Lixin (Lee) Song, PhD, RN, FAAN
Vice Dean for Research and Scholarship
Dr. Song earned her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor and completed postdoctoral training in chronic illness management at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill School of Nursing. Formerly a Professor with Tenure and holder of the Beerstecher-Blackwell Distinguished Professorship at UNC, Dr. Song's research focuses on supportive care, family caregiving, health disparities, decision-making, and technology-based interventions for aging patients with chronic illnesses (e.g., solid tumors and ADRD) during their care transitions and their caregivers. Recognized for her expertise in family-based cancer research, she is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. As a principal investigator (PI) or MPI, she has secured research grants from federal agencies, including the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Nursing Research, National Library of Medicine, and the Department of Defense, to conduct randomized clinical trials that test the efficacy and effectiveness of various interventions on improving the health outcomes among patients with cancer and ADRD and their caregivers.
Professional Background
- 2011 - Postdoctoral - Nursing - University of North Carolina, School of Nursing, Chapel Hill, NC
- 2009 - Doctorate in Philosophy - Nursing - University of Michigan, School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI
- 2000 - Master of Science in Nursing - Nursing - Tianjin Medical University, China, and University of Ottawa, Canada
- 2023 - Full member, Mays Cancer Center - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- Sept. 2022 - Director of Caregiving Research, Mays Cancer Center - UT Health San Antonio
- Sept. 2022 - Professor (with Tenure), Vice Dean for Research, Director of the Smart Center - UT Health San Antinio, School of Nursing
- 2022 - Hugh Roy Cullen Endowed Professor - UT Health San Antonio
- 2022 - Nancy Smith Hurd President's Chair in Geriatric Nursing & Aging Studies - UT Health San Antonio
- Aug. 2022 - Professor Emerita - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research & Grants
09/01/2023-08/31/2025 - National Institute on Aging P30 AG044271 (RL5 Mentored Career Development Award; Song (Primary mentor) (PI: Du); A senioR centEr-baSed multIlevel Lifestyle Intervention to improvE physical functIoN in older adults with Type 2 diabetes (RESILIENT)
01/01/2023 – 12/31/2025 - The University of Texas System Translational STARs award; Song (PI); Center for Holistic Care of Cancer Patients and Family Caregivers
09/01/2022 – 08/31/2027 - The University of Texas Health San Antonio; Song (PI); Center of Smart and Connected Health
07/01/2021 – 07/31/2024 - Department of Defense W81XWH-21-1-0263; Song (PI); Developing and Pilot Testing the Interactive Prostate Cancer Information, Communication, and Support Program
07/01/2021 – 06/30/2024 - Department of Defense W81XWH2110775; Song: Co-Investigator (PI: Tan); Personalizing Kidney Cancer Communication to Support Patient-Centered Decision-Making
06/01/2021 – 07/31/2022 - National Library of Medicine 3R01LM013329-02S; Nirjon & Song (MPIs); AURA-ALZ: Connecting Audio and Radio Sensing Systems to Improve Care at Home for Persons with Early Alzheimer's Disease or Related Dementias and Their Caregivers
09/10/2019-07/31/2023 - National Library of Medicine 1R01LM013329 (NIH/NSF Connected Health); Nirjon & Song (MPI’s); AURA: Connecting Audio and Radio Sensing Systems to Improve Care at Home
07/1/2021 -06/30/2024 - UNC University Cancer Research Fund and UT Health San Antonio; Song (PI); Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Patient Reported Outcomes-Informed Symptom Management System for Spanish-speaking Patients with Cancer and Their Caregivers (PACE/PRISMS - Esp)
09/25/2017-06/30/2023 - National Institute of Nursing Research 1R01NR016990; Song (PI); Efficacy of a Couple-focused, Tailored, Symptom Self-Management mHealth Intervention for Prostate Cancer Patients and Partners
08/01/2019 – 07/31/2021 - 2UG1CA189823; Buckner (PI), Role: PI of Pilot award; Feasibility Testing of Patient Reported Outcomes-Informed Symptom Management System (PRISMS)
12/1/2016-11/30/2019 - National Cancer Institute R21-CA212516-01; Song (PI); Enhancing Survivorship Care Planning for Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer Using a Couple-Focused Web-based Tailored Symptom Self-Management Program
