Departments & Divisions
Timothy Reistetter, OTR, PhD, FAOTA
Professor & Associate Dean for Research
Professional Background
- 2004 - Ph.D. - Occupational Therapy - Texas Woman’s University, Houston, Texas
- 1996 - Master of Science Degree - Occupational Therapy - Shenandoah University, Winchester, Virginia
- 1989 - Bachelor of Science - Psychology - Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia
- 2019- Current - Associate Dean for Research, Professor with Tenure - School of Health Professions, Occupational Therapy, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2019- Current - Professor, Adjunct Appointment - School of Health Professions, Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Sept 2018-Dec 2018 - Professor with Tenure - School of Health Professions, Occupational Therapy, University of Texas Medical Branch
- 2012-2018 - Associate Professor, Awarded Tenure 2015 - School of Health Professions, Occupational Therapy, University of Texas Medical Branch
- 2010-2012 - Assistant Professor, Tenure Track Appointment - School of Health Professions, Occupational Therapy, University of Texas Medical Branch
- 2008-2011 - Research Appointment - Program Faculty - School of Health Profession, Division of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch
- 2006-2010 - Assistant Professor, Tenure Track Appointment - College of Allied Health, Occupational Therapy, East Carolina University
- 2004-2009 - Clinical Assistant Professor - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine
- 2000-2006 - Instructor - School of Nursing, University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston
Instruction & Training
- Spring 2021, Statistics I, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- Summer 2017, Research Methodology for Practice, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Fall 2015, 2016 & 2017, Experience of Practice , University of Texas Medical Branch
- Fall 2015, Specialized Practice, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Summer 2015 & 2016, Applied Reasoning III, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Spring 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017, Research Selective, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Fall 2011 & 2012, Applied Reasoning IV, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Summer 2011, 2012 & 2016(lab only), Foundations in Research II, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Spring 2011, Scholarly Project, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Spring 2011, Research Foundations II, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Spring 2011, 2012 & 2013, Foundations in Research I , University of Texas Medical Branch
- Fall 2010, Research Foundations I , University of Texas Medical Branch
- Summer 2010: , Partnerships in Practice , University of Texas Medical Branch
- Fall 2011, Specialized Practice: Guest Lecturer, University of Texas Medical Branch
- Summer 2010, Theories and Frames of Reference for Occupational Therapy: Guest Lecturer Visual Perceptual Models for Occupational Therapy, University of Texas Medical Branch
Research & Grants
Development and Evaluation of Rehabilitation Service Areas (PI: Reistetter T)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (R01-HS024711-01)
August 2016 - May 2021UTHSCSA Clinical Translational Sciences Award (PI: Clark R)
National Institutes of Health: National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (UL1TR002645)
Institute for Integration of Medicine and Sciences (IIMS) KL2 Program (PI: Norman R)
Language Performance in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Role: Mentor (Norman R)
July 2019 – June 2022Rehabilitation Research Career Development Program (PI: Ottenbacher K)
National Institutes of Health: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (K12-HD055929)
Role: Co-Mentor (Hong, I; Hreha K)
May 2018 - August 2022UTMB Health Services Research Training Program (PIs: Kuo YF, Ottenbacher K)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (T32- HS026133)
Role: Mentor (Dean)
July 2018 – June 2023 -
- Dean JM, Hreha K, Hong I, Li CY, Jupiter D, Prochaska J, Reistetter T (2021) Post-acute care use patterns among Hospital Service Areas by older adults in the United States: a cross-sectional study BMC- Health Services Research 21:176.
- Hreha K, Gupta P, Reistetter T (2020) A case of comorbidities highlighting cerebral stroke, vision impairment, and dementia. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports, 8: 1-4. doi:10.1177/2050313X20975246
- Nguyen DQ, Ifejika NL, Reistetter TA, Makam AN (2020, in press) Factors Associated with Duration of Rehabilitation Among Older Adults with Prolonged Hospitalization, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
- Reistetter TA, Eschbach K, Prochaska J, Jupiter D, Hong I, Hass A, & Ottenbacher K J (2020, in press). Understanding variation in post-acute care: Developing rehabilitation service areas through geographic mapping. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Hreha, K., Fisher, S., Reistetter, T., Ottenbacher, K, Haas, A., Li, C., Ehrlich, J., Whitaker, D., & Whitson, H. (2020 in press). Use of the ICD-10 Vision Codes to Study Ocular Conditions in Medicare Beneficiaries with Stroke. BMC- Health Services Research doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001577
- Smith TM, Hong I, Reistetter TA (2020) Responsiveness of the Revised Low Vision Independence Measure (LVIM–R) American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 74(5). http://ajot.aota.org on 08/13/2020 Terms of use: http://AOTA.org/terms
- Hong, I., Knox, S., Pryor, L., Mroz, T., Graham, J., Shields, M. F., & Reistetter, T. A. (2020). Is referral to home health rehabilitation following inpatient rehabilitation facility associated with 90-day hospital readmission for adult patients with stroke? American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001435.
- Hong, I., Shields, M. F., Lee, M. J., Kitchens, R., Ratcliff, K., & Reistetter, T. A. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for occupational therapy in big data research. Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(4), 155-165. doi.org/10.14519/kjot.2019.27.4.12
- Hay CC, Graham J, Pappadis MR, Sander AM, Hong I, Reistetter T. (2020). The Impact of One's Sex and Social Living Situation on Rehabilitation Outcomes After a Stroke American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 99(1), 48-55 doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001276
- Subramanian, S. K., Cross, M. K., Hirschhauser, C. S., Johnson, V. B., & Reistetter, T. A. (2019). Post-stroke upper limb rehabilitation using virtual reality interventions: Do outcome measures assess extent or type of motor improvement? In 2019 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Hong I, Goodwin JS, Reistetter TA, Kuo YF, Karmarkar A, Lin YL, Ottenbacher KJ (2019) Comparison of Functional Status Improvements Among Patients With Stroke Receiving Postacute Care in Inpatient Rehabilitation vs Skilled Nursing Facilities. JAMA Network Open.2(12):e1916646. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.16646
- Hong, I., Pryor, L., Wong, R., Ottenbacher, K J, & Reistetter, TA (2019). Comparisons of the association of family and social factors with functional limitations across the United States, Mexico, and South Korea: Findings from the HRS family of surveys. Journal of Aging and Health. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0898264319878549
- Krishnan S, Pappadis M, Hay C, Deutsch A, Reistetter T (2019) Stroke survivors’ perspectives on the selection of a post-acute care setting, rehabilitation goal setting, and satisfaction with post-acute care rehabilitation, and transition to home. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, (43)3, 160-167 doi: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000281
- Smith T, Krishnan S, Hong, I, Reistetter T (2019) Measurement Validity of the Low Vision Independence Measure. American Occupational Therapy Journal 73(3):7303205070p1-7303205070p11. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2019.031070.
- Hong I, Hay C, & Reistetter TA (2019) Feasibility study using propensity score matching methods for the pseudo common person equating requirement. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 30(1), 32-40.
- World Federation of Occupational Therapists, von Zweck C, Alchouron C, Brandis S, Bressler S, Buchanan H, Teena C, Cox C, Moreno L, Reistetter T, Zur A (2019) Development of a quality indicator framework for occupational therapy. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 75(1), 3-10 DOI: 10.1080/14473828.2018.1556962
- Smith T, Pappadis M, Krishnan S, Reistetter T (2018) Stroke survivor and caregiver perspectives on post-stroke visual concerns and long-term consequences. Behavioural Neurology, Article ID 1463429, 8 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/1463429
- Krishnan S, Anderson D, Chan S, Kim S, Reistetter T, Sood P, Mortera M, Heesakker J, & Heyn P (2018). Overview of common complementary and integrative approaches to managing chronic pain: A guide for patients with chronic pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99(11), 2393-2394.
- Pappadis M, Krishnan S, Hay CC, Jones B, Sander AM, Weller S & Reistetter T (2018) Lived experiences of chronic cognitive and mood symptoms among community-dwelling adults following stroke: a mixed-methods analysis, Aging & Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1481927
- Hong I, Reistetter TA, Díaz-Venegas C, Michaels-Obregon A, & Wong R (2018). Cross-national health comparisons using the Rasch model: Findings from the 2012 US Health and Retirement Study and the 2012 Mexican Health and Aging Study. Quality of Life Research. 27(9) 2431–2441
- Hong I, Karmarkar A, Chan WJ, Kuo Y-F, Mallinson T, Ottenbacher K J, Goodwin J, Andersen C R, & Reistetter TA (2018). Discharge patterns for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients going from acute care hospitals to inpatient and skilled nursing rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97(9), 636–645 DOI: 0.1097/PHM.0000000000000932
- Díaz-Venegas C, Reistetter T, Wong R (2018) Differences in the Progression of Disability: A U.S.-Mexico Comparison. Journal of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences, 73(5), 913-922. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbw082
- Hong I, Kim YJ, Sonnenfeld ML, Grattan E, & Reistetter TA (2018) Disability measurement for Korean community-dwelling adults with stroke: Item-level psychometric analysis of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, 42(2), 336-345. doi: 10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.336
- Krishnan S, Pappadis M, Weller S, Fisher S, Hay C, Reistetter TA (2018) Patient-centered mobility outcome preferences according to individuals with stroke and caregivers: a qualitative analysis, Disability and Rehabilitation, 40:12, 1401-1409 doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1297855.
