Departments & Divisions
Joseph B Cantey, M.D.,MPH
Associate Professor
Professional Background
- 2020 - MPH - Biostatistics - Texas A&M School of Public Health
- 2015 - Clinical Fellowship - Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- 2015 - Clinical Fellowship - Pediatric Infectious Diseases - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- 2009 - Residency - Pediatrics - Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- 2006 - MD - Medicine (Salutatorian) - Medical University of South Carolina
- 2002 - BA - Psychology - University of Virginia
- 6/2017 - Assistant Professor/Clinical - University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Pediatrics, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 3/2019 - Present, Undergraduate Student Supervision, UT Health San Antonio
- 8/2018 - Present, Neonatal Research, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 10/2017 - Present, Individual Instruction, UTHSCSA
- 9/2017 - Present, Individual Instruction, UTHSCSA
- 9/2017 - Present, Journal club, UTHSCSA
- 9/2017 - Present, Dental lectures, UTHSCSA
- 8/2017 - Present, Clinical Skills, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2017 - Present, NICU Lectures, UTHSCSA
- 7/2017 - Present, Infectious Diseases Lectures, UTHSCSA
- 7/2017 - Present, Neonatal Resuscitation Program, UTHSCSA
- 7/2017 - Present, Thematic journal update, UTHSCSA
- 7/2017 - Present, Neonatal ICU Externship, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2017 - Present, Pediatrics Clerkship, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
Funding Agency NIH Title KL2 - Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science Mentored Research Career Development Award Status Active Period 7/2018 - 6/2020 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Antibiotic exposure in newborns has been associated with adverse long-term outcomes, including asthma, eczema, and obesity. Unfortunately, antibiotics remain the most frequently prescribed medications in the nursery setting, and prolonged or unnecessary use is common. Nursery-specific antibiotic stewardship programs have been shown to be safe and effective. To date, studies have been limited to neonatal intensive care units at a small number of tertiary centers. However, approximately 90% of U.S. newborns receive their care in well-baby nurseries, the majority of which do not have active stewardship programs. Among the commonly cited barriers to nursery stewardship is a lack of nearby pediatric support or resources. Therefore, we hypothesize that a newborn nursery antimicrobial stewardship program delivered via telehealth can reduce the volume of antibiotic exposure among newborn nurseries in medically underserved areas. A nursery-specific, distance-based ASP will be implemented in regional well-baby nurseries using a cluster randomized approach. Efficacy and safety of the telestewardship program will be assessed over an 18 month period.
Ravikumar C, Mitchell I, Cantey JB. Antibiotic utilization and infection in neonates with abdominal wall defects; 2019 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Medoro A, Rusakov P, Goff D, et al. A global point-prevalence survey of antimicrobial use in the NICU: the NO-MAS Antibiotics pilot study; 2019 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Her B, Montgomery MO, Cantey JB. Stop, in the name of stewardship! Safety of an antimicrobial 36-hour hard stop in the NICU; 2019 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Rowley J, Stribley RF, Cantey JB. Reducing unnecessary cranial echoencephalography in preterm infants: the REDUCE study; 2019 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Montgomery MO, Her B, Cantey JB. Ample sample: Sampling strategies for neonatal antibiotic stewardship; 2019 Feb. (Southern Society for Pediatric Research).
Her B, Montgomery MO, Cantey JB. Stop, in the name of stewardship! Safety of an antimicrobial 36-hour "hard-stop" in the neonatal intensive care unit; 2019 Feb. (Southern Society for Pediatric Research).
Wozniak PS, Cantey JB, Zeray F, et al. The mortality of congenital syphilis: it should be unacceptable!; 2018 May. (PAS/SPR).
Pham T, Sunkara M, Mallett LH, Cantey JB. Nutritional cost of necrotizing enterocolitis among preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit; 2017 Nov. (NASPGHAN).
Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Shipp K, Sanchez PJ. ICU, ward, and long-term care: antibiotic consumption by gestational age in the neonatal intensive care unit; 2017 May. (PAS/SPR).
Brasher J, Wright C, Williams A, Cantey JB. Utilization of a computerized surveillance system to improve pediatric antimicrobial stewardship; 2017 May. (Solutions for Patient Safety).
Foster M, Mallett LH, Castro A, Govande V, Shetty A, Cantey JB. Short-term complications associated with surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus in ELBW infants; 2017 May. (PAS/SPR).
