Norma Martinez Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN
Professor Emeritus
I spent the early years of my life in public housing, I have spent my life in service to the community, first as a teacher in the Edgewood Independent School District and a Caseworker for San Antonio Catholic Family and Children services, before embarking on a career in nursing education. I served the needs of the San Antonio population as a nurse, a nurse educator, an advocate for the underserved population, and an advocate for health policy changes in regard to healthcare. I specialized in Psychiatric Nursing and was Director of Nursing at several hospitals. During Desert Storm I was assigned to the William Beaumont Army Medical Center at Fort. Bliss, Texas where I earned Achievement and Commendation Medals. I have a PhD in Cultural Foundations from the University of Texas at Austin. I subsequently earned two postdoctoral fellowships at the Indiana University School of Nursing. I was a member of the graduate faculty of the UT Health Science Center School of Nursing, where I was a tenured full Professor. In the School of Nursing, I was the first and only Latina who was a full tenured Professor. I retired and now am the first and only Latina Professor Emeritus in the School of Nursing. I co-founded a non- profit organization, Martinez Street Women Center whose primary purpose is to provide support and educational services to women and female adolescents. At the University of Texas Health Science Center, I founded Juntos Podemos, a mentorship program for nursing students and was funded for 17 years. I collaborated with the US Western District Court Probation Office to provide a female specific program for women convicted of a federal felon and under community supervision. I began this program to prevent relapse/recidivism. It was the only female group in the Western District Court. In November 2006 I was selected to be a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) which is the highest honor one can achieve in nursing. I am the past President of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN). I was a founding Commissioner of the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) which examines how Medicaid physician pay affects access to care by Medicaid patients and those in the Children ‘s Health Insurance Program, among other issues. I founded the International Association of Latino Nurse Faculty and serve as president. I am the past chair of Promotion and Tenure Appointment Committee (PTAC) for the school of nursing. Presently I have a $2,583,704 Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) grant to recruit and engage traditional program baccalaureate nursing students to engage in community-based primary care to help the undeserved population. I have a $78,571 HRSA COVID-19 grant to promote, enhance, and provide access to COVID-19 related telehealth technologies. In total I have been funded $9,680,152 for the School of Nursing. Presently I am chair of the Board of Directors of Ride Connect Texas, a non-profit that provides transportation for the elderly to access health care. This indicates my commitment to nursing and advocating for students and the underserved population. I most recently was awarded the 2022 Living Legends, the highest designation from the American Academy of Nursing.
Professional Background
- 2006 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Cultural Competency - American Hospital Association-Health, Research, Education and Training
- 1997 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Research for Community Health - Indiana University, School of Nursing
- 1996 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Cultural Aspects of Nursing - Indiana University, School of Nursing
- 1995 - PhD - Cultural Foundations in Education - The University of Texas at Austin
- 1978 - MSN - Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1968 - MA - Counseling - St. Mary's University
- 1965 - BSN - Nursing - Incarnate Word College
- 2022, American Academy of Nursing, Living Legend Award. Presented on 10/28/2022.
- 2021, Nursing Diversity 2021, Certificate of Participation at the Global Virtual Summit for her oral presentation titled Higher Education Cultural Inclusion Institute.
- 2021, San Antonio Nursing Consortium Award of 2020 Best 25 Nurses of South-Central Texas awarded on 1/31/2021
- 2020, Presidential Award: Presidential award for distinguished service to the institution.
- 2021 - present - Professor Emeritus - University of Texas Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2009 - 2021 - Professor - University of Texas Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
Research & Grants
- 2018 - 2022, Funder: HRSA. Title: Advancing Community Oriented Registered Nursing (ACORN). Role: PI. Total: $2,583,704
- 2021 - 2025, Funder: HRSA. Title: Ayudar a Nuestra Salud Mental. Role: PI. Total: $370,475
- 2020 - 2021, Funder: HRSA. Title: NEPQR Primary Care COVID-19. Role: PI. Total: $78,571
- 2015 - 2017, Funder: HRSA. Title: Adelante (Moving Forward). Role: PI. Total: $674,866
- 2011 - 2014, Funder: HRSA. Title: Juntos Avanzamos. Role: PI. Total: $616,616
- 2012 - 2015, Title: Mexican and America Thinking Together (MATT). Role: Contributor.Total: $600,000
- 2013-Present, Member, Grades Appeal Committee
- 2020-2021, Member, UT Health Diversity Council
- 2020-2021, Member, Research Task Force
- 2020-2021, Member, Faculty CV Task Force
- 2016-2017, Vice Chair, Faculty Promotions, Tenure, and Appointments Committee
- 2016-2019, Senator, Faculty Senate
- 2014-2016, Member, Faculty Promotions, Tenure, and Appointments Committee
- 2014-2016, Member, Faculty Promotions, Tenure, and Appointments Committee
Service to the Profession
- 2021-Present, Chair of Board of Directors of Ride Connect Texas, a non-profit organization assisting senior citizens
- 2021-Present, COVID-19 Community Corps, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), national volunteer
- 2020-Present, Nursing Diversity Workforce Committee, AACN
- 2020-Present, Consultant to Methodist College, School of Nursing in Normal, IL
- 2019-Present, American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
- 2015-Present, Consultant to Marquette University, School of Nursing in Milwaukee, WI.
- 2015-Present, American Association of Colleges of Nursing Think Tank on Health Policy Committee
- 2015-Present, International Association of Latino Nurse Faculty, President and Founder
- 2012-Present, Consultant to Illinois State University, Mennonite College of Nursing in Normal, IL
- 2009-Present, Boston College Diversity Advisory Board
- 2006-Present, American Academy of Nursing
- 1996-Present, National Association of Hispanic Nurses
- 1996-Present, Texas Nurses Association
- 1996-Present, American Nurses Association
- 1995-Present, Sigma Theta Tau International
Dr. Martinez-Rogers is a tenured Professor at the School of Nursing (SON). She has served the needs of the San Antonio population as a nurse, a nurse educator, an advocate for the underserved population, and healthcare policy changes. She has a wealth of experience in various positions. She was Director of Nursing at several hospitals. During Desert Storm, she earned the Achievement and Commendation Medals while assigned at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center at Fort. Bliss, TX. She co-founded the non-profit organization, Martinez Street Women Center, to provide women with support and educational services. She collaborated with the US Western District Court Probation Office to provide a recidivism-prevention program for women convicted of a federal felon under community supervision. It was the only female group in the Western District Court. She was a founding Commissioner of the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC), which examines how Medicaid physician pay affects Medicaid patients and Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP) recipients’ access to care. She has been funded ($7,733,759) for SON programs that advocate for students and the underserved population. She founded Juntos Podemos, a mentorship program for nursing students which received funding for 17 years.
- Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN Norma Martinez. Zamora, MSN, RN, Herlinda. Ornelas, BS, Daisy. Growing the Next Generation of Nurses: The Adelante Program. 2021 April. AONL Voice of Nursing Leadership Article.
- Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN, NM. Higher Education Cultural Inclusion Institute. Global International Virtual Summit on Nursing Education. Nursing Diversity 2021, vol. 1, 2021 March.
- Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN NM. Creating an Inclusive and Just Environment 2020 Aug. (AACN Inaugural Diversity Symposium).
- Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN NM. Teaching Primary Care Practice to BSN Students 2020 Jul. (46th Annual American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing Conference).
- Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN NM. Advancing Community Oriented Registered Nursing: Educating Baccalaureate Nursing Students in Primary Care 2019 Nov. (Sigma Theta Tau).
- Zamora H, Rogers NM. Adelante: Moving Forward to Increase Nursing Workforce Diversity 2017 Apr. (4th Annual Cultural Inclusion Institute).
- Moreno M, Zamora H, Rogers NM. Growing a Health Professional: An Adelante Student‘s Success Story 2017 Apr. (4th Annual Cultural Inclusion Institute).
- Rogers NM, Zamora H, Porter-Wenzlaff LJ. International Collaboration to Impact Health Through Enhanced Baccalaureate Teaching and Clinical Development 2016 Oct. (XV Pan American Nursing Research Colloquium).
- Rogers NM, Lippin, Myra. Guide to Community Family and Health Agencies in San Antonio and Bexar County The University of Texas Medical School; 1972.
- Rogers NM. Mexican-American Women in Academe: Analysis of Career Progress and Job Satisfaction 1995.
- Rogers NM. Removing Language Barriers at the Bedside Conexión Newspaper 2008 Sep
- Rogers NM. Discrimination in Higher Education San Antonio Express News 1999
- Rogers NM. Mayoral Race La Voz de Esperanza 1997
- Rogers NM. Torralva‘s Resume Speaks of Success San Antonio Express News 1997
- Rogers NM. Vaccination in the Hispanic Community: A Cause for Concern and a Call to Action Pfizer Website: 2011 Feb.
- Rogers NM. Faculty Policy Think Tank - Report and Recommendations American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) 2017 Oct
- Rogers NM. Removing Language Barriers at the Bedside Advance for Nurses 2008 Aug
- Rogers NM. Opportunities Abound for Minorities in the Nursing Industry Cutting Edge 2006
- Rogers NM. Minority Faculty Shortage in Health Professions Dallas Morning News 2005 Feb
- Rogers NM. Nursing: The Essential Component HRSA-Federal Government 2005
- Rogers NM. Starting Over - Federal Female Offenders San Antonio Express 2004 Oct
- Rogers NM. Shortage of Hispanic Nurse Workforce Telemundo 2004 Sep
- Rogers NM. Putting the Right Foot Forward The Mission 2004 Aug
- Rogers NM. Beyond Bars - Federal Female Offenders San Antonio Express News 2004 Jul
- Rogers NM. Role Models and the Development of Latino Health Professionals La Prensa 2003 Jun
- Rogers NM, Cantu AG. Student Mentoring: An Essential Component to Increasing Hispanic Representation in Nursing In: Hispanic Voices. National League of Nursing; 2012.
- Rogers NM, Moore S.K., Owen SV, Mendiola C. Minority Women Offenders: Assessment of Recidivism, Content Validity, Recruitment and Retention Research Issues In: Encyclopedia of Nursing Research. 2005.
- Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN Norma Martinez. Zamora, MSN, RN, Herlinda. Ornelas, BS, Daisy. Growing the Next Generation of Nurses: The Adelante Program. 2021 April. AONL Voice of Nursing Leadership Article.
- Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN, NM. Higher Education Cultural Inclusion Institute. Global International Virtual Summit on Nursing Education. Nursing Diversity 2021, vol. 1, 2021 March.
- Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN NM. Teaching Baccalaureate Nursing Students to Practice in Primary Care Settings Journal Nursing Education 2020 Aug
- Jessop MA, Oerther S, Gance B, Cleveland L, Czubaruk K, Byrne M, D'Apolito K, Adams S, Braxter B, Rogers NM. Pregnant and Parenting Women with a Substance Use Disorder: Actions and Policy for Enduring Therapeutic Practice Nursing Outlook 2019 Mar;67(2)
- Zamora, H., & Rogers, NM. Adelante (Moving Forward): A Program for Nursing and Pre-Nursing Students Nursing Education Perspectives 2019 Jan
Peer-reviewed original research publications
Peer-reviewed publications
Non-Peer-reviewed Articles
Book Chapters
Peer Reviewed Journals