Departments & Divisions
Linda D. Leary, MD
Clinical Professor Dept. of Pediatrics and Neurology
Director of Pediatric Epilepsy Services
Dr. Linda D. Leary, a graduate of Columbia-Presbyterian College of Physicians and Surgeons, completed her Child Neurology residency and post-doctoral fellowship at Columbia University Neurological Institute of New
York. She is board certified in Neurology with specialization in Child Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, and Epilepsy.
Dr. Leary serves as medical director for pediatric epilepsy services at University Hospital System, as a member of the professional advisory board for the Epilepsy Foundation Central and South Texas, and as a medical advisor for the North East Independent School District.
Clinical and research interests include genetic and metabolic epilepsies, epilepsy surgery, and antiepileptic drug and medical device trials for children with epilepsy.
Professional Background
- 2000 - Clinical Fellowship - Neurophysiology - Columbia University, Neurological Inst of NY
- 1999 - Residency - Pediatric Neurology - Columbia University, Presbyterian Medical Center
- 1996 - Residency - Pediatrics - Columbia University Medical Center
- 1994 - MD - Medicine - Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
- 1990 - BS - Biology (Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa) - University of Washington
- 09/2023 - Clinical Professor - UTHSCSA, Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 7/2015 - Director of Pediatric Epilepsy Services - UHS, Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 9/2009 - Clinical Associate Professor and Other - UTHSCSA, Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 9/2009 - Clinical Associate Professor and Other - UTHSCSA, Neurology, San Antonio
Research & Grants
Multicenter, Observational Study of Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Comprehensive Outcomes Registry in Subjects with Epilepsy Treated with Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy
RNS System retrospective chart review ages <18 years, A Retrospective Chart Review of Patients Less Than 18 Years of Age at the Time of Implant with the RNS® System Treated for Medically Intractable Epilepsy
Epidemiology of brain abnormalities in febrile seizures. PI: Dale C. Hesdorffer, Ph.D.
Multicenter study of adjunctive therapy of oxcarbazepine in children, A multicenter study comparing two doses of oxcarbazepine as adjunctive therapy in pediatric patients with inadequately-controlled partial seizures
Participate in yearly Mind, Brain, & Behavior module for 2nd year medical student education.
Faculty for child neurology and pediatric epilepsy training for medical students, pediatric and adult neurology residents, and neurophysiology and epilepsy fellows.
Cannabidiol (CBD) Task Force member 06/2018 - 06/2019 - Asked to participate with pharmacy, nursing, hospital administration for generation of protocols for CBD use in hospitalized patients.
Drug Utilization Evaluation Committee Member 04/2011 - 06/2020 - University Heatlh System Hospital
Pharmacy & Therapeutics Neuroscience subcommittee, 2019-current, University Health System Hospital.
American Epilepsy Society Scientific Program Committee Member 12/2018 - 12/2020
American Epilepsy Society Scientific Program Committee Member 12/2010 - 12/2011
Texas Pediatric Neuroscience Networking Steering Committee, 2019-current.
Board Certifications
- Epilepsy - American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
- Certification in Clinic Neurophysiology- American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
- Neurology with Special Competence in Child Neurology - American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology