Departments & Divisions
Craig A Sisson, M.D.
Department of Emergency Medicine
Professional Background
- 2011 - Postdoctoral Training - RDMS (Physics and Abdomen) - The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- 2008 - Clinical Fellowship - Emergency Ultrasound - Rhode Island Hospital
- 2007 - Residency - Emergency Medicine (PGY-1 to PGY-4 program) (Chief Resident (2006-2007)) - The Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University
- 2003 - MD - Medicine (Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honors Society) - Wayne State University School of Medicine
- 1999 - BS - Cellular and Molecular Biology (Honors College, Graduated with High Honors) - University of Michigan
- 10/2017 - Co-Director, Combined Ultrasound and Global Health Fellowship - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 12/2016 - Director, Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 9/2015 - Associate Professor, Department of Cell Systems and Anatomy and Adjunct Associate Professor - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Cellular & Structural Biology, San Antonio
- 9/2014 - Associate Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 8/2014 - Director, Division of Ultrasound - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 8/2013 - Co-Director, CIRC5005 Medical Student Longitudinal Ultrasound Curriculum - Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at San Antonio, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 7/2013 - Faculty, EMED4000 Academic Emergency Medicine Longitudinal Elective - Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at San Antonio, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 7/2013 - Faculty, 4th year Medical Student Emergency Medicine Clinical Elective - Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at San Antonio, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 7/2012 - Faculty, EMED3005 Emergency Medicine Core Clerkship - Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at San Antonio, Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
- 7/2011 - Clinical Staff - University Hospital/University Health Systems (UHS), Emergency Medicine, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 3/2018 - Present, Point-of-Care Ultrasound CME Workshop
- 7/2017 - Present, Co-Director, Combined Ultrasound Global Health Fellowship
- 7/2016 - Present, Ultrasound Interdepartmental Grand Rounds, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/2016 - Present, Director, Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship
- 7/2016 - Present, Medical Student Ultrasound Interest Group, Joe R. Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at San Antonio
- 7/2014 - Present, Emergency Medicine Core Clerkship, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2013 - Present, Individual Instruction, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/2013 - Present, Co-Director, Longitudinal Medical Student Ultrasound Curriculum (CIRC5005)
- 7/2013 - Present, Director, UTHSCSA PGY-2 and PGY-3 Advanced Emergency Ultrasound Elective
- 7/2013 - Present, Director, UTHSCSA PGY-1 Emergency Medicine Required Ultrasound Rotation
- 7/2013 - Present, Director, Advanced Practice Provider Ultrasound Training, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/2012 - Present, Individual Instruction, Joe R. Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at San Antonio
- 7/2012 - Present, Academic Emergency Medicine - Longitudinal Elective, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2012 - Present, Director, Introduction to Trauma Ultrasound for Surgical Interns
- 4/2012 - Present, Director, Long School of Medicine 4th Year Medical Student Emergency Ultrasound Elective (EMED4051)
- 10/2011 - Present, Individual Instruction, Joe R. Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at San Antonio
- 7/2011 - Present, Individual Instruction, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/2011 - Present, Emergency Medicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
Funding Agency The University of Texas System Title The University of Texas 2015 Patient Safety Medical Education Grant Award Status Active Period 7/2015 - 6/2016 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail My sub investigators on this grant were members of my Division of Ultrasound and also faculty from the Department of Cellular and Structural Biology. We dissected and plastinated individual cadaveric hearts as well as a cadaveric thoracic block dissection that included the heart in its anatomical location. After plastination we prepared these models by cutting the individual hearts along representative echocardiographic planes and cutting a window into the thoracic model to show the spatial relationship of the heart to surrounding anatomic structures. These models were then used as part of an educational research study to determine their impact on first year medical student understanding of echocardiographic anatomy and imaging planes during the cardiac portion of their longitudinal ultrasound curriculum. Results were presented as an oral research presentation at the Word Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education.
Olson A, Olson N, Chin E, Gelabert C, Sisson C. "UltraSimageddon:" An Intra-city Emergency Medicine Residency Competition; 2018 Aug. (Western Journal of Emergency Medicine; vol. 19). Sisson CA, Ehler B, Minard J, Pham D. Determination of Body Mass Index Upper Limit in Adults for the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis Using a High Frequency Linear Ultrasound Transducer; 2013 May. (Academic Emergency Medicine; vol. 20, no. 5). Sisson CA, Ehler B, Pham D, Minard J. Variation by Sex and Body Mass Index in Anterior Positioning of the Acutely Inflamed Appendix in Relation to the Psoas Muscle; 2013 May. (Academic Emergency Medicine; vol. 20, no. 5).
Book Chapter
Solis-McCarthy J, Gelabert C, Sisson CA. Chapter 16: Abdominal Free Fluid. In: Nilam Soni, Robert Arntfield, Pierre Kory. Point-of-Care Ultrasound , 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2017. Lee D, Sisson CA. Chapter 49: Explosions - Fireworks. In: Gregory R Ciottone, Paul D Biddinger, Robert G Darling, Saleh Fares, Mark E Keim, Michael S Molloy, Selim Suner. Disaster Medicine, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2015. Sisson CA. Chapter 16: Abdominal Free Fluid. In: Sisson CA. Point of Care Ultrasound. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2014. Sisson C. Explosions: Fireworks. In: Sisson C. Disaster Medicine. 2006. p. 749-753.
Muck A, Sisson C. Review: Apneic Oxygenation is Associated with a Reduction in the Incidence of Hypoxemia During the RSI of Patients with Intracranial Hemorrhage in the Emergency Department Internal and Emergency Medicine 2016 Jan;11:981-982. Nagdev A, Murphy M, Sisson C. Review: Lack of lung sliding on ultrasound does not always indicate a pneumothorax Resuscitation 2008 Jan;77:270-270. Sisson C, Nagdev A. Ultrasound-guided central venous access of the internal jugular vein ACEP News 2007 Jan;:12-14.
Journal Article
Adams B, Sisson C. Review: Bedside ultrasonography has 82% sensitivity and 99% specificity for blunt abdominal injury Annals of Internal Medicine 2012 Aug;157(4). Sisson CA. Electrical alternans: an echocardiographic visual reference Acad Emerg Med 2010 Jun;17(6):48-49. Nagdev AD, Merchant RC, Tirado-Gonzalez A, Sisson CA, Murphy MC. Emergency department bedside ultrasonographic measurement of the caval index for noninvasive determination of low central venous pressure Ann Emerg Med 2010 Mar;55(3):290-295. Stone MB, Nagdev A, Murphy MC, Sisson CA. Ultrasound detection of guidewire position during central venous catheterization Am J Emerg Med 2010 Jan;28(1):82-84.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Emergency Medicine