Departments & Divisions
Rae Taylor-Childress, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Professional Background
- 2009 - Doctor of Medicine - UT Health Science Center San Antonio, San Antonio TX
- 2004 - Bachelor of Arts - Biology and Special Education - Southwestern University, Georgetown TX
- 2012 - Residency Program - Pediatrics - UT Health Science Center San Antonio
Best 2nd Year Resident
- 05/02/19—current - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Hospitalist - University Hospital, San Antonio, TX
- 10/01/16—08/31/18 - Pediatric Hospitalist - Baptist Health System and Methodist Health System, San Antonio, TX
- 07/01/12—10/02/16 - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Hospitalist, Director, UT NICU Hospitalist group - University Hospital, San Antonio, TX
- 07/01/09—06/30/12 - Resident Physician, Pediatrics - University Hospital and Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
Instruction & Training
- 2009-current, Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), Instructor, NRP
- 2013-current, Certified Lactation Educator Counselor (CLEC), UC San Diego
- Longitudinal Preceptorship, Faculty, UTHSCSA School of Medicine
- Third-Year Medical Student NICU rotation, primary teaching faculty, UTHSCSA
- Residency Education Committee (RECM), interviewing and ranking faculty member, UTHSCSA Pediatrics
- Helping Babies Breathe, UTHSCSA Global Medicine elective, neonatal resuscitation instructo, UTHSCSA
Infant Care Elective coordinator, Resident elective teaching/development Faculty
Pediatric Residency Program interviewing Faculty and ranking committee
Neonatal/Perinatal PsychosociAL Program (NICU PAL Program) developmentOvercoming WithdrawaL (OWL) Clinic provider for long-term follow-up of infants with history of or at-risk of neonatal abstinence syndrome
Coordination of monthly neonatal Resident morning report series
American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow, 2012-2017
Neonatal Resuscitation Program, 2009-present
General Pediatrics, with primary focus of newborn routine and intensive care
Newborn/NICU Hospitalist
Board Certifications
- 2012 - American Board of Pediatrics