Jonathan A. L. Gelfond, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Chief of Biostatistics Division
My primary research interests are in methodological problems and issues in aging, clinical biostatistics, and bioinformatics. I serve as the lead statistician for the NCI Designated Mays Cancer Center, the Biostatistics Epidemiology and Research Design core within the Institute for the Integration of Medicine and Sciences, Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies and am the core leader of the Biostatistics and Data Management core of a Claude Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC). Though trained in statistical genomics, I have expanded my skills to the analysis of clinical trials including behavioral studies. I have served as the lead statistician on four clinical trials related to prostate cancer, clinical dentistry, and diabetes. Additionally, I have served as the lead statistician on a recently completed three-year interventional study of the effects of an educational intervention on teen sexual activity and pregnancy. I have both original methodological papers in Bayesian genomic analysis and collaborative study articles on gene expression analyses. I have extensive experience in the design and analysis of both bench (in vivo, in vitro, and high-throughput expression studies) and clinical research studies as a statistical collaborator on numerous projects that led to over 100 publications.
Professional Background
- 2007 - PhD - Biostatistics - University of North Carolina
- 2000 - MD - Medicine - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1995 - BS - Mathematics - The University of Texas at Austin
- 1995 - BA - Philosophy - The University of Texas at Austin
- 1995 - BS - Physics - The University of Texas at Austin
- 9/2014 - Tenured faculty and Chief of biostatistics division - UT Health San Antonio, Department of Population Health Sciences
- 9/2010 - Adjunct Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor - University of Texas at San Antonio, Management Sciences and Statistics, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 5/2016 - Present, Ph.D. Dissertations Directed, UT Health Graduate School
- 9/2015 - Present, Membership on Supervising Committee, UTHSCSA
Research & Grants
Genetics of Cancer, Epidemiology, Biostatistics
Cancer Development and Progression Program
Diseases Associated: Prostate cancer, obesity, aging.
Techniques Used: Biostatistics, data analysis, computer programming
Sub-Field of Study: Statistical genomics
Funding Agency NIH-NCRR Title CTSA Status Active Period 5/2018 - 5/2023 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency NIH Title University of Texas Adult Clinical Center, NIH Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC) Status Active Period 12/2016 - 11/2021 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency NIH NIGMS Title Bayesian Approaches to Model Selection for Survival Data (renewal 1) Status Active Period 9/2016 - 9/2021 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Develop Bayesian methods for risk prediction and statistical analysis of genomic data related to translational research. Funding Agency NIH/NIA Title Nathan Shock Status Active Period 8/2015 - 8/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency Department of Defense Title Novel Regulation and Oncogenic Mechanisms of Fatty-Acid Synthase (FASN) in Aggressive Prostate Cancer Status Active Period 7/2017 - 6/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency NIH/NIA Title Claude Pepper Center, P30 Status Active Period 5/2015 - 5/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency Department of Defense Title Novel Regulation and Oncogenic Mechanisms of Fatty Acid Status Active Period 7/2017 - 4/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Determine whether nuclear localization of FASN are associated with increased Gleason grade potentially implicate it as a marker of future metastatic disease and therefore an early biomarker of clinically aggressive disease that may require differential treatment.
Role: Co-investigator and biostatistician. Funding Agency NIH/NCI Title Regulation of ER-Beta signaling in carcinogenesis Status Active Period 2/2017 - 2/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency NIH/NCI Title Regulation of ER-Beta signaling in carcinogenesis Status Active Period 2/2017 - 2/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency NIH-DIABETES/DIGESTIVE/KIDNEY Title Role of TLR4 on insulin resistance in human Status Active Period 9/2014 - 9/2019 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Testing whether blocking a molecule called TLR4 with a pharmacologic agent can improve glucose metabolism in obese and type 2 diabetic subjects. Funding Agency NIH, NCI Title Cancer Therapy & Research Center at UTHSCSA, P30 Status Active Period 8/1997 - 7/2019 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Support research efforts of Cancer Center investigators. Funding Agency NIH, NCATS Title Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science: A Partnership to Improve Health Status Active Period 9/2013 - 4/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail To achieve optimal integration of clinical and translational research, education, training, and career development across all UTHSCSA schools and among our partner organizations in the South Texas region. Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science (IIMS) will focus existing and newly developing resources and intellectual capital on advancing the discipline of clinical and translational research for the improvement of human health. Funding Agency NIH/NIA Title THE ROLE OF MTOR INHIBITION ON LONGEVITY AND HEALTHY AGING Status Active Period 9/2015 - 5/2017 Role Co-Investigator Grant DetailPrivate
Funding Agency The Chromosome 18 Registry and Research Society Title The Chromosome 18 Clinical Research Center Status Active Period 7/1999 - 1/2035 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail This funding provides infrastructure support to the Chromosome 18 Clinical Research Center. The activities include: participant recruitment, collection of medical records and blood samples for DNA and lymphoblastoid cell lines, molecular analysis of the DNA samples to determine the extent and nature of the chromosome abnormality and maintenance of the medical records database.
