Departments & Divisions
Thomas J Stokes, Jr., M.A., RRT
Assistant Professor
Thomas Stokes, MEd, RRT is an Assistant Professor in the department of Respiratory Care. With over 26 years in both Adult and Pediatric critical care, he have been able to gain a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of Respiratory Care. His desire to provide the best care and education for his patients steered him into the direction of wanting to become an educator. He took great pride in obtaining his post grad degree so that he could have the opportunity to teach others. He finds it extremely rewarding to take students and to mold them into excellent graduates and future RT‘s. Over the past 10 years, he has held positions of both Assistant Professor and Director of Clinical Education at other institutions. He is currently the Lambda Beta Honor Society advisor, Student Organization advisor and has over the years been responsible for teaching the first year Bachelors and Masters courses and labs for Fundamentals of Respiratory Care and Patient Assessment; as well as both general and critical care clinical rotations. He has been recognized for his excellence as being the recipient of The 2015 President’s Council McKenzie Teaching Award, for Teaching Excellence in Health Professions here at UTHealth-San Antonio.
Professional Background
- 2005 - MA - Adult Education and Distance Learning - University of Phoenix
- 1989 - BS - Healthcare Administration - Texas State University
- 1987 - AAS - Respiratory Care - Southwest Texas State University
The Presidents Council McKenzie Teaching Award - 2015
Faculty and Clinical Instructor of the Year Award Recipient - 2015
Fall 2014/2015/2020 Teaching Excellence Award for Outstanding IDEA Scores
Certificate of Appreciation - 2014
Certificate of Appreciation - Clinical Instructing - 2014
Lambda Beta Honor Society - Faculty Member - 2013
Contribution to Academic Career Honor - 2007-09
MVP - Most Valuable Professor (Student Award) - 2019
- 8/2013 - Assistant Professor/Clinical - University of Texas Health Science Center, Respiratory Care, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 2013 - Present, RESC 3002/5002 Fundamentals in Respiratory Care - 57 StudentsThis course covers a broad range of topics collectively regarded as fundamental knowledge for respiratory care. , UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2013 - Present, RESC 3011/5011 Patient Assessment - 57 Students. This course provides the fundamentals of respiratory assessment. , UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2014, RESC 3005 Pharmacology - This course Explain the general principles of respiratory pharmacology, to include modes of drug kinetics, modes of action routes for administration., UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2018, RESC 4003 Pediatric & Neonatal Resp Care - 28 Students. The processes of growth and development relating to respiratory care, from the fetus to the adolescent, will be discussed. ., UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2020, RESC 4015 Education in Respiratory Care 31-Students. This course is an introduction to the basic principles and techniques used in educating patients, peers, and professional organizations., UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2015 - 2017, RESC 4021 Issues and Trends 3 Students (Capstone Course) Current issues relevant to the cardiopulmonary sciences and respiratory care will be explored. , UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2019, RESC 3018/5020 Diseases Affecting the Cardio-pulmonsry System.The course provides a comprehensive approach to etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of common pulmonary diseases and syndromes. , UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2016, RESC 3023/5023 Pulmonary Function Testing., UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2013 -Present, RESC 3008/3019/5041 Clinical Practice I - Introduces students to clinical practice in basic respiratory care procedures. I am the primary clinical instructor for this course., UTHealth-San Antonio
- 2013 - Present, RESC 3029/5042 Clinical Practice II - Student is introduced to critical care of the respiratory patient in the Intensive Care Unit, including mechanical ventilation management. I am the primary clinical instructor for this ckourse., UTHealth-San Antonio
UTHSCSA 19th Annual Respiratory Care Symposium (San Antonio, TX) "Can You Hear Me Now?-Effective Communication in Healthcare" - 2014
Interprofessional Grand Rounds - 2016
Admissions Committee 2013 - Present.
Member of the Respiratory Department‘s Admission Committee, overseeing and reviewing all applicants to the program.
Scholarship Commitee 2013 - Present
Committee oversees all nominations for scholarships throughout the School of Health Professions
Diversity Committee 2018 - Present
Endotracheal Suction: What should we do...What we say we do... (San Antonio, TX) TSRC-Texas Society of Respiratory Care
Undergraduate Pediatric Simulation-Based Training. An Inter Professional Experiance. ASAHP (Phoenix, AZ) = Association of Schools of Allied Health Professionals 2016
Open Forum Presentation AARC (New Orleans, LA). 2019
Open Forum Presentation AARC (Las Vegas). 2018
Open Forum Presentation AARC (San Antonio) 2016
Board Certifications
- 2021 - Texas Medical Board - License to Practice
- 2001 - Texas Department of Health- License to Practice
- 1995 - National Board of Respiratory Care -Regisration (RRT)
- 1988 - Nstional Board of Respiratory Care - Certification (CRTT)