Departments & Divisions
Carlos Lorenzo, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Professional Background
- 1993 - PhD - (Cum Laude) - Autonomous University of Barcelona
- 1979 - MD - University of Barcelona
- Residency - Internal Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center
- Clinical Fellowship - Rheumatology - University of Texas Health Science Center
- Postdoctoral Training - Rheumatology - Harvard Medical School, Div. of Rheumatology, Beth Israel Hospital
- Internship - Family Practice - University Hospital of Bellvitge
- Residency - Internal Medicine - University Hospital Mare de Deu del Mar
ACES Top 20 Preceptor Award: Teaching award
ACES Top 20 Preceptor Award: Advance Clinical Skill Course Teacing Award
Research Day Award: Research Day Award Department of Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center
Research Training Grant for International Study: Research Training Grant for International Study Ministry of Education and Science, Government of Spain
- 4/2014 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Physician - University of Texas Health Science Center, Medicine, San Antonio
- 7/2002 - Clinical Physician - University Hospital, Medicine, San Antonio
Research & Grants
Clinical Epidemiology - My research has been primarily in the area of epidemiology of cardiovascular risk factors and insulin resistance. I have had numerous publications regarding traditional and novel cardiovascular risk factors for diagnosis and risk prediction.
Haffner SM, Lorenzo C, Laakso M. Fasting and OGTT-derived measures of insulin resistance as compared with the hyperinsulinemic clamp; 2014 Jan. (Diabetes; vol. 63, no. Sppl1). Palmer ND, Hellwege JN, Taylor K, Norris JM, Lorenzo C, Rotter JI, Langefeld CD, Bowden DW. Linkage-based analytical approaches with GWAS data to localize variants underlying complex traits; 2014 Jan. Hellwege JN, Raffield LM, Palmer ND, Cox AJ, Norris JM, Lorenzo C, Rotter JI, Langefeld CD, Freedman BI, Bowden DW. Simple linkage-based methods to identify cardiometabolic risk in families; 2014 Jan. Lee C, Watkins S, Wagenknecht LE, Lorenzo C, Haffner SM, Hanley AJ. Plasma branched-chain amino acids, insulin metabolism and incident type 2 diabetes ? the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS); 2014 Jan. (Diabetes; vol. 63, no. Sppl1). Santaren ID, Watkins SM, Liese AD, Wagenknecht LE, Rewers MJ, Haffner SM, Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ. Pentadecanoic acid (15:0), a biomarker of dairy food intake, is inversely associated with incident type 2 diabetes and its underlying disorders; 2014 Jan. (Diabetes; vol. 63, no. Sppl1). Wang C-P, Hernandez J, Lorenzo C, Downs JR, Pollock B, Lehman DM. Metformin for prostate cancer prevention in men with type 2 diabetes: the impact of statins and finasteride; 2014 Jan. (Diabetes; vol. 63, no. Sppl1). Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Haffner SM. Increased hemoglobin concentration is associated with future development of diabetes: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS); 2014 Jan. (Diabetes; vol. 63, no. Sppl1). Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Festa A, Haffner SM. GlycA Complements C-reactive protein as a measure of inflammation: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study; 2014 Jan. (Diabetes). Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Rewers MR, Haffner SM. Lipoprotein heterogeneity may help to detect individuals with insulin resistance: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS); 2014 Jan. (Diabetes; vol. 63, no. Sppl1). Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Haffner SM. Calcium concentration predicts future development of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study; 2013 Sep. (Diabetologia). Haffner SM, Hanley AJ, Lorenzo C. Serum protein concentration predicts incident diabetes: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study; 2013 Sep. (Diabetologia). Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Wagenknecht LE, Achilike IU, Rewers MJ, Haffner SM. Obesity blunts the capacity to meet future demands in insulin secretion: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS); 2013 Jun. (Diabetes). Wang C-P, Hernandez J, Lorenzo C, Pollock B, Lehman D. Metformin Effects on High- vs. Low-Grade Prostate Cancer; 2013 Jun. (Diabetes). Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Haffner SM. Association of White Blood Cells Types with Incident Type 2 Diabetes: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study; 2013 Jun. (Diabetes). Haffner SM, Hanley AJ, Wagenknecht LE, Lorenzo C. Alanine Aminotransferase has Discriminatory Value for Detecting Individuals at Increased Risk of Diabetes: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS); 2013 Jun. (Diabetes). Achilike IU, Hazuda HP, Fowler SP, Aung K, Lorenzo C. Predictors for the future development of metabolically healthy obesity; 2013 Apr.
Journal Article
Lee CC, Liese AD, Lorenzo C, Wagenknecht LE, Haffner SM, Rewers MJ, Hanley AJ. Egg consumption and insulin metabolism in the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS). Public Health Nutrition Public Health Nutrition 2014 Jan;17:1595-1602. Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Haffner SM. Differential White-Cell Count and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study Diabetologia 2014 Jan;57:83-92. Goodarzi MO, Langefeld CD, Xiang AH, Chen YD, Guo X, Hanley AJ, Raffel LJ, Kandeel F, Buchanan TA, Norris JM, Fingerlin TE, Lorenzo C, Rewers MJ, Haffner SM, Bowden DW, Rich SS, Bergman RN, Rotter JI, Watanabe RM, Wagenknecht LE. Insulin sensitivity and insulin clearance both have strong genetic correlation in Mexican Americans Obesity 2014 Jan;22:1157-1164. Aung K, Lorenzo C, Hinojosa MA, Haffner SM. Risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease in metabolically unhealthy normal weight and metabolically healthy obese individuals J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014 Jan;99:462-468. Hellwege JN, Palmer ND, Ziegler JT, Langefeld CD, Lorenzo C, Norris JM, Takamura T, Bowden DW. Genetic variants in selenoprotein P plasma 1 gene (SEPP1) are associated with fasting insulin and first phase insulin response in Hispanics Gene 2014 Jan;534:33-39. Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Rewers MJ, Haffner SM. Disproportionately elevated proinsulinemia is observed at modestly elevated glucose levels within the normoglycemic range Acta Diabetol 2014 Jan;. Hellwege JN, Palmer ND, Raffield LR, Ng MC, Hawkins GA, Long J, Lorenzo C, Norris JM, Rotter JI, Langefeld CD, Wagenknecht LE, Bowden DW. Genome-wide family-based linkage analysis of exome chip variants and cardiometabolic risk Genetic Epidemiology 2014 Jan;38:345-352. Lorenzo C, Hanley AJ, Rewers MJ, Haffner SM. Calcium and phosphate concentrations and future development of type 2 diabetes: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study Diabetologia 2014 Jan;57:1366-1374. Wang C-P, Lorenzo C, Espinoza SE. Frailty attenuates the impact of metformin on reducing mortality in older adults with type 2 diabetes Journal of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity 2014 Jan;.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine/Rheumatology
- American Board of Internal Medicine