Departments & Divisions
David Wampler, Ph.D., LP, FAEMS
Licensed Paramedic
Currently seeking M.S. & Ph.D. students
David Wampler, Ph.D., has been involved in Emergency Medical Services since 1990 in a wide array of capacities. He is currently conducting research in the area of prehospital medicine and is actively attempting to get prehospital providers more involved in the research process.
Professional Background
- 2008 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Bioinorganic Chemistry/Enzymology - University of Texas at San Antonio
- 2006 - PhD - Biochemistry - Utah State University
- 2001 - BS - Biochemistry (Magna Cum Laude) - Schreiner University
- 1992 - Paramedic - UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 9/2021 - Professor and Director of Clinical Research for Office of the EMS Medical Director - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Emergency Health Sciences, San Antonio
- 9/2017 - Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Research for Office of the EMS Medical Director - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Emergency Health Sciences, San Antonio
- 11/2015 - Assistant Professor - UTHSCSA Department of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 5/2015 - EMS Fellowship Research Director - Military EMS & Disaster Medicine FellowshipJoint Base San Antonio
- 5/2014 - EMS Fellowship Research Director - UTHSCSA Department of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 1/2013 - Assistant Professor - UTHSCSA Department of Surgery, Surgery, San Antonio
- 4/2006 - Paramedic - Kendall County Emergency Medical ServicesBoerne
- 7/2008 - Assistant Professor - UTHSCSA Department of Emergency Health Sciences
Instruction & Training
- 9/2019 - 5/2020, High School/Junior High School Student Supervision, Health Careers High School
- 7/2014 - 6/2024, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 8/2008 - 9/2024, EMST 4010 - 4th Year Medical Student Introduction to Prehospital Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Research & Grants
Funding Agency Grant awarded by Department of Defense /US Army Institute for Surgical Research Title Physiological Effects of Intrathoracic Pressure Regulation in Patients with Brain Injury or Intracranial Pathology. Status Active Period 9/2014 - Present Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail This is a novel device that lowers the Intra cranial pressure. As the Principal Investigator of this project, I oversee the operation of this project at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. In fact, our institution is the only center in the world that is conducting this novel project for lowering the intra cranial pressure (ICP). The CirQlator Intrathoracic Pressure Regulator (ITPR) has been developed indicated to increase circulation and blood pressure in non-spontaneously breathing patients when the patient has low blood circulation, including decreased circulation of blood to the brain. When inserted within a standard respiratory circuit between the patient and a ventilation source, the ITPR generates negative pressure during the expiratory phase, thus creating subatmospheric intrathoracic pressure between the periods of positive pressure ventilations. The increase in venous return results in increased circulation to the heart and brain. The current study is intended to evaluate the hemodynamic effects of IPR therapy, in up to 30 patients with compromised cerebral circulation, in whom a functioning intracranial pressure-monitoring device is in place. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the physiological response to application of the ITPR in patients with compromised cerebral circulation. The study hypothesis is that the physiological effects of the ITPR will improve cerebral circulation, without negative impact on other physiologic parameters and without significant pulmonary or cardiac adverse events, in patients with brain injury or intracranial pathology. This Grant is supporting for salary of a research associate at UTHSCSA ( $25,000 for %25 of time ) and so far we enrolled 2 patients in this study successfully.
Link :https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02388880?term=ali+seifi&rank=1
Funding Agency Sāfen Medical Title Expediency and accuracy of identifying the ?resuscitation line? using a visual-tactile marker in a critical care setting Status Complete Period 1/2019 - 4/2019 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail The primary goal of this study was to compare the accuracy and time to deliver IV drug boluses, using a conventional IV infusion set versus an investigative infusion set, to a simulated complex critical care patient in a critical care environment. For this project, the investigative IV infusion set used the Sāfen (Sāfen Medical, Star Luminal, LLC, San Antonio, TX) `GoTo Tag? to compare medication delivery to a conventional IV line labeled with tape. This study also included an exit survey that inquired about the participant?s confidence in identifying the resuscitation line when using the `GoTo Tag? product versus the tape labeled IVs.
