For administrative calls, please contact:
- Virginia Martinez
- martinezv28@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-1613
Departments & Divisions
Ronald M Stewart, M.D.
Department of Surgery
Ronald M. Stewart graduated from medical school and completed his surgical residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Following this he completed a Trauma and Surgical Critical Care Fellowship at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis.
He returned to San Antonio in 1993 as the Director of the Trauma Service. Dr. Stewart has served as the Board Chair of the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council for Trauma since 1996. In 1999 he was awarded the Faculty Member of the Year Award from The University Health System. That same year he and the Shattered Dreams development team were awarded the Bronze Quill for writings on the award winning injury prevention program Shattered Dreams/D.E.A.D. (Drinking and Driving End All Dreams).
In May 2000, Governor George W. Bush appointed Dr. Stewart to the Governor’s Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Advisory Council where he served until 2014. He was the chair of the South Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Committee on Trauma for six years, and followed for another six years as the ACS COT Region VI Chief (Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas). He currently serves as the Chair of the ACS Committee on Trauma. Dr. Stewart was a founding member and the first Chair of the National Trauma Institute.
At the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio he is a tenured Professor of Surgery and Anesthesia, and since 2008, he has served as the Chair of the Department of Surgery, holding the Dr. Witten B. Russ Chair in Surgery. Dr. Stewart has received numerous awards for teaching and service. A partial listing of these includes the Presidential Award for Clinical Excellence (2004), the Distinguished Alumnus of the UTHSCSA School of Medicine (2005) and the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award (2007).
In 2013 he was the recipient of the National Safety Council Surgeons Award for Service to Safety and the American College of Surgeon's Arthur Ellenberger Award for Excellence in State Advocacy.
He is a member of the American Surgical Association, the Southern Surgical Association, the Western Surgical Association, Immediate Past President of the Southwestern Surgical Congress and the Secretary of the Texas Surgical Society.
Professional Background
- 1993 - Clinical Fellowship - Trauma - University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- 1992 - Clinical Fellowship - Surgical Critical Care - University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- 1991 - Residency - Surgery - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1985 - MD - Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1981 - BS - Life Science - University of Texas of the Permian Basin
- 9/2012 - Dr. Witten B. Russ Chair in Surgery - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Surgery, San Antonio
- 4/2011 - Chairman, Department of Surgery - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 9/2008 - Professor of Surgery and Anesthesia with Tenure - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/2007 - Present, Trauma and Emergency Surgery Morning Report, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 6/2002 - Present, Surgical Critical Care, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/1997 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/1994 - Present, Trauma Morbidity Mortality (M), UTHSCSA
- 7/1993 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/1993 - Present, Post Graduate Rotation Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/1993 - Present, Post Graduate Rotation Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/1993 - Present, Post Graduate Rotation Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Research & Grants
Funding Agency Marine Polymer Technologies Title A Pilot Study Comparing Taliderm Dressing Versus Standard of Care for Open Incision and Drainage Wounds Status Active Period 4/2008 - 1/2029 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail A grant supporting a research project evaluating the effectiveness of a novel marine polymer at promoting wound healing.
Book Chapter
Liao LF, Norris RL, Auerbach PS, Nelson EE, Stewart RM. Bites and Stings (Chapter 20). In: Courtney M. Townsend, Jr., R. Daniel Beauchamp, B. Mark Evers, Kenneth L. Mattox. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. 2016. p. 532-546. Norris RL, Auerbach PS, Nelson EE, Stewart RM. Bites and Stings. In: Courtney M. Jr. Townsend, R. Daniel Beauchamp, B. Mark Evers, Kenneth L. Mattox. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 19th Edition. 2012. p. 548-562. Stewart RM. Palliative Care. In: L.D. Britt, Andrew B. Peitzman, Philip S. Barie, Gregory J. Jurkovich. Acute Care Surgery. 2012. p. 762-768. Granger S, Stewart RM. Viperidae Snakebite Envenomation. In: Stephen M. Cohn. Acute Care Surgery and Trauma: Evidence Based Practice, 1st Edition. 2009.