- Northouse, L. L. & Song, L. (2020). Family Nursing Research: The Development of Intervention. In Akemi. Yamazaki (Ed.), Textbook for the science of family nursing: from the consideration of 19 clinical trials and eight clinical practices (2nd ed). Tokyo, Japan: Nankodo Co. (Invited)
- Song, L. & Northouse, L., (2016). Cancer and caregiver issues. In C. H. Yarbro, D. Wujcik, & B. H. Gobel (Eds.), Cancer nursing, principles and practice (8th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Inc. (Invited)
- Newth, G., Song, L., & Northouse, L. L. (2016). Family-based oncology nursing research: Intervention development. In Akemi. Yamazaki (Ed.), Textbook for the science of family nursing: from the consideration of 19 clinical trials and eight clinical practices (2nd ed). Tokyo, Japan: Nankodo Co. (Invited)
- Northouse, L., & Song, L. (2010). Cancer and caregiver issues. In C. H. Yarbro, D. Wujcik, & B. H. Gobel (Eds.), Cancer nursing, principles and practice (7th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Inc. (Invited)
- Newth, G., Song, L., & Northouse, L. L. (2007). Family-based oncology nursing research: Intervention development. In A.Yamazaki (Ed.), Textbook of family nursing. Tokyo, Japan: Nankodo Co. (Invited)
- *† Salmon, C., Song, L., Muir, K.R., Pashayan, N, Dunning, A.M., Batra, J., Chambers, S., Stanford, J.L., A ostrander, E., Park, J.Y., Lin, H.Y., Cussenot, O., Cancel-Tassin, G., Menegaux, F., Cordina-Duverger, E., Kogevinas, M., Llorca, J., Kaneva, R., Razack, A., Lim, J., Gago-Dominguez, M.,
- Castelao, J.E., Kote-Jarai, Z., Parent, M-E., & Eeles, R. (in Press). Marital status and prostate cancer incidence: a pooled analysis of 12 case-control studies from the PRACTICAL Consortium. European Journal of Epidemiology.
- *†‡Guan, T., Chapman, M.V., Qan’ir, Y., Song, L. (2021). Psychosocial interventions for siblings of children with cancer: A mixed methods systematic review. Psychooncology. 30(6):818-831. doi:10.1002/pon.5684 (First and third authors are students)
- *†‡ Song, L., Qanir, Y., Guan, T., Guo, P.R., Xu, S.M., Chung, A., Idiagbonya, E., Song, F.Y. & Kent, E.E. (2021). The Challenges of Enrollment and Retention: A Systemic Review of Psychosocial Behavioral Interventions for Patients with Cancer and Their Family Caregivers. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management,
- *†‡Guan, T., Qanir, Y., Song, L. (2021). Systematic review of illness uncertainty management interventions for cancer patients and their family caregivers. Supportive Care in Cancer. 29(8):4623-4640. PMID: 33495851. DOI 10.1007/s00520-020-05931-x (Song: Corresponding author; first and second authors are doctoral students)
- *†Jung, A., Song, L.. Snyder, E., Louwers, R., Sachse, K., Chisolm, S., Gore, J., Smith, A.B. (2021). Well-being and Perceptions of Supportive Resources among Caregivers of Patients with Bladder Cancer. Bladder Cancer. 7(1):43-52. DOI: 10.3233/BLC-200412 (First author is a student)
- *†McMahon, S., Basak, R., Zhou, X., Smith, A., Song, L., Pruthi, R., Wallen, E., Nielsen, M., & Tan, H.J. (2021). Patient-Reported Health Status, Comorbidity Burden, and Prostate Cancer Treatment.
- Urology. PMCID: PMC7940590.
- *†‡Song, L., Guan, T., Guo, P.R., Song, F.Y., Van Houtven, C., Tan, X.M. & Keyserling, T.C., (2020). Cardiovascular Disease, Risk Factors and Health Behaviors among Cancer Survivors and Spouses: A MEPS Study. Cancer Medicine. 9(18): 6864-6874. DOI: 10.1002/cam4.3336
- *†‡Song, L., Guo, P.R., Tan, X.M., Chen, R., Nielsen, M.E., Birken, S., Koontz, B., Northouse, L., & Mayer, D.K. (2020) Enhancing Survivorship Care Planning for Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer Using a Couple-focused Web-based, mHealth Program: The Results of A Pilot Feasibility Study. J. Cancer Survivorship. 15(1):99-108. PMCID: PMC7855003. DOI: 10.1007/s11764-020-00914-7
- †‡Okoro, F.O., Song, L., Auten, B., Whitaker-Brown, C., & Cornelius, J.B. (2020) African American Survivors of Prostate Cancer: A Metasynthesis and Literature Review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 15(1):40-53. PMCID: PMC7855211. DOI: (First author is a mentee)
- *†‡Song, L., Idiagbonya, E., Su, K., & Idiagbonya, J. (2020). Development of A Personalized mHealth Program for Cancer Symptom and Complication Management. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 16(270):1255-1256. doi: 10.3233/SHTI200389.