Chair - Prehospital Medicine Research Committee - 2010-present
Member of Institutional Review Board 8/2009 - present
Chair of the Chemical Safety Committee 2013-2016
Member of the Committee on Committees 2013-2015
Member of the Presidential Distinguished Senior Research Scholar Award Selection Committee 2018-2019
Service to the Profession
Chair - Research Committee for the Texas Chapter of the National Association of Emergency Physicians
Chair - Boerne Independent School District Student Health Advisory Council
Academic Editor - PLOS ONE
Editor - Journal of American College of Emergency Medicine Open
Associate Editor - Internal and Emergency Medicine
Assistant Editor - BMC Emergency Medicine
Editorial Review Board - Prehospital Emergency Care
Editorial Review Board - EMS World
Raetz E, Wampler D, Greebon L, Jenkins D, Brigmon E, Messenger J, Prajapati V, Bullock W, Rayas E, Barry L, Ferguson B, Ely R, Winckler C. Prehospital Whole Blood Administration Not Associated with Increased Transfusion Reactions: The Experience of a Metropolitan EMS Agency. 2025. Prehospital emergency care, pp.1-7. PMID: 39946294
Knierim S, Hudson I, Wampler DA, Ely R, Fisher A, Rizzo J, April M, Schauer S. An Analysis of 24-hour Survival Based on Arrival by Atypical Ground Transport Versus Ground Emergency Medical Services. 2024 Prehospital Emergency Care, in press PMID: 39636742
Kruse A, Cooley C, Lewis A, Schoggin H, Wampler DA. Cross-sectional analysis of ketamine use in a large urban/suburban area. 2024. International Journal of Paramedicine 8:50-63
Wampler DA. Naloxone in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest-More Than Just Opioid Reversal. 2024 JAMA Netw Open 7(8)e2429131 PMID: 39163048
Saab M, Raetz E, Lowe J, Hudson I, Jacobson E, Long A, Achay J, Bolleter S, McCuller C, Rayas E, Nunnery A, Bierle R, Rahm S, Epley E, Poe E, DeSoucy D, De Lorenzo R, Dumas R, Paxton J, Rogerson T, Georgoff P, Adema A, Ong M, Wampler DA. Mind the GAHP: A novel protocol for improved vascular access in the hypotensive patient. 2024. Resuscitation Plus,
Vol.19, 100714 PMID: 39104444 -
Ferguson B, Bullock W, Rayas E, Kruse A, Dieterle M, Wampler DA, Winckler CJ. Paramedic Triggers for Transfusion of Prehospital Whole Blood. 2024. Am. J. Emergency Medicine in press PMID: 38336592
Smith A, Ciaraglia A, Axtman B, Winckler CJ, Wampler D, Braverman M, Shahan CP, Babbitt Jonas R, Shiels M, Eastridge B, Stewart R, Nicholson S, Jenkins D. A Matched Cohort Study of Open Thoracostomies Performed by Ground Medics. International Journal of Paramedicine. 2022 April; 2:10–18
- Paquette R, Wampler D, Schaefer R, Blume A, Casillas H, Echols B, Greene K, McFarland M, Allen P. Prehospital Tourniquet Usage and Diabetes Mellitus Associated with Increased Incidence, Odds, and Risk of Acute Kidney Injury: A Pilot Study. 2022 Prehospital and disaster medicine, 37(3), 360–364 PMID: 35440349
- Brown L, Crowe R, Pepe P, Miller L, Watanabe BL, Kordik S, Wampler DA, Page D, Fernandez A, Bourn S, Myers B. Adverse events following emergent prehospital sedation of patients with behavioral emergencies: A retrospective cohort study. 2022 The LANCET Regional Health - Americas vol. 9. PMID: 36776280
Rayas E, Winckler CJ, Bolleter S, Stringfellow M, Miramontes D, Shumaker J, Lewis L, Wampler D. Distal femur versus humeral, tibial, IO access in out-of-hospital cardiac resuscitation Resuscitation. 2022 170:11-16 PMID: 34748766
Bullock W, Schaefer R, Wampler D, Stringfellow M, Dieterle M, Winckler CC. Stewardship of prehospital low titer o-positive whole blood in a large urban fire-based EMS system. Prehospital emergency care, 26(6), 848–854 PMID: 34644237
Martin, S.M., Fisher, A.D., Meledeo, M.A., Wampler, D., Nicholson, S.E., Raczek, K., April, M.D., Weymouth, W.L., Bynum, J., Schauer, S.G. More sophisticated than a drink cooler or an old sphygmomanometer but still not adequate for prehospital blood: A market review of commercially available equipment for prehospital blood transport and administration Transfusion, 2021 61(S1):S286-S293 PMID: 34269456
Birnbaum L, Wampler DA, Shadman A, Stanonik M, Patterson P, Kidd E, Tovar J, Garza A, Blanchard B , Slesnick L, Blanchette A, Miramontes D. Paramedic Utilization of Vision, Aphasia, Neglect (VAN) Stroke Severity Scale in the Prehospital Setting Predicts Emergent Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke. J Neurointerventional Surgery, 2021; 13:505-508 PMID: 32611621
