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Chen-Pin Wang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor (Research)
My research focuses on statistical designs and analyses of longitudinal and multi-variate data inspired by clinical/medical studies. I have developed expertise in statistical methods that are built around the latent variable model framework, including model diagnostics, validation and identifiability,
assessing heterogeneity, robust estimation, target statistical learning, and causal inference. I have applied these methods to research on age related comorbidities (including cancer, diabetes, neurological diseases, pain and mental disorders) regarding risk prediction, health disparity and heterogeneous treatment effects.In addition, I have 17 years of research experience in conducting, designing, and analyzing studies using linked large databases.
Professional Background
- 1999 - PhD - Statistics - University of Florida
- 1995 - MS - Statistics - University of Florida
- 1993 - BS - Mathematics - Central University
- 1/2015 - Faculty - Geriatrics Research, Education & Clinical Center (GRECC) South Texas Veterans Healthcare SystemSan Antonio
- 10/2013 - Investigator - South Texas Veterans Health System Audie L Murphy Medical CenterSan Antonio
- 4/2011 - Special Member of Faculty (Assistant Professor) - University of Texas at San Antonio, Management Science and Statistics, San Antonio
Research & Grants
Funding Agency NIA Title Metformin for Preventing Frailty in High Risk Older Adults (PI: Espinoza) Status Active Period 6/2016 - 5/2021 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Aim 1: To determine whether the administration of metformin to glucose intolerant older adults reduces the onset or worsening of frailty.
Aim 2: To determine whether improvements in insulin sensitivity (secondary outcome) and/or reductions in inflammation (secondary outcome) are associated (predict) the preventative effect of metformin on frailty. Funding Agency Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Patient Care Services Title Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma: Epidemiology Project (PI: Pugh) Status Active Period 2/2015 - 12/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail AIM 1: Describe the prevalence of psychological, cognitive, neurological (e.g., seizures, neuroendocrine/ sensory deficits, movement disorders) and pain comorbidities.AIM 2: Identify trajectories of comorbidity over time among VA patients with mild TBI (mTBI). Using data from Aim 1 we will use statistical methods (latent class analysis) to identify patterns of TBI-related comorbidity over time (trajectories of comorbidity) among those individuals who meet mTBI criteria.
Primary outcome variables for this aim are trajectories of comorbidity that will be developed using latent class analysis. This procedure will use dichotomous indicators of specific comorbid conditions found in Aim 1 to be common (at least 0.5%) among individuals with mTBI.
Funding Agency NIH Title Trajectories of Pain and Pain Treatment in Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (PI: Pugh) Status Complete Period 7/2016 - 6/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail AIM 1: Identify patterns (trajectories) of pain scores over time in an IAV cohort with mTBI. Using pain scores (0-10 rating scale) collected in the course of VA clinical care, we will conduct Latent Growth Mixture Models to identify trajectories of pain.
AIM 2: Identify trajectories of pain treatment over time. Latent Class Models will identify trajectories of treatment approaches using VA pharmacy (e.g., opioid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants and anticonvulsants commonly used for pain, skeletal muscle relaxants, etc.) and clinic visit (e.g., physical therapy, pain clinic, complementary and alternative medicine clinics, etc.) data.
AIM 3: Examine the impact of pain and treatment trajectories on measures of adverse outcomes. We will identify adverse outcomes including suicidal ideation/attempt, overdose, accidents, development of substance use disorder, emergency care and hospitalization. Funding Agency Veterans Administration Title VA Vascular Injury Study (VAVIS): VA-DoD Extremity Injury Outcomes Collaboration (PI: Pugh & Shireman) Status Active Period 4/2015 - 3/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Objectives: 1) Describe characteristics and outcomes of vascular repair among OEF/OIF/OND (Operations Enduring Freedom/ Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn)Veterans with initial in-theatre limb salvage, 2) Characterize the preventive services received by individuals with vascular repair and related outcomes, and 3) Describe patient-reported functional outcomes in individuals with initial limb salvage. Funding Agency VA Rural Health Office Title GRECC Connect (PI: Espinoza) Status Active Period 7/2014 - 9/2017 Role Contributor Grant Detail Older adults living in rural areas often do not have access to specialized geriatric care, such as comprehensive geriatric assessment and evaluation and treatment of geriatric syndromes and conditions, such as dementia, falls, chronic pain, and advanced care planning. The goal of this project is to improve the healthcare for medically complex older Veterans enrolled in rural community-based outpatient clinics within Veterans Integrated Service Network 17. Funding Agency Veterans Affairs Office of Rural Health Title Geriatric Medicine Education at Discharge (PI: Espinoza) Status Active Period 6/2014 - 9/2017 Role Contributor Grant Detail This award funds our successful pharmacy-based transitional care project to improve post-discharge outcomes, including reducing 30-day readmission and polypharmacy in older veterans transitioning from hospital to home at Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital. Funding Agency NIH (via Stanford University) Title Heterogeneity in Prevention Intervention Effects On Substance Use: A Latent Variable Mixture Model Approach (Site PI: Wang) Status Active Period 4/2012 - 3/2017 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail To establish a general modeling framework that integrates two powerful modeling techniques, growth mixture modeling and causal modeling, to derive causal inference in heterogeneity in the context of longitudinal prevention intervention trials on substance use. -
