Departments & Divisions
Kyumin Whang, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Barry K Norling Endowed Professor in Dentistry
Comprehensive Dentistry
Currently seeking M.S. students
Dr. Kyumin Whang is a Professor/Research in the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry
- 3-D Fluorescence Microscopy
- A Novel Osteoinductive Protein Synthesizing System
- Antimicrobial Biomaterials
- Biodegradable Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration
- Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
- Controlled Drug Delivery
- Dental Biomaterials
- Mechanical and Physical Properties of Dental Materials
- Development of novel dental composites
- Photoinitiator Systems
- Nanoparticles
- Boron Nitride Nanosheets
- ExamSoft -Administrator Level Certification, ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc. This is the second highest level of certification requiring 6 hours of self-study and 6.25 hours of examinations. I am one of the first five to ever be certified by ExamSoft Worldwide in the USA. 75% of people fail this certification.
- Can train in the use of ExamSoft and troubleshoot.
- Freeze-Drying of Volatile Solvents
- Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry
- Nanotechnology
- Taguchi Robust Experimental Design
Professional Background
- 1997 - PhD - Biomedical Englineering - Northwestern University
- 1992 - MSE - Biomedical Engineering - Johns Hopkins University
- 1989 - BS - Biomedical Engineering (Summa Cum Laude) - Boston University
- 2018 - Examplify Certification - Education - ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc.
- 2016 - ExamSoft Administrator Certification - Education - ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc.
2016 Barry K. Norling Endowed Professorship in Dentistry
2012 Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Dental Honor Society Honorary Member
2012 Mu Nu Chapter, OKU, Honorary Member
2003 Honor, dedicated service, Chair of Dental School Faculty Assembly
2002 Honor, dedicated service, Chair of the San Antonio Chapter of the AADR
2002 Osseointegration Foundation Research Award
1989 Summa Cum Laude, Boston University
1987 Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Society
- 5/2019 - Professor/Research - UTHSCSA, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Comprehensive Dentistry, San Antonio
- 5/2019 - Professor/Research - UTHSCSA, Comprehensive Dentistry, San Antonio
- 3/2018 - Division Head, Division of Research - UTHSCSA, Comprehensive Dentistry, San Antonio
- 3/2018 - Director, Office of Sponsored Agreements - UTHSCSA, Comprehensive Dentistry, San Antonio
- 9/2012 - Associate Professor/Research - UTHSCSA, Department of Comprehensive Dentistry
- 9/2012 - Associate Professor/Research - UTHSCSA, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
- 6/2010 - Assistant Professor/Research - UTHSCSA, Department of Comprehensive Dentistry
- 9/2006 - Assistant Professor/Research - UTHSCSA, Department of Restorative Dentistry
- 9/1999 - Assistant Professor - UTHSCSA, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
- 11/1997 - Assistant Professor - UTHSCSA, Department of Restorative Dentistry
Instruction & Training
- 7/2017 - Present, DFRD 5001, Introduction to Restorative Dentistry, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 8/1998 - 5/2017, RESD 5001, Biomaterials 1, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 8/1998 - 5/2017, RESD 5002, Biomaterials 2, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 7/2017 - 5/2019, DIPC 5001, Patient Care Foundations, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1/2014 - 5/2019, INTD 6088, Clinic Introduction, Critically Appraised Topics Mentor, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 11/2017 - 5/2021, Pre-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 6/2015 - 5/2019, SELC 7096, Teaching Elective, ExamSoft Orientation, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 8/2004 - 5/2013, RESD 6021, Advanced Dental Materials, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 8/2002 - 5/2005, Graduate Core Course, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 8/1998 - 5/2006, RESD 5095, Research Methodology II, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 1/2013 - 5/2019, ExamSoft Workshop for DS and DH Students and Course Directors, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 8/2007 - 5/2018, High School Student Research Mentor, UTHSCSA Dental School
- 7/2002 - Present, Dental School MS Student Research Mentor , UTHSCSA Dental School
- 5/2000 - Present, Undergraduate Student Research Mentor, UTHSCSA Dental School
Research & Grants
- Boron Nitride Nanosheets
- Antimicrobial materials
- Novel filler systems for dental composites
- Oxirane/Acrylate interpenetrating polymer network System for dental restoratives
- Novel low-color, color-stable dental composite initiator systems
- In situ-generated silver nanoparticles for antimicrobial materials
- Biodegradable materials
- Biodegradable 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering
- Controlled drug delivery devices
Funding Agency: NIH/NIDCR
Title: Boron Nitride Nanosheets to Enhance Dental Composite Performance Status: Active
Period: 09/2020 - 08/2021
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Title: Oxirane-Acrylate System to Double the Clinical Service Life of Restorative Resins Status: Complete
Period: 09/2013 - 08/2018
Role: Co-Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases Title: Long-Term Broad-Spectrum Prevention of Implant-Related Infections Status: Complete
Period: 10/2012 - 08/2014
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: NAMRU-SA
Title: Effect of Acetaminophen on Neural Cells Status: Complete
Period: 02/2010 - 09/2011
Role: Co-Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: NAMRU-SA
Title: Antimicrobial Resin and coating for the Prevention of InfectionStatus: Complete
Period: 01/2010 - 09/2011 Role: Co-Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: Office of Naval Research, IPAA
Title: Development Of Fused-Fiber/Viscoelastic Composite Materials For Efficient Acoustic Absorption And Damping, Structural Noise Attenuation And Personal Protection Status: Complete
Period: 10/2009 - 09/2010
Role: Co-Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: National Institutes of Health/NIDCR
Title: Novel Osteoinductive Protein Synthesizing Implant Systems Status: Complete
Period: 04/2002 - 03/2005
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: NIH/NIDR
Title: Advanced Dental Restorative System Status: Complete
Period: 06/1997 - 06/2007
Role: Co-InvestigatorPRIVATE
Funding Agency: Ultradent Products, Inc. Title: Antibacterial Testing of NaOCl Status: Complete
Period: 10/2013 - 08/2014
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: Ultradent Products, Inc.