Fairley R, Ahmed S, Schauer SG, Wampler DA, Tanaka K, Everitt B, Sparkman M, Casanova R, Sifuentes J, Winckler CJ, A Pilot Study to Assess Urban, Fire-Based Paramedic Accuracy in Identification of Anatomical Landmarks Necessary for Cricothyrotomy and Needle Chest Decompression Using Live Patient Models. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2021; 36(4):408-411 PMID: 33823946
Schaefer R, Long T, Wampler DA, Summers R, Epley E, Waltman E, Eastridge B, Jenkins D. Operationalizing the Deployment of Low-Titer O-Positive Whole Blood Within a Regional Trauma System. Military Medicine 2021; 186(Supl1)391-399 PMID: 33499434
Schweizer MA, Wampler DA, Lu K, Oh AS, Rahm S, Studer N, Cunningham CW. Prehospital Battlefield Casualty Intervention Decision Cognitive Study Military Medicine 2020 Feb;185:274-278. PMID: 32074373
Wampler DA, Stewart RM, Summers R, Schaefer R, Roakes L, Cooley C, Shown M, Long T, Kharod C, Eastridge B. Biomechanical Motion Analysis of Cervical and Thoracolumbar Spine During Ambulance Transport: A Healthy Volunteer Study. J Neurology Research 2020; 10(3):73-79
- Mapp JG; Darrington AM; Harper SA; Kharod C; Miramontes DA; Wampler DA; and Prehospital Research and Innovation in Military and Expeditionary Environments (PRIME) Research Group. Dispatcher Identification of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Neurologically Intact Survival: A Retrospective Cohort Study Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2020 Feb;35(1):17-23 PMID: 31779716
Wampler DA, Eastridge B, Summers R, Love P, Dharia A, Seifi A. Impact of Cervical Collar and Patient Position on the Cerebral Blood Flow. Journal of Neurology Research 2020 10(5): 1778-182
Jarvis, J; Wampler, DA; Wang, H. Association of patient age with first pass success in out-of-hospital advanced airway management Resuscitation 2019 Jun;141:136-143. PMID: 31238034
Paquette, R., Bierle, R., Wampler, D., Allen, P., Cooley, C., Ramos, R., Michalek, J., Gerhardt, R.T. External Soft-Tissue Hemostatic Clamp Compared to a Compression Tourniquet as Primary Hemorrhage Control Device in Pilot Flow Model Study. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 2019; 34 (2), pp. 175-181 PMID: 30915938
Mapp, J. G., Hans, A. J., Darrington, A. M., Ross, E. M., Ho, C. C., Miramontes, D. A., Harper, S. A., Wampler, D. A., & Prehospital Research and Innovation in Military and Expeditionary Environments (PRIME) Research Group Prehospital Double Sequential Defibrillation: A Matched Case-Control Study. Academic emergency medicine 2019, 26(9), 994–1001. PMID: 30537337
Weiss N, Ross E, Cooley C, Polk J, Velasquez C, Harper S, Walrath B, Redman T, Mapp J, Wampler D. Does Experience Matter? Paramedic Cardiac Resuscitation Experience Effect on Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes Prehospital Emergency Care 2018 May;22:332-337 PMID: 29271682
Newberry, Ryan; Redman, Ted; Ross, Elliot; Ely, Rachel;Saidler, Clayton; Arana, Allyson; Wampler, David; Miramontes, David. No Benefit in Neurologic Outcomes of Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest with Mechanical Compression Device Prehospital Emergency Care 2018 May;22(3):338-344 PMID: 29345513
Ross EM, Mapp JG, Redman TT, Brown DJ, Kharod CU, Wampler DA. The Tourniquet Gap: A Pilot Study of the Intuitive Placement of Three Tourniquet Types by Laypersons The Journal of Emergency Medicine 2018 Mar;54(3):307-314 PMID: 29239763
Ross EM, Redman TT, Mapp JG, Brown DJ, Tanaka K, Cooley C, Kharod CU, Wampler DA. Stop the Bleed: The effect of hemorrhage control education on laypersons? willingness to respond during a traumatic medical emergency Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2018 Mar;33(2):127-132 PMID: 29455698
Johnson M, Alarhayem A, Convertino V, Carter R, Chung K, Stewart R, Myers J, Dent D, Liao L, Cestero R, Nicholson S, Muir M, Schwacha M, Wampler D, DeRosa M, Eastridge B. Compensatory Reserve Index: Performance of a Novel Monitoring Technology to Identify the Bleeding Trauma Patient Shock 2018 Mar;49(3):295-300 PMID: 28930955
Convertino,V; Parquette,B; Wampler, DA; Manifold, C; Lindstrom, D; Boland, L; Burkhart, N; Lurie, K; Lick, C. Use of intrathoracic pressure regulation therapy in breathing patients for the treatment of hypotension secondary to trauma Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2017 Dec;25(1):105-111 PMID: 29084571
Johnson, M; Alarhayem, A; Convertino, V; Carter, R; Chung, K; Stewart, R; Myers, J; Dent, D; Liao, L; Cestero, R; Nicholson, S; Muir, M; Schwaca, M; Wampler, D; DeRosa, M; Eastridge, B. Comparison of Compensatory Reserve and Arterial Lactate as Markers of Shock and Resuscitation Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2017 Oct;83(4):603-608. PMID: 28930955
