Departments & Divisions
Kristin R Fiebelkorn, M.D.
Division Chief for Clinical Pathology
University Hospital/Professor-Clinical
Dr. Kristin Fiebelkorn is a pathologist in San Antonio, Texas and is affiliated with University Hospital. She received her medical degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. She is one of 30 doctors at University Hospital who specialize in Pathology.
Education - Educational research interests include the use of active and case-based learning in healthcare education, and the development of assessment tools for demonstrating developing competency in healthcare students and in residents.
Research - Research interests include application and utilization of new techniques and technology for rapid molecular detection and characterization of human pathogens. Interests also include the use of checklists to reduce error and improve patient safety in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine.
Professional Background
- 2002 - Clinical Fellowship - Medical Microbiology - Emory University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
- 2001 - Clinical Fellowship - Molecular Diagnostics - Emory University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
- 2001 - Residency - Anatomic and Clinical Pathology - Emory University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
- 1996 - MD - Medicine - The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- 1992 - BA - Biology (Magna Cum Laude) - Williams College
- 8/2015 - Division Chief for Clinical Pathology - University Hospital, Pathology, San Antonio
- 9/2014 - Professor/Clinical - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Pathology, San Antonio
- 6/2009 - Adjunct Associate Professor - University of Texas at Austin, Pharmacy, Austin
- 9/2008 - Associate Professor/Clinical - University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Medicine, San Antonio
- 9/2008 - Director, Immunology and Virology Laboratory - University Hospital, Pathology, San Antonio
- 7/2002 - Associate Director, Microbiology Laboratory - University Hospital, Pathology, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/2012 - Present, CIRCLE: Medical School Preclinical Curriculum
- 9/2011 - Present, CIRCLE: Medical School Preclinical Curriculum
- 9/2011 - Present, CIRC 6011 - Digestive Health and Nutrition (CIRCLE)
- 9/2011 - Present, CIRC 5013 - Respiratory Health (CIRCLE)
- 3/2009 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1/2003 - Present, Laboratory Medicine Didactic Lecture Series
- 1/2003 - Present, Infectious Disease Fellow Didactic Lectures
- 7/2002 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, University Hospital
Journal Article
King TS, Sharma R, Jackson J, and Fiebelkorn, K. Clinical Case-based image portfolios in histopathology teaching laboratories Anatomical Sciences Education (accepted for publication) 2018 Jan;. Taylor B, Hanson JT, Veerapaneni, P, Villarreal, R, Fiebelkorn KR, Turner BJ. Hospital-Based Hepatitis C Screening of Baby Boomers in a Majority Hispanic South Texas Cohort: Successes and Barriers to Implementation Public Health Reports 2016 May;131:74-83. Turner BJ, Taylor B, Hanson JT, Liang Y, Sandhu, J K, Veerapaneni, P, Perez, M E, Hernandez, J B, Villarreal, R, Fiebelkorn KR. High Priority for Hepatitis C Screening in Safety Net Hospitals: Resulting from a Prospective Cohort of 4582 Hospitalized Baby Boomers Hepatology 2015 Nov;62(5):1388-1395. Turner, BJ, Taylor, BS, Hanson JT, Perez, ME, Hernandez, L, Villarreal, R, Veerapaneni, P, Fiebelkorn, K. Implementing Hospital-Based Baby Boomer Hepatitis C Virus Screening and Linkage to Care: Strategies, Results, and Costs Journal of Hospital Medicine 2015 Oct;10(8):510-516.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Pathology/Medical Microbiology
- American Board of Pathology/Anatomic & Clinical