Title: Development of an Antibacterial Pit and Fissure Sealant Status: Complete
Period: 06/2013 - 05/2015
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: Ultradent Products Inc.
Title: Development of an Antibacterial Orthodontic Band Cement – Bacteriostatic Activity Assay
Status: Complete
Period: 09/2012 - 12/2012Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: Ultradent Products Incorporated
Title: Development of an Antibacterial Endodontic Filler Resin Status: Complete
Period: 09/2011 - 08/2014
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: Ultradent Products Incorporated
Title: Development of an Antibacterial Orthodontic Band Cement Status: Complete
Period: 09/2011 - 03/2012
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: Southwest Research Institute
Title: Development Of Zirconia Nanoparticles For Incorporation Into Composite Dental Restorative Resins
Status: Complete
Period: 06/2011 - 11/2011Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: RANN Research Corporation
Title: Testing the osteogenic activity on surface modified Implants Status: Complete
Period: 07/2010 - 07/2011
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: RANN Research Corporation
Title: Testing stability of a formulation a Novel Disinfectant for Medical Instruments Status: Complete
Period: 05/2010 - 02/2011
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: UltraDent Products, Inc.
Title: Development of low-color, color stable, highly-filled, dual cure dental resins and cements
Status: Complete
Period: 09/2008 - 04/2009Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: UltraDent Products, Inc.
Title: Development of low-color, color stable, dual cure dental resins and cements Status: Complete
Period: 03/2008 - 12/2008
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: Osseointegration Foundation Implant Research Grant Title: Efficacy of a Novel Osteogenic Biomaterial, OG-PLG
Status: Complete
Period: 02/2002 - 01/2003
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: San Antonio Area Foundation Title: Engineering Bone Regeneration in Osteoporosis Status: Complete
Period: 07/1999 - 06/2000Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: South Texas Technology Management, POCsparc Grant Title: Development of an Antimicrobial Acrylic Resin
Status: Complete
Period: 12/2008 - 08/2009
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: South Texas Technology Management, POCsparc Grant
Title: Development Of A Low-Color, Color-Stable Dual-Cure Restorative Resin With Enhanced Degree Of Cure And Reduced Shrinkage Stress
Status: Complete
Period: 06/2008 - 12/2008Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: South Texas Health Research Center Small Grant Program Title: A Novel 3-D Simvastatin Delivery Device for Bone Regeneration Status: Complete
Period: 10/1999 - 05/2001
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: Aging Research and Education Center (Pilot Project Grant) Title: The Effect of Aging on Engineering Bone Regeneration
Status: Complete
Period: 07/1998 - 12/1999
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: Institutional Research Grant, Institutional Research Committee Title: The Effect of Microarchitecture and Material Properties on Biocompatibility Status: Complete
Period: 03/1998 - 02/1999
Role: Principal Investigator -
09/2019-Present, Department Promotion and Tenure Committee
09/2004-08/2005, Search Committee for Faculty Position in Biomaterials
09/2001-08/2006, Department Information Technology Committee, Chair
09/1998-08/2001, Electronic Curriculum, Chair
2020-Present, DDS/PhD Admissions Review Subcommittee
2020-Present, International Dental Education Program (IDEP) Admissions Committee
2019-Present, Curriculum Committee - DS1&2
2019-Present, Curriculum Committee - DS3&4
2016-Present, Outcomes Assessment Committee - Chair
2003-Present, Admissions Committee
2001-Present, Research Committee
2000-Present, Applicant Interviewer
2019-20, Assistant Track Leader: Foundations in Restorative Dentistry