Elliot M. Ross, MD; Julian Mapp, MD; Chetan Kharod, MD, MPH; David A. Wampler, PhD, LP; Christopher Velasquez, EMT-P; David A. Miramontes, MD. Time to Epinephrine in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A retrospective analysis of intraosseous versus intravenous access American Journal of Disaster Medicine 2017 Jan;11(2):119-123. PMID: 28102532
Ross EM, Redman TT, Harper SA, Mapp JG, Wampler DA, Miramontes DA. Dual defibrillation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A retrospective cohort analysis Resuscitation 2016 Sep;106:14-17 PMID: 27344928
Wampler DA, Kharod C, Bolleter S, Burkett A, Gabehart C, Manifold C. A randomized control hands-on defibrillation study - barrier use evaluation Resuscitation 2016 Jun;103:37-40 PMID: 27036661
Wampler DA, Chloe P, Polk J, Kidd E, Leboeuf D, Flores M, Shown M, Kharod C, Stewart R, Cooley C. The Long Spine Board Does Not Reduce Lateral Motion During Transport: A Randomized Healthy Volunteer Crossover Trial American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2016 Apr;34(4):717-721 PMID: 26827233
Wampler, D. A., Parquette, B., Convertino, V. A., & Manifold, C. A critical bridge. Impedance threshold devices enhance blood flow in hypotensive patients. JEMS : a journal of emergency medical services, 2014 Suppl, 20–24 PMID: 25630171
Wampler DA, Convertino VA, Weeks S, Hernandez M, Larrumbide J, Manifold C. Use of an impedance threshold device in spontaneously breathing patients with hypotension secondary to trauma: an observational cohort feasibility study Journal of Trauma Acute Care Surgery 2014 Sep;77(3):S140-S145 PMID: 25159347
Muniz, Gary W, Wampler DA, Manifold CA, Grudic, Greg, Mulligan, Jane, Moulton, Steven, Gerhardt, Robert, Convertino, Victor. Promoting Early Diagnosis of Hemodynamic Instability During Simulated Hemorrhage With the Use of A Real-Time Decision-Assist Algorithm The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2013 Aug;75(2):S184-S189 PMID: 23883906
Manifold, C. A., Davids, N., Villers, L. C., & Wampler, D. A. Capnography for the nonintubated patient in the emergency setting. The Journal of emergency medicine 2013. 45(4), 626–632. PMID: 23871325
Smith, R.M., Manifold, C., Wampler, D. San Antonio Police Department launches tactical medic program. Specially trained officers can deliver emergency care until EMS takes over. EMS world, 2013, 42(11), pp. 45–49 PMID: 24308173
Wampler DA, Collett L, Manifold CA, Velasquez, C, McMullan J T. Cardiac Arrest Survival Rare Without Prehospital Return of Spontaneous Circulation Prehospital Emergency Care 2012 Oct;16(4):451-455. PMID: 22834854
Wampler DA, Schwartz DS, Joi Shumaker, Scotty Bolleter, Robert Beckett, Manifold CA. Paramedics Successfully Perform Proximal Humeral Intraosseous Access in Adult Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2012 Sep;30:1095-1099 PMID: 22030185
Kofoed MA, Wampler DA, Pandey AS, Peters JW, Ensign SA. Roles of the redox-active disulfide and histidine residues forming a catalytic dyad in reactions catalyzed by 2-ketopropyl coenzyme m oxidoreductase/carboxylase J Bacteriol 2011 Sep;193(18):4904-4913 PMID: 21764916
Wampler DA, Molina DK, McManus J, Laws P, Manifold CA. No Deaths Associated with Patient Refusal of Transport After Naloxone-Reversed Opioid Overdose Prehosp Emerg Care 2011 Jul;15(3):320-324 PMID: 21612385
Wampler, D. Capnography as a clinical tool. The capnography waveform is a key vital sign when determining treatment for patient in the field. EMS world, 2011, 40(8), pp. 37–43 PMID: 21877478
Wampler DA, Smith G, McElroy J, Redding SW, Manifold C. The Spitting Image of A Heart Attack EMS Mag 2010 Jul;39(7):5-5 PMID: 20687409
Hayashi T, Caranto JD, Wampler DA, Kurtz DM, Moe?nne-Loccoz P. Insights into the Nitric Oxide Reductase Mechanism of Flavodiiron Proteins from a Flavin-Free Enzyme Biochemistry 2010 Jul;49(33):7040-7049 PMID: 20669924
Wampler DA, Ensign SA. Photoheterotrophic metabolism of acrylamide by a newly isolated strain of Rhodopseudomonas palustris Appl Environ Microbiol 2005 Oct;71(10):5850-5857 PMID: 16204496
- Riebe O, Fischer RJ, Wampler DA, Kurtz DM, Bahl H. Pathway for H2O2 and O2 detoxification in Clostridium acetobutylicum Microbiology 2009 Jan;155:16-24 PMID: 1911834
- Wampler DA, Wang HE. Emergency Care for Undocumented Immigrants, JACEP Open, 2021; 2(3)
