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CancerGangadhara R Sareddy, PhD
Associate Professor
Dr. Gangadhara Sareddy is currently employed at The University of Texas Health at San Antonio, in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He attended Sri Krishnadevaraya University (India) and received his Bachelor's degree in Biology, followed by a Master's degree in Biochemistry. He received his Ph.D. in Cancer Biology from the University of Hyderabad (India). Dr. Sareddy lab focused on studying the role of epigenetic mechanisms and nuclear receptor signaling in the brain, breast, and gynecologic cancers and developing new therapeutic combinations for cancer treatment.
Professional Background
- 2010 - Doctor of Philosophy - Animal Sciences (Cancer Biology) - University of Hyderabad, India
- 2005 - Master of Science - Biochemistry - Sri Krishnadevaraya University, India
- 2015 - Post Doctoral Training - Cancer Biology - The University of Texas Health San Antonio
2011: AACR Scholar-in-Training Award, Susan G. Komen for the Cure
2013: Meritorious Young Scientist Award, American Association of Indian Scientists in Cancer Research (AAISCR)
2014: Discovery Grant Award, American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA)
2018: Minority-serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Award, AACR
2019: Research Rising Superstar, Long School of Medicine, UT Health San Antonio
- 2016 - Assistant Professor - University of Texas Health San Antonio
- 2018 - Faculty Member - Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences - University of Texas Health San Antonio
- 2018 - Member- EDT program- Mays Cancer Center - University of Texas Health San Antonio
- 2022 - Associate Professor - University of Texas Health San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 2019-Present, CSBL 6015-2 Selective Topics in Oncology: Gynecological Cancers, University of Texas Health San Antonio
- 2019-Present, Co-Course Director, IBMS 7010-3 Cancer Biology Student Journal Club and Research Presentation , University of Texas Health San Antonio
- 2019, Fundamentals of Biomedical Science-IBMS 5000 , University of Texas Health San Antonio
Research & Grants
1. DOD-BCRP: W81XWH2210013
2. NIH/NINDS: R01 NS106173-01A1
2017-Present: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Review Committee (IACUC) UTHSA, San Antonio, TX
2020-Present: Chair: IBMS Recruitment Committee-Cancer Biology Discipline
Grant Reviewer
2019: DoD-CDMRP-BCRP-Review Panel
2020, 2021: National Science Foundation (NSF)
2021, 2022: DoD-CDMRP-OCRP-Review Panel
2021, 2022, 2023: NIH-Cancer Drug Development & Therapeutics study section
2019-present: Associate Editor, BMC Cancer
2019-present: Review Editor, Frontiers in Oncology
2021-present: Editorial Board, Cancer Letters
2022-present: Associate Editor, Biological Procedures: Online
Selected Publications:
1. Alejo S, Palacios BE, Venkata PP, He Y, Li W, Johnson JD, Yihong C, Jayamohan S, Pratap UP, Clarke K, Zou Y, Lv Y, Weldon K, Viswanadhapalli S, Lai Z, Ye Z, Chen Y, Gilbert AR, Suzuki T, Tekmal RR, Zhao W, Zheng S, Vadlamudi RK, Brenner AJ, Sareddy GR. Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A (KDM1A/LSD1) inhibition attenuates DNA double strand break repair and augments efficacy of temozolomide in glioblastoma. Neuro Oncol. 2023 Jan 18:noad018. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noad018. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36652263.
2. Venkata PP, Jayamohan S, He Y, Alejo S, Johnson JD, Palacios BE, Pratap UP, Chen Y, Liu Z, Zou Y, Lai Z, Suzuki T, Viswanadhapalli S, Weintraub ST, Palakurthi S, Valente PT, Tekmal RR, Kost ER, Vadlamudi RK, Sareddy GR. Pharmacological inhibition of KDM1A/LSD1 enhances estrogen receptor beta-mediated tumor suppression in ovarian cancer. Cancer Lett. 2023 Oct 28;575:216383. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2023.216383. Epub 2023 Sep 14. PMID: 37714256.