2018-19, Accreditation Self Study Task Force, Standard 2, Subteams 1&3, Standard 6
2016, Trip to East Carolina University to evaluate XComp
2016, Hosted Invited Lecturer Todd Watkins for SoD Grand Rounds
2016, Evaluated One45 and E*Value clinical assessment software
2016-17, BIOPSCI FRD Track Team
2015-18, Scholarship and Loan Subcommittee
2013-19, ExamSoft Point Person
2001-18, Faculty Advisor
2004-06, Advanced Standing Committee
2002-06, Student Research Group Advisor
2000-06, Strategic Planning Committee
2000-04, Curriculum Planning Committee
2000-03, Faculty Assembly, Secretary, Vice-Chair, Chair
2000-02, Information Systems Committee
1999-2018, Dental Science Symposium
2020-Present, Medical Health Institute (MHI) Associate Program
2015-16, Educational Domain Council
05/2015-05/2015, Quality Enhancement Plan Faculty Retreat, Facilitator
09/2014-08/2019, Research Strategic Advisory Council
05/2014-08/2016 Quality Enhancement Plan Subcommittee
09/2002-08/2006, Faculty Senate
09/2000-08/2004, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Service to the Profession
2017-Present, Prosthodontics Air Force MS committee
2021, Moderator for Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair
2002-07, San Antonio Chapter of AADR Student Research Group, Advisor
2002-03, AADR Local Organizing Committee
1999-2003, San Antonio Chapter of the AADR, President-Elect, President, Immediate-Past President, Past-President
2000, Tri-School Dental Science Symposium, Chair
2021-Present, Advanced Dental Admissions Test, Test Construction Committee
2020-Present, American Dental Association, Standards Committee on Dental Products
2020-Present, American Dental Association, Council on Scientific Affairs
2017-19, American Dental Education Association Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education, Liaison
2016-20, National Board Dental Examination Part 2, Test Construction Committee
2015-19, ExamSoft Client Ambassador
2003-07, NIH Special Emphasis Study Section ZRG1, Reviewer
2000-02, Department of Veterans Affair, Merit Review Grant, Reviewer
2001-04, AADR Ethics Committee
2016, Presented a Seminar at Health Presenter Careers High School
2005-14, Hana Church - San Antonio, Pastor
2001-04, Korean United Methodist Church, Youth Pastor
2001, Our Lady of the Lake University Master‘s Students, Presenter
2000, Northside Gifted and Talented Student Science Program, Presenter
1999-2000, Korean United Methodist Church, Translator and Interpreter
1996, National High School Institute, Northwestern University, Lecturer
2020, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials, Reviewer
2019, International Journal of Oral Science, Reviewer
2017, ExamSoft Assessment Conference, Reviewer
2016, Microscopy Research and Technique, Reviewer
2015-18, Angle Orthodontics, Reviewer
2015-17, Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials, Reviewer
2015, Biomacromolecules, Reviewer
2015, Journal of Nanomaterials, Reviewer
2015, The Scientific World Journal, Reviewer
2013, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Reviewer
2013, Medical Principles and Practice, Reviewer
2011-18, Dental Materials, Reviewer
2006, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
2005-11, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Reviewer
2002, Tissue Engineering Special Interest Group Student Recognition Award, Reviewer
1999-2001, Biomaterials, Reviewer
2001, Society for Biomaterials, Program Committee, Chair
2001, Society for Biomaterials, Special Interest Group Program Committee
1999-2002, Society for Biomaterials, Membership Committee
Whang K. 13. Resin-Based Composites In: Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials 12th Ed.. Elsevier; 2012. p. 275 - 306.
Whang K, Healy, KE. Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Freeze-Drying In: Methods of Tissue Engineering. Academic Press; 2001.
Whang K, McCoy SL. Biodegradable Materials Module In: Materials World Modules. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University; 1997.