- Ross, EM; Bolleter, S; Rahm, S; Wampler, D; Kharod, C. The Tourniquet Gap - A Call to Action to Address Shortfalls in Our National Stop the Bleed Initiative Journal of Emergency Medical Services 2017 Sep
- Winckler CJ, Crowe R, Bullock W, Braverman M, Wampler R, Mapp J, Greenbon L, Roakes L, Stringfellow M, Jenkins J, Wampler D. Reduced Mortality with Prehospital Whole Blood in the Hemorrhaging Trauma Patient 2024 Prehospital Emergency Care. 28:Sup1
- Kaduce M, Fivelstad K, O’Brady S, Drees W, Vidal E, Fernandez A, Wampler D. Alyssa Morgan Green, Adiel Garcia Cuellar, Paul Gallo, Caroline Schwester, David Prehospital Factors that Predict Emergency Department Discharge in Patients Presenting to EMS with Chest Pain 2024 Prehospital Emergency Care. 28:Sup1
- Heyratifar R, Cooley C, Wampler D. Cross-Sectional Description of Prehospital Use of Ketamine for Respiratory Emergencies 2024 Prehospital Emergency Care. 28:Sup1
- Raetz E, Bullock W, Brigmon E, Ferguson B, Rayas E, Ely R, Greebon L, Wampler D, Jenkins D, Winckler C. A Safety Review of Metropolitan EMS Prehospital Whole Blood Transfusion. 2024 Prehospital Emergency Care. 28:Sup1
- Tischer A, Baker J, Husick T, McCarthy K, Riel K, Wampler D. Rural versus Urban Settings in Treatment Initiation of Cardiac Arrest (RUSTIC): Factors Influencing the Initiation of Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation in Rural versus Urban Settings. 2024 Prehospital Emergency Care. 28:Sup1
- Long A, Achay J, Epley E, Swensen J, Rollman R, DeSoucy E, Wampler D, Kruse A. Comparative Study Evaluating 10 Gauge versus 14 Gauge Fenestrated Needle Decompression Catheters in a Cadaver Pneumothorax Model. 2024 Prehospital Emergency Care. 28:Sup1
- Shannon N. Thompson, Bill Drees, Librado Valadez, Michael Mullins, Rex Pantoja, David Wampler, Christopher Winckler. Goodsan(c) Telemedicine and Pre-Arrival CPR Rates 2023 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 27:sup1)
Alyssa Morgan Green, Adiel Garcia Cuellar, Paul Gallo, Caroline Schwester, David Wampler, Remle Crowe, Brent Myers, Jeffrey L. Jarvis. The Association Between Negative Prehospital Spinal Motion Restriction Screening and Spinal Cord Injury 2023 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 27:sup1)
Brian W. Ferguson, William Bullock, David Wampler, Chris Winkler, Mark Dieterle, Emmanuel Giovanni Rayas. Contributing Factors for Paramedic Transfusion of Prehospital Whole Blood 2023 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 27:sup1)
Natalie Reynolds, Bryan Everitt, David Wampler, Scott Bower, Joi Shumaker, David Miramontes. Bougie Time:Prehospital First Pass Bougie-Assisted Intubation 2023 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 27:sup1)
Yevgeniy Maksimenko, David Wampler, Bryan Everitt, Jessica Wentling, Mark Dieterle, William Bullock, Michael Stringfellow, Ramon Casanova, Katherine Raczek, and Christopher J. Winckler. Effects of Prehospital Low-Titer O+ Whole Blood Administration in Blunt and Penetrating Trauma Patients on Vitals, Shock Index and Delta Shock Index. 2022 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 26 no. 1)
Jessica Wentling, David Wampler, Bryan Everitt, Yevgeniy Maksimenko, Ramon Casanova, William Bullock, Michael Stringfellow, Mark Dieterle, and Christopher J. Winckler. Prehospital Low Titer O+ Whole Blood Administration for Gastrointestinal Hemmorrhage: Effect on Shock Index and Vital Signs. 2022 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 26 no. 1)
Jeffrey Michael Lin, Bryan Everitt, Alan Lewis, Michael Stringfellow, David Wampler, and David Miramontes, Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Rates as Related to COVID-19. 2022 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 26 no. 1)
Joseph M. Martin, David Miramontes, David Wampler, and Shannon Churchwell. Buprenorphine in the Prehospital Setting: A review of 3 Years of MEdication Assisted Therapy Induction by EMS 2022 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 26 no. 1)
Sarah Frances McClure, David Wampler, Bryan Everitt, Mark Sparkman, and Courtney Wenzell. Active EMS LEadership Positively Influences EMS Clinicans' Decision to Recieve the COVID 19 Vaccination. 2022 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 26 no. 1)
Adam Joseph Kruse, Craig Cooley, Alan K. Lewis, and David A. Wampler. Cross-Sectional Analysis of Ketamine Use in Large Urban/Suburban Area. 2022 (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 26 no. 1)