Electronic/Web Publication
Hink AB, Bonne S, Levy M, Kuhls DA, Allee L, Burke PA, Sakran J, Bulger EM, Stewart RM; American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Firearm Injury Research and Epidemiology: A Review of the Data, their Limitations and How Trauma Centers can Improve Firearm Injury Research 2019 Apr. Talley CL, Campbell BT, Jenkins DH, Barnes SL, Sidwell RA, Timmerman G, Gross RI, Coburn M, Bailey JA, Eastman A, Ficke J, Kuncir E, Letton RW, Eastridge BJ, Liepert AE, Wilson A, Robinette D, Davis JW, Shalgian C, Michaels H, Weissler MC, Kuhls DA, Bulger EM, Stewart RM. Recommendations from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma`s Firearm Strategy Team (FAST) Workgroup: Chicago Consensus I 2018 Nov. Talley CL, Campbell BT, Jenkins DH, Barnes SL, Sidwell RA, Timmerman G, Gross RI, Coburn M, Bailey JA, Eastman A, Ficke J, Kuncir E, Letton RW, Eastridge BJ, Liepert AE, Wilson A, Robinette D, Davis JW, Shalgian C, Michaels H, Weissler MC, Kuhls DA, Bulger EM, Stewart RM. Recommendations from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma`s Firearm Strategy Team (FAST) Workgroup: Chicago Consensus I 2018 Nov. Napolitano LM, Biester TW, Jurkovich GJ, Buyske J, Malangoni MA, Lewis FR Jr; Members of the Trauma, Burns and Critical Care Board of the American Board of Surgery. General surgery resident rotations in surgical critical care, trauma, and burns: what is optimal for residency training? 2016 Aug. Wampler DA, Pineda C, Polk J, Kidd E, Leboeuf D, Flores M, Shown M, Kharod C, Stewart RM, Cooley C. The long spine board does not reduce lateral motion during transport--a randomized healthy volunteer crossover trial 2015 Dec.
Journal Article
Rosenblatt MS, Joseph KT, Dechert T, Duncan TK, Joseph DK, Stewart RM, Cooper ZR. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Prevention Committee topical update: Impact of community violence exposure, intimate partner violence, hospital-based violence intervention, building community coalitions and injury prevention program evalua J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2019 Aug;87(2):456-462. Bulger EM, Kuhls DA, Campbell BT, Bonne S, Cunningham RM, Betz M, Dicker R, Ranney ML, Barsotti C, Hargarten S, Sakran JV, Rivara FP, James T, Lamis D, Timmerman G, Rogers SO, Choucair B, Stewart RM. Proceedings from the Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Death and Disability in the US J Am Coll Surg 2019 May;. Zhu CS, Pokorny DM, Eastridge BJ, Nicholson SE, Epley E, Forcum J, Long T, Miramontes D, Schaefer R, Shiels M, Stewart RM, Stringfellow M, Summers R, Winckler CJ, Jenkins DH. Give the trauma patient what they bleed, when and where they need it: establishing a comprehensive regional system of resuscitation based on patient need utilizing cold-stored, low-titer O whole blood Transfusion 2019 Apr;59:1429-1438. Talley CL, Campbell BT, Jenkins DH, Barnes SL, Sidwell RA, Timmerman G, Gross RI, Coburn M, Bailey JA, Eastman A, Ficke J, Kuncir E, Letton RW, Eastridge BJ, Liepert AE, Wilson A, Robinette D, Davis JW, Shalgian C, Michaels H, Weissler MC, Kuhls DA, Bulger EM, Stewart RM. Recommendations from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma's Firearm Strategy Team (FAST) Workgroup: Chicago Consensus I J Am Coll Surg 2019 Feb;228(2):198-206. Winchell RJ, Eastridge BJ, Moore MM, Ashley DW, Gaines BA, Gainor D, Jahangir AA, Krieg JC, Mays CA, Michaels HN, Namias N, Perina DG, Bulger EM, Stewart RM. Developing a National Trauma System: Proposed Governance and Essential Elements J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018 Sep;85(3):637-641. Stewart RM. Freedom with Responsibility: A Consensus Strategy for Preventing Injury, Death, and Disability from Firearm Violence J Am Coll Surg 2018 Aug;227(2). Kuhls DA, Stewart RM. Letter to the Editor: Stopping the Bleeding Is Not