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- Liliana Leader
- leader@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-3742
Departments & Divisions
Reuben S. Harris, Ph.D.
Professor and Chairman
Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator
Currently seeking Ph.D. students
Professional Background
- 1997 - Ph.D. - Molecular Genetics - University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
- 1993 - B.S. - Specialization in Genetics - University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
- 2013-2022 - Professor - University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
- 2015-Current - Investigator - Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- 2003-2008 - Assistant Professor - University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
- 2008-2013 - Associate Professor - University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
- 1999-2003 - Research Fellow - Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University
Research & Grants
The Harris Lab uses a large repertoire of model systems and experimental approaches to understand how DNA mutating enzymes (APOBECs) provide immunity against viral infections, yet in many cases also contribute to tumor evolution through genomic DNA mutagenesis. Another goal of the Harris Lab is to translate these fundamental scientific discoveries into novel therapeutics against viruses and cancer.
Infectious Disease
Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Cell Biology, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology, Structural Biology, Virology