- *†‡ Guan, T., Guo, P.R., Santacroce, S.J., Chen, D.G., Song, L. (2020). Illness Uncertainty and Its Antecedents for Patients with Prostate Cancer and Their Partners. Oncology Nursing Forum. 47(6): 721–731 (Song: Corresponding author; first and second authors are students)
- *‡Song, L. Tan, X, Bredle, J., Bennett, A.V., Northouse, L. (2020). Psychometric Properties of the FACT-G Quality of Life Scale for Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients. Quality of Life Research. 29(8), 2241-2252. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-020-02477-7
- *†‡Guan, T., Chen, D.G., Santacroce, S.J., & Song, L. (2020). Illness Uncertainty, Coping and Quality of Life among Patients with Prostate Cancer. Psychooncology. 9(6):1019-1025. doi:10.1002/pon.5372. (Song: Corresponding author; first authors is a student)
- *†‡Liu, C.C., Yu, F., & Song, L., (2020). A Systematic Investigation on the Research Publications that Used the Medical Expenditure Panel survey (MEPS) Data through a Bibliometrics Approach. Library Hi Tech. ISSN: 0737-8831 (First author is a student; second author is mentee)
- *†‡Xing, Z.P., Yu, F., Du, J., Walker, J., Paulson, C., Mani, N., & Song, L. (2019) Conversational Interfaces for Health – A Bibliometric analysis of Grants, Publications, and Patents. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). 21(11). DOI: 10.2196/14672. PMID: 31738171. PMCID: 6887814 (First author is a student; second author is mentee)
- Von Ah, D., Brown, C., Brown, S. J., Davies, M., Dodd, M., Ferrell, B., Hammer, M., Knoop, T., Knobf, T., Leak-Bryant, A., LoBiondo-Wood, G., Mayer, D.K., Miaskowski, C., Mitchell, S., Song, L., Bruner, D. W., Wesmiller, S., & Cooley, M.E., (2019). Research Agenda for the Oncology Nursing Society: 2019-2022. Oncology Nursing Forum. 46(6):651-653. doi: 10.1188/19.ONF.651-653.
- *†‡Xing, Z, Yu, F., Qanir, Y., Guan, T., Walker, J., & Song, L. (2019). Intelligent Conversational Agents in Patient Self-management: A Systematic Survey Using Multi Data Sources. Stud Health Technol Inform, 264:1813-1814. doi: 10.3233/SHTI190661. (First, third and fourth authors are students; second author is a mentee)
- *†‡Song, L., Guan, T., Guo, P.R., Keyserling, T., Van Houtven, C., & Tan, X.M. (2019). Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factors, Quality of Life, and Health Behaviors Of Cancer Survivors And Their Spouses: Findings from MEPS. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 13(5), 739-748. DOI: 10.1007/s11764-019-00792-8
- *†Erim, D.O, Bensen, J.T., Mohler, J.L., Fontham, E.T., Song, L., Farnan, L., Delacroix, S. E. Peters, E.S. Erim, E.N., Chen, R., Gaynes, B. B. (2019). Patterns and Predictors of Self-reported Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in Prostate Cancer Survivors. Cancer Medicine. 8(8):3648- 3658. doi: 10.1002/cam4.2239. (First author is a student)
- *Bryant, A.L., Coffman, E., Phillips, B., Tan, X., Bullard, E., Hirschey, R., Bradley, J., Bennett, A.V., Stover, A.M., Song, L., Shea, T. C., & Wood, W.A. (2019). Pilot Randomized Trial of an Electronic Symptom Monitoring and Reporting Intervention for Hospitalized Adults Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Supportive Care in Cancer. 28(3):1223-1231. doi: 10.1007/s00520-019- 04932-9
- *†‡ Qanir, Y. & Song, L. (2019). Systematic Review of Technology-Based Interventions to Improve Anxiety, Depression and Health Related Quality Of Life Among Patients With Prostate Cancer. Psychooncology, 28(8):1601-1613. DOI: 10.1002/pon.5158. PMCID: PMC7465427 (First author is a student)
- *†Erim, D.O, Bensen, J.T., Mohler, J.L., Fontham, E.T., Song, L., Farnan, L., Delacroix, S. E. Peters, E.S. Erim, E.N., Chen, R., Gaynes, B. B. (2019). Prevalence and Predictors of Probable Depression in Prostate Cancer Survivors. Cancer, 125(19):3418-3427. DOI: 10.1002/cncr.32338. PMCID: PMC7465428 (First author is a student)
- *†‡Qan’ir, Y., DeDeaux, D., Godley, P.A., Mayer, D. & Song, L. (2019). Management of Androgen Deprivation Therapy-Associated Hot Flashes in Men with Prostate Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 46(4):E107-E118.DOI:10.1188/19.ONF.E107-E118 (Song: Corresponding author; (first and second authors are students)
- *Steck, S., Bensen, J. T., Hussey, J., Fontham, E., Merchant, A., Schneider, L., Mohler, J., Farnan, L., Song, L., Su, J., Arab, L. (2018). Dietary Patterns Based on the Mediterranean Diet and DASH Diet are Inversely Associated with High Aggressive Prostate Cancer in PCaP. Annals of Epidemiology, 29:16-22.e1. DOI:10.1016/j.annepidem.20
- *Allott, E.H., Farnan, L., Steck, S. E., Song, L, Arab, L., Su, L.J., Fontham, E., Mohler, J., Bensen, J. (2018). Statin use, high cholesterol and prostate cancer progression; results from HCaP-NC. Prostate, 78(11):857-864. doi: 10.1002/pros.23644.