- Hong I, Yoo, EY, Kazley, AS, Lee D, Li CY, Reistetter, TA (2017). Development and validation of the activities daily living short-form for community-dwelling Korean stroke survivors. Evaluation & the Health Profession DOI: 10.1177/0163278717695863 Online first publication
- Krishnan S, Pappadis M, Weller S, Stearns M, Kumar A, Ottenbacher K, Reistetter TA (2017) Needs of stroke survivors as perceived by their caregivers: A scoping review, American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000717
- Teppala S, Ottenbacher KJ, Eschbach K, Kumar A, Al Snih S, Chan WJ, Reistetter TA (2017) Variation in functional status after hip fracture: Facility and regional influences on mobility and self-care, Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences doi:10.1093/gerona/glw249
- Hong I, Han A, Reistetter TA, Simpson AN (2016) The risk of stroke in spouses of people living with dementia, International Journal of Stroke, DOI: 10.1177/1747493016677987
- Hilton CL, Babb-Keeble A, Westover EE, Zhang Y, Adams C, Collins, DM, Karmarkar A, Reistetter TA, Constantino JN (2016) Sensory responsiveness in siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46: 3778-3878. DOI 10.1007/s10803-016-2918-y
- Dickerson AE, Reistetter TA, Burhans S, Apple K (2016) Typical brake reaction times across the life span, Occupational Therapy & Health Care. 30(2), 115-23 DOI:10.3109/07380577.2015.1059971
- Diaz –venegas C, Reistetter TA, Wang CY, Wong R (2016) The progression of disability among older adults in Mexico. Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI:10.3109/09638288.2015.1111435
- Hilton CL, Attal A, Best J, Reistetter T, Trapani P et al. (2015) Exergaming to improve physical and mental fitness in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Pilot Study. Int J Sports Exerc Med 1:017
- Reistetter TA, Kuo YF, Karmarkar A, Eschbach K, Srinivas T, Freeman J, Ottenbacher KJ (2015) Geographic and facility variation in inpatient stroke rehabilitation: multilevel analysis of functional status. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 96, 1248-54
- Karmarkar AM, Graham JE, Reistetter TA, Kumar A, Mix JM, Niewczyk P, Granger CV, & Ottenbacher KJ (2014) Association between functional severity and amputation Type with rehabilitation outcomes in patients with lower limb amputation. Rehabilitation Research and Practice, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/961798
- Wang CY, Graham JE, Karmarkar AM, Reistetter TA, Protas EJ & Ottenbacher KJ (2014) FIM motor for classifying community discharge following inpatient rehabilitation for hip fracture Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 6, 493-497
- Ottenbacher KJ, Karmarkar A, Graham JE, Kuo YF, Deutsch A, Reistetter TA, Al Snih S, Granger CV (2014) Thirty-Day hospital readmission following discharge from post-acute inpatient rehabilitation in fee-for-service Medicare patients. Journal of the American Medical Association, 31(6), 604-614
- Reistetter T, Karmarkar A, Graham J, Eschbach, K, Kuo YF, Granger C, Freeman J, & Ottenbacher K (2014) Regional Variation in Stroke Rehabilitation Outcomes, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 95(1), 29-38
- Dickerson A, Reistetter T & Gaudy J. (2013) The perception of meaningfulness and performance of instrumental activities of daily living from the perspectives of the medically-at-risk older adult and their caregiver. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 32, 749-764
- Ottenbacher KJ, Graham JE, Ottenbacher AJ, Al-Snih A, Karmarkar A, Reistetter T & Ostir GV (2012) Hospital readmission in persons with stroke following inpatient medical rehabilitation. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 67(8), 875-881
- Samper-Ternent R, Karmarkar A, Graham JE, Reistetter TA & Ottenbacher KJ (2012) Frailty as a predictor of falls in older Mexican Americans, Journal of Aging and Health, 24(4), 641-653
- Reistetter TA, Graham JE, Deutsch A, Markello S, Granger CV, & Ottenbacher KJ (2011) Age and diabetes comorbidity tier groups influence length of stay, functional status and discharge setting in persons with hip fracture receiving inpatient medical rehabilitation Diabetes Care, 34, 137-139
