Departments & Divisions
Marc H Weiner, M.D.
Associate Professor
Dr. Marc Weiner was awarded his Doctorate in Medicine from New York University School of Medicine and completed a Residency in Medicine and a Fellowship in Infectious Diseases at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Currently he is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center. His clinical research interests focus on the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenomics of antituberculosis drugs with research supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Veterans Administration. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Professional Background
- 1976 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Infectious Diseases and Immunology (NIH, NIAID Research Fellowship AI-01729) - NIH, NIAID and University North Carolina
- 1974 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Infectious Diseases - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 1973 - Residency - Medicine - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 1970 - MD - Medicine - New York University School of Medicine
- 1966 - BA - Chemistry (Cum Laude with Honors) - City University of New York, Queens College
- 7/1982 - Associate Professor and Attending Staff - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and VAMC San Antonio, Medicine, San Antonio
Research & Grants
Funding Agency CDC/USPHS and VA Title Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic, treatment and diagnostic studies of the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (2014-2019) Status Active Period 10/2014 - 9/2019 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail
Villarino E, Scott N, Weis S, Weiner M, Conde M, Jones B, Nachman S, Oliveira R, Shang N, Sterling T, and IMPAACT and TB Trials Consortium. Tolerability among children of three months of once-weekly rifapentine INH (3HP) vs. 9 months of daily INH (9H) for treatment of latent tuberculosis infection: The PREVENT TB Study (TBTC Study 26/ACTG 5259); 2012 Oct. (Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society). Weiner M, R. Savic, D. Wing, W.R. Mac Kenzie, C.A. Peloquin, M. Engle, E. Bliven, A. Borisov, S.M. Abdel-Rahman, G.L. Kearns, W. Burman, T.R. Sterling, M.E. Villarino, Tuberculosis Trials Consortium Study 26PK Group. Rifapentine pharmacokinetics and tolerability in children and adults treated once weekly with rifapentine/isoniazid for Latent Tuberculosis Infection; 2012 Sep. (5th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs). Mahapatra S, Hess AM, 2, Johnson JL3, Kathleen D. Eisenach K, DeGroote MA, Joloba ML, Weiner M, Boom WH, Belisle JT. Metabolic biosignatures for monitoring the treatment of tuberculosis; 2012 May. (Drug Resistance and Persistence in Tuberculosis Keystone Symposia Conference). Ochsner U, DeGroote M, Sterling D, Nahid P, Johnson J, Weiner M, Muzanye G, Janjic J. A pilot study of protein signatures from TB patients treated with two rifamycin-containing regimens using SOMAscan, a multiplex SOMAmer assay platform; 2012 May. (Drug Resistance and Persistence in Tuberculosis Keystone Symposia Conference). Weiner M, C Peloquin, M Engle, E Egelund, T Prihoda, W Mac Kenzie. The pharmacokinetic interaction between raltegravir and rifapentine in healthy volunteers; 2012 Mar. (CROI). Weiner M. 3rd International Workshop for TB Chemotherapy; 2010 Oct. (53rd International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs).
Journal Article
Savic RM, Weiner M, Mac Kenzie WR, Engle M, Whitworth WC, Johnson JL, Nsubuga P, Nahid P, Nguyen NV, Peloquin CA, Dooley KE, Dorman SE. Defining the Optimal Dose of Rifapentine for Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Exposure-Response Relations From Two Phase 2 Clinical Trials Clin Pharmacol Ther 2017 Jan;. Hennig, Stefanie; Svensson, Elin; Niebecker, Ronald; Fourie, Bernard; Weiner, Marc; Bonora, Stefano; Peloquin, Charles; Gallicano, Keith; Flexner, Charles; Pym, Alexander; Vis, Peter; Olliaro, Piero; McIlleron, Helen; Karlsson, Mats O. Population pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction pooled analysis of existing data for rifabutin and HIV-protease inhibitors J Antimicrob Chemotherapy 2016 Mar;. Luetkemeyer A; Firnhaber C; Kendall MA; Wu X; Benator D; Arduino R; Fernandez M; Johnson P; Mazurek GH; Metchock B; Sattler F; Telzak E; Wang W; Weiner M; Swindells S; Sanne IM; Havlir DV; Alland D; on behalf of the ACTG A5295/TBTC 34 Study teams. Xpert MTB/RIF to rapidly identify pulmonary tuberculosis and discontinue respiratory isolation in TB suspects from low and high prevalence settings Clin Infect Dis 2016 Mar;. 