- *†‡Song, L., Dunlap. K., Mayer, D.K., Tan, X.M., Chen, R., Nielsen, M.E., Asafu-Adjeir, J., Koontz, B., Birken, S., & Northouse, L. (2018). Enhancing Survivorship Care Planning for Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer Using A Couple-Focused mHealth Tailored Symptom Self-Management Program. Journal of Medical Internet Research Res Protoc, 26;7(2):e51. doi: 10.2196/resprot.9118.
- *†‡Chen, H.C., Song, L., Chang, H.C., Hsu, M.T. (2018). Factors related to tracheostomy timing and ventilator weaning: Findings from a population in Northern Taiwan. Clinical Respiratory Journal, 12(1), 97-104 DOI:10.1111/crj.12492. (First author is student)
- *†‡Song, L., Tatum, K., Greene, G., & Chen, R. (2017). eHealth Literacy and Partner Involvement In Treatment Decision-Making For Newly Diagnosed Localized Prostate Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum. 44(2):225-233. doi: 10.1011/17.ONF.225-233. (Selected as a featured Journal Club Article)
- *†‡Song, L., Tyler, C., Clayton, M., Rodgiriguez-Rassi, E., Hill, L., Bai, J.B., Pruthi, R., & Bailey Jr., D.E. (2017). Patient and Family Communication During Consultation Visits: The Effects of a Decision Aid for Treatment Decision-Making for Localized Prostate Cancer. Patient Education and Counseling. 100 (2): 267–275. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.09.012.
- *Holmes, J.A. Bensen, J.T., Mohler, J.L., Song, L., Mishel, M., & Chen, R.C., (2017). Quality of Care Received and Patient-Reported Regret in Prostate Cancer, Analysis of a Population-Based Prospective Cohort. Cancer, 1;123(1):138-143. doi: 10.1002/cncr.30315
- *†‡Song, L., Rini, C., Ellis, K., & Northouse, L.L. (2016). Appraisals, perceived dyadic communication, and quality of life over time among couples coping with prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(9):3757-65. doi: 10.1007/s00520-016-3188-0.
- *†‡Song, L., Toles, M.P., Bai, J.B., Nielsen, M., Bailey, D., Sleath, B., & Mark, B. (2015). Patient Participation In Communication about Treatment Decision-Making for Localized Prostate Cancer During Consultation Visits. Health, 7:1419-1429.
- *†‡Symes, Y., Song, L., Heineman, R. G., Barbosa, B.D., Tatum, K., Greene, G., Weaver, M., & Chen, R.C., (2015). Involvement in decision-making and satisfaction with treatment among partners of patients with newly diagnosed localized prostate cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 42(6): 672-679. (Song: Corresponding author; first author is a student and mentee)
- *Brandon, A.R., Song, L., Deal, A.M., Gellin, M., Sherwood, E., Bloom, D., Doernberg, A., Manning, M.L., Young, M.D., & Rosenstein, D. L. (2015). Using Telehealth to Train Providers of a Cancer Support Intervention. Telemedicine and e-Health, 21(10): 793-800. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2014.0208.