- Bradley DM, Hersch G, Reistetter TA, & Reed K (2011). Occupational participation of homeless people. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 27(1), 26-35
- Granger CV, Reistetter TA, Graham JE, Deutsch A, Markello SJ, Niewczyk P & Ottenbacher KJ (2011) The Uniform Data System for medical rehabilitation: report of patients with hip fracture discharged from comprehensive medical programs in 2000 – 2007. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 90(3), 177-189
- Dickerson A, Reistetter T, Davis E & Monahan M (2011) Evaluating driving as a valued instrumental activity of daily living. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(1), 64-75
- Granger CV, Markello SJ, Graham JE, Deutsch A, Reistetter TA & Ottenbacher KJ (2010) The Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation: Report of patients with lower extremity joint replacement discharged from comprehensive medical programs in 2000 – 2007. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 89(10), 781-794
- Dickerson A, Reistetter TA, & Trujillo L (2010) Using an IADL assessment to identify older adults who need a behind the wheel driving evaluation. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 29(4), 494-506.
- Celik O, O’Malley M, Boake C, Levin H, Yozbatiran N, & Reistetter TA (2010) Normalized movement quality measures for therapeutic robots strongly correlate with clinical motor impairment measures IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering. 18(4), 433-444.
- Granger CV, Markello SJ, Graham JE, Deutsch A, Reistetter TA & Ottenbacher KJ (2010) The Uniform Data System for medical rehabilitation: Report of patients with traumatic brain injury discharged from comprehensive medical programs in 2000 – 2007. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 89(4), 256-278
- Reistetter TA, Graham JE, Deutsch A, Markello S, Granger CV, & Ottenbacher KJ (2010) Utility of functional status for classifying community versus institutional discharges following inpatient rehabilitation for stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91, 345-350
- Graham, JE, Neumann, DM, Reistetter, TA, Hammond, FM, Dijkers, M, & Granger, CV (2010) Influence of sex and age on inpatient rehabilitation outcomes among older adults with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91, 43-50
- Reistetter TA, Abreu BA, Bear-Lehman J, & Ottenbacher KJ (2009) Unilateral and bilateral upper extremity weight-bearing effect on upper extremity impairment and functional performance after brain injury. Occupational Therapy International, 16(3-4), 218-231
- Reistetter TA, Chang PJ, & Abreu, BC (2009) Showering habits: Time, steps, and products used after brain injury. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(5), 641-645
- Graham JE, Reistetter TA, Mallison TR, & Ottenbacher KJ (2009) Confidence levels can broaden the application of clinical research findings and promote evidence-based practice. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 29(3), 99-104
- Masel MC, Graham, JE, Reistetter TA, Markides, K, & Ottenbacher, KJ (2009) Frailty and quality of life in older Mexican Americans. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 7(70)
- Dickerson A, Reistetter T, Parnell M, Robinson S, Stone K, & Whitley K.(2008) Standardizing the RT-2S brake reaction time tester. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 27(2)
- Celik O, O’Malley MK, Boake C, Levin H, Fisher S, & Reistetter T (2008) Comparison of robotic and clinical motor function improvement measures for sub-acute stroke patients. IEEE-ICRA proceedings, 2477-2482 DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2008.4543585
- Reistetter TA & Abreu BC (2005) Appraising evidence on community integration following brain injury: A systematic review. Occupation Therapy International, 12(4), 196-217
- Reistetter TA, Spencer JC, Trujillo L, & Abreu BC (2005) Examining the Community Integration Measure (CIM): A replication study with life satisfaction. NeuroRehabilitation, 20(2), 139-148.
- Ivanhoe CB & Reistetter TA (2004) Spasticity: The misunderstood part of the upper motor neuron syndrome. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 83(10), S3-S9.
