Jing Wang, Ph.D, MPH, RN, FAAN
Vice Dean for Research and Professor, School of Nursing
Jing Wang, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN is the Hugh Roy Cullen Professor and Vice Dean for Research at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Nursing. She is also the Founding Director of an interprofessional Center on Smart and Connected Health Technologies that features an aging in place lab, South Texas Connected Health Living Lab, and telehealth training and simulation. Her research uses mobile and connected technology to optimize behavioral lifestyle interventions and improve patient-centered outcomes in chronically ill and aging populations, especially among the underserved and minority populations. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, 2013 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholar, 2015 TEDMED Scholar, and 2016 Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Macy Faculty Scholar. She is also the editor-in-chief of JMIR Aging.
Professional Background
- 2010 - Master of Science - Nursing - University of Pittsburg
- 2010 - Doctor of Philosophy - Nursing - University of Pittsburg
- 2010 - Master of Science - Public Health - University of Pittsburg
- 2005 - Bachelor of Science - Nursing - Jiangxi Medical College
- 2017 - Postdoctoral Training - Leadership - UT Health Houston
- 2017 - Postdoctoral Training - Public Health - Harvard Macy Institute
- 2015 - Postdoctoral Training - Nursing Education - Gulf Coast Tx Team Regional Grant
- 2011 - Postdoctoral Training - Clinical and Translational Science - University of Pittsburg
- 2011 - Postdoctoral Training - Clinical Trials - National Institutes of Health
- 2011 - Postdoctoral Training - Mobile Health - National Institutes of Health
Research & Grants
- PLPP3 as a novel therapeutic target for Diabetic Kidney Disease, UT Health San Antonio Department of Medicine Clinical & Innovative Therapeutics Award Pilot Program. $20,000, Co-Investigator, Mar. 2020-Feb. 2021
- Center on Smart and Connected Health Technologies, funded by UT Health San Antonio, Principal Investigator, $750,000, May. 2018-Aug. 2021.
- Supporting High-Risk Seniors Navigate Telehealth by Using a Community Health Worker Model and Remote Monitoring Devices. Funded by the Nancy Smith Hurd Foundation. Co-Investigator, $110,000, Nov. 2020-Oct. 2021.
- Providing Health Monitoring Devices for Vulnerable Patients and Caregivers Navigating Telehealth. Funded by the San Antonio Area Foundation. Principal Investigator, $25,000, Jul. 2020-Aug. 2020.
- Feasibility testing a randomized controlled trial of an mHealth-enhanced exercise program to improve cognition for T2DM patients. (PI: Liu). Funded by the Arkansas Biosciences Institute. Co-Investigator. $64,485, Jul. 2020-May. 2021.
- Feasibility Testing a Randomized Controlled Trial of an Exercise Program to Improve Cognition for T2DM Patients. (PI: Liu). Funded by NIH R15. Consultant. $446,268, Sept. 2020-May. 2023.
- Aging and Health Informatics Conference. (PI: Xie). Funded by NIH/NIA R13. $49,552. Aug. 2020-Jul. 2021. Conference Program Committee.
- Precision Metabolic and Molecular Mechanisms (Metabolomics and Mitochondrial Function) of Low Carbohydrate and Ketogenic Diet. (PI: Sharma). Funded by 80/20 Foundation. Co-Principal Investigator, $500,000, Jan. 2020-Dec. 2021.
- Pragmatics to Prevention Intention in Social Media (PRISM) for Health Promotion. (PI: Myneni). Funded by the NIH R01. Co-investigator, $1,402,073, Jul. 2019-Jun. 2023.