Aderinto, O, Mehanni, C, Khan, F, Gelfond JA, Fanti P, Bansal S. Barriers to timely dialysis access creation: south texas university health system experience; 2014 May. (American Journal of Kidney Diseases; vol. 63, no. 5).
Black D,Leonard S,Zaehringer M,Purkar AB,Gelfond JA,Forsthuber TG, Haskins WE. Putative Protein Biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis 2014. 371 p.
Electronic/Web Publication
O`Donnell L,Soileau BT,Sebold C,Gelfond JA,Hale DE,Cody JD. Tetrasomy 18p: Report of cognitive and behavioral characteristics 2015 Feb.
Journal Article
Choi, B.Y., Wang, C.P., Gelfond, J., (2020). Machine learning outcome regression improves doubly robust estimation of average causal effects. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety,29 (9),pp. 1120-1133.2-s2.0-85088558338 Sun, W., Jin, C., Gelfond, J.A., Chen, M.-H., Ibrahim,
J.G., (2020). Joint analysis of single-cell and bulk tissue sequencing data to infer intratumor heterogeneity. Biometrics, 76 (3), pp. 983-994. 2-s2.0-85077179579 Christen, S.F., Scherber, R.M., Brochmann, N., Goros,M., Gelfond, J., Andersen, C.L., Flachs, E.M., Mesa, R., (2020). Body Mass
index and total symptom burden in myeloproliferative neoplasms discovery of a U-shaped association. Cancers, 12 (8), art. No. 2202, pp.1-18.2-s2.0-85090625142.Penner, J.K., Deas, D.E., Mills, M.P., Hanlon, J.,Gelfond, J., Hernandez, B., Mealey, B.L., (2020). Post surgical flap placement
following ossesous surgery: a short-term clinical evaluation. Journal of Periodontology. 91 (4), pp. 501-507.Ghannam, S., Blaney, H., Gelfond, J., Bruder, J.M.,(2020). The Use of Frax in identifying Women Less than 65 years needing Bone mineral density testing. Journal of Clinical Densitometry,Sheikh, M.T., Ibrahim, J.G., Gelfond, J.A., Sun, W.,Chen, M-H., (2020). Joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data in the presence of competing risks with applications to prostate cancer data. Statistical Modelling McLaughlin, J.E., Reddy, S., Stasbury, N., Ketchum,N.S., Gelfond, J.A., Yauger, B.J., binson, R.D., Knudtson, J.F., (2020). Current management of endometriosis-associated pain in the United States. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 65 (4), pp. 220-226 Rios, E.M., Parma, M.A., Fernandez, R.A., (...),Wheeler, K.M., Svatek, R.S. (2020). Urinary Diversion Disparity Following Radical Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer in the Hispanic Population. Urology,137,pp. 66-71,Guderyon, M.J., Chen, C., Bhattacharjee, A., (...),Clark, R.A., Li, S. (2020). Mobilization-based transplantation of young-donor hematopoietic stem cells extends lifespan in mice. Aging Cell,19(3), e13110,Rizzo, H.E., Escaname, E.N., Alana, N.B., (...), Carr,N.R., Blanco, C.L. (2020). Maternal diabetes and obesity influence the fetal epigenome in a largely Hispanic population. Clinical Epigenetics,12(1),34,Spiller, L.R., Kellogg, N.D., Mercado-Deane, M.-G.,Zarka, A.I., Gelfond, J.A.L. (2020). Growth recovery lines: a specific indicator of child abuse and neglect? Pediatric Radiology,50(2), pp.207-215,Choi, B.Y., Gelfond, J. (2020). The validity of propensity score analysis using complete cases with partially observed covariates. European Journal of Epidemiology. 