Ernesto Rodriguez, Heather Baade, Remle Crowe, Brent Myers, David Wampler. Measuring the Overuse of Helicopter Air Ambulance for Transport of Trauma Patients. 2021 Jan (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 25 no.1)
Shannon Thompson, Jennifer Achay, Rachel Ely, Stephen Rahm, Karl Kmiecik, Eric Elizondo, David Wampler, Craig Navarijo, Christopher Hewitt. Bougie Through iGel Technique for Endotracheal Intubation on Cadavers 2021 Jan (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 25 no.1)
Julian Mapp, Emmanuel Rayas, Lesley Osborn, Levon Vartanian, Eric Bank, Wren Nealy, Michael Stringfellow, David Wampler, Hutch Stilgenbauer, Christopher Winckler. The Effect of a Ground Ambulance Whole Blood Initiative on Prehospital Hemorrhagic Shock Resuscitation 2021 Jan (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 25 no.1)
David Wampler, Ryan Newberry, CJ Winckler, Michael Stringfellow, Joi Shumaker, Alan Lewis, David Miramontes. Mechanical Chest Compression did not Improve Neurological Function of Out-of-Hospital cardiac Arrest Patients Without Field ROSC (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol 25 no.1)
Joshua Tsau, Randi Schaefer, David Wampler, Emmanuel Rayas, Eric Epley, Don Jenkins, Christopher Winckler. Prehospital Whole Blood Usage Throughout Southwest Texas Region During COVID-19 Pandemic 2021 Jan (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 25 no. 1)
Al Lulla, Jeffrey Siegler, David Wampler, Melissa Kroll What is the Effect of Distraction on Bag-Valve-Mask Ventillation by Paramedics? An Observational, Simulation Study. 2021 Jan (Prehospital Emergency Care vol/ 25 no. 1)
Karl Kmiecik, William Bullock, Mark Dieterle, David Wampler, CJ Winckler, David Miramontes, Nicholas Studer. Whole Blood Infuses Faster in Novel Wide Diameter Blood Tubing than in Standard Blood Tubing. 2021 Jan (Prehospital Emergency Care vol/ 25 no. 1)
David Wampler, Elizabeth Dillard, Larry Miller. Expediency and Accuracy of Identifying the "Resuscitation Line" Using a Visual-Tactile Marker in a Critical Care Setting. 2020 Nov (Circulation vol. 142 Issue Suppl_4
Shadman A, Mozumder A, de Leonni Stanonik M, Patterson P, Wampler DA, Stringfellow M, Kidd E, Miramontes D, Cope S, Baker B, Blanchette A, Birnbaum L. Pre-Hospital VAN Large Vessel Occlusion Screening Tool Predicts Larger Intracerebral Hemorrhage; 2020 Feb. (Stroke; vol. 51, no. Supl1).
Miramontes DA, Stringfellow M; Watson J; Wampler DA. Randomized Control Equivalence Study of Emergency Medical Services Use of Inhaled Isopropyl Alcohol vs Ondansetron for Treatment of Prehospital Nausea; 2020 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 24, no. 1).
Esposito M; Higginbotham J; Keen DE, Wampler DA. Multidiciplinary Prehospital Care: The Inclusion of a Clinical Pharmacist in Paramedic Educaion and Clinical Operations; 2020 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 24, no. 1). Wampler DA, Devereaux B; Stringfellow M; Miramontes DA. Pediatric Medication Dosing Support Tool Increases Rates and Safety of Medication Delivery; 2020 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 24, no. 1).
Wampler DA; Tenley, R; Crowe R; Jarvis J. Epidemiology of EMS-Witnessed Cardiac Arrest in a United States Patient Cohort; 2020 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 24, no. 1).
Benzing A; Wampler DA, Shumaker JS, Cooley CW, Stringfellow M; Winckler CJ, Miramontes DA. Characteristics of Prehospital Pediatric Cardiac Arrests; 2020 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 24, no. 1).
Singh A.; Winckler CJ; Cooley C; Villers L; Miramontes D; Stringfellow M; Wampler DA. Epidemiology of Pediatric Trauma Activations and Prehospital Interventions in a Large Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System; 2020 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 24, no. 1).
Birnbaum L, de Leonni Stanonik M; Patterson M; Wampler DA; Stringfellow M; Miramontes D. Shortcomings of the VAN Screening Tool for Identifying Large Vessel Occlusions in the Prehospital Setting ? Implications for Further Research and Care; 2019 May. (European Stroke Journal; vol. 4, no. 1S).
Birnbaum L, de Leonni Stanonik M; Patterson M; Wampler DA; Stringfellow M; Miramontes D. Paramedic Use and Efficacy of Prehospital VAN Assessment to Detect Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke; 2019 May. (European Stroke Journal; vol. 4, no. 1S).
Jarvis J; Wampler D; Wang H. First Pass Success Rates of Out-of-Hospital Advanced Airway Management in Adults and Children; 2019 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 23, no. 1).
