Cynthia L Wall, PhD, MSN, APRN, PCNS-BC, CNE
Associate Professor/Clinical
Dr. Wall is an emerging leader and national presenter in pediatric nursing and nursing education. She holds ANCC board certification as a Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist (PCNS) and NLN board certification in Academic Nursing Education (CNE).
Dr. Wall has made a significant impact in diverse pediatric clinical settings in San Antonio. In her role as a PCNS, she:
- Established an interprofessional pediatric critical care transport program
- Founded an EPSDT clinic
- Coordinated an interprofessional pediatric palliative care team
- Led a hospital-based, multidisciplinary bioethics consult team
- Conducted a system-wide quality improvement initiative for nursing pain assessment and management practices
In 2009, Dr. Wall entered academic nursing education and earned her Ph.D. in Education with a Specialty in Nursing Education in 2016. Dr. Wall served as a leader within the UT Health SA School of Nursing in design and delivery of nursing curriculum, and leading nursing education policy change as the Chair of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies during the pandemic.
Dr Wall has a particular interest in promoting innovative and effective nursing education programs that improve access to health professional education and prepare nurses to overcome future challenges in caring for patients from underserved and rural communities. In her own teaching practice, she leans on evidence-based strategies to acknowledge student life experiences and world views as foundational to providing culturally sensitive nursing care to vulnerable populations.
Dr. Wall works to create a learning environment that engages student passion, stimulates critical reflection, and promotes a desire for life-long learning. She views collaborative practice between nurses, healthcare team, and patients as the cornerstone of patient-centered care for all clients.
Professional Background
- 2016 - Doctor of Philosophy - Nursing Education (Graduated with Distinction) - Capella University
- 1991 - Master of Science in Nursing - Nursing Care of Children - UT Health Science Center Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
- 1986 - Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Nursing - UT Health Science Center School of Nursing
- 1982 - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology - Texas Tech University
Licensures and Certifications
- Registered Nurse
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
- Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Certified Nurse Educator
Honors and Awards
- 2021 ELAN Fellow, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- 2019 Nominee, Presidential Award for Emerging Teaching Excellence, UT Health
- 2022 - present - Associate Professor/Clinical - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2017 - 2022 - Assistant Professor/Clinical - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2012 - 2017 - Clinical Assistant Professor - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
Instruction & Training
- 2021, NURS 7306 DNP Project, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 3270 Professional Socialization, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 3303 Professional Concepts, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 3373 Family Nurse Care: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 4210 Child & Family Health, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 4211 Child & Family Health: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 4403 Disease Management III: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 4502 Disease Management II, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 3270 Professional Socialization, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 3303 Professional Concepts, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 3373 Family Nurse Care: Clinical Applications, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 4210 Child & Family Health, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 4211 Child & Family Health: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 4403 Disease Management III: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 4502 Disease Management II, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2019, NURS 3270 Professional Socialization, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2019, NURS 3303 Professional Concepts, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2019, NURS 3373 Family Nurse Care: Clinical Applications, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2019, NURS 4210 Child & Family Health, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2019, NURS 4211 Child & Family Health: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2019, NURS 4403 Disease Management III: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2019, NURS 4502 Disease Management II, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018, NURS 3270 Professional Socialization, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018, NURS 3373 Family Nurse Care: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018, NURS 4210 Child & Family Health, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018, NURS 4211 Child & Family Health: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018, NURS 4403 Disease Management III: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018, NURS4502 Disease Management II, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018, NURE 7315 Applications of Research In Nursing, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