35(1), pp. 87-88,Moreira, A.G., Siddiqui, S.K., Macias, R., (...),Seidner, R., Mustafa, S.B. (2020). Oxygen and mechanical ventilation impedethe functional properties of resident lung mesenchymal stromal cells. PLoS ONE, 15(3),e0229521,McLaughlin, J.E., Choi, B.Y., Liu, Q., (...), Chang,T.A., Knudtson, J.F. (2019). Does assisted hatching affect live birth in fresh,first cycle in Vitro fertilization in good and poor prognosis patients? Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics,36(12), pp. 2425-2433,Sharp, A.M., Lertphinyowong, S., Yee, S.S., (...),Thompson, I.M., Morilak, D.A. (2019). ortioxetine reverses medial prefrontal cortex-mediated cognitive deficits in male rats induced by castration as amodel of androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Psychopharmacology,236(11), pp. 3183-3195, Iruku, P., Goros, M., Gelfond, J., (...), Mesa, R.,Kaklamani, V.G.(2019). Developing a model to predict accrual to cancer clinical trials: Data from an NCI designated cancer center. Contemporary Clinical,Trials Communications,15,100421,Cheng, C.J., Gelfond, J.A.L., Strong, R., Nelson, J.F.(2019). Genetically heterogeneous mice exhibit a female survival advantage that is age- and site-specific: Results from a large multi-site study. Aging Cell,18(3),e12905Choi, B.Y., Wang, C.-P., Michalek, J., Gelfond, J.(2019).Power comparison for propensity score methods. Computational Statistics,34(2),pp. 743-761 Liss, M.A., Al-Bayati, O., Gelfond, J., (...), Leach,R., Thompson, I.M. (2019). Higher baseline dietary fat and fatty acid intake is associated with increased risk of incident prostate cancer in the SABOR study. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases,22(2), pp.244-251,Harrison, D.E., Strong, R., Alavez, S., (...),Wilkinson, J.E., Miller, R.A.(2019). Acarbose improves health and lifespan in aging HET3 mice. Aging Cell,18(2),e12898 Sabbah, Ahmed,Hicks, Jeffery,MacNeill, Barbara, Arbona, Antonio,Aguilera, Alfonso,Liu, Qianqian,Gelfond, Jonathan,Gardner, Wayne. A Retrospective Analysis of Dental Implant Survival in HIV Patients Journal of clinical periodontology 2019 Jan;. Cheng, CJ,Gelfond, JA,Strong, Randy,Nelson, James F. Genetically heterogeneous mice exhibit a female survival advantage that is age‐ and site‐specific: Results from a large multi‐site study Aging cell 2019 Jan;. Sharp, A.M., Lertphinyowong, S., Yee, S.S., Paredes, D., Gelfond, J., Johnson-Pais, T.L., Leach, R.J., Liss, M., Risinger, A.L., Sullivan, A.C. and Thompson, I.M. Vortioxetine reverses medial prefrontal cortex-mediated cognitive deficits in male rats induced by castration as a model of androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer 2019 Jan;. Liss, Michael A,Al-Bayati, Osamah,Gelfond, Jonathan,Goros, Martin,Ullevig, Sarah,DiGiovanni, John,Hamilton-Reeves, Jill,O'Keefe, Denise,Bacich, Dean,Weaver, Brandi. Higher baseline dietary fat and fatty acid intake is associated with increased risk of incident prostate cancer in the SABOR study 2019 Jan;. Choi B, Wang CP, Michalek JE, Gelfond JA. Power comparison for propensity score methods Computational Statistics 2018 Nov;. Kabra A, Gelfond J, Liss MA. Hormonal manipulation with finasteride or oral contraception does not influence incidence of renal cell carcinoma European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018 Sep;27(5):449-452. Gelfond, Jonathan,Al-Bayati, Osamah,Kabra, Aashish,Iffrig, Kevan,Kaushik, Dharam,Liss, Michael A. Modifiable risk factors to reduce renal cell carcinoma incidence: Insight from the PLCO trial Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 2018 Jan;36(7). Gelfond JA, Goros M, Hernandez