Samuel K; Smith C; Page D; Crowe R; Myers B; Wampler D. Increased Frequency of Adverse Events Observed After Ketamine Use for Psychiatric Emergency as Compared to Benzodiazapines and Antipsychotics; 2019 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 23, no. 1).
Wampler D; Long T; Schaefer R; Summers R; Eastridge B. Advanced Life Support First Responders Improve Outcomes in Helicopter Transported trauma Patients; 2019 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 23, no. 1).
Raczek K; Cooley C; Miramontes D; Winckler CJ; Polk J; Shumaker J; Bower S; Wampler D. Prehospital First-Pass Success Rates are Similar Using Video-assisted versus Direct Laryngoscopy During Cardiac Arrest Calls, but Overall Success rates are Higher Using Vdeoscopes; 2019 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 23, no. 1).
David Wampler, PhD, LP, FAEMS; Tasia Long, MHS; Randall Schaefer, MSN, RN, CEN; Rena Summers, BA; Brian Eastridge, MD, FACS; Eric Epley, NREMT-P; Elizabeth Waltman, MBA; Donald Jenkins, MD, FACS. Deployment of Low-Titer O-Positive Whole Blood in the Prehospital Environment; 2018 Oct. (EMS World; vol. 47, no. 10).
David A Wampler, Frankie Trifilio, Cheryl Baker, Eric Epley, Dudley Wait, Jorge Alvarez, and Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council Regional Cardiac Care Committee. A Novel Approach to a Regionalized Multidisciplinary Multi-Institutional Transmission of 12-Lead ECG; 2018 Oct. (Circulation; vol. 138, no. S_1).
Jeffrey Jarvis, MD, MS, EMT-P; David Wampler, PhD, LP; Henry Wang, MD, MS. First-Pass Success Rates of Out-Of-Hospital Advanced Airway Management in Adults and Children; 2018 Oct. (EMS World).
David Wampler, PhD, LP, FAEMS; Alan Lewis, RN, EMT-P; David Miramontes, MD, FACEM. EMT-Basic and Paramedics-Performed Simulated Pediatric Anaphylaxis?Standard Syringe / Color- Coded Syringe / Epi Auto-injector; 2018 Aug. (EMS World; vol. 47, no. 10).
Howard C, McAviney H, Allen J, Smith J, Miramontes D, Polk J, Wampler D,. Association between Initial Blood Glucose in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Return of Spontaneous Circulation; 2018 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 22, no. 1).
Ross E, Wampler DA, Kester A, Gutierrez X, Perez C, Reeves L, Mora A, Maddry J, Manifold C. Police Department Tactical Medicine (TACMED) Program Impact on Trauma Patient Mortality: Review of a Large Urban EMS and TACMED System; 2018 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 22, no. 1).
Wampler D, Stewart RM, Summers R, Roakes L, Shown M, Cooley C, Kharod C, Long T, Eastridge B. Biometric Analysis of Thoracolumbar Movement during Ambulance Transport; 2018 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 22, no. 1).
Weiss N, Ross E, Cooley C, Polk J, Valasquez C, Harper S, Walrath B, Redman T, Mapp J, Wampler D. Does Experience Matter? Paramedic Code Volume Effect on Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes; 2017 Dec. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 22).
Wampler DA, Bailey SR, Epley E, Baker C, Wait D, Cooley C, Alvarez JA. Development of a Regional STEMI Management Guideline Significantly Increases Fibrinolytic Therapy Prior to Emergent Transfer for Percutaneous Intervention; 2017 Oct. (Circulation; vol. 136, no. Sup 1).
Wampler D, Stewart RM, Summers R, Roakes L, Cooley C, Long T, Eastridge B. Biometric Analysis of Cervical Movement During Ambulance Trauma Transport; 2017 Oct. (Annals of Emergency Medicine; vol. 70, no. 4).
Julian G Mapp, Alan J Hans, Anthony M Darrington, Elliot M Ross, Calvin C Ho, David A Miramontes, Stephen A Harper, David A Wampler. Pre-hospital Double Sequential Defibrillation: A Matched Case-Control Study; 2017 Apr. (Prehospital and Disaster Medicine).
Deb Motz, Michele Patterson, Tracy Moore, Diana Barrett, Martha Buford, Cheryl Baker, Adam Blanchette, Kassandra Hunt, Sonja Widemon, Eric Epley, Preston Love, Lee Birnbaum, David Miramontes, David Wampler, Candace Mcalpine, Cheryl Prentiss, Dicky Huey. Evolution of an Organized System of Care Positively Impacts Regional Stroke Treatment; 2017 Feb. (International Stroke Conference; vol. 48).
Motz D; Patterson M; Moore T; Barrett D; Buford M; Baker C; Blanchette A; Hunt K; Widemon S; Epley E; Love P; Birnbaum L; Miramontes D; Wampler D; Mcalpine C; Prentiss C; Huey D. Evolution of an Organized System of Care Positively Impacts Regional Stroke Treatment; 2017 Feb. (Stroke; vol. 48, no. S-1).