Enough Ann Surg 2018 Jul;268(1):E14-E15. McGinity AC, Zhu CS, Greebon L, Xenakis E, Waltman E, Epley E, Cobb D, Jonas R, Nicholson SE, Eastridge BJ, Stewart RM, Jenkins DH. Prehospital low-titer cold-stored whole blood: Philosophy for ubiquitous utilization of O-positive product for emergency use in hemorrhage due to injury J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018 Jun;84(6S Su):S115-S119. Bulger EM, Rasmussen TE, Jurkovich GJ, Fabian TC, Kozar RA, Coimbra R, Costantini TW, Ficke J, Malhotra AK, Price MA, Smith SL, Cioffi WG, Stewart RM. Implementation of a National Trauma Research Action Plan (NTRAP) J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018 Jun;84(6):1012-1016. Brenner M, Perina DG, Bulger EM, Winchell RJ, Kang CS, Henry S, Stewart RM, Weireter LJ, Chang MC, Rotondo MF. Response to letter to the editor from Dubose and colleagues regarding the Joint statement from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) regarding the clinical use of Resuscitat Trauma Surg Acute Care Open 2018 Mar;3(1). Dent DL, Al Fayyadh MJ, Rawlings JA, Hassan RA, Kempenich JW, Willis RE, Stewart RM. Failure on the American Board of Surgery Examinations of General Surgery Residency Graduates Correlates Positively with States` Malpractice Risk Am Surg 2018 Mar;84(3):398-402. Perina DG, Kang CS, Bulger EM, Stewart RM, Winchell RJ, Brenner M, Henry S, Weireter LJ, Chang MC, Rotondo MF. Authors' Response to Letter to the Editor by Allen et al regarding Joint statement from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) regarding the clinical use of Resuscitative End Trauma Surg Acute Care Open 2018 Mar;3(1). Brenner M, Bulger EM, Perina DG, Henry S, Kang CS, Rotondo MF, Chang MC, Weireter LJ, Coburn M, Winchell RJ, Stewart RM. Joint statement from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) regarding the clinical use of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) Trauma Surg Acute Care Open 2018 Jan;3(1). McCully BH, Underwood SJ, Kiraly L, Holcomb JB, Robinson BRH, Minei JP, Stewart RM, Cotton BA, Gordon NT, Martin DT, Rick EA, Dean RK, Wiles C, Anderson N, Schreiber MA. The effects of cryopreserved red blood cell transfusion on tissue oxygenation in obese trauma patients J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018 Jan;84(1):104-111. Stewart RM, Pruitt BA and the US Army Institute for Surgical Research. Five Decades of Science, Clinical Care, Mentorship, and Leadership J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2017 Aug;Epub. Kuhls DA, Campbell BT, Burke PA, Allee L, Hink A, Letton RW, Masiakos PT,Coburn M, Alvi M, Lerer TJ, Gaines BA, Nance ML, Schuerer DJE, Palmieri TL, Davis JW, Geehan DM, Elsey JK, Sutton BH, McAndrew MP, Gross RI, Reed DN Jr, Van Boerum
DH, Esposito TJ, Albrecht RM, Sarani B, Shapiro DS, Wiggins-Dohlvik K, Stewart RM. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Survey of American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma members on firearm injury: Consensus and opportunities J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2017 May;82(5):877-886. Al Fayyadh MJ, Rawlings JA, Willis RE, Falcone JL, Stewart RM, Dent DL. The American Board of Surgery examinations: how are the Southwestern Surgical Congress programs performing compared to the rest of the United States Am J Surg 2016 Dec;212(6):1243-1247. Jenkins DH, Cioffi WG, Cocanour CS, Davis KA, Fabian TC, Jurkovich GJ, Rozycki