B, Bokov A. A System for an Accountable Data Analysis Process in R R Journal 2018 Jan;. Hernandez, J., Gelfond, J., Goros, M., Liss, M.A., Liang, Y., Ankerst, D., Thompson Jr, I.M. and Leach, R.J.,. The effect of 3-month finasteride challenge on biomarkers for predicting cancer outcome on biopsy: Results of a randomized trial 2018 Jan;. Amaechi BT, Lemke KC, Saha S, Gelfond J. Clinical efficacy in relieving dentin hypersensitivity of nanohydroxyapatite-containing cream: A randomized controlled trial The open dentistry journal 2018 Jan;. Pruthi, Deepak K,Liu, Qianqian,Kirkpatrick, Iain DC,Gelfond, Jonathan,Drachenberg, Darrel E. Long-Term Surveillance of Complex Cystic Renal Masses and Heterogeneity of Bosniak 3 Lesions The journal of urology 2018 Jan;. Kraig, Ellen,Linehan, Leslie A,Liang, Hanyu,Romo, Terry Q,Liu, Qianqian,Wu, Yubo,Benavides, Adriana D,Curiel, Tyler J,Javors, Martin A,Musi, Nicolas. A randomized control trial to establish the feasibility and safety of rapamycin treatment in an older human cohort: Immunological, physical performance, and cognitive effects Experimental gerontology 2018 Jan;105:53-69. Weiner, Marc,Gelfond, Jon,Johnson-Pais, Teresa L,Engle, Melissa,Peloquin, Charles A,Johnson, John L,Sizemore, Erin E,Mac Kenzie, William R. Elevated Plasma Moxifloxacin Concentrations and SLCO1B1 g.-11187G> A Polymorphism in Adults with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2018 Jan;. Ankerst, Donna P.,Goros, Martin,Tomlins, Scott A.,Patil, Dattatraya,Feng, Ziding,Wei, John T.,Sanda, Martin G.,Gelfond, Jonathan A.,Thompson, Ian M.,Leach, Robin J.Liss, Michael A. Incorporation of urinary pca3 and t:erg into prostate cancer prevention trial risk calculator European Urology Focus 2018 Jan;. Bokov A, Manuel, LSM, Tirado-Ramos A, Gelfond JA, Pletcher, SD. Biologically relevant simulations for validating risk models under small-sample conditions 2017 Proceedings of the IEEE Symoposium on Computers and Communication 2017 2017 Jul;10(1109):290-295. Arora, Sukeshi Patel,Ketchum, Norma S,Michalek, Joel,Gelfond, Jonathon,Mahalingam, Devalingam. Left Versus Right: Does Location Matter for Refractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients in Phase 1 Clinical Trials? Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer Journal of gastrointestinal cancer 2017 Jan;:1-5. Schmidt, S,Goros, M,Parsons, HM,Saygin, C,Wan, H-D,Shireman, PK,Gelfond, JAL. Improving Initiation and Tracking of Research Projects at an Academic Health Center: A Case Study Evaluation 2017 Jan;40(3). Ross, Corinna N,Austad, Steven,Brasky, Kathy,Brown, Celeste J,Forney, Larry J,Gelfond, Jonathan A,Lanford, Robert,Richardson, Arlan,Tardif, Suzette D. The development of a specific pathogen free (SPF) barrier colony of marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) for aging research Aging 2017 Jan;9(12). Espeland, MA,Crimmins, EM,Grossardt, BR,Crandall, JP,Gelfond, JAL,Harris, TB,Kritchevsky, SB,Manson, JAE,Robinson, JG,Rocca, WA. Clinical trials targeting aging and age-related multimorbidity The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 2017 Jan;72(3):355-361. Jankowitz, B,Myers, JG,Grandhi, R,Gelfond JA,Weiner, GM,. Limitations of Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography for Diagnosis of Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury Journal of Neurosurgery 2017 Jan;. Fry, CL,Naugle Jr, TC,Cole, SA,Gelfond, J,Chittoor, G,Mariani, AF,Goros, MW,Haik, BG,Voruganti, VS. The