Departments & Divisions
Linda M McManus, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita
Parenchymal tissue injury initiates a rapid cascade of tightly-regulated cellular events designed to repair and/or regenerate the damaged tissue. These events include a dynamic interplay between cells with regenerative capacity and diverse inflammatory cells; bone marrow-derived cells are critical to these processes. Current research efforts focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms which regulate inflammation and the regeneration of murine skeletal muscle.
Professional Background
- 1978 - PhD - Experimental Pathology - The University of Colorado Medical School
- 1973 - MS - Microbiology - The University of Houston
- 1970 - BA - Microbiology - The University of Texas
- 1969 - AA - Blinn College
- Postdoctoral Fellowship - Pathology - The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 6/2012 - Director - Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, UTHSCSASan Antonio
- 1/2010 - Distinguished Teaching Professor - The University of Texas Health Science Center, Department of Pathology, Periodontics, San Antonio
- 1/2004 - Faculty Member - Sam and Ann Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging, UTHSCSA, Pathology, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 1/2015 - Present, Membership on Supervising Committee, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1/2015 - Present, Membership on Supervising Committee, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1/2014 - Present, Director, Spotlight on Research Integrity (monthly workshop), The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1/2013 - Present, Director, New Postdoc Orientation (quarterly workshop)
- 1/2013 - Present
- 1/2013 - Present
- 1/2013 - Present, Co-Director/Facilitator, Entering Mentoring (quarterly workshop)
- 1/2012 - Present
- 1/2012 - Present
- 1/2011 - Present, Membership on Supervising Committee, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 1/2011 - Present
- 1/2011 - Present
- 9/2010 - Present, Director, F-Troop: Fellowship (F) Grant Writing, Institute for the Integration of Medicine and Science, University of Texas Health Science Center San
- 6/2010 - Present, Topics in Translational Science (MEDI 6101)
- 1/2010 - Present, Co-Director, Grant Writing with New Investigators (GWNI)
- 1/2010 - Present
- 1/2009 - Present, Organizer and Speaker, Grants and Career Development Workshop, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 1/2009 - Present, Practium in Translational Science (MEDI 5077)
- 1/2009 - Present, Member, Council for Innovative Research Education (CIRE), University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 1/2009 - Present, Co-Director, Translational Science Training (TST) Across Disciplines, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 1/2008 - Present, Co-Director, Office of Research Education and Mentoring (OREM), University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 1/2008 - Present, Undergraduate Student Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 1/2006 - Present, Associate Director, Masters of Science in Clinical Investigation, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 1/2004 - Present, Grantsmanship and Peer Review (MEDI 6064)
- 1/2004 - Present, Introduction to Clinical Investigation
- 1/2001 - Present, Responsible Conduct of Patient Oriented Clinical Research (MEDI5070)
Research & Grants
Funding Agency NIH/NHLBI Title Pathobiology of Occlusive Vascular Disease (Program Director - James Stockand) Status Active Period 9/2007 - 8/2022 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail This NIH training grant supports postdoctoral training in the area of occlusive cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and degenerative disorders of cardiovascular tissues. Funding Agency NIH Title San Antonio Biomedical Education and Research (SABER) Status Active Period 7/2015 - 3/2020 Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail PD/PIs: Dr. James Lecheiter, Dr. Babatunde Oyajobi, and Dr. Linda McManus. This is a multi-investigator grant for an Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA (K12). The SABER program is a collaboration between UTHSCSA and our Hispanic-serving partners, Saint Mary?s University (StMU) and Our Lady of the Lake University (OLLU). The goal of SABER is to prepare exceptional postdoctoral researchers and teachers for an academic career that closes the gap between the aspirations and achievements of Hispanic students while at the same time, increasing interest in careers in biomedical research among undergraduates. Funding Agency NIH/NCATS (CTSA) (KL2) Title KL2 Scholars Career Development Award Program Status Active Period 1/2013 - 12/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Co-Director (Robert A Clark, PI) Funding Agency NIH/NCATS (CTSA) Title Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science: A Partnership to Improve Health Status Active Period 1/2013 - 12/2018 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Research Education and Mentoring Program, Co-Director (Robert A Clark, PI) Funding Agency NIH/NCATS (CTSA) (TL1) Title TL1 Predoctoral Award Program Status Active Period 1/2013 - 12/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Director (Robert A Clark, PI) Funding Agency NIH/NHLBI (T32) Title Pathobiology of Occlusive Vascular Disease Status Active Period 1/2012 - 1/2017 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Program Director
Funding Agency The Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund Title The Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Biomedical Research Academy Status Active Period 1/2015 - 12/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail
Melton DW, AC Roberts, H Wang, Z Sarwar, MD Wetzel, JT Wells, L Porter, MT Berton, LM McManus, PK Shireman. Absence of CCR2 results in an inflammaging environment in young mice with age-independent impairments in muscle regeneration; (J Leurkocyte Biol). Chapa IC, Hensler JG, McManus LM, Giuffrida A. The Voelcker Biomedical Research Academy: a longitudinal and multi-tiered model for preparing the next generation of biomedical scientists San Diego, CA; 2016 Apr. (Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2016 Meeting). Chapa IC, Hensler JG, McManus LM, Giuffrida A. The Voelcker Biomedical Research Academy: a longitudinal and multi-tiered model for preparing the next generation of biomedical researchers Austin, TX; 2016 Feb. (Innovations in Health Science Education at the U TX Shine Academy of Health Science Education). Evans TE, Blake N, Lichtenstein MJ, McManus LM. Teen Meetings Outside the Box (TeenMOB): Building Science Communication Skills through a Network of Graduate Level Trainees, Science Teachers, and High School Teens Boston, MA; 2015 Mar. (Experimental Biology 2015). Evans TM, Blake N, McManus LM, Lichtenstein. Meetings outside the box: a program to build skills in communication through networking of graduate level trainees and high school teens Boston, MA; 2015 Mar. (Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2015 Meeting). Lichtenstein MJ, Stappenbeck SK, Tumlinson L, Mayorga R, Delgado PL, McManus LM. Tracking research education outcomes: San Antonio 11-year experience with Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI); 2013 Apr. (Proceedings of Translational Science 2013, Washington, DC). Delgado PL, Lichtenstein MJ, McManus LM, Stappenbeck SK. Mentoring behaviors that most influence protege outcomes: lessons from the general workplace literature; 2013 Apr. (Proceedings of Translational Science 2013, Washington, DC).
Journal Article
Melton DW McManus LM Gelfond JAL Shireman PK . Temporal phenotypic features distinguish polarized macrophages in vitro. PMCID: PMC4681525 Autoimmunity 2015 Mar;48(3):161-176. Wang H, Melton D, Porter L, Sarwar ZU, McManus LM, Shireman PK. Altered macrophage-phenotype transition impairs skeletal muscle regeneration. PMCID: PMC3969996 Am J Pathol 2014 Jan;184:1167-1184.
Not Specified
McManus LM, Mitchell RN. Pathobiology of Human Disease: A Dynamic Encyclopedia of Disease Mechanisms Elsevier 2014 Jan;.