GS, Scalea TM, Stassen NA, Stewart RM. Position statement of the Coalition for National Trauma Research on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report, A National Trauma Care System: Integrating Military and Civilian Trauma Systems to Achieve Zero Preventable Deaths Af J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2016 Nov;81(5):816-818. Smith SL, Price MA, Fabian TC, Jurkovich GJ, Pruitt BA, Stewart RM, Jenkins DH. The National Trauma Research Repository: Ushering In A New Era of Trauma Research (Commentary) SHOCK 2016 Sep;46(3 S1):37-41. Stewart RM, Kuhls DA. Firearm injury prevention: A consensus approach to reducing preventable deaths J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2016 Jun;80(6):850-852. Sordo S, Holloway TL, Woodard RL, Conway BE, Liao LF, Eastridge BJ, Myers JG, Stewart RM, Dent DL. Small Bowel Perforations by Metallic Grill Brush Bristles: Clinical Presentations and Opportunity for Prevention Am Surg 2016 May;82(5):412-415. Flint LM, Greer W, Stewart RM, Drago MN, Hieronymus RM. SRGS and the COT trauma education programs: Keeping surgeons current on the provision of optimal patient care Bull Am Coll Surg 2016 Feb;101(2):35-39. Price MA, Beilman GJ, Fabian TC, Hoyt DB, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM, MacKenzie EJ, Marshall VS, Overton KE, Peitzman AB, Phillips MJ, Pruitt BA, Smith SL, Stewart RM, Jenkins DH. The National Trauma Institute: Lessons learned in the funding and conduct of 16 trauma research studies Trauma Acute Care Surg 2016 Jan;81(3):548-554. Kuhls DA, Campbell BT, Burke PA, Allee L, Hink A, Letton RW, Masiakos, et. al. and Stewart RM for the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Survey of American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma members on firearm injury: Consensus and opportunities Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2016 Jan;. Holloway TL, Rani M, Cap AP, Stewart RM, Schwacha MG. The association between the Th-17 immune response and pulmonary complications in a trauma ICU population Cytokine 2015 Dec;76(2):328-333. Stewart RM. Perspectives on the profession Am J Surg 2015 Oct;. Weireter LJ, Stewart RM. Role of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma in the care of the injured Bull Am Coll Surg 2015 Sep;100(1 Sup):75-76. Hale DF, Fitzpatrick CM, Doski JJ, Stewart RM, Mueller DL. Absence of clinical findings reliably excludes unstable cervical spine injuries in children 5 years or younger J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2015 May;78(5):943-948. Bartanusz V, Corneille MG, Sordo S, Gildea M, Michalek JE, Nair PV, Stewart RM, Jezova D. Diurnal salivary cortisol measurement in the neurosurgical-surgical intensive care unit in critically ill acute trauma patients J Clin Neurosci 2014 Dec;21(12):2150-2154. Harrison HB, Smith WZ, Salhanick MA, Higgins RA, Ortiz A, Olson JD, Schwacha MG, Harrison CR, Aydelotte JD, Stewart RM, Dent DL. An experimental model of hemothorax autotransfusion: impact on coagulation Am J Surg 2014 Dec;208(6):1078-1082. Sirinek KR, Willis P, Stewart RM. Geographic maldistribution of general surgery PGYI residents: Another US surgical desert American Journal of Surgery 2014 Dec;208(6):1023-1028. Reed, CC, Richa, JM, Berndt AE, Beadle, RD, Gerhardt, SD, Stewart RM, Corneille MG. Improving tight glycemic control with the adjunct use of a data management software program AACN Advanced Critical Care 2012 Jan;23(4):362-369. Salhanick M, Higgins RA, Olson JD, Michalek JE, Harrison CR, Corneille MG, Stewart RM, Harrison C,Dent DL,. Autotransfusion of Hemothorax Blood In Trauma Patients: Is It the Same as Fresh Whole Blood? Am J Surg 2011 Dec;202(6):817-822. Stewart RM, Geoghegan K, Myers JG, Sirinek KR, Corneille MG, Mueller D, Dent DL, Wolf SE, Pruitt BA. Malpractice Risk and Cost are Significantly Reduced After Tort Reform J Am Coll Surg 2011 Apr;212(4):463-467.Not Specified
Kuhls DA, Stewart RM. Letter to the Editor: Stopping the Bleeding Is Not Enough Ann Surg 2017 May;Epub. Chapleau W, Stewart RM. In memoriam: Dr. Norman McSwain, a pioneer in comprehensive trauma care Bull Am Coll Surg 2015 Oct;100(10):56-58.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Surgery/Surgical Critical Care
- American Board of Surgery