Departments & Divisions
Gary F. Guest, B.S., D.D.S.
Professor, Comprehensive Dentistry
Associate Dean for Patient Care
Dr. Guest received his B.S. degree from Texas Tech University and his
D.D.S. degree from the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. He has served as course director for over 16 years in the area of Clinical Patient Management. Dr. Guest provides leadership for the School of Dentistry for integration of computer technology, including a Student Laptop Program with comprehensive E- Curriculum support for school’s academic programs and integration of axiUm, and an enterprise PACS system supporting clinical care. Dr. Guest has been in the role of Associate Dean for Patient Care for the past the past eight years. Dr. Guest served as lead for School of Dentistry in the planning, construction, and operationalization of the Center for Oral Health, the School of Dentistry’s Outpatient Clinic. In this role, he is responsible for: all patient care activities within the clinical enterprise including the; management of the fiscal resources and facilities in which patient care is provided by students, residents and faculty; and ensuring clinics and Simulation Labs operate in an efficient and effective manner to provide for the optimal use of resources and a quality educational experience for students and residents. Dr. Guest lead a federally funded healthcare services project that enhanced quality assurance for patient care and the technology infrastructure to support this effort. He is past Councilor of the ADEA Section for Dental Informatics and has served on the American Dental Association's Standards Committee for Dental Informatics for the past 15 years.
Professional Background
- 1982 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Periodontics - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1980 - DDS - Dentistry - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1976 - BS - Biology - Texas Tech University
- 6/2014 - Associate Dean for Patient Care - UTHSCSASan Antonio
- 9/2004 - Assistant Dean for Predoctoral Clinics - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Dental Clinic, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 6/2006 - Present, Comprehensive General Dentistry
- 7/2002 - Present, Professional Development-Dental Informatics
- 9/1998 - Present, Clinical Patient Management, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Electronic/Web Publication
Guest GF Huber, M. Dental Record Keeping 3rd Edition - 2017 Update MetLife Dental Continuing Education 501 US Hwy 22, Area 3D-309B Bridgewater, NJ 08807; 2018 Jan. 11 p. Guest GF, McCless, J., Drinkard, T. Technical Report 1069 SCDI Standard Terms,Definitions and Acronyms 2015 Oct. 25 p. Available from: https://ebusiness.ada.org/productcatalog/18538/Informatics/ANSIADA-Standard-No-1069-SCDI-Standard-Terms-Definitions-and/ This technical report is an ADA SCDI (Standards Committee on Dental Informatics) reference document containing standardized terms, acronyms, and definitions for dental informatics. Guest GF Zeller, G Benjamin, S. Technical Report 1030 Dental Provider`s Guide to the Electronic Dental Record Chicago, Ill: American Dental Association; 2015 Oct. 32 p. Available from: https://ebusiness.ada.org/Assets/docs/32619.pdf A ANSI Technical Report as a primer for consumers who and develop Electronic Dental Records. The technical report supports ANSI Spec 1000 .
Journal Article
Alkan EA, Mau LP, Schoolfield J, Guest GF, Cochran DL. . Prevalence of Dental Implants and Peri-Implant Bone Level in Patients Presenting to a Dental School: A Radiographic Cross-sectional 2-Year Study The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2018 Jan;33(1):145-151.