Departments & Divisions
Sandhya Vinu Nair, MD
Dr. Vinu-Nair has had the honor of being a part of University of Texas Health since 2013 when she came in as a fellow in Radiology. After three intense years of fellowship training in Body Imaging & Intervention, Emergency Radiology and MRI body, she joined as a faculty member in Emergency Radiology. She has been the Program Director of the Emergency Radiology Fellowship since 2017. In that role, she oversees the training of radiologists who train to subspecialize in Emergency Radiology. In the ER she has read various subspecialty studies and enjoys working with the medical students, radiology residents and multidisciplinary faculty. She looks forward to constantly improving her goals academically and the Emergency Radiology fellowship curriculum, in order to make it even more conducive to growth and a platform of rich learning for fellows.
Professional Background
- 2016 - Clinical Fellowship - Clinical Fellowship, MRI body - University of Texas Health
- 2015 - Clinical Fellowship - Clinical Fellowship, Emergency Radiology - University of Texas Health
- 2014 - Clinical Fellowship - Clinical Fellowship, Body imaging & Intervention - University of Texas Health
- 2009 - Residency - Radiology - Sri Ramachandra University
- 2009 - Radiodiagnosis - Sri Ramachandra University
- 2006 - Internship - Medicine and Surgery - Sri Ramachandra University
- 2005 - Medicine and Surgery - Sri Ramachandra University
- 9/2017 - Fellowship Program Director - University of Texas Health, Emergency Radiology, San Antonio
- 1/2017 - Assistant Professor, Emergency Radiology - Night and Faculty Physician - University of Texas HealthSan Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/2017 - Present, Emergency Radiology Lecture Series for FELLOWS
- 7/2016 - Present, Introduction to Conventional Radiographs for MEDICAL STUDENTS
- 7/2016 - Present, Emergency Radiology - GI and GU Case Conference for RESIDENTS
- 6/2016 - Present, Radiology RESIDENT Clinical Teaching, University of Texas Health, San Antonio
- 5/2016 - Present, Emergency Radiology Lecture Series for RESIDENTS
Electronic/Web Publication
Vinu-Nair S. Current Update on Adult Renal Cystic Diseases 2015 Nov. 7 p. Available from: http://appliedradiology.com/articles/update-on-adult-renal-cystic-diseases .
Journal Article
Katkar AS, Vinu-Nair S, Savage J, Chintapalli K. Primary Renal Ewing Sarcoma/Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET) of the Kidney, Can it be Diagnosed on Imaging? a Case Report Austin J Radiol, Vol. 1, Issue 1- 2014 2014 Jun;1(1):1-4. K Gangadhar
Vinu-Nair Sandhya
A Sunnapwar
K Chintapalli. Abernethy Malformation and the Spectrum of Imaging Findings Nepalese Journal of Radiology 2013 Dec;3(2):97-102.Review Article
Venkata Katabathina
Sandhya Vinu-Nair
. Cross-Sectional Imaging Spectrum of von Hippel-Lindau Disease Journal of Translational Medicine and Epidemiology 2014 Feb;2(1). -
Board Certifications
- American Board of Radiology/Diagnostic Radiology