- Abreu BC, Heyn, P, Reistetter TA, Milton S, Masel B, & Ottenbacher KJ (2003) The effects of predictability of an arm reaching target on seated postural stability, reaching time, and selected minimum data set for nursing home residents. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 22(2), 1-13.
- Krishnan S, Pappadis M, and Reistetter T (2019). Chapter 7. Qualitative Research on Caregiving Outcomes. In Hayre C and Muller D. Enhancing Healthcare and Rehabilitation: The Impact of Qualitative Research, 271-84. Boca Raton, Florida, Taylor & Francis Group
- Abreu, B, Ashman T, Brown M, Mascialino G, Reistetter T, & Seale G (2008) Aging with Traumatic Brain Injury: Social, Emotional, and Functional Aspects. Brain Injury Professional, 5(3).
- Abreu BC, Heyn P, Reistetter TA, Patterson R, Bufford B, Masel B, & Ottenbacher, KJ (2007) Postural control comparisons of able-bodied horseback riders and riders with brain injury. In BT Engel & JR MacKinnon. Enhancing Human Occupation Through Hippotherapy: A Guide for Occupational Therapy, Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
- Reistetter TA & Royeen CB. (2001) Needs assessment for doctoral level education in occupational therapy. American Occupational Therapy Association: Education Special Interest Section Quarterly, 11(1), 1-4.
- Royeen M, & Reistetter TA (1996) Theories and models of group work. In J. Crabtree (Ed), The Role of Occupational Therapy with the Elderly (2nd ed.), Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
- Chih-Ying Li, Julianna Dean, Annalisa Na, Allen Haas, Kimberly Hreha, Monique Pappadis, Ickpyo Hong, Timothy Reistetter; Using Rehabilitation Services Areas (RSAs) to Characterize Post-Acute-Care Utilization in Stroke. Am J Occup Ther 2020;74(4_Supplement_1):7411510260. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.74S1-PO3722
- Na A, Li CY, Dean J, Haas A, Hreha K, Hong I, Pappadis M & Reistetter T (2020, February). Using Rehabilitation Service Areas to Characterize Variation in Post-Acute Care Utilization in Stroke. In 2020 Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). APTA
- Hreha, K., Hong, I., Li, C. Y., Pappadis, M., Deer, R., Nowakowski, S., ... & Lin, Y. L. (2019, December). Implementation of a stroke specific self-management program; How visual analytics can guide adaptation. In 12 th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation. AcademyHealth.
- Dean, J., Hong, I., Hreha, K., Li, C. Y., & Reistetter, T. (2019, June). National Stroke Cohort’s Patterns of Use of Post-Acute Care Services Among Hospital Service Areas By Medicare Beneficiaries. In 2019 Annual Research Meeting. AcademyHealth.
- Nguyen D, Reistetter T & Makam, A. (2019, April). Is Greater Rehabilitation Intensity Associated with Older Adults Being Discharged Home after a Prolonged Hospitalization? Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 67, S157
- Nguyen, D, Reistetter T & Makam A (2019, April) Disparities in Rehabilitation Therapy Provided to Older Adults During Prolonged Hospitalization. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 67, S10-11
- Reistetter, T., Hong, I., Mallinson, T., Anderson, C., Kuo, Y. F., Ottenbacher, K., & Goodwin, J. (2019). Instrumental Variable Analysis for Stroke Rehabilitation Outcomes Comparing Inpatient Rehabilitation and Skilled-Nursing Facilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(4_Supplement_1), 7311510232p1-7311510232p1.
- Hreha K, Hong I, Pappadis M, Li CY, Deer R, Dean J, Na A, Nowakowski S, Bhavnani S, Shaltoni H & Reistetter T (2019). Using Visual Analytics to Inform a Stroke Specific Self-Management Program. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100(12), e209.
- Heyn P, Tagawa A, Pan Z, Davis T, Boyd T, Coughlan C, Reistetter T, & Carollo, J. (2019). The Impact of Diagnosis Type on Inflammatory and Brain Markers in Adults With Cerebral Palsy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100(12), e204-e205.
- Adair, K., Hoang, D., Arredondo, A., Reistetter, T., & Norman, R. (2019). Relationship Between Neurobehavioral Symptoms and Social Communication in Adults With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100(12), e197-e198.
- Reistetter, T., & Hong, I. (2018). Rehabilitation Service Areas: Using Geographic Clustering to Understand Postacute Care Use and Improve Rehabilitation Outcomes. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72(4_Supplement_1), 7211510197p1-7211510197p1.
- Smith, T., & Reistetter, T. (2018). Visual Concerns Reported by Stroke Survivors and Caregivers: A Qualitative Study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72(4_Supplement_1), 7211510203p1-7211510203p1.
- Smith, T., Krishnan, S., Hong, I., & Reistetter, T. (2017). Examination of the Smith's Low Vision Independence Measure Using Rasch Item Response Theory. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(12), e167-e168.
- Hay, C., Graham, J., Pappadis, M., Ottenbacher, K., & Reistetter, T. (2017). The Influence of Gender and Social Support on Goal Attainment After Stroke Rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), e118.
- Krishnan, S., Hay, C., Pappadis, M., Deutsch, A., & Reistetter, T. (2017). Patient Involvement in Selecting Post-Acute Care Rehabilitation Facilities Following Stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), e90.
- Hong I, Karmarkar A, Mallinson T, Kuo Y-F, Chan W, Ottenbacher K, Goodwin J, Reistetter T (2017). Discharge patterns for stroke patients transitioning to inpatient and skilled nursing rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), e53. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2017.08.162
- Hong, I., Reistetter, T., Diaz-Venegas, C., Michaels-Obregon, A., & Wong, R. (2017). Disability comparison between the United States and Mexico among adults with stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), e53. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2017.08.161
- Hong, I., Lee, M. J., Kim, M. Y., Reistetter, T., & Park, H. Y. (2017). Differential item functioning on dressing activity for individuals with physical disabilities. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), e52. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2017.08.159
- Hong, I., & Reistetter, T. (2017). Propensity score matching methods for Rasch common-person equating requirement: A feasibility study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), e96-e97. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2017.08.311
- Hong, I., Lee, M. J., Hay, C., & Reistetter, T. A. (2017). Differential item functioning on physical disability measure across direct and proxy interview. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), e152-e153. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2017.09.009
- Smith, T., Krishnan, S., Hong, I., & Reistetter, T. A. (2017). Examination of the Smith's Low Vision Independence Measure using Rasch item response theory. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10), e167-e168. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2017.09.059
- Hong, I., Karmarkar, A., Chan, W., Andersen, C., Kuo, Y., Ottenbacher, K. J., Goodwin, J. S., & Reistetter, T. A. (2017). Descriptive comparisons between patients with stroke in inpatient and skilled nursing rehabilitation. Innovation Aging, 1(suppl_1), 258. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.946
- Reistetter TA, Eschbach, Jupiter D, Prochaska J, Karmarkar A, Ottenbacher K (2016) Developing rehabilitation Service areas: Exploring Geographic Clustering in post-acute care services, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97(12)E28.
- Pappadis M, Krishnan S, Hay CC, Reistetter TA (2016) Long-term cognitive impairment and decreased mood among community-swelling adults aging with stroke, 97(10), E115.
- Krishnan S, Pappadis M, Weller, Fisher S, Reistetter TA (2016) Mobility preferences among individuals with stroke and their caregivers, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
- Karmarkar A, Graham JE, Reistetter TA, Ottenbacher D, Kuo YF (2016) Variation in discharge to post-acute care settings for rehabilitation services, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97(10), E98.
- Heyn PC, McGrew G, Reistetter T, Bodine C (2016) Technology use in everyday life for mature adults with cognitive disabilities: Usability implications, Gerontologist, 55(S3), 730.
- Hasan A, Krishnan S, Pappadis M, Reistetter T (2016) Development of a pilot survey: Addressing patient-centered outcomes for rehabilitation post stroke, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64: S258.
- Krishnan S, Stearnes M, Kumar A, Jackson K, Weller S, Reistetter T(2015) Identification of caregiver needs in stroke rehabilitation: A systematic review, Gerontologist, 55(S2), 720.
- Karmarkar A, Fisher S, Graham J, Reistetter T, Kumar K, Ottenbacher K(2015) Risk factors associated with hospital readmission in patients with hip fractures in post-acute rehabilitation facilities, Gerontologist, 55(S2), 720.
- Reistetter T, Krishnan S, Stearnes S, Weller (2015) Patient and caregiver centered outcome preferences in stroke rehabilitation, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(10) , E76.
- Karmarkar A, Kulkarni K, Graham J, Kumar A, Reistetter T, Ottenbacher K (2015) Outcomes