Latino Eyelid: Anthropometric Analysis of a Spectrum of Findings Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery 2017 Jan;72(3):355-361. Knudtson J,Failor C,Gelfond JA,Robinson R,Chang TA,Schenken RS. Assisted Hatching and Live Births in First Cycle, Frozen Embryo Transfers Fertility and Sterility 2017 Jan;. Foster BA, Aquino C, Gil M, Gelfond JA, Hale DE,. A Pilot Study of Parent Mentors for Early Childhood Obesity Journal of Obesity 2016 Jun;.Fischer, KE,Hoffman, JM,Sloane, LB,Gelfond, JAL,Soto, VY,Richardson, AG,Austad, SN. A cross-sectional study of male and female C57BL/6Nia mice suggests lifespan and healthspan are not necessarily correlated Aging 2016 Jan;8(10). Agarwal, G,Hirachan, P,Gelfond, J,Fanti, P,Hura, C,Bansal, S. Ergocalciferol treatment does Not improve erythropoietin utilization and hospitalization rate in hemodialysis patients BMC nephrology 2016 Jan;17(1). Gelfond, J,Dierschke, N,Lowe, D,Plastino, K. Preventing Pregnancy in High School Students: Observations From a 3-Year Longitudinal, Quasi-Experimental Study American journal of public health 2016 Jan;106:S97-S102. Dao, V,Liu, Y,Pandeswara, S,Svatek, RS,Gelfond, JAL,Liu, A,Hurez, V,Curiel, TJ. Immune stimulatory effects of rapamycin are mediated by stimulation of antitumor I?I' T cells Cancer research 2016 Jan;:0091.2-0091.2. Rodriguez, Karl A,Valentine, Joseph M,Kramer, David A,Gelfond, Jonathan A,Kristan, Deborah M,Nevo, Eviatar,Buffenstein, Rochelle. Determinants of rodent longevity in the chaperone-protein degradation network Cell Stress and Chaperones 2016 Jan;:1-14. Melton, David W,Lei, XiuFen,Gelfond, Jonathan AL,Shireman, Paula K. Dynamic macrophage polarization-specific miRNA patterns reveal increased soluble VEGF receptor 1 by miR-125a-5p inhibition Physiological genomics 2016 Jan;48(5):345-360. Meyer, Andrew D,Gelfond, Jonathan AL,Wiles, Andrew A,Freishtat, Robert J,Rais-Bahrami, Khoydar. Derived Microparticles Generated by Neonatal Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Systems ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs: 1992) 2016 Jan;61(1):37-42. Ankerst, Donna Pauler,Gelfond, Jonathan,Goros, Martin,Herrera, Jesus,Strobl, Andreas,Thompson, Ian M,Hernandez, Javier,Leach, Robin J. Serial Percent-Free PSA in Combination with PSA for Population-Based Early Detection of Prostate Cancer Journal of Urology 2016 Jan;. Gelfond JA, Ibrahim JG, Chen MH, Sun W, Lewis K, Kinahan S, Hibbs M, Buffenstein R. Homology cluster differential expression analysis for interspecies mRNA-Seq experiments Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol 2015 Dec;14(6):507-516. Hurez, Vincent,Dao, Vinh,Liu, Aijie,Pandeswara, Srilakshmi,Gelfond, Jonathan,Sun, Lishi,Bergman, Molly,Orihuela, Carlos J,Galvan, Veronica,Padron, Alvaro,Dreup, Justin,Lie, Yang,Hasty, Paul,Sharp, David,Curiel, Tyler. Chronic mTOR inhibition in mice with rapamycin alters T, B, myeloid, and innate lymphoid cells and gut flora and prolongs life of immune-deficient mice Aging Cell 2015 Dec;14(6). Fischer KE, Gelfond JA, Soto VY, Han C, Someya S, Richardson A, Austad SN. Health Effects of Long-Term Rapamycin Treatment: The Impact on Mouse Health of Enteric Rapamycin Treatment from Four Months of Age throughout Life PLoS One 2015 May;10(5):0126644-0126644. Agarwal G,Vasquez K,Penagaluru N,Gelfond JA,Qunibi WY. Treatment of vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency with ergocalciferol is associated with reduced vascular access dysfunction in chronic hemodialysis patients Hemodialysis International 2015 Apr;. Shireman PK,Chen Y,Melton DW,Gelfond JAL,McManus LM. MiR-351 transiently increases during muscle Physiol. Genomics 2015 Mar;47(3):45-57. Cunningham, Geneva M,Roman, Madeline G,Flores, Lisa C,Hubbard GB,Salmon AB,Zhang Y,Gelfond JA,Ikeno Y. The paradoxical role of thioredoxin on oxidative stress and aging Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 2015 Feb;. Gelfond JA,Choate K,Ankerst DP,Hernandez J,Leach RJ,Thompson IM. Intermediate Term Risk of Prostate Cancer Is Directly Related to Baseline Prostate Specific Antigen: Implications for Reducing the Burden of Prostate Specific Antigen Screening The Journal of urology 2015 Feb;. Raphael I, Mahesula S, Purkar A, Black D, Catala A, Gelfond JA, Forsthuber TG, Haskins WE. Microwave & magnetic (M2) proteomics reveals CNS-specific protein expression waves that precede clinical symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Sci Rep 2014 Sep;4:6210-6210. Fok, W. C.Bokov, A.,Gelfond, J.,Yu, Z.,Zhang, Y. Q.,Doderer, M.,Chen, Y. D.,Javors, M.,Wood, W. H.,Zhang, Y. Q.,Becker, K. G.,Richardson, A.,Perez, V. I. Combined treatment of rapamycin and dietary restriction has a larger effect on the transcriptome and metabolome of liver Aging Cell 2014 Apr;13(2):311-319. Vo DT,Subramaniam D,Remke M,Burton TL,Uren PJ,Gelfond JA,Abreu RD,Burns SC,Qiao M,Suresh U,Korshunov A,Dubuc AM,Northcott PA,Smith AD,Pfister SM,Talyor MD,Janga SC,Anant S,Vogel C,Penalva LOF. The RNA-Binding Protein Musashi1 Affects Medulloblastoma Growth via a Network of Cancer-Related Genes and Is an Indicator of Poor Prognosis American Journal of Pathology 2012 Nov;:1762-1772. Chen Y,Melton D,Gelfond JA,McManus L,Shireman PK. MiR-351 transiently increases during muscle regeneration and promotes progenitor cell proliferation and survival upon differentiation Physiological Genomics 2012 Nov;44(21):1042-1051. Mohamed GH,Gelfond JA,Nicolas MM,Brand TC,Sarvis JA,Leach RJ,Johnson-Pais TL. Genomic Characterization of Testis Cancer: Association of Alterations With Outcome of Clinical Stage 1 Mixed Germ Cell Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumor of the Testis Urology 2012 Aug;80(2). Vo DT, Abdelmohsen K, Martindale JL, Qiao M, Tominaga K, Burton TL, Gelfond JA, Brenner AJ, Patel V, Trageser D, Scheffler B, Gorospe M, Penalva LO. The Oncogenic RNA-Binding Protein Musashi1 Is Regulated by HuR via mRNA Translation and Stability in Glioblastoma Cells Mol Cancer Res 2012 Jan;10(1):143-155.Not Specified
Harrison, David E,Strong, Randy,Alavez, Silvestre,Astle, Clinton Michael,DiGiovanni, John,Fernandez, Elizabeth,Flurkey, Kevin,Garratt, Michael,Gelfond, Jonathan AL,Javors, Martin A. Acarbose improves health and lifespan in aging HET3 mice Aging cell 2019 Jan;. Kabra, Aashish
Gelfond, Jonathan,Madson, Steven,Svatek, Robert,Kaushik, Dharam,Liss, Michael. MP73-10 MODIFIABLE RISK FACTORS TO REDUCE RENAL CELL CARCINOMA CANCER INCIDENCE IN THE PLCO TRIAL The Journal of Urology 2016 Jan;195(4).Other
Choi, B.
Gelfond JA. The validity of propensity score analysis using complete cases with partially observed covariates European journal of Epidemiology 2019 Jan;.Review Article
Gelfond JA. GEORGE TSENG, DEBASHISH GHOSH, XIANGHON JASMINE ZHOU, EDS. Integrating Omics Data. New York: Cambridge University Press Biometrics 2016 Jan;72(4):1388-1389.