Improving Shelf Life And Color Profile Of Resin Compositions With Silver Nanoparticles US 2016/0255839 A1 PCT #:PCT/US14/58927 Issue Date: 4/9/19, Patent#: US 2016/0255839 A1
Improving Color And Release Profile Of Resin Compositions Comprising Silver Nanoparticles US 2016/0255840 A1 PCT #:PCT/US14/58929 Issue Date: 12/18/2018, Patent#: US 2016/0255840 A1
In Situ Formation of Nanoparticles in Resins. US 2011/0306699 A1 PCT #:WO 2010/077985 A1 PCT Date: 7/6/2010 US Patent Issue Date: 7/15/14 Continuation Issue Date: 11/1/16, Patent#: US 2011/0306699 A1, Co-Inventor(s): H.R. Rawls B.K. Norling
Light- and Dual-Cure Dental Resins and Adhesives with Increased Cure and Color- Stability, and Low Color. US 2011/0200973 A1 PCT#: PCT/US08/85067 Issue Date: 7/22/14 Continuation Issue Date: 9/8/15, Patent#: US 2011/0200973 A1, Co-Inventor(s): H.R. Rawls N. Barghi R. Plymate
A Novel Method to Fabricate Porous Bioabsorable Scaffolds Useful for Controlled Delivery of Protein-Based Drugs and Tissue Regeneration, Date: 3/3/1998, Patent#: 5,723,508, Co- Inventor(s): K.E. Healy
“Restorative Resin Compositions And Methods Of Use.” Converted to patent application on April 8. 2015, Application No. 61/885,644., Patent#: 15/302,320, Co-Inventor(s): H.R. Rawls, A. Johnston
Use of Boron Nitride Nanosheets to Increase Composite Modulus and Decrease Viscosity and Phase Separation in Composites with Hydrophobic Monomers. Submitted Invention Disclosure Form 4/3/18. Provisional Patent submitted 6/18. PCT submitted 4/19., Co- Inventor(s): Alexander Tribley Benjamin Furman
Novel method to exfoliate boron nitride nano sheets using microfluidization enhanced with a temperature- controlled microwave. Provisional Patent filed 10/26/2020, US #63/105,670, Patent#: US 63/105,670, Co-Inventor(s): Samual Sansone
Sathissarat J, Danso R, Chu L, Rawls HR, Whang K. Development of a Difunctional Oxirane and Multifunctional Acrylate Interpenetrating Polymer Network Composite System with Antimicrobial Properties Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021 Apr;e5077
Barto A, Vandewalle KS, Lien W, Whang K. Repair of Resin-Veneered Polyetheretherketone After Veneer Fracture Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2021 Feb
Algamaiah H, Danso R, Banas J, Armstrong S, Whang K, Rawls HR, Teixeira EC. The effect of aging methods on the fracture toughness and physical stability of an Oxirane/Acrylate, Ormocer, and Bis-GMA based resin composites Clinical Oral Investigations 2020;24:369-375.
Rawls HR, Whang K. Advances in Restorative Resin-Based Composites – A Review California Dental Association Journal 2019 May;47(5):311-328.
Chan DCN, Hu W, Chung K-H, Larsen R, Jensen S, Cao D, Gaviria L, Ong JL, Whang K, Eiampongpaiboon T. Reactions: Antibacterial and bioactive dental restorative materials: Do they really work? American Journal of Dentistry 2018 Nov;31(B):32B-36B.
Danso R, Hoedebecke B, Whang K, Sarrami S, Johnston A, Flipse S, Wong N, Rawls HR. Development of an Oxirane/Acrylate Interpenetrating Polymer Network (IPN) Resin System Dental Materials 2018;34:1459-1465.
Moreira D M, Oei J D, Rawls HR, Wagner J, Chu L, Li Y, Zhang W, Whang K. A Novel Antimicrobial Orthodontic Band Cement with In Situ-Generated Silver Nanoparticles The Angle Orthodontist 2015 Mar;85(2):175-183.
Oei J. D., Mishriki M., Barghi N, Rawls HR, Cardenas H. L., Aguirre R., Whang K. Development of a low-color, color stable, dual cure dental resin Dental Materials 2013 Apr;29(4):405-412.
DeSilva M, Zhao, W., Schultz, S., Whang K, Chu L. Cocktails of Silver Ions and Antibiotics: Antimicrobial Activities for Wound Infections. International Wound Journal 2013
Oei JD, Zhao WW, Chu L, DeSilva MN, Ghimire A, Rawls HR, Whang K. Antimicrobial Acrylic Materials with In Situ Generated Silver Nanoparticles Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 2012 Jan;100B:409-415.
Schultz S, DeSilva M, Gu TT, Qiang M, Whang K. Effects of the Analgesic Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) and its p-Aminophenol Metabolite on Viability of Mouse Cultured Cortical Neurons Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2011 Aug;Onlin
C. Fan, L. Chu, H.R. Rawls, B.K. Norling, H.L. Cardenas, and K. Whang. Development of an antimicrobial resin - a pilot study Dental Materials 2011 Mar;27:322-328.
Whang K, McDonald J, Khan A, Satsangi N. A novel osteotropic biomaterial-OG- PLG: Synthesis and in-vitro release J. Biomed. Mater. Res.-Part A 2005 Aug;74(A)(2):237-246.