Sunkara M, Mallett LH, Shaver C, Cantey JB. What can infect when you're expecting: knowledge of congenital infections among women; 2017 May. (PAS/SPR).
Williams J, Wozniak PS, Cantey JB, et al. Congenital syphilis following maternal treatment during pregnancy; 2017 May. (PAS/SPR).
Wozniak PS, Cantey JB, Zeray F, et al. Maternal syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): what is the risk of vertical transmission?; 2017 May. (PAS/SPR).
Liken H, Weitkamp H, Cantey JB, et al. Antifungal prophylaxis in the NICU: a survey of prophylaxis use and influencing factors; 2017 May. (PAS/SPR).
Cantey JB, Shulman ST. Back to the future: congenital rubella syndrome compared to the congenital Zika epidemic; 2017 May. (PAS/SPR).
Cantey JB, Kaligiri R, Anderson KR, et al. What is the cost of coagulase-negative staphylococcal sepsis in the NICU?; 2016 Oct. (IDWeek 2016).
Cantey JB, Huffman LW, Ballard AR, et al. Early antibiotic exposure is associated with risk for and severity of subsequent bronchopulmonary dysplasia in VLBW infants; 2016 Jun. (Pediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship Conference).
Cantey JB. Nursery antibiotic stewardship in the United States; 2016 Jun. (Pediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship Conference).
Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Sanchez PJ. Antifungal use and antibiotic stewardship in the NICU: two birds, one stone; 2016 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Ballard AR, Pruszynski JE, Mallett LH, Cantey JB. Chorioamnionitis and subsequent risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia in VLBW infants: a 25-year cohort; 2016 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Ouellette C, Sanchez PJ, Smith B, et al. Blood whole-genome expression profiles in congenital cytomegalovirus infection; 2015 Oct. (IDWeek 2015).
Cantey JB, Pyle A, Wozniak PS, Hynan L, Sanchez PJ. Antibiotic exposure and adverse outcomes in preterm, VLBW infants: Each day matters!; 2015 Jun. (Pediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship Conference).
Pyle A, Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Hynan L, Sanchez PJ. Antibiotic exposure and adverse outcomes in preterm, VLBW infants: Each day matters!; 2015 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Moallem M, Talavera M, Cantey JB, Shane AL, Stoll BJ, Sanchez PJ. Twelve years of bloodstream infections and meningitis in preterm infants with NEC: the NEC-BSI study; 2015 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Mir IN, Cantey JB, Chalak L. The least-understood organ: amnistic origins to the human placental project; 2015 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Vasco N, Ofman G, Cantey JB. Is prolonged rupture of membranes a risk factor for early-onset sepsis in preterm infants?; 2015 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
White N, Cantey JB, Mejias A, Sanchez PJ. Alananie aminotransferase screening in neonatal herpes simplex virus infections; 2015 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Wozniak PS, Cantey JB, Zeray F, et al. Neonates with normal physical examiantion and nonreactive nontreponemal testing: What's the risk for congenital syphilis?; 2015 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ, Langer JC, Stoll B. Duration of antimicrobial therapy for bloodstream infections in VLBW infants: implications for antibiotic stewardship; 2015 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Sanchez PJ. Surveillance and correction of unnecessary antibiotic therapy (SCOUT) in the NICU: It can be done!; 2015 Apr. (PAS/SPR).
Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Sanchez PJ. Antibiotic stewardship in the NICU - results from the SCOUT study; 2014 Oct. (South/Central Conference on Perinatal Research).
Morgan D, Braykov N, Schweizer M, et al. Factors associated with optimizing empiric antibiotic therapy in six hospitals; 2014 Oct. (IDWeek 2014).
Cantey JB, Nguyen S, Wozniak PS, et al. Antibiotic stewardship in the NICU: metrics matter!; 2014 Oct. (IDWeek 2014).
Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Sanchez PJ. The conundrum of pneumonia treatment in the NICU: can variation inform antibiotic stewardship?; 2014 May. (PAS/SPR).
Wozniak PS, Cantey JB, Zeray F, et al. Nineteen years of congenital syphilis in Dallas: progress and persistence; 2014 May. (PAS/SPR).