Ryan K. Newberry, Ted Redman, Elliot Ross, Rachel Ely, David Wampler, David Miramontes. Lucas Mechanical Compression Device Associated with poorer Neurological Outcome in Out-of-hospital cardiac Arrest; 2017 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 21, no. 1).
David A. Wampler, Brian Eastridge, Preston Love, Ronald Stewart, Rena Summers, Brandi Wright, Ali Seifi. Rigid Cervical Collar Does not Affect Cerebral Blood Flow Index, but Positioning Does; 2017 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 21, no. 1).
Carson Cope Petrash, Preston Love, Chetan Kharod, Scott Bolleter, David Wampler, Brian J. Eastridge. Defining the Value of Pulse character Assessment After injury by Prehospital Providers; 2017 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 21, no. 1).
Benjamin D. Walrath, Vik S.Bebarta, David Wampler, Victoria Ganem, Alejandra G. Mora, Elliot Ross, Stephen Harper, Chetan Kharod, Gerard Demers. Navy en Route Care: A Three Year Review of 428 Navy Air Evacuations; 2016 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 20, no. 1).
Julian G.Mapp, Armando Flores, Emily Kidd, David Miramontes, Dave Wampler. Association of Airway Management with Neurological Outcomes in Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest; 2016 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 20, no. 1).
Wampler DA; Kharod C; Bolleter S; Burkett B; Gabehart C; Manifold C. A Randomized Control Hands-on Defibrillation Study - Barrier Use Evaluation; 2015 Nov. (Circulation; vol. 132, no. 3).
David Wampler, Chetan Kharod, Scotty Bolleter, Alison Burkett, Caitlin Gabehart, Craig Manifold. A Randomized Control Hands-on Defibrillation Study-Barrier Use Evaluation; 2015 Nov. (Circulation; vol. Suppl, no. 3).
Jade Law, David Miramontes, Emily Kidd, Terry Eaton Mario Carrillo, David Wampler. A Soft Tissue Clamp has Limited Use in the Large Urban EMS Setting for Bleeding Control; 2015 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 20, no. 1).
David Wampler, Craig Cooley, Chloe Pineda, Joan Polk, Emily Kidd, Dale Leboeuf, Marti Flores, Mike Shown. A Stretcher Mattress, Without the Long Spine Board, significantly Reduces Laderal Movement of the Head, Torso, and Hip During EMS Transport; 2015 Jan.
David Wampler, Christopher Velasquez, Yvette Granato, Scotty Bolleter, Craig Manifold, Emily Kidd, Robert Mabry, Lance Villers. Comparison Study of Three supraglottic Airway Devices in a Cadaveric Model; 2015 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 19, no. 1).
Wampler D, Allen J, Kidd E, Cooley C, Beeson J, Harrell K. EMS Providers Underestimate Body Weight, and Error is Directly Correlated with Body Mass Index; 2015 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 19, no. 1).
Walrath B, Cooley C, Polk J, Flores A, Kidd EG, Mabry R, Wampler D. Impact of End Tidal CO2 on Transport Decision in Out-Of-hospital Cardiac Arrest without ROSC; 2015 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 19, no. 1).
Roland Paquette, Ryan Bierle, Craig Cooley, Kevin King, Andrew Muck, Rosemarie Ramos, David Wampler, Joel Michalek, Robert Gerhardt. Evaluation of the Efficacy of the iTClamp for Hasty Compressible Hemorrhage Control vs, a Tourniquet During "Care Under Fire"; 2015 Jan. (Prehospital Emergency Care; vol. 20, no. 1).
Journal Article
Wampler DA. Decomposing Dave, From Biochemistry To EMS: The Dave Wampler Interview 2019 Nov;.
Wampler DA. Research from EMS Expo 2019 with Dr. David Wampler 2019 Nov.
CJ Winckler, MD, LP; Julian Mapp, MD, MPH; David Wampler, PhD., LP, FAEMS; Randi Schaefer, RN; David Miramontes, MD, FACEP, FAEMS; Chief Michael Stringfellow, LP; Lieutenant William Bullock EMT-P; Donald Jenkins, MD, FACS. Position Statement for the Management of Patients in Hemorrhagic Shock EMS World 2019 May
Wampler DA; Winckler CJ; Villers L; Stringfellow M; Miramontes D. Position Statement for the Management of Patients with Potential Spinal Injuries EMS World 2018 Feb
Wampler DA. Stories from Expo: David Wampler EMS World 2017 Oct
Wampler DA, Kharod C, Bolleter S, Manifold C. Reply to: Letter to the Editor Re: Wampler D, Kharod C, Bolleter S, Burkett A, Gabehart C, Manifold C. A randomized control hands-on defibrillation study-Barrier use evaluation Resuscitation 2016 Jul;.
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- 1992 - Paramedic