Whang K, Grageda E, Khan A, McDonald J, Lawton M, Satsangi N. A novel osteotropic biomaterial- OG-PLG III: in- vitro efficacy J. Biomed. Mater. Res. - Part A 2005 Aug;74 A(2):247-253.
Whang K, Goldstick TK, Healy KE. A biodegradable polymer scaffold for delivery of osteotropic factors. Biomaterials 2000 Dec;21(24):2545-2551.
Whang K, Healy KE, Elenz DR, Nam EK, Tsai DC, Thomas CH, Nuber GW, Glorieux FH, Travers R, Sprague SM. Engineering bone regeneration with bioabsorbable scaffolds with novel microarchitecture. Tissue Eng 1999 Feb;5(1):35-51.
Whang K, Tsai DC, Nam EK, Aitken M, Sprague SM, Patel P, Healy KE. Ectopic Bone Formation via rhBMP-2 Delivery from Porous Bioabsorbable Polymer Scaffolds J of Biomedical Materials Research 1998 Dec;42(4):491-499.
Elenz D, Whang K, Thomas C, Nam E, Tsai D, Healy K, Nuber G, Bowen M. Treatment of Experimental Bone Defects with Porous Bioabsorbable Copolymer Scaffolds Northwestern University Medical School, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Journal 1996;1(12-21)
Whang K, Thomas CH, Healy KE. A Novel Method to Fabricate Bioabsorbable Scaffolds Polymer 1995;36(4):837-842.
Alkuor T, Whang K. Balancing Strength and Translucency of Zirconia 2020 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research (Special Issue)).
Whang K, Tribley A, Furman B. Effect Of Boron Nitride Nanosheets On OASys Composite Properties 2019 Jun. (Journal of Dental Research (Special Edition IADR Abstracts)).
Suprono MS, Kwon S, Rawls HR, Zhong Z, Ahmed ASI, Zhang W, Whang K, Aprecio RM, Wang P, Lee S, Arambula M, Piper A, Danso R, Li Y. Dentin/Pulp Responses to a hydrophobic Oxirane/Acylate IPN Resin Composite 2019 Jun. (Journal of Dental Research (Special Edition IADR Abstracts)).
Zhang W, Rawls HR, Zhong Z, Ahmed ASI, Whang K, Aprecio R, Danso, R, Li Y. Mutagenicity Evaluation of a hydrophobic Oxirane/Acrylate IPN Resin Composite 2019 Jun. (Journal of Dental Research (Special Edition IADR Abstracts).
Zhang W, Rawls HR, Zhong Z, Ahmed ASI, Whang K, Mohamed O, Handysides C, Wang M, Suprono MS, Kwon S, Aprecio R, Danso R, Li Y. Hypersensitivity/Oral Mucosa Irritation Potential of a Hydrophobic Oxirane/Acrylate IPN Composite 2019 Jun. (Journal of Dental Research (Special Edition IADR Abstracts)).
Sathissarat J, Danso R, Rawls HR, Whang K. Development of OASys Composites with Difunctional Oxiranes and Multifunctional Acrylates 2018 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Reddy S, Danso RK, Burbick H, Rawls HR, Whang K. Effect Of 9-BBN On Cure And Hydrophobicity Of OASys Composites 2017 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Lee S, Zhang W, Danso RK, Milman A, Li Y, Vanderwalle K, Rawls HR, Whang K. Bond Strength And In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity Of An Oxirane/Acrylate Interpenetrating Network System (OASys)-Based Bonding Agent 2017 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Drew H, Lin AL, Sarrami S, Tiong W, Haney S, Yeh C, Whang K. Development of an Antimicrobial Soft Denture Liner with in situ-Generated Silver Nanoparticles for the Prevention and Treatment of Candidiasis 2016 Oct. (2016 Annual Session of the American College of Prosthodontics).
Whang K. Bone Cement With In Situ Generated Nanoparticles For The Long- Term Prevention Of Implant-Related Infections In Traumatic Brain Injury Patients 2016 Aug. (2016 Military Health System Research Symposium).
Oldham M, Danso R, Milman A, Silva FBd, Johnston A, Pecha T, Rawls HR, Whang K. Interpenetrating Network Composites with Multifunctional Oxiranes and Acrylates 2016 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Poon J, Silva FBd, Pecha T, Milman A, Sarrami S, Chu L, Danso R, Johnston A, Rawls HR, Whang K. Antimicrobial Oxirane/Acrylate Bonding Resins with Silver Nanoparticles 2016 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Drew H, Lin AL, Sarrami S, Tiong W, Haney S, Yeh C, Whang K. Antimicrobial Denture Liner With Silver Nanoparticles For Treatment of Candidiasis 2016 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Whang K, Shute W, Danso R, Sarrami S, Milman A, Fabricio B, Tiong W, Pecha T, Saleh G, Wendt SL, Johnston A, Rawls HR. Optimization of Initiators for Bifunctional Oxirane/Multifunctional Acrylate Resins 2016 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Hoedebecke B, Sarrami S, Flipse S, Wong, NC, Rawls HR, Whang K. A Novel Oxirane/Acrylate Restorative System with Multifunctional Acrylate 2015 Apr. (UTHSCSA Dental Science Symposium).
