Departments & Divisions
Whitney Bettenhausen, MD
Assistant Professor/Clinical
Professional Background
- 2023 - Otolaryngology Residency - University of Texas at San Antonio
- 2018 - MD - University of North Dakota
- 2013 - BS - Cell and Molecular Biology - Winona State University
- 2018-2023 - Resident Physician- Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery - UT Health San Antonio
- 2014-2015 - Research Experience for Medical Students - University of North Dakota
Articles: Dion GR, De la Chapa JS, Bettenhausen WL, et al. Differing Progression to Posterior Glottic Stenosis in Autoimmune and Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis. The Laryngoscope 2020; 131(8): 1816-1820.
Abstracts: Hopfauf WL, Bullard C, Segner S, Rathmann B, Koch T, Wilson T and Segal SP. Translational Repression Mediated by the Genotoxic Agent Sodium Dichromate results in P-body Formation in S. cerevisiae. The FASEB Journal 2013; 27(1): 774.2.
Poster Presentations
2017 - AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO Experience “SCC Presents as Epistaxis and Oropharyngeal Hemorrhage” Advisor: Ian J. Lalich, MD
“A Case of Polymicrobial Necrotizing Sinusitis” Advisor: Ian J. Lalich, MD2016 - Frank Low Research Day
“The Use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) to Improve Attention and Reduce Cognitive Fatigue in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)” Advisor: Jau-Shin Lou MD, Ph.D.2015 - Frank Low Research Day
“The Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi induces increased expression of multiple neuroinflammatory factors in human choroid plexus epithelium” Advisor: John Watt, Ph.D.2013 - Experimental Biology Conference
“Translational Repression Mediated by the Genotoxic Agent Chromium(VI) Results in P-Body Formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae” Advisor: Scott Segal, Ph.D.2012 - Mid-Brains: Undergraduate Neuroscience Conference
“The Role of Type II Astrocytes in Learning and Memory” Advisor: Richard Deyo, Ph.D.2012 - Experimental Biology Conference
2012 - The Judith Ramaley Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship
“Genotoxic Stress Results in Selective P-body Formation in S. cerevisiae” Advisor: Scott Segal, Ph.D.Oral Presentations
May 2020 UT Otolaryngology Resident Research Day “Differing Progression to Posterior Glottic Stenosis in Autoimmune and Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis.”
2013 MN Conference of Undergraduate Scholarly and Creative Activity, “Translational Repression and P-body Formation: A Novel Cellular Response to Chromium (IV) Induced Genotoxic Stress in S. cerevisiae” Advisor: Scott Segal, Ph.D.
2012 Seven Rivers Undergraduate Research Symposium, “Processing Body Formation: A Novel Post-Transcriptional Response to the Carcinogen Sodium Dichromate” Advisor: Scott Segal, Ph.D.