Wang CP, Lehman D, Lam F, Kuhn J, Mahalingam D, Weitman S, Lorenzo C, Downs JR, Ramirez AG. Metformin Reduces Racial/Ethnic Disparity in Prostate Cancer Incidence; 2015 Jun. (Diabetes). Espinoza SE, Wang CP, Reaven P, DeFronzo R, Tripathy D, Musi N. Pioglitazone is Equally Effective for Preventing Diabetes in Older compared to Younger Pre-Diabetic Adults; 2015 May. (J Am Geriatr Soc; vol. 63, no. s1). Wang CP, Espinoza SE. Differential Impact of Metformin on Diabetes-related Comorbidities in Older Veterans with Type 2 Diabetes; 2015 May. (J Am Geriatr Soc; vol. 63, no. S1). Frausto EE, Espinoza SE, Rottman-Sagebiel R, Aung T, Cupples N, Wang CP. A Pharmacist Based Transitional Care Project Leads to Safer Prescribing in Hospitalized Older Veterans.. 2015; 63(Suppl 1): S217; 2015 May. (J Am Geriatr Soc; vol. 63, no. S1). Braden HM, Rottman-Sagebiel R, Cupples N, Morris M, Gonzalez E, Conde A, MacCarthy D, Wang CP, Espinoza SE. Cost Savings Associated with A Pharmacy-based Transitional Care Program for Hospitalizes Older Veterans. 2015; 63(Suppl 1): S267; 2015 May. (J Am Geriatr Soc; vol. 63, no. s1). Espinoza SE, Wang CP, MacCarthy D, Orsak B, Padala P, Padala K, Kellogg D. An Individualized Low-Intensity Walking Intervention Improves Physical Characteristics of Frailty in Older Veterans; 2015 May. (J Am Geriatr Soc; vol. 63, no. S1). Wang CP, Hernandez J, Lorenzo C, John Downs, Thompson IM, Pollock BH, Lehman D. Statins and Finasteride Use Differentially Modifies the Impact of Metformin on Prostate Cancer Risk in Men with Type 2 Diabetes; 2014 Jun. (Diabetes; vol. 63, no. s1a).
Journal Article
Sara Espinoza, M.D.1,2; Chen-pin Wang, Ph.D.1,2; Devjit Tripathy, M.D.3; Stephen C. Clement, M.D.4; Dawn C. Schwenke, Ph.D.5; Mary Ann Banerji, M.D.6; George Bray, M.D.7; Thomas Buchanan, M.D.8; Robert Henry, M.D.9; Abbas Kitabchi, M.D.10; Sunder Mudaliar, M.D.9; Frankie Stentz, Ph.D.10; Peter Reaven, M.D.11; Ralph A. DeFronzo, M.D.3; Nicolas Musi, M.D. Pioglitazone is Equally Effective for Diabetes Prevention in Older versus Younger Adults with Impaired Glucose Tolerance The Age Journal 2016 Jan;. Rebecca Rottman-Sagebiel, Nicole Cupples, Seth Cope, Stephanie Pastewait, Hanna Braden, Chen-pin Wang, Daniel MacCarthy, Alicia Conde, Melody Moris , Sara Espinoza. A Pharmacist-Based Transitional Care Program Reduces Readmissions in Older Hospitalized Adults: A Clinical Demonstration Program Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2016 Jan;. Pugh MJ, Finley EP, Wang CP, Copeland LA, Jaramillo CA, Swan AA, Elnitsky CA, Leykum LK, Mortensen EM, Eapen BA, Noel PH, Pugh JA, and the TRACC Research Team. A Retrospective Cohort Study of Comorbidity Trajectories Associated with Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Brain Injury 2016 Jan;. Noel PH, Parchman ML, Finley EP,
Wang CP, Bollinger M, Espinoza SE, Hazuda HP
. Primary Care-Public Health Linkages: Older Primary Care Patients with Prediabetes Preventive Medicine (Accepted) 2016 Jan;. Mansi I, Frei CR, Wang CP, Mortensen EM. Statins and the risk of new-onset diabetes mellitus and diabetic complications: A retrospective cohort study of healthy US adults Journal of General Internal Medicine 2015 Nov;30(11):1599-1610. Jaramillo CA, Cooper DB, Wang CP, Tate DF, Eapen BC, York GE, Pugh MJ. Subgroups of US IRAQ and Afghanistan veterans: associations with traumatic brain injury and mental health conditions Brain Imaging Behav 2015 May;. Teshome Besu, Lee Grace, Reveles Kelly, Attridge Russell, Koeller Jim, Wang Chen-pin, Mortensen Eric, Frei Christopher. Application of a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus risk score for community-onset pneumonia patients and outcomes with initial treatment BMC Infectious Diseases 2015 Jan;15. Laurel A Copeland, John E Zeber, Edward Y Sako, Eric M Mortensen, Mary Jo Pugh, Chen-Pin P Wang, Marcos I Restrepo, Julianne Flynn, Andrea A MacCarthy and Valerie A Lawrence
. Serious mental illnesses associated with receipt of surgery in retrospective analysis of patients in the Veterans Health Administration BMC Surgery 2015 Jan;15. Pugh MJ, Finley EP, Copeland LA, Wang CP, Noel PH, Amuan ME, Parsons HM, Wells M, Elizondo B, Pugh JA. Complex comorbidity clusters in OEF/OIF veterans: the polytrauma clinical triad and beyond Medical Care 2014 Jan;52(2):172-178. Wang CP, Hernandez J, Lorenzo C, John Downs, Thompson IM, Pollock BH, Lehman D. Statins and Finasteride Use Differentially Modifies the Impact of Metformin on Prostate Cancer Risk in Men with Type 2 Diabetes Annals of Translational Medicine & Epidemiology 2014 Jan;1(1). Wang C-P; Hazuda H. Better Glycemic Control Is Associated With Maintenance of Lower-Extremity Function Over Time in Mexican American and European American Older Adults With Diabetes Diabetes Care 2011 Feb;34(2):274-279.