Research & Grants
- 2022 Funder: Sigma Foundation for Nursing/National League for Nursing Research Award. Title: Comparing Online Learning During COVID-19 to Pre-Pandemic Learning in Pre-Licensure Nursing Students. Role: Co-PI/PD: Kathleen R. Stevens, RN, EdD, FAAN, Professor1, Co-PI: Cynthia Wall, PhD, MSN, APRN, CNE, Assistant Professor/Clinical, Chair, Council on Undergraduate Studies (COUS) 1, Co-PI: Vanessa Meling, EdD, MBA, Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement, Assistant Professor/Research1, Co-PI: Sailaja Athyala PhD, MEd, Education Development Specialist1.Submission Date: February 1, 2022 (Notification of award NLT July 1, 2022 - funding begins November 2022)
Submitted and Not Funded or Unfunded Research/Projects:
- 2021 Funder: 2021 ASAHP Interprofessional Collaboration Research Grant. Title: Does student engagement increase when students engage synchronously in person as compared to online? Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Meredith. Quinene) Grant Team: LINC Didactic IPE Committee Submission date: 07/31/21
- 2021 Funder: Kenneth I Shine MD Academy of Health Science Education. Title: Comparison of online learning during COVID-19 to pre-pandemic learning in pre-licensure nursing students. Role: Co-PI/PD: Kathleen R. Stevens, RN, EdD, FAAN, Professor1, Co-PI: Cynthia Wall, PhD, MSN, APRN, CNE, Assistant Professor/Clinical, Chair, Council on Undergraduate Studies (COUS) 1, Co-PI: Vanessa Meling, EdD, MBA, Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement, Assistant Professor/Research1, Co-PI: Sailaja Athyala PhD, MEd, Education Development Specialist1. Submission Date: October 4, 2021 (Pending funding February 2022)
- 2019 Funder: UT Health LINC Seed Grant # na Dollars: Declined funding. Title: Comparison of Health Professional students' Attitudes toward IPE. Role: Co-Investigator (PI: K. Stephens)
- 2018 Funder: AACN APPLE Bootcamp Grant # Dollars: Declined funding. Title: Using APPLE technology to enhance demonstration of care and compassion in first semester nursing students. Role: Co-Investigator (PI: C. Wall)
Student Mentees/Trainees
- 2022, Relationship Between Nurses’ Transition to Practice, Burnout, Grit, and the COVID-19 Pandemic - Ph.D.; Committee Member
- 2022, Increasing the Use of Breast Milk in the Neonatal Intensive Care DNP Project; Co-Chair
- 2022, Standardizing the of Use of Oral Sucrose for Procedural Pain Management in the Neonatal - DNP Project; Co-Chair
- 2022, Development of a Standardized Incubator Change Guideline in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - DNP Project; Co-Chair
- 2018, Care Episode Experiences of Parents of Children with Asthma - Ph.D.; Committee Member
Service to the School of Nursing
- 2021, SoN, Chair, Search Committee for SON Director for Student Success
- 2021, SoN, Chair, Inaugural SON Committee on IPE (’21-‘22)
- 2021-2022, SoN, Secretary, SON DEI Council (’21-‘22)
- 2020-2023, SoN, Member, SON DEI Council
- 2018-present, SoN, Member, AACN Essentials Workgroups (BSN & MSN)
- 2020 - 2022, SoN, Chair, Baccalaureate Curriculum Sub-committee (‘20-‘22)
- 2018-2020, SoN, Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Studies
- 2018-2020, SoN, Chair, Admissions, Progression and Graduation Appeals
- 2019 - present, SoN, Member, Direct-Entry MSN workgroup
- 2021-present, UT Health SA, Member/University LINC IPE Didactic Committee
- 2021-present, UT Health SA, Reviewer, Committee for Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence (’21-‘23)
- 2015 - 2018, UT Health (Univ), Quality Enhancement Program Workgroup
Service to the Profession
- 2021-2023, Content Reviewer NLN Assessment Services, Sensitivity Review Panel
- 2021-present, Peer Reviewer Journal of Pediatric Health Care
- 2020-present, Chair AACN FLN Fall Conference Planning committee
- 2019, Invited Judge MCH PICOT Poster Competition
- 2018 – 2021, Content Reviewer NLN Assessment Services, Content/item Panel
- 2016 – Present, Peer Reviewer NLN Nurse Education Perspectives Journal
- 2015 – 2018, Pedi Item Review, NLN Test Development Services
- 2015 – 2018, Item Writer, NCSBN NCLEX Exam development services
Professional Affiliations
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- Sigma
- 2021, Covid19 Vaccine Volunteer UT Health
- 2020, Covid19 Call Center Metro Health/STRAC
- 2018, Health Screenings and education Rockport, Tx, Post Hurricane
- 2015, Health Education SA Teen Suicide Prevention Task Force Alternate member
- 2013, Volunteer Parenting Fair
- 2010, Volunteer CampCamp
- 2010, CE Education Texas Workforce Commission Child Care Provider Training
- 2010-2015, Volunteer Kendall County 4H First aid/health instructor
- 2010-1014, Instructor Pediatric Advanced Life Support and BLS
- *Wall, C. L. (2016). Are nursing professional values or attitudes toward patient safety related to nursing students' readiness for interprofessional learning? (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).
