Departments & Divisions
Shangang Zhao, PhD
Assistant Professor
Professional Background
- 2016 - PhD - Biochemistry - University of Montreal
- 2011 - Master degree - Biochemistry - University of Montreal
- 2007 - Master degree - Biology - Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2023: Harry S. Moss Trust Award.
2023: NIA “Summer” Training Course in Experimental Aging Research, held in Oklahoma.
2023: Associate Editor at Frontiers in Endocrinology.
2023: Guest Editor in the journal- “Metabolites”.
2023: Nathan Shock Pilot Grant Awardee
2023: Long School of Medicine Pilot Grant Award
2023: Voelcker Fund Young Investigator Pilot Grant
2023: Oral Presentation at 83rd ADA annual meeting in San Diego
Research & Grants
R00AG068239; 04/01/2023-03/14/2026; NIH/NIA; “Impact of a Novel Secreted Enzyme J18 on Healthspan and Lifespan”
Young Investigator Pilot Grant; 07/01/2023-06/30/2024; Voelcker Fund; “Cardiovascular Benefits of Leptin Lowering Utilizing SGLT2 Inhibition and a novel leptin antibody in heart disease.”
LSOM Pilot Grant; 09/01/2023-08/30/2024; UT Health San Antonio; “Effect of J18/LPE axis in AD progression”
Nathan Shock Center Pilot Grant; 07/01/2023-06/30/2024; Nathan Shock Center SA; “Effects of leptin modulation in healthspan and lifespan"
- Endocrinology UTHSCSA Medical Fellowship Interview on August 28.2023
- Faculty Talk Presentations – IBMS Orientation. “Lab Research Tour” on 08/11/2023.
- Elected to be the member of IBMS Admission Committee in the discipline of Biology of Aging starting on 09/01/2023.
- Serve as Seminar Organizer at Barshop Institute for academic year 2024.
- Serve as the Seminar organizer at Division of Endocrinology for Academic year 2024.
- Serve as the member of PRiSM to organize the seminar and Research Day for Department of Medicine.
- Organize the workshop “Rapid transition from doctor to researcher” for Medical Fellows at Division of Endocrinology.
- Li N*, Zhao S*, Zhang Z, Zhu Y, Gliniak CM, Vishvanath L, An YA, Wang MY, Deng Y, Zhu Q, Shan B, Sherwood A, Onodera T, Oz OK, Gordillo R, Gupta RK, Liu M, Horvath TL, Dixit VD, Scherer PE. Adiponectin preserves metabolic fitness during aging. Elife. 2021.
- Zhao S, Kusminski CM and Scherer PE. Adiponectin, leptin and cardiovascular disease. Circulation Research. 2021.
- Zhao S, Li N, Zhu Y, Straub L, Zhang Z, Wang MY, Zhu Q, Kusminski CM, Elmquist JK, Scherer PE. Partial leptin deficiency confers resistance to diet-induced obesity in mice. Molecular Metabolism. 2020.
- Zhao S, Kusminski CM, Elmquist JK*, Scherer PE*. Leptin: Less Is More. Diabetes. 2020.