59. Walter ND, Miller MA, Vasquez J, Weiner M, Chapman A, Engle M, Higgins M, Quinones AM, Rosselli V, Canono E, Yoon C, Cattamanchi A, Davis JL, Phang T, Stearman RS, Datta G, Garcia BJ, Daley CL, Strong M, Kechris K, Fingerlin TE, Reves R, Geraci MW. Blood transcriptional biomarkers for active TB among US patients: A case-control study with systematic cross-classifier evaluation J Clinic Microbiol 2016 Feb;54(2):274-282. Jayakumara A; Vittinghoff E; Segal MR; MacKenzie WR; Johnson JL; P Gittae P; Saukkonen J; Andersona J; Weiner M; Engle M; Yoona C; Kato-Maeda M; Nahid P and the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. Serum biomarkers of treatment response within a randomized clinical trial for pulmonary tuberculosis Tuberculosis 2015 Jul;95(4):415-420. Dorman SE; Savic RM; Goldberg S; Stout JE; Schluger N; Muzanyi G; Johnson JL; Nahid P; Hecker EJ; Heilig CM; Bozeman L; Feng PJ; Moro RN; MacKenzie W; Dooley KE; Nuermberger EL; Vernon A; Weiner M; Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. Daily rifapentine for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. A randomized, dose-ranging trial American J Respir Crit Care Medicine 2015 Mar;191(3):333-343. Villarino ME; Scott NA; Weis SE; Weiner M; Conde MB; Jones B; Nachman S; Oliveira R; Moro RN; Shang N; Goldberg SV; Sterling TR; International Maternal Pediatric and Adolescents AIDS Clinical Trials Group; Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. Treatment for preventing tuberculosis in children and adolescents: a randomized clinical trial of a 3-month, 12-dose regimen of a combination of rifapentine and isoniazid JAMA Pediatrics 2015 Mar;169(3):247-255. Egelund EF, Weiner M, Singh RP, Prihoda TJ, Gelfond JAL, Derendorf H, Mac Kenzie WR, Peloquin CAP. Protein binding of rifapentine and the 25-desacetyl metabolite in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014 May;58(8):4904-4910. Nahid P, Bliven-Sizemore E, Jarlsberg LG, De Groote MA, Johnson JL, Muzanyi G, Engle M, Weiner M, Janjic N, Sterling DG, Ochsner UA. Aptamer-based proteomic signature of intensive phase treatment response in pulmonary tuberculosis Tuberculosis (Edinb) 2014 May;94(3):187-196. Weiner M, Egelund EF, Engle M, Kiser M, Prihoda TJ, Gelfond JA, Mac Kenzie W, Peloquin CA. Pharmacokinetic interaction of rifapentine and raltegravir in healthy volunteers J Antimicrob Chemother 2014 Apr;69(4):1079-1085. Weiner M, Savic RM, Mac Kenzie WR, Wing D, Peloquin CA, Engle M, Bliven E, Prihoda TJ, Gelfond JAL, Scott NA, Abdel-Rahman SM, Kearns GL, Burman WJ, Sterling TR, Villarino ME. Rifapentine pharmacokinetics and tolerability in children and adults treated once weekly with rifapentine and isoniazid for Latent Tuberculosis Infection Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 2014 Mar;3(2):132-145. Savic RM, Lu Y, Bliven-Sizemore E, Weiner M, Nuermberger E, Burman W, Dorman SE, Dooley KE. Population pharmacokinetics of rifapentine and desacetyl rifapentine in healthy volunteers: nonlinearities in clearance and bioavailability Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014 Mar;. Egelund EF, Weiner M, Singh RP, Prihoda TJ, Gelfond JAL, Derendorf H, Mac Kenzie WR, Peloquin CAP. Population pharmacokinetics of rifapentine and desacetyl rifapentine in healthy volunteers: nonlinearities in clearance and bioavailability Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014 Jan;58(6):3035-3042. De Groote MA, Nahid P, Jarlsberg L, Johnson JL, Weiner M, Muzanyi G, Janjic N, Sterling DG, Ochsner UA. Elucidating novel serum biomarkers associated with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment PLoS One 2013 Apr;8(4):61002-61002. Padayatchi, N. Mac Kenzie, W R. Hirsch-Moverman, Y. Feng, P-J. Villarino, E. Saukkonen, J. Heilig, C M. Weiner, M. El-Sadr, W M. Lessons from a randomized clinical trial for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2012 Dec;16(12):1582-1587. Chigutsa, Emmanuel. Meredith, Sandra. Wiesner, Lubbe. Padayatchi, Nesri. Harding, Joe. Moodley, Prashini. Mac Kenzie, William R. Weiner, Marc. McIlleron, Helen. Kirkpatrick, Carl M J. Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of ofloxacin in South African patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2012 Jul;56(7):3857-3863. Dooley KE, Bliven-Sizemore EE, Weiner M, Lu Y, Nuermberger EL, Hubbard C, Fuchs EJ, Melia MT, Burman WJ, Dorman SE. Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Escalating Daily Doses of the Antituberculosis Drug Rifapentine in Healthy Volunteers Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2012 Jan;91(5):881-888. Dorman SE. Goldberg S. Stout JE. Muzanyi G. Johnson JL. Weiner M. Bozeman L. Heilig CM. Feng PJ. Moro R. Narita M. Nahid P. Ray S. Bates E. Haile B. Nuermberger EL. Vernon A. Schluger NW. Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. Substitution of rifapentine for rifampin during intensive phase treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: Study 29 of the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium J Infect Dis 2012 Jan;206(7):1030-1040. Sterling TR, Villarino ME, Borisov AS, Shang N, Gordin F, Bliven-Sizemore E, Hackman J, Hamilton CD, Menzies D, Kerrigan A, Weis SE, Weiner M, Wing D, Conde MB, Bozeman L, Horsburgh CR Jr, Chaisson RE; TB Trials Consortium PREVENT TB Study Team. Three months of rifapentine and isoniazid for latent tuberculosis infection N Engl J Med 2011 Dec;365(23):2155-2166. Weiner M, Prihoda TJ, Burman W, Johnson JL, Goldberg S, Padayatchi N, Duran P, Engle M, Muzanye G, Mugerwa RD, Sturm AW. Evaluation of time to detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in broth culture as a determinant for end points in treatment trials J Clin Microbiol 2010 Dec;48(12):4370-4376. Weiner M, Peloquin C, Burman W, Luo CC, Engle M, Prihoda TJ, Mac Kenzie WR, Bliven-Sizemore E, Johnson JL, Vernon A. Effects of tuberculosis, race, and human gene SLCO1B1 polymorphisms on rifampin concentrations Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2010 Oct;54(10):4192-4200. Burman W, Weis S, Vernon A, Khan A, Jones B, Silva C, Lahart C, Benator D, King B, Mangura B, Weiner M, El-Sadr W, and the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. Frequency, severity and duration of immune reconstitution events in HIV-related tuberculosis Intern J of Tuberculosis Lung Dis 2007 Nov;. Peloquin CA, Durbin D, Childs J, Sterling TR, Weiner M, Weiner MH. Stability of antituberculosis drugs mixed in food Clin Infect Dis 2007 Aug;45(4):521-521. Weiner MH. Clinical evaluation of the nelfinavir-rifabutin interaction in patients with tuberculosis and human immunodeficience virus infection Pharmacotherapy 2007 Jun;27(6):793-800. Weiner MH. Effects of rifampin and multidrug resistance gene polymorphism on concentrations of moxifloxacin Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2007 May;51(8):2861-2866. Sterling TR, Zhao Z, Khan A, Chaisson RE, Schluger N, Mangura B, Weiner M, Vernon A, Weiner M. Mortality in a large tuberculosis treatment trial: modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2006 May;10(5):542-549. Weiner M, Benator D, Peloquin CA, Burman W, Vernon A, Engle M, Khan A, Zhao Z, Weiner MH. Evaluation of the drug interaction between rifabutin and efavirenz in patients with HIV infection and tuberculosis Clin Infect Dis 2005 Nov;41(9):1343-1349. Burman W, Benator D, Vernon A, Khan A, Jones B, Silva C, Lahart C, Weis S, King B, Mangura B, Weiner M, El-Sadr W, Weiner MH. Acquired Rifamycin-resistance with Twice-weekly Treatment of HIV-related Tuberculosis Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005 Aug;173:350-356. Weiner M, Benator D, Burman W, Peloquin CA, Khan A, Vernon A, Jones B, Silva-Trigo C, Zhao Z, Hodge T, Weiner MH. Association between acquired rifamycin resistance and the pharmacokinetics of rifabutin and isoniazid among patients with HIV and tuberculosis Clin Infect Dis 2005 May;40(10):1481-1491. Weiner M, Bock N, Peloquin CA, Burman WJ, Khan A, Vernon A, Zhao Z, Weis S, Sterling TR, Hayden K, Goldberg S. Pharmacokinetics of rifapentine at 600, 900, and 1,200 mg during once-weekly tuberculosis therapy Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004 Jun;169(11):1191-1197.