3. He Y, Alejo S, Johnson JD, Jayamohan S, Sareddy GR. Reticulocalbin 3 Is a Novel Mediator of Glioblastoma Progression. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Mar 28;15(7):2008. doi: 10.3390/cancers15072008. PMID: 37046668; PMCID: PMC10093618.
4. Wang M, Li W, Tomimatsu N, Yu CH, Ji JH, Alejo S, Witus SR, Alimbetov D, Fitzgerald O, Wu B, Wang Q, Huang Y, Gan Y, Dong F, Kwon Y, Sareddy GR, Curiel TJ, Habib AA, Hromas R, Dos Santos Passos C, Yao T, Ivanov DN, Brzovic PS, Burma S, Klevit RE, Zhao W. Crucial roles of the BRCA1-BARD1 E3 ubiquitin ligase activity in homology-directed DNA repair. Mol Cell. 2023 Oct 19;83(20):3679-3691.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.09.015. Epub 2023 Oct 4. PMID: 37797621; PMCID: PMC10591799.
5. Liu X, Viswanadhapalli S, Kumar S, Lee TK, Moore A, Ma S, Chen L, Hsieh M, Li M, Sareddy GR, Parra K, Blatt EB, Reese TC, Zhao Y, Chang A, Yan H, Xu Z, Pratap UP, Liu Z, Roggero CM, Tan Z, Weintraub ST, Peng Y, Tekmal RR, Arteaga CL, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Vadlamudi RK, Ahn JM, Raj GV. Targeting LIPA independent of its lipase activity is a therapeutic strategy in solid tumors via induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress. Nat Cancer. 2022 Jul;3(7):866-884. doi: 10.1038/s43018-022-00389-8. Epub 2022 Jun 2. PMID: 35654861; PMCID: PMC9325671.
6. He Y, Alejo S, Venkata PP, Johnson JD, Loeffel I, Pratap UP, Zou Y, Lai Z, Tekmal RR, Kost ER, Sareddy GR. Therapeutic Targeting of Ovarian Cancer Stem Cells Using Estrogen Receptor Beta Agonist. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jun 28;23(13):7159. doi: 10.3390/ijms23137159. PMID: 35806169; PMCID: PMC9266546.
7. Venkata PP, Chen Y, Alejo S, He Y, Palacios BE, Loeffel I, Liu J, Pratap UP, Gray G, Achuthan Pillai SM, Zou Y, Lai Z, Suzuki T, Viswanadhapalli S, Palakurthi S, Tekmal RR, Vadlamudi RK, Kost E, Sareddy GR. KDM1A inhibition augments the efficacy of rapamycin for the treatment of endometrial cancer. Cancer Lett. 2022 Jan 1;524:219-231. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2021.10.019. Epub 2021 Oct 18. PMID: 34673129; PMCID: PMC10000284.
8. Li M, Viswanadhapalli S, Santhamma B, Pratap UP, Luo Y, Liu J, Altwegg KA, Tang W, Liu Z, Li X, Ebrahim B, Yan H, Zou Y, Konda S, Sareddy GR, Xu Z, Chen Y, Rao MK, Brenner , Kaklamani VG, Tekmal RR, Ahmed G, Raj GV, Nickisch K J, Nair HB, and Vadlamudi RK. LIFR inhibition enhances the therapeutic efficacy of HDAC inhibitors in triple negative breast cancer. Commun Biol. 29;4(1):1235, 2021. PMID: 34716410.
9. *Sareddy GR, Pratap UP, Venkata PP, Zhou M, Alejo S, Viswanadhapalli S, Tekmal RR, Brenner AJ, Vadlamudi RK. Activation of estrogen receptor beta signaling reduces stemness of glioma stem cells. Stem Cells. 2021. doi: 10.1002/stem.3337. PMID: 33470499. *Co-Corresponding author.
10. Zhou M, Venkata PP, Viswanadhapalli S, Palacios B, Alejo S, Chen Y, He Y, Pratap PP, Liu J, Zou Y, Lai Z, Suzuki T, Brenner AJ, Tekmal RR, Vadlamudi RK, Sareddy GR. KDM1A inhibition is effective in reducing stemness and treating triple negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 185(2):343-357, 2021. PMID: 33057995.
11. Lu Y, Sareddy G, Wang J, Zhang Q, Tang F, Pratap U, Tekmal R, Vadlamudi R, Brann D. Neuron-Derived Estrogen is Critical for Astrocyte Activation and Neuroprotection of the Ischemic Brain. J Neurosci. 40:7355-7374, 2020. PMID: 32817249.
12. Luo Y, Li M, Pratap PP, Viswanadhapalli S, Liu J, Pitta Venkata P, Altwegg KA, Palacios BE, Li X, Chen Y, Rao MK, Brenner AJ, Sareddy GR*, Vadlamudi RK*. PELP1 signaling contributes to medulloblastoma progression by regulating NF-κB pathway. Mol Carcinog, 59:281-292, 2019. PMID: 31872914. *Co-Corresponding author.
13. Sareddy GR, Pratap UP, Viswanadhapalli S, Pitta Venkata P, Nair BC, Krishnan SR, Zheng S, Gilbert AR, Brenner AJ, Brann DW, Vadlamudi RK. PELP1 promotes glioblastoma progression by enhancing Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Neurooncol Adv. 1: vdz001, 2019. PMID: 32309805.
14. Lu Y*, Sareddy G*, Wang J, Wang R, Li Y, Dong Y, Zhang Q, Liu J, OConnor J, Xu J, Vadlamudi RK, Brann D. Neuron-Derived Estrogen Regulates Synaptic Plasticity and Memory. J Neurosci. 2019. pii: 1970-18. PMID: 30728170. *Equal first author contribution.
15. Liu J*, Sareddy GR*, Zhou M, Viswanadhapalli S, Li X, Lai Z, Tekmal RR, Brenner AJ, Vadlamudi RK. Differential effects of estrogen receptor beta isoforms on glioblastoma progression. Cancer Res. 78:3176-3189, 2018. PMCID: PMC6004261. *Equal first author contribution.
16. Raj GV, Sareddy GR, Ma S, Lee TK, Viswanadhapalli S, Li R, Liu X, Murakami S, Chen CC, Lee WR, Mann M, Krishnan SR, Manandhar B, Gonugunta VK, Strand D, Tekmal RR, Ahn JM, Vadlamudi RK. Estrogen receptor coregulator binding modulators (ERXs) effectively target estrogen receptor positive human breast cancers. Elife. 6. pii: e26857, 2017. PMCID: PMC5548489.
17. Liu J, Viswanadhapalli S, Garcia L, Zhou M, Nair BC, Kost E, Tekmal RR, Li R, Rao MK, Curiel T, Vadlamudi RK, Sareddy GR. Therapeutic utility of natural estrogen receptor beta agonists on ovarian cancer. Oncotarget. 8:50002-50014, 2017. PMCID: PMC5564823.
18. Gupta H, Clark C, Yuan B, Sareddy G, Pandeswara S, Padron A, Hurez V, Vadlamudi R, Li R, Conejo-Garcia J, Curiel T. Tumor cell intrinsic PD-L1 promotes tumor initiating cell generation and functions in melanoma and ovarian cancer. Signal Transduct. Target. Ther. 1, 16030. 2017. PMCID: PMC5547561.
19. Sareddy GR*, Viswanadhapalli S, Surapaneni P, Suzuki T, Brenner A, Vadlamudi RK. Novel KDM1A inhibitors induce differentiation and apoptosis of glioma stem cells via unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway. Oncogene. 36:2423-2434, 2017. PMCID: PMC5526658. *Co-Corresponding author.
20. Sareddy GR, Zhang Q, Wang R, Scott E, Zou Y, O’Connor JC, Chen Y, Dong Y, Vadlamudi RK, Bran D. Proline-, glutamic acid-, and leucine rich protein-1 mediates estrogen rapid signaling and neuroprotection in the brain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112:E6673-82, 2015. PMCID: PMC4672783.