- *Wall CL Preparing BSN Students for Engagement in Interprofessional Learning. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2018 Nov/Dec;39(6):366-367. doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000315. PMID: 29746353.
- *Wall CL. A Place to Start: Preparing Nursing Students for Interprofessional Learning 2016 Nov. (AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference Abstracts).
- Herlinda Zamora, MSN, RN; David Byrd, PhD; Cynthia O'Neal, PhD, RN; Adelita Cantu, PhD, RN; Henry Cantu, MA; Norma Martinez Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN; Jolly Punchamannil, DNP, RN; Cynthia Wall, PhD, RN. Towards a Holistic Admissions Process: Year One 2018 Jul. (Abstract).
- Jolly Punchamannil, David Byrd, Cynthia O'Neal, Henry Cantu, Herlinda Zamora, Adelita Cantu, Cynthia Wall. (2019) Holistic Admission in Nursing: An initiative to increase nursing workforce diversity, Nuts and Bolts for Educators, Nurse Tim Conference, (Abstract)
- 2021 “Elimination Disorders in Children.” Guest Presentation: Course NURS 6219 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Diagnosis and Management III – Concepts and Theory on October 4, 2021.
- 2014, "Case Studies in Pediatric Palliative Care," Pediatric Nursing Residency, Spring 2014 Class, Methodist Children's Hospital, San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker)
- 2013, "Caring for Children at the End of Life," Methodist Children's Hospital Pediatric Residency, MCH Pediatric Residency, Methodist Healthcare System, San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker)
- 2012, "Pediatric Palliative Care", San Antonio Pediatric Oncology Course, San Antonio APHON, Association for Pediatric and Hematological Oncology Nursing, San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker)
- 2011, "Managing your patient's pain", Methodist Hospital, San Antonio, TX (Sole Presenter)
- 2010, "Topics in Health for Child Care Providers", Child Care Provider Training, Child Care Providers, Alamo Workforce Solutions, San Antonio, TX (Sole Presenter)
- 2010, "Behavioral Challenges in Children"., Child Care Provider Training, Child Care Providers, Alamo Workforce Solutions, San Antonio, TX (Sole Presenter)
- 2023, “Academic Mentoring Program to Support Mentors, Mentees, and a Healthy Work Environment” Accepted for podium presentation for Creating Healthy Work Environments Conference (2/2023) (Co-Author)
- 2022, Comparison of online versus in-person student outcomes in an interprofessional education program. Presented at NEXUS Summit 2022. (8/20-8/23). (Co-Author)
- 2021 “This Panel Changed my Mind: A theory-based approach to changing BSN student perceptions of children with disabilities”, AACN 2021 Transform Conference, Diversity and Inclusion Category, Dallas, Texas, December 2, 2021. (Co-Presenter)
- 2007, "Family Stories from the Room Above the Clouds", NACHRI Creating Connections Conference, National Association of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions, San Antonio, TX (Sole Presenter)
- 2004, " Supporting Families through Family Centered Care Strategies", NHPCO 1st National Conference on Pediatric Palliative and Hospice Care, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Dearborn, MI (Co-Presenter)
- 2004, "Interdisciplinary Approach to Spasticity in Children", National Association of Neurological Nurses Annual Conference, National Association of Neurological Nurses, San Antonio, TX (Co-Presenter)
- 2022 “Igniting Nursing Student Engagement in a Common IPE Experience” Accepted for presentation at the AACN Transform 2022 Conference in December. (Presenter/Primary Author)
- 2019, "Learning from the Past to Design Innovated Nursing Education for the Future", 29th Annual Nurse Educator Conference in the Rockies, Nurse's Educator in the Rockies, Vail, CO (Co-Presenter)
- 2018, "Towards a Holistic Admissions Process: Year One", Nuts and Bolts for Nurse Educators, NurseTim, Inc, Minneapolis, MN (Co-Author)
- 2016, "A place to start: Preparing baccalaureate nursing students for interprofessional learning" AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference 2016, Poster Session, American Association for Colleges of Nursing, Anaheim, CA (Sole Presenter)
- 2004, "Ventilator Withdrawal in an Inpatient Pediatric Palliative Care Room", NHPCO 1st National Conference on Pediatric Palliative and Hospice Care, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Dearborn, MI (Sole Presenter)
Peer-reviewed Articles (*indicates data-based)
Invited Podium Presentations (i. e. keynotes presentations)
Peer Reviewed Podium Presentations
Peer Reviewed Poster Presentations