Ronchi A, Torres L, Zeray F, et al. How asymptomatic is the "asymptomatic" neonate with congenital cytomegalovirus infection?; 2014 May. (PAS/SPR).
White NO, Cantey JB, Dulaurier M, et al. Management of newborns delivered to women with active genital herpes simplex virus lesions: is current guidance optimal?; 2014 May. (PAS/SPR).
Pyle A, Cantey JB, Brown LS, et al. Antibiotic exposure in VLBW infants in the NICU: another marker for obesity?; 2014 May. (PAS/SPR).
Cantey JB, Doern C. A defective and imperfect method: H. Christian Gram and the history of the Gram stain; 2014 May. (PAS/SPR).
Cantey JB, Stagno SB, Sanchez PJ. Protozoa, parotids, and progress: the convoluted history of congenital cytomegalovirus infection; 2014 May. (PAS/SPR).
Rac MW, Bryant S, Cantey JB, et al. Progression of ultrasound findings of fetal syphilis following maternal treatment; 2014 Feb. (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine).
Rac MW, Bryant S, Cantey JB, et al. Maternal titers after adequate syphilotherapy during pregnancy; 2014 Feb. (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine).
Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Sanchez PJ. Antibiotic stewardship in the NICU: improvement needed!; 2013 May. (PAS/SPR). Lal C, Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ. Utility of central versus peripheral blood cultures in assessing CLABSIs in the NICU; 2013 May. (PAS/SPR).
Book Chapter
Cantey JB. Healthcare-associated infections in the NICU: a brief review. In: McNeil JC, Campbell JR, Crews JD, eds. Healthcare-associated infections in children. New York, NY: Springer; 2018. p. 261-280.
Cantey JB. Pathophysiology of congenital infections. In: Cantey JB, ed. Neonatal infections. New York, NY: Springer; 2018. p. 67-73.
Cantey JB. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. In: Cantey JB, ed. Neonatal Infections. New York, NY: Springer; 2018. p. 135-137.
Cantey JB. Malaria. In: Cantey JB, ed. Neonatal Infections. New York, NY: Springer; 2018. p. 139-146.
Cantey JB. Rubella. In: Cantey JB, ed. Neonatal Infections. New York, NY: Springer; 2018. p. 153-159.
Cantey JB. Outbreak control in the nursery. In: Cantey JB, ed. Neonatal Infections. New York, NY: Springer; 2018. p. 229-237.
Akinboyo IC, Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ. Syphilis. In: Cabana MD, et al, eds. The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult, 8th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2017. Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ. Syphilis. In: Cabana MD, et al, eds. The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2014.
Cantey JB, Sauberan JB, Bradley JS, et al. Nelson's Neonatal Antimicrobial Therapy, 1st ed Chicago, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2019.
Bradley JS, Barnett ED, Cantey JB, et al. Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, 25th ed Chicago, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2018.
Cantey JB. Neonatal Infections New York, NY: Springer; 2018.
Bradley JS, Barnett ED, Cantey JB, et al. Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, 24th ed Chicago, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2017.
Bradley JS, Barnett ED, Cantey JB, et al. Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, 23rd ed Chicago, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2016.
Bradley JS, Barnett ED, Cantey JB, et al. Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, 22nd ed Chicago, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2015.
Bradley JS, Cantey JB, Kimberlin DW, et al. Nelson`s Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, 21st ed Chicago, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2014.
Cantey JB, Hersh AL. Antibiotic stewardship in the neonatal intensive care unit: lessons from oxygen Pediatrics 2019 Mar;143(3).
Greenhow TL, Cantey JB. The disputed champion: ampicillin and gentamicin for febrile young infants Hospital Pediatrics 2017 Aug;7(8):499-501.
Sanchez PJ, Moallem M, Cantey JB, Milton A, Michelow IA. Empiric therapy with vancomycin in the neonatal intensive care unit: Let`s get smart globally! Journal of Pediatrics (Rio) 2016 Sep;92(5):432-435.
Cantey JB, Ronchi A, Sanchez PJ. Spreading the benefits of infection prevention in the neonatal intensive care unit JAMA Pediatrics 2015 Dec;169(12):1089-1091.
Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ. Prolonged antibiotic therapy for culture-negative sepsis in preterm infants: it`s time to stop! Journal of Pediatrics 2011 Nov;159(5):707-708.