Oei JD, Johnston A, Sarrami S, Rawls HR, Whang K. A Novel Hybrid Oxirane- Acrylate Restorative System 2015 Apr. (UTHSCSA Dental Science Symposium).
Battle-Siatita S., Sarrami S., Tran N, Whang K. A Novel Antimicrobial Dental Resin Root Surface Treatment 2015 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Felicetta C, Trahan S, Sarrami S, Whang K. Color Control of a Novel Antimicrobial Pit and Fissure Sealant 2014 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Trahan S, Oei J D, Sarrami S, Whang K. Development of a Novel, Antimicrobial, Resin Sealant 2014 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Botto AA, Johnston A, Sarrami S, Oei JD, Wong NC, Rawls HR, Whang K. A Novel Oxirane Acrylate Interpenetrating Network Restorative System (OASys) 2014 Mar. (UTHSCSA Research Day Poster).
Oei J D, Atwood J, Rawls HR, Whang K. Development Of A Low-Chroma, Color- Stable Dual-Cure UDMA-Based Restorative Resin. 2013 Oct. (Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry).
Whang K, Moreira D, Oei JD, Chu L, Sarrami S, Rawls HR, Wagner J. A Novel Antimicrobial Root Canal Sealer 2013 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Whang K, Moriera D, Oei, J, Rawls HR, Wagner, J, Christensen, C. A Novel Antimicrobial Orthodontic Band Cement 2012. (Journal of Dental Research).
Mota Moreira D., Oei J. D., Rawls HR, Wagner J., Chu L, Whang K. Antibacterial Activity of a Novel Silver Nanoparticle-Loaded Orthodontic Band Cement 2012. (Journal of Dental Research).
DeSilva MN, Zhao WW, Whang K, Schultz ST, Chu L. Liposomes loaded with rifampicin and tobramycin for anti-staphylococcus aureus action. 2011 Jun. p. 298-301. (Nanotechnology 2011).
Ghimire, A., Fan, C., Chu L, Rawls HR, Norling BK, Cardenas, H. L., Whang K. Development of Silver Nanoparticle-Loaded Antimicrobial Resins. [Abstract #1949] 2011 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Whang K, Chu L, Zhao WW, Oei J, Ghimire A, Fan C, Cardenas HL, Rawls HR, DeSilva M. Antimicrobial Acrylic Materials for Cranioplasty. [Abstract #2175] 2011 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Oei J, Mishriky M, Ghimire A, Fan C, Cardenas HL, Rawls HR, Whang K. Development of low-color, color stable, dual cure dental resin cements. [Abstract #3290] 2011 Mar. (Journal of Dental Research).
Lackovic KP, Furman B, Hatch JP, Whang K, Chu L, Rawls HR. Silver Nanoparticles to Improve Antimicrobial Properties of Orthodontic Bracket-Bonding Cement [Abstract 0429]. 2008 Jul. (J Dent Res 87(SI B-CD)).
Gillespie M, Rawls HR, Demeler B, Schirf V, Furman B, Whang K. Development of Surface Coatings for Silver Nanoparticles. 2008 Mar. (44th Annual Dental Students' Conference on Research).
Gillespie M, Rawls HR, Demeler B, Schirf V, Furman B, Whang K. Development of Surface Coatings for Silver Nanoparticles. 2007 Nov. (37th Annual Session of the American College of Prosthodontista).
Hooks RM, Jackson CL, Furman BR, Norling BK, Whang K, Percy SN, Satsangi N, Aguirre R, Cardenas, Rawls HR. Crosslinking and glass transition in low shrinkage restorative resins. 2007 Apr. (Proceedings, 26th Dental Science Symposium, UTHSCSA, San Antonio,TX).
Jackson CL, Hooks RM, Furman BR, Whang K, Percy S, Cardenas HL, Norling BK, Satsangi N, Aguirre R, Rawls HR. Optimization of cure-rate and mechanical properties in low-shrinkage resins. 2007 Apr. (Proceedings, 26th Dental Science Symposium, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX).
