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Wei Liu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Research Director of Rehabilitation, Integrative and Complementary Health (RICH)
Tai Chi Instructor
Currently seeking M.S. & Ph.D. students
Professional Background
- Ph.D - Physical Rehabilitation Science - University of Maryland at Baltimore (UMB)
- M.S - Biomedical Engineering - University of Vermont (UVM)
- B.S - Kinesiology - Beijing University of Physical Education (BUPE)
Research & Grants
This project is designed to identify the biomechanical mechanisms of Tai Chi (TC) exercise and test a novel TC intervention by modifying newly identified mechanisms for those with knee osteoarthritis (OA) and to assess the changes in pain associated with the intervention. It combines unique real time torque biofeedback approach, and uses external knee adduction moment (EKAM) as modulation target tailored to TC intervention in this population. The potential benefit from this project is to provide biomechanical insights of TC and this novel TC approach may produce meaningful pain reduction in these patients who can learn and practice safely during this intervention.
• Grant Reviewer Panel for National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)
• Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety Pilot Grant Reviewer
• U.S Department of Education, Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Program Grant Reviewer
• U.S Department of Education, Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) Grant Reviewer
• Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Grant Review Panel.
- Knee joint biomechanics of simplified 24 Tai Chi forms and association with pain in individuals with knee osteoarthritis
- Biomechanical joint loading mechanism of Tai Chi gait in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: A pilot simulation study
- Individual analysis of dynamic stability for twenty-four Tai Chi forms among persons with knee osteoarthritis: A pilot study
- Biomechanical mechanism of Tai-Chi gait for preventing falls: A pilot study
- Does T'ai Chi Gait Reduce External Knee Adduction Moment?
- Objective Measuring Knee Joint Laxity in Knee Osteoarthritis using Wearable Sensors: A Pilot Study
- The Lower Extremity Contribution of the Vertical Support during Tai Chi
- The Joint Moment Distribution of the Lower Extremity During Tai Chi Gait
- Postural Stability is Associated with Lower Pain, Lower Stiffness, and Higher Muscle Power Among Adults with Symptomatic Knee OA
- Design of a 6-DOF Robotic Gait Training System With Closed-Chain Foot Initiated Kinematics Control
- Biomechanical comparison of frontal plane knee joint moment arms during normal and Tai Chi walking
- Cumulative loading of the medial compartment of the knee joint during Tai Chi gait in patients with knee osteoarthritis
- External knee adduction moment during Tai Chi Gait in patients with knee osteoarthritis
- Muscle activation profiles about the knee during Tai-Chi stepping movement compared to the normal gait step
- Spatial, temporal and muscle action patterns of Tai Chi gait
- Improvement of isokinetic knee extensor strength and reduction of postural sway in the elderly from long-term Tai Chi exercise
- Acceleration Factors for Flexible Electronics in Wearable Applications From Actual Human Body Measurements