Journal Article
Cantey JB, Pyle AK, Wozniak PS, Hynan LS, Sanchez PJ. Early antibiotic exposure and adverse outcomes in preterm, very-low-birth-weight infants Journal of Pediatrics 2018 Dec;203:62-67.
Sandora TJ, Bryant KK, Cantey JB, Elward AM, Yokoe DS, Bartlett AH. SHEA neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) white paper series: Practical approaches to Clostridioides difficile prevention Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2018 Oct;39(10):1149-1153.
Cantey JB, Anderson KR, Kalagiri RR, Mallett LH. Morbidity and mortality of coagulase-negative staphylococcal sepsis in very-low-birth-weight infants World Journal of Pediatrics 2018 Jun;14(3):269-273.
Wozniak PS, Cantey JB, Zeray F, et al. Congenital syphilis in neonates with nonreactive nontreponemal test results Journal of Perinatology 2017 Oct;37(10):1112-1116.
Cantey JB, Baird SD. Ending the culture of culture-negative sepsis in the neonatal ICU Pediatrics 2017 Oct;140(4).
Cantey JB, Vora N, Sunkara M. Prevalence, characteristics, and perception of nursery antibiotic stewardship coverage in the United States Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 2017 Sep;6(3):e30-e35.
Cantey JB, Huffman LW, Subramanian A, et al. Antibiotic exposure and risk for death or bronchopulmonary dysplasia in very-low-birth weight infants Journal of Pediatrics 2017 Feb;181.
Ballard AR, Mallett LH, Pruszynski JE, Cantey JB. Chorioamnionitis and subsequent bronchopulmonary dysplasia in very-low-birth weight infants: a 25-year cohort Journal of Perinatology 2016 Dec;36(12):1045-1048.
Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Pruszynski JE, Sanchez PJ. Reducing unnecessary antibiotic use in the neonatal intensive care unit (SCOUT): a prospective interrupted time-series study Lancet Infectious Diseases 2016 Oct;16(10):1178-1184.
Shipp KD, Chiang T, Karasick S, Quick K, Nguyen ST, Cantey JB. Antibiotic stewardship challenges in a referral neonatal intensive care unit American Journal of Perinatology 2016 Apr;33(5):518-524.
Ofman G, Vasco N, Cantey JB. Risk of early-onset sepsis following preterm, prolonged rupture of membranes with or without chorioamnionitis American Journal of Perinatology 2016 Mar;33(4):339-342.
Wortham JM, Hansen NI, Schrag SJ, Hale E, Van Meurs K, Sanchez PJ, Cantey JB, et al. Chorioamnionitis and culture-confirmed, early-onset neonatal infections Pediatrics 2016 Jan;137(1).
Kelesidis T, Braykov N, Uslan DZ, et al. Indications and types of antibiotic agents used in 6 acute care hospitals, 2009-2010: a pragmatic retrospective observational study Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2016 Jan;37(1):70-79.
Cantey JB, Lopez-Medina E, Nguyen S, Doern C, Garcia C. Empiric antibiotics for serious bacterial infection in young infants: Opportunities for stewardship Pediatric Emergency Care 2015 Aug;31(8):568-571.
Cantey JB, Doern CD. A defective and imperfect method: H. Christian Gram and the history of the Gram stain Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 2015 Aug;34(8). Lopez-Medina E, Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ. The mortality of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection Journal of Pediatrics 2015 Jun;166(6):1529-1532.
Cantey JB, Klein AM, Sanchez PJ. Herpes simplex virus DNAemia preceding neonatal disease Journal of Pediatrics 2015 May;166(5):1308-1309.
Cantey JB, Gaviria-Agudelo C, McElvania TeKippe E, Doern CD. Lack of clinical utility of urine gram stain for suspected urinary tract infection in pediatric patients Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2015 Apr;53(4):1282-1285.
Cantey JB, Wozniak PS, Sanchez PJ. Prospective surveillance of antibiotic use in the neonatal intensive care unit: results from the SCOUT study Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 2015 Mar;34(3):267-272.
Rac MW, Bryant SN, Cantey JB, et al. Maternal titers after adequate syphilotherapy during pregnancy Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015 Mar;60(5):686-690.
Braykov NP, Morgan DJ, Schweizer ML, et al. Assessment of empirical antibiotic therapy optimisation in six hospitals: an observational cohort study Lancet Infectious Diseases 2014 Dec;14(12):1220-1227.