Jackson CL, Hooks RM, Furman BR, Whang K, Percy SN, Cardenas HL,Norling BK, Satsangi N, Aguirre R, Rawls HR. Optimization of Cure-rate and Mechanical Properties in Low-shrinkage Resins (Abstract 2680) 2007 Mar. (J. Dent. Res.; vol. 87).
Hooks RM, Jackson CL, Furman BR, Norling BK, Whang K, Percy SN, Satsangi N, Cardenas, HL, Rawls HR. Crosslinking and Glass Transition in Low Shrinkage Restorative Resins (Abstract 1599) 2007 Mar. (J. Dent. Res.; vol. 87).
Wang Q, Satsangi N, Whang K, Furman B, Cardenas H, Rawls HR. Effects of Plasticizer and Comonomers on Solid Liquid Crystal Resins (Abstract 0822) 2006 Mar. (J. Dent. Res.; vol. 85).
Khan A, Grageda E, Satsangi N, Whang K. Novel Osteotropic Biomaterial OG- PLG: In Vitro Release Kinetics and Efficacy (Abstr 0128) 2005 Mar. (J. Dent. Res.; vol. 84).
Whang K, Jere D, Khan A, Satsangi N, Elliott J. A Novel Osteotropic Biomaterial OG-PLG: In Vivo Efficacy (Abstract 2114) 2005 Mar. (J. Dent. Res.; vol. 84).
Whang K, Jere D, Khan A, Satsangi N, Elliott JJ. A novel osteotropic biomaterial OG-PLG: in vivo efficacy. 2005 Mar. (Proceedings, 24th Dental Science Symposium, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX).
Mohamed C, Elliott JJ, Satsangi N, Whang K. Efficacy of OG-PLG in the rat calvarial critical size defect (Abstract 2066) 2004 Mar. (J. Dent. Res.; vol. 83).
Whang K, Elliott, J, Sarro, LM, Lawton, M, McDonald, JW. Efficacy of a Novel Osteogenic Biomaterial, OG-PLG: A Pilot Study 2003. (J Dent Res (Special Issue A, AADR Abstracts); vol. 82, no. A).
Whang K, Lawton, M, McDonald, JW, Kadapakkam, S. Effect of Simvastatin and Activated Simvastatin on In Vitro Bone Formation in Rat Bone Marrow Cells 2003. (J Dent Res (Special Issue, AADR Abstracts); vol. 82, no. A).
Whang K, Grageda, E, McDonald, JW, Lawton, M, Kadapakkam, S. In Vitro Effects of Simvastatin and Activated Simvastatin on Rat Bone Marrow Cells 2003. (Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials).
Whang K, Elliott J, Sarro LM, Lawton M, McDonald JW, Satsangi N. The In Vivo Efficacy of a Novel Osteotropic Biomaterial, OG-PLG: A Pilot Study (Abstract 435) 2003. (Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials).
Whang K, Satsangi N, Norling BK, Kadapakkam S, Furman BR, Glover RL, Cardenas HL, Liska B, Emmons J, Vo J. The development of a novel osteotropic biomaterial: OG-PLG (Abstract 2138) 2002 Mar. (J. Dent. Res.; vol. 81, no. A- 274).
Whang K, Satsangi N, Norling B, Kadapakkam, SR, Glover RL, Cardenas HL, Liska B, Emmons J, Vo J. The development of a novel osteotropic biomaterial: PLG-Statin (Abstract 569) 2001 Apr. (Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials).
Whang K, Glover, HL, Cardenas, HL, Furman, BR, Liska, B, Emmons, J, Vo, J, Kadapakkam, SR. The Effect of Simvastatin on Fetal Rat Calvarial Cells 2001. (J Dent Res (Special Issue, AADR Abstracts); vol. 80).
Whang K, Thomas, VL, Sanford, BA. Biofilm Formation on Poly [lactide-co- glycolide] Films: A Preliminary Study 2000. (J Dent Res (Special Issue); vol. 79).
Whang K, Thomas, VL, Sanford, BA. Biofilm Formation on Poly[lactide-co- glycolide: A Preliminary Study 2000. (Transactions of the Sixth World Biomaterials Congress; vol. 3, no. 1425).
Whang K, Zhao, M, Qiao, M, Rossini, G, Horn, D, Garrett, JR, Mundy, GR, Chen D. Administration of Lovastatin Locally in Low Doses in a Novel Delivery System Induces Prolonged Bone Formation 2000. (Transactions of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and mineral Research).
Whang K, Tsai DC, Nam EK, Aitken ME, Patel P, Healy KE. Bone Regeneration Using Controlled Release of rhBMP-2 from Bioabsorbable Scaffolds 1998. p. 143. (Proceedings of the 17th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference).