- *Morris, B., Farnan, L., Song, L., Addington, E.L., Mishel, M., Mohler, J., Chen, R.C., Nielsen, M.E., & Bensen, J.T. (2015). Treatment decisional regret among men with prostate cancer: Racial differences and influential factors in the North Carolina Health Access and Prostate Cancer Treatment Project (HCaP-NC). Cancer, 121(12):2029-35. DOI: 10.1002/cncr.29309. PMID: 25740564
- *†‡Song, L., Rini, C., Deal, A.M., Nielsen, M.E., Chang, H., Kinneer, P., Teal, R., Johnson, D.C, Dunn, M.W., Mark, B., & Palmer, M.H. (2015). Improving Couples’ Quality Of Life Through A Web- Based, Couple-Oriented Prostate Cancer Education Intervention. Oncology Nursing Forum, 42(2):183-92. (Selected as a featured Journal Club Article)
- *†Matson, M., Song, L.X., & Mayer, D.K. (2014). Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle: Caring for the Cancer Caregiver. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 18(6):619-21. doi: 10.1188/14.CJON.619-621. (First author is a student)
- *Song, L., Weaver, M.A., Chen, R. C., Bensen, J. T., Fontham, E., Mohler, J.L., Mishel, M., Godley, P.A., & Sleath, B. (2014). Associations Between Patient-Provider Communication And Socio-Cultural Factors In Prostate Cancer Patients: A Cross-Sectional Evaluation Of Racial Differences. Patient Education and Counseling, 97(3):339-46. Doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2014.08.019. PMCID: PMC4252656
- 39. *Northouse, L.L., Schafenacker, A., Barr, K.L.C., Katapodi, M., Yoon, H., Brittain, K., Song, L., Ronis, D. L., & An, L. (2014). A Tailored Web-Based Psycho-Educational Intervention for Cancer Patients and Their Family Caregivers. Cancer Nursing. 37(5): 321-30. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000159. PMCID: PMC4164300
- *†Song, L., Ji, YC, & Nielsen, ME, (2014). Quality of Life and Health Status among Prostate Cancer Survivors and Non-cancer Population Controls. Urology, 83(3): 658-63. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2013.12.009. PMCID: PMC3947555
- *Song, L., Bensen, JT, Zimmer C., Sleath B., Blackard B., Fontham, E., Su L. J., Brennan, C.S., Mohler, J.L., & Mishel, M. (2013) Patient-Health Care Provider Communication among Patients with Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer: Findings from A Population-based Survey. Patient Education and Counseling, 91:79-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2012.12.002. PMCID: PMC4238380
- *Song, L., Chen, R.C., Bensen, J., Knafl, G. J., Wallen, E. M., Pruthi, R.S., Nielsen, M., Mishel, M., Mohler, J.L., & Godley, P.A. (2013). Who makes the decision regarding treatment for clinically localized prostate cancer, patient or physician? Results from a population-based study. Cancer, 119:421-428. DOI: 10.1002/cncr.27738. (Selected as a featured article and for the front cover of Cancer).
- *†‡Song, L., Guan, T., Guo, P.R., Tan, X.M. & Keyserling, T., Health Behaviors and Marital Status Among Cancer Survivors: Findings From MEPS. Cancer Medicine.
- *†Madhav KC, Evrim Oral, Rung, Ariane L., Trapido, E., Rozek, L.S., Fontham, Elizabeth T.H., Bensen, J.T., Farnan, L., Steck, S., Song, L., Mohler, J., Peters, E.S., Neighborhood deprivation and risk of mortality among men with prostate cancer: finding from a long-term follow-up study. The Prostate.
- *†‡Qanir, Y., …. Song, L. Quality of life among patients with cancer and their family caregivers in the Sub-Saharan Region: a systematic review of quantitative studies. ASCO Global Oncology.
- *†Song, L., Neighborhood Deprivation and Living with Prostate Cancer: Patients’ and Spouses’ Psychosocial Behavioral Status, Symptoms, and Quality of Life. JCO
- *†‡Xu, S.M., … Song, L. Heterogeneity of Symptoms among Patients with Prostate Cancer and Their Caregivers in the Context of Sociodemographic and Medical Characteristics: a Latent Class Analysis. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
- *†‡Xu, S.M., … Song, L. Disparities in health information seeking behaviors of cancer survivors and the general population: a cross-sectional analysis of the Health Information National Trends Survey. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
- *†‡Song, L., Guo, P.R., Guan, T., & Tan, X.M. Cardiovascular Disease and The Modifiable Health Behaviors Among Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses: Findings From Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) (2019). Oncology Nursing Forum
- *†‡ Guan, T.,* Guo, P.R.,* Tan, X.M., & Song, L. Psychological Distress and Depressed mood Among Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses: Findings From Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (2019). Oncology Nursing Forum. (First and Second authors are students)
- Song, L., & Northouse, L. (2015). Coping, Optimism, And Quality of Life In Couples Managing Prostate Cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 24 (SI: 2): 47
- *†‡Song, L.X.; Bai, J.B.; Tole, M.; Bailey, C. (Jr) (2015). Patient Participation in Treatment Decision Making For Localized Prostate Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 42 (2): E231-E231
- *†Bai, J.B.; Song, L.X.; & Mishel, M. (2015). Communication Between The Patient, Caregiver And Physician In Treatment Decision Making For Localized Prostate Cancer: Developing A Three- Dimensional Coding System. Oncology Nursing Forum, 42 (2): E230-E231 (First and Second authors are students)
- *Song, L. (2013). Quality of Life and Costs of Health Care Services among Cancer Survivors and Their Partners. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 16: S31-S32.
- Song, L. (2016) Prostate Cancer Education Materials (Support for spouses and partners; listening and communication guide; and Fatigue). Michigan Department of Community Health. Michigan.
- *†‡ Mercer, E., Nielsen,M.E., Chen, R., Mayer, D., & Song, L. Using NC CCR Rapid Case Ascertainment in Family-based Cancer Research. Poster Presentation at the Cancer Registrars Charting the Course—Association of NC Cancer Registrars Annual Meeting, Carolina Beach, NC, September 12-14, 2018
- Song, L., Rodriguez-Rassi, E., Rini, C., Nielsen, M., Palmer, M., & Mark, B. (2015). Tailored Web-Based Prostate Cancer Education for Patients and Partners. Annual Association of North Carolina Cancer Registrars meeting. Raleigh, NC.
- A couple focused, web-based tailored intervention program for symptom self-management for patients with newly treated localized prostate cancer and their partners:
- Prostate Education Resources for Couples:
- Patient Reported Outcomes-informed Symptom management System (PRISMS):
- McElyea, R., Xu, S., Idiagbonya, E., Idiagbonya, J., Guo, P., Partin, D., Motko, J., Song, L. (2021). Usability Testing of the Patient Reported Outcomes-Informed Symptom Management System: a personalized mHealth Program. 44th Annual Conference of the Sourtheast Region of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society, August 2021, Orlando, Florida.
- *†‡Xu, S., Guo, P., Tan, X., Vaughn, J., & Song, L. (2021). Symptom Prevalence-based Subgroups and Quality of Life of Patients with Prostate Cancer and Their Caregivers. Annual Meeting of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society of Oral Oncology (MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting), June 2021, Online (First and Second authors are students)
- *†‡Guan, T., Chapman, M.V., Qan’ir, Y., Song, L. (March 10-12, 2021). Psychosocial interventions for siblings of children with cancer: A mixed methods systematic review. Poster presentation at the 18th Annual American Psychosocial Oncology Society Virtual Conference, Online.
- *†‡Guan, T., Qanir, Y., Chung, A., Xu, S.M., Idiagbonya, E., & Song, L. (2020). Recruitment and Retention Strategies of Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers in Family-based Intervention Studies. Late Breaking Poster 2020 Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting. November 4-7, 2020
- *†‡Song, L., Idiagbonya, E., Su, K., & Idiagbonya, J.. Development of A Personalized mHealth Program for Cancer Symptom and Complication Management. Poster Podium presentation. Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) 2020: Digital Personalized Health. April 28 - May 01, 2020, Geneva, Switzerland. (Presentation not given; conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic)
- Song, L., Fuller, PG, Nielsen, M., Chen, R., Keyserling, T.C., Rini, C., & Palmer, M. Testing a couplefocused, tailored mhealth intervention for symptom self-management among men with prostate cancer and partners. Podium presentation at USANZ and ANZUNS ASM 2020, 7-10 March 2020, Sydney, Australia. (Presentation not given; conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic)
- *†‡Guo, P., Tan, X., Guan, T., & Song, L. Comorbidities, Quality of Life and Health Behaviors Among Cancer Survivors: Findings from MEPS. Paper presentation at the 41st Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, April 1-4, 2020, San Francisco, CA (Presentation not given; conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic)
- †‡Song, L., Nielsen, M., Chen, R., Keyserling, T.C., Rini, C., & Palmer, M. Testing the Efficacy of a Couple-focused, Tailored mHealth Intervention for Symptom Self-Management among Men with Prostate Cancer and Their Partners. Symposium “We’re in This Together”: Novel dyadic interventions for medical patients” at the 41st Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, April 1-4, 2020, San Francisco, CA. (Presentation not given; conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic)
- *†‡ Liu, C.C., Yu, F., & Song, L., A bibliometric analysis of research publications that adopted the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data. Poster presentation at the AMIA 2019 Annual Symposium, Washington, Nov 16-20, 2019.