Not Specified
Weiner M, Gelfond J, Johnson-Pais TL, Engle M, Peloquin CA, Johnson JL4 Sizemore EE, Mac Kenzie WR. Elevated Plasma Moxifloxacin Concentrations and SLCO1B1 g.-11187G>A Polymorphism in Adults with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2018 Feb;. Sigal GB, Segal MR, Jarlsberg L, Mathew A, Wang AM, Barbero S, Small N, Haynesworth K, Dobos K, Kruh-Garcia N, Davis L, Weiner M, Jacobs J, Schorey J, Lewinsohn D, Nahid P. Biomarkers of Tuberculosis Severity and Treatment Effect: A Directed Screen of 70 Host Markers in a Randomized Clinical Trial EBioMedicine 2017 Nov;:112-121. Belknap R; M.D. Holland D; Feng PJ; Millet JP; Cayla JA; Martinson NA; Wright A; Chen MP; Moro RN; Scott NA; Arevalo B; Miro JM; Villarino ME; Weiner M; Borisov AS. Once-Weekly Isoniazid and Rifapentine, Self-Administered Versus Directly Observed for Latent Tuberculosis (iAdhere Study): A Randomized Trial Ann Intern Med 2017 Nov;167(10):689-697. Alsultan A; Savic RM; Dooley, KE; Weiner M; Whitworth WC: Mac Kenzie W; Peloquin CA. Population Pharmacokinetics of Pyrazinamide in Patients with Tuberculosis Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017 May;61(6). Savic RM; Weiner M; Mac Kenzie W; Engle M; Whitworth WC: Johnson JL; Nsubuga P; Nahid P; Nguyen N; Peloquin CA; Dooley, KE; Dorman SE for the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rifapentine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in two clinical treatment trials in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis In clearance at the CDC prior to journal submission 2016 Aug;. Luetkemeyer AF, Firnhaber C, Kendall MA, Wu X, Mazurek GH, Benator DA, Arduino R, Fernandez M, Guy E, Johnson P, Metchock B, Sattler F, Telzak E, Wang YF, Weiner M, Swindells S, Sanne IM, Havlir DV, Grinsztejn B, Alland D. Evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF Versus AFB Smear and Culture to Identify Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Patients With Suspected Tuberculosis From Low and Higher Prevalence Settings Clin Infect Dis 2016 May;62(9):1081-1088. Walter ND, Miller MA, Vasquez J, Weiner M, Chapman A, Engle M, Higgins M, Quinones AM, Rosselli V, Canono E, Yoon C, Cattamanchi A, Davis JL, Phang T, Stearman RS, Datta G, Garcia BJ, Daley CL, Strong M, Kechris K, Fingerlin TE, Reves R, Geraci MW. Blood Transcriptional Biomarkers for Active Tuberculosis among Patients in the United States: a Case-Control Study with Systematic Cross-Classifier Evaluation J Clin Microbiol 2016 Feb;54(2):274-282. Hennig S; Svensson EM; Elin M; Niebecker R; Fourie B; Weiner MH; Bonora S; Peloquin C; Karlsson MO. A population pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction pooled analysis of existing data for rifabutin and HIV-protease inhibitors. Population pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction pooled analysis of existing data for rifabutin and HIV PIs Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2016 Jan;. Dorman SE; Savic RM; Goldberg S; Stout JE; Schluger N; Muzanyi G; Johnson JL; Nahid P; Hecker EJ; Heilig CM; Bozeman L; Feng PJ; Moro RN; MacKenzie W; Dooley KE; Nuermberger EL; Vernon A; Weiner M. Daily rifapentine for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. A randomized, dose-ranging trial. American Journal of Respiratory American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 2015 Feb;191(3):333-343. Parsons TL, Marzinke MA, Hoang T, Bliven-Sizemore E, Weiner M, Mac Kenzie WR, Dorman SE, Dooley KE. Quantification of rifapentine, a potent antituberculosis drug, from dried blood spot samples using liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric analysis Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014 Nov;58(11):6747-6757.
Review Article
Nahid P, Saukkonen J, Mac Kenzie WR, Johnson JL, Phillips PP, Andersen J, Bliven-Sizemore E, Belisle JT, Boom WH, Luetkemeyer A, Campbell TB, Eisenach KD, Hafner R, Lennox JL, Makhene M, Swindells S, Villarino ME, Weiner M, Benson C, Burman W. CDC/NIH Workshop. Tuberculosis biomarker and surrogate endpoint research roadmap Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011 Oct;184(8):972-979.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine