Departments & Divisions
Jason E Schillerstrom, M.D.
Dr. Jason Schillerstrom, M.D. is a geriatric psychiatry specialist in San Antonio, TX. He graduated from University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio.
Professional Background
- 2005 - Clinical Fellowship - Geriatric Psychiatry - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2004 - Residency - Psychiatry - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2000 - MD - Medicine - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1996 - BS - Zoology - The University of Texas
- 9/2019 - Professor with tenure - UT Health San Antonio, Psychiatry, San Antonio
- 6/2012 - Residency Program Director - UTHSCSA, Psychiatry, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/1/2005, Geriatric Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, UT Health San Antonio
- 8/1/2018, Motivational Interviewing, UT Health San Antonio
- 8/1/2018, Advanced Psychopharmacology, UT Health San Antonio
Geriatric Psychiary Outpatient Clinic
Adult Protective Services and Private Pay Capacity Assessments
Psychotherapy Supervisor
Journal Article
Talley AE, Schillerstrom JE, Royall DR. Clock Copying Predicts Mortality in Adult Protective Services Clients Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017 Apr;:S1064-7481.
Welton RS, Hamaoka DA, Broderick PJ, Schillerstrom JE. The best of both worlds: psychiatry training at combined civilian-military programs Academic Psychiatry 2015 Aug;39:360-364.
Johnson NS, Martinez AV, Schillerstrom JE, Luber MP, Hamaoka DA. Quantifying publication scholarly activity of psychiatry residency training directors Academic Psychiatry 2015 Feb;39(1):76-79.
Terracina KA, Aamodt WW, Schillerstrom JE. Executive function impairment and recidivism in Adult Protective Services clients referred for a decision making capacity assessment Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect 2015 Jan;27:91-99.
Aamodt WW, Terracina KA, Schillerstrom JE. Cognitive profiles of elder Adult Protective Services clients living in squalor Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect 2015 Jan;27(1):65-73.
Schillerstrom JE, Birkenfeld EM, Yu AS, Goldstein DJ, Royall DR . Neuropsychological correlates of performance based functional status in elder Adult Protective Services (APS) referrals for capacity assessments Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect 2013 Jun;25(4):294-304.
Schillerstrom JE, Rickenbacker D, Joshi KG, Royall DR. Executive function and capacity to consent to a noninvasive research protocol Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2007 Feb;15(2):159-162.
Review Article
Gupta M, Bishnoi RJ, Schillerstrom JE. Neurobiological mediators of squallor-dwelling behavior Journal of Psychiatric Practice 2017 Sep;23:375-381.
Dinwiddie KJ, Schillerstrom TL, Schillerstrom JE. Postpartum depression in adolescent mothers J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 2017 Jun;2:1-8.
Ernst JS, Ramsey-Klawsnik H, Schillerstrom JE, Dayton C, Mixson P, Counihan M. Informing Evidence Based Practice: A Review of Research Analyzing Adult Protective Service Data Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect 2014 Jan;26:458-494.
Writer BW, Meyer EG, Schillerstrom JE. Prazosin for military combat-related PTSD nightmares: A critical review Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2014 Jan;26:24-33.
Board Certifications
- American Board of P&N/Psychiatry
- American Board of P&N/Psychiatry