- *†‡ Yu, F., Smith, A., & ‡Song, L. Information Seeking for Prostate Cancer Treatment Decision Marking: A Natural Language Processing Approach to Analyzing Medical Communication During Consultation Visits. Oral presentation at the 2019 ICCH: International Conferecne on Communication in Healthcare. October 27 - 30, 2019, San Diego, California. (Correspondence author)
- Song, L., Tan, X., Nielsen, ME. Chen, R., Northouse, LL, & Mayer, D., Enhancing Survivorship Care Plan Using A Symptom Self-Management mHealth Program Among Men with Localized Prostate Cancer and Their Partners. Podium Presentation at the AMIA 2019 Annual Symposium. Nov 16-20, Washington, DC.
- *†‡ Erim, D.O, Bensen, J.T., Mohler, J.L., Fontham, E.T., Song, L., Farnan, L., Delacroix, S. E. Peters, E.S. Erim, E.N., Chen, R., Gaynes, B. B., Patterns and Predictors of Self-reported Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in Prostate Cancer Survivors. Poster presentation at AcademyHealth 2019 Annual Research Meeting. June 2-4, Washington, DC.
- *†‡Xing, Z, Yu, F., Qanir, Y., Guan, T., Walker, J., & Song, L. Intelligent Conversational Agents in Patient Self-management: A Systematic Survey Using Multi Data Sources. Poster presentation at Medinfo 2019- Health and Wellbeing E-Networks for All. August 26-30, 2019, Lyon, France
- *†‡ Jung, A., Choi, B., Kim, H.J., & Song, L. Care Need Assessment among Patients with Bladder Cancer and Their Family Members Using Social Media. Poster Presentation at American Medical Informatics Association 2019 Clinical Informatics Conference. April 30, 2019, Atlanta, GA.
- *Song, L., Mayer, D., Birken, S., Tan, X., Chen, R., & Nielsen, ME. Enhancing Survivorship Care Planning for Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer Using a Couple-Focused mHealth Symptom Self-Management Program: A Pilot Feasibility Study. Podium Presentation at the 4th International Conference on Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions. Feburary 13-15, 2019. Bangkok, Thailand.
- *†‡Song, L., Guo, P.R., Guan, T., & Tan, X.M. Cardiovascular Disease and The Modifiable Health Behaviors Among Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses: Findings from Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). Oral presentation at the ONS 44th Annual Congress, April 11-14, 2019, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.
- *†‡Smith, A., Song, L., Jung, A., PEER members, Hoffman-Censits, J., Gore, J. and members of the BCAN Patient Survey Network. Evaluation of burden and needs assessment among bladder cancer caregivers. ePoster presentation at the ONS 44th Annual Congress, April 11-14, 2019, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.
- *†‡ Guan, T.,* Guo, P.R.,* Tan, X.M., & Song, L. Psychological Distress and Depressed mood Among Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses: Findings From Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. ePoster presentation at the ONS 44th Annual Congress, April 11-14, 2019, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.
* First and Second authors are students. ‡ Correspondence author - *Vranceanu, Ana-Maria, Shaffer, Kelly, & Song, L. Dyadic research in medical populations: Novel approaches, new interventions, and future directions. Symposium at the 40th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, March 6-9, 2019, Washington, DC.
- *†‡Song, L., Dunlap, K., Aluko, B. (2018). Efficacy of A Couple-focused, Tailored Symptom Selfmanagement mHealth Intervention for Prostate Cancer Patients and Partners. Poster presentation at the 2018 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research - Precision Health Conference in Washington, DC, September 13-15, 2018
- *†‡Yu, F., Liu, Y., & Song, L. A Natural Language Processing Approach to Analyzing Consultation Visits for Treatment Decision Making of Localized Prostate Cancer Patients: A Case Study on Second Use of Clinical Consultation Data. Poster presentation at the Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK) Conference in Bethesda, MD, July 10-11, 2018.
- *†‡Song, L., Dunlap, K., Bolu Yemi Aluko. A Tailored Symptom Self-management mHealth Intervention. Poster presentation at Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science’s 2018 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research - Precision Health in Washington, DC, September 13-15, 2018.