Rac MW, Bryant SN, Cantey JB, et al. Progression of ultrasound findings of fetal syphilis after maternal treatment American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014 Oct;211(4):e1-e6.
Oliveira CR, Morriss MC, Mistrot JG, Cantey JB, Doern CD, Sanchez PJ. Brain magnetic resonance imaging of infants with bacterial meningitis Journal of Pediatrics 2014 Jul;165(1):134-139.
Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ, Tran J, Chung W, Siegel JD. Pertussis: a persistent cause of morbidity and mortality in young infants Journal of Pediatrics 2014 Jun;164(6):1489-1492.
Cantey JB, Baldridge C, Jamison R, Shanley LA. Late and very late onset group B Streptococcus sepsis: one and the same? World Journal of Pediatrics 2014 Feb;10(1):24-28.
Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ. Neonatal herpes simplex virus infections: past progress and future challenges Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 2013 Nov;32(11):1205-1207.
Cantey JB, Sreeramoju P, Jaleel M, et al. Prompt control of an outbreak caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a neonatal intensive care unit Journal of Pediatrics 2013 Sep;163(3):672-679.
Cantey JB, Pritchard MA, Sanchez PJ. Bone lesions in an infant with congenital parvovirus B19 infection Pediatrics 2013 May;131(5):e1659-e1663.
Cantey JB, Bascik SL, Heyne NG, et al. Prevention of mother-to-infant transmission of influenza during the postpartum period American Journal of Perinatology 2013 Mar;30(3):233-240.
Cantey JB, Mejias A, Wallihan R, Doern C, Brock E, Salamon D, Marcon M, Sanchez PJ. Use of blood polymerase chain reaction testing for diagnosis of herpes simplex virus infection Journal of Pediatrics 2012 Aug;161(2):357-361.
Cantey JB, Hanners N, Mittal V. A persistently fussy, febrile infant Clinical Pediatrics 2012 Jan;51(1):93-95.
Cantey JB. Smallpox variolation during the revolutionary war Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 2011 Oct;30(10).
Chen AE, Carroll KC, Diener-West M, Ross T, Ordun J, Goldstein MA, Kulkarni G, Cantey JB, Siberry GK. Randomized controlled trial of cephalexin versus clindamycin for uncomplicated pediatric skin infections Pediatrics 2011 Mar;127(3):e573-e580.
Cantey JB, Tamma P. Viridans streptococcal meningitis following penetrating cervical injury Pediatric Emergency Care 2011 Jan;27(1):34-35.
Chen AE, Cantey JB, Carroll KC, Ross T, Speser S, Siberry GK. Discordance between Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization and skin infections in children Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 2009 Mar;28(3):244-246.
Cantey JB, Goldblatt M, Johnson GM, Roberts JR. A flu-like illness Clinical Pediatrics 2007 Jul;46(6):560-561.
Cantey JB, Tecklenburg FW, Titus MO. Late postpartum eclampsia in adolescents Pediatr Emerg Care 2007 Jun;23(6):401-403.
Review Article
Ramirez CB, Cantey JB. Antibiotic resistance in the neonatal intensive care unit NeoReviews 2019 Mar;20(3):e124-e134.
Cantey JB. Optimizing the use of antibacterial agents in the neonatal period Paediatric Drugs 2016 Apr;18(2):109-122.
Cantey JB, Farris AC, McCormick SM. Bacteremia in early infancy: etiology and management Current Infectious Diseases Reports 2016 Jan;18(1):1-12.
Cantey JB, Sisman J. The etiology of lenticulostriate vasculopathy and the role of congenital infections Early Human Development 2015 Jul;91(7):427-430.
Cantey JB, Milstone AM. Bloodstream infections: epidemiology and resistance Clinics in Perinatology 2015 Mar;42(1):1-16.
Cantey JB, Patel SJ. Antimicrobial stewardship in the NICU Infectious Diseases Clinics of North America 2014 Jun;28(2):247-261.
Cantey JB, Sanchez PJ. Overview of congenital infections: the prominence of cytomegalovirus Infectious Disorders Drug Targets 2011 Oct;11(5):426-431.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Pediatrics/Neonatal-Perinatal
- American Board of Pediatrics/Infectious Disease