb-B receptors in isolated rat dorsal root ganglia. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Holmes, B., Varga, J., Garza, A., and T.D. Raabe. 2002. Identification of AGE modified neuregulins and erbB receptors and reduced PI3K levels during hyperglycemia.
- Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Flores, B., Mammen, P., DeVries, G.H., and T.D. Raabe. 2002. Immunohistochemical localization of neuregulin isoforms in Schwann cells and neurons at various developmental time points. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Cotrell, A., Varga, J., and T.D. Raabe. 2001. Hyperglycemia alters the expression of neuregulins and erbB receptors and decreases Schwann cell viability. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Flores, B., DeVries, G.H., and T.D. Raabe. 2001. Immunohistochemical localization of neuregulin isoforms in rat dorsal root ganglia at various time points. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Bombara, N., Vela, DeVries, G.H., and T.D. Raabe. 2001. In vivo expression of neuregulin and erbB receptors in rat dorsal root ganglia. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Reinhard, S., Vela, E., Varga, J., and T.D. Raabe. 2000. Developmental regulation of neuregulin and erbB receptor expression in rat dorsal root ganglia. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Cotrell, A., Varga, J., and T.D. Raabe. 2000. The effects of hyperglycemia on Schwann cell viability and proliferation. Student Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University.
- Meyer, J.D., Raabe, T.D., and J.R. Koke. 2004. Hyperglycemia-induced apoptosis of Schwann cells in vitro. FASEB J. 18:4741.
- Cotrell, A., Varga, J.W., and T.D. Raabe. 2002. Hyperglycemia alters the expression of neuregulins and erbB receptors and decreases Schwann cell viability. 9th National Conference, Council on Undergraduate Research.
- Gollapudi, L., Reinhard, S., Vela, E., Varga, J., Raabe, T.D., and G.H. DeVries. 2001.
- Developmental Regulation of Neuregulin and erbB Receptor Expression in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglia. J. Neurochem. 78:AP28-16.
- Raabe, T.D., and G.H. DeVries. 2000. The role of neuregulins in Schwann cell function. J. Neurochem. 74:S39A.
- Conway DL, Gill SL, Henzi D, O’Neal C, Raabe T, Segura A, Zorek JA. A Universitywide collaboration to transform interprofessional education based on guidance from the Health Professions Accreditors Collaborative. National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, 2020 Virtual Nexus Summit on Retaining the Vital Focus on the Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment: Better Care, Better Value, Better Education, Accreditation Considerations Track, October 2020.
Peer-reviewed Articles (*indicates data-based)
Abstracts presented at local symposia:
Abstracts presented at scientific meetings:
Invited Podium Presentations (i. e. keynotes presentations)