- Song, L., Mayer, DK, Tan, X., Nielsen, ME, Chen, RC, & Northouse, LL. Feasibility and Preliminary Effects: Using A Symptom Self-management mHealth Program to Enhance Survivorship Care Plans for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer and Their Partners. The MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer in Vienna, Austria, June 28-30, 2018
- Song, L. & Leeman, J. Physical activity, and its relationships with quality of life, self-efficacy, and symptoms among partner caregivers of patients with localized prostate cancer 3 months following diagnosis. Active Living Research Conference 2017 in Clearwater Beach, Florida, Feb 28-March 1, 2017.
- *†‡Song, L., Rodriguez-Rassi, E., Rini, C., Nielsen, M., Dunn, M., Mark, B., Palmer, M. Tailored Web-based Prostate Cancer Education for Patients and Partners. Poster presentation at 8th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference: Innovation in a Rapidly Changing Landscape in Washington, DC, June 16-18, 2016.
- *†‡ Hill, L., Tyler, C., Rodriguez-Rassi, E., Bai, B., & Song., L. Differences in Provider communication behaviors when interacting with Caucasian and African Americans during treatment decision-making consultation for prostate cancer. Poster presentation at American Academy onCommunication in Healthcare (AACH) 2016 ENRICH & Research Forum in New Haven, CT on June 16-19, 2016. (First author is a student who was awarded the 2016 Cancer Outcomes Research Program Travel Award for Students and Fellow/Trainees at UNC LCCC.)
- *†‡Song, L., Tan, X., Rodriguez-Rassi, E., Rini, C., Nielsen, M., Dunn, M., Mark, B., Palmer, M. Web-based Prostate Cancer Education for Patients and Partners. Poster presentation at ONS 41st Annual Congress in San Antonio, TX, April 28–May 1, 2016.
- *†‡Song, L., Bai, JB, Toles M., Bailey D. (2015). Patient Participation in Treatment Decision-Making for Localized Prostate Cancer: results from a randomized clinical trial. Oral presentation: The 2015 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, New Orleans, Louisiana on October 25-28, 2015
- *†‡Song, L., Bai, JB, Toles M., Bailey D. (2015). Patient Participation in Treatment Decision-Making for Localized Prostate Cancer. Poster presentation: Translational Science 2015 Meeting, Washington, DC on April 16th to 18th.
- Leak-Bryant, A., Haley, J., Song, L. Building Oncology Nursing Capacity in Malawi: Research, Education, and Practice. Malawi Cancer Symposium. May 14, 2021
- Song, L. Reflection on The Journey of Developing Higher Nursing Education in China (Delivered virtually). Keynote speaker at the Tianjin Medical University 70th Anniversary Celebration, Tianjin China, June 17, 2021
- Song, L. (November 13, 2015). Cancer survivorship and family care. Regional interdisciplinary seminar of the Beichen District Health Professional Continue Education Series. Beichen Hospital, Tianjin, China.
- Song, L., (August 20, 2015). (Invited moderator) Session G5. Family Caregiving of Children: Research Perspectives. 12th International Family Nursing Conference (August 18-21, 2015), Odense, Denmark.
- Song, L., Improving Symptom Management & Quality of Care for Patients with Cancer and Their Caregivers. Research seminar at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, April 26, 2021
- Song, L. Symptom management intervention for cancer survivors and their family caregivers during care transition. Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2/28, 2019
- Song, L. technology-based symptom management intervention for cancer survivors and their family caregivers. University of Michigan Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, Jan 15, 2019
- McElyea, R., Xu, S., Idiagbonya, E., Song, L. (2021). Usability Testing of the Patient Reported Outcomes-Informed Symptom Management System: a personalized mHealth Program. Nursing Research Council at UNC Hospitals. Chapel Hill, NC, August 11, 2021.
- Song, L. Working Together to Advance Health & Healthcare Locally and Globally. Keynote speaker at the 2021 Sigma Theta Tau Alpha Alpha Chapter Induction Ceremony, Chapel Hill, April 11, 2021.
- Song, L. & Xu, S.M., Usability and Feasibility Testing of Patient Reported Outcomes Informed Symptom Management System (PRISMS). Health Informatics Research Seminar series, Triangle NC, October 14, 2020.
- Leak-Bryant, A., Song, L., Haley, J.. Building Oncology Nursing Capacity in Malawi. University of North Carolina School of Nursing Global Forum September 17, 2019
- Song, L. Improving symptom management & quality of care for patients with prostate cancer and their partners – UNC Cancer Outcomes Research Program Weekly Breakfast Seminar, Chapel Hill, NC, October 9, 2018
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