Whang K, Tsai DC, Nam EK, Aitken ME, Patel P, Healy KE. Bone Regeneration Using Controlled Drug Delivery from Bioabsorbable Scaffolds 1998. (Proceedings of the 10th Annual Texas Mineralized Tissue Society Conference).
Whang K, Tsai DC, Nam EK, Aitken ME, Goldstick TK, Patel P, Healy KE. Controlled Release of Bioactive Factors from Bioabsorbable Emulsion Freeze- Dried Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering 1997. p. 284-286. (Proceedings of the Topical Conference on Biomaterials, Carriers for Drug Delivery and Scaffolds for).
Whang K. Bone Regeneration Employing Bioabsorbable Scaffolds with Unique Microarchitecture 1996. p. 17. (Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology: Tissue Engineering).
Elenz DR, Whang K, Thomas CH, Nam EK, Tsai DC, Healy KE, Nuber GW, Bowen MK. Treatment of Experimental Bone Defects with Porous Bioabsorbable Copolymer Scaffolds 1996. p. 448. (Transactions of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society; vol. 21, no. 2).
Whang K, Elenz DR, Nam EK, Tsai DC, Thomas CH, Nuber GW, Bowen BS, Bauer PK, Patel PK, Healy KE. The Bioabsorbable PLGA Matrix for Osseous Reconstruction: Preliminary Report 1996. (Craniofacial Surgery: State of the Art Symposium).
Whang K, Goldstick TK, Healy KE. Control of Protein Release From Emulsion Freeze-Dried Scaffolds with Unique Microarchitecture 1996. (Fifth World Biomaterials Congress; vol. 2, no. 774).
Whang K, Elenz DR, Nam EK, Tsai DC, Thomas CH, Nuber GW, Bowen MK, Healy KE. Bone Regeneration Using Emulsion Freeze-Dried PLGA Scaffolds wiht Medium Pore Sizes Less than 50 um 1996. (Fifth World Biomaterials Congress; vol. 1, no. 292).
Whang K, Healy KE. Controlled Release of Protein from Emulsion Freeze-Dried PLGA Scaffolds 1995. (Proceedings of the International Symposium of Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials; vol. 22, no. 536).
Whang K. A New Method to Fabricate Porous Bioabsorbable Scaffolds 1994. (J Dent Res; vol. 73, no. 294).
Healy KE, Whang K, Kim J. Bioabsorbable Scaffolds Useful for Bone Regeneration 1993. (J Dent Res; vol. 72, no. 258).
Whang K, Kim JE, Healy KE. A Novel Method to Co-Dissolve Adsorbable Polymers with Water-Soluble Proteins 1993.
Healy KE, Whang K, Kim JE. A Method to Co-Dissolve Absorbable Polymers with Water-Soluble Proteins 1993. (Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials; vol. 16, no. 294).
Whang K. Bisphenol A (BPA) Release From Resin Composite Material is Detectable But Not Clinically Significant. UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2016 Nov:3105
Yates D, Whang K. Zinc Oxide Can Potentially Reduce the Risk of Peri-Implantitis and Implant Failure UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2016 Mar:2995
Lee S, Whang K. MDPB-Containing Bonding Agents Offer Short-Term Inhibition of Bacterial Growth UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2015 Oct
Lewis MP, Whang K. CAT of the Month. Composite Resin Sealants Are More Cost- and Time-Effective Than Glass Ionomer Sealants Texas Dental Journal 2015 Oct;130(10):799-799.
Whang K. Top Ten Ways to Engage Faculty When Implementing ExamSoft ExamSoft White Paper 2015 Jul
Bernal CA, Patel NK, Whang K. Bulk-fill Resin Composites Can Potentially Be as Effective as Conventional Composite Restorations Even In Class 2 Preparations. UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2015 Apr
Oei JD, Whang K. Silver Nanoparticle (AgNP)-Containing Resin Bonding Systems Significantly Reduced the Viability of Caries-Related Bacteria and Plaque Biofilms. UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2015 Mar
Lewis MP, Whang K. Composite Resin Sealants Are More Cost- and Time- Effective Than Glass Ionomer Sealants UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2014 Dec
Shute W, Whang K. Composite Resin with an Epoxy-Based Monomer System May be less Susceptible to Failure Than Traditional Methacrylate-Based Resins UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2014 Dec
Lambert SP, Whang K. Silorane-Based Composite Resin Bonding System Is More Resistant to Chemical and Enzymatic Degradation In Vitro than Traditional Methacrylate System UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2014 Dec
Jones JP, Whang K. Hydroxyapatite (HA) Coating on Titanium Implants Increases Osseointegration in the Osteoporotic Animal Model. UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2014
Schwind CSC, Whang K. Flowable Resin Composites Reduce Microleakage When Applied As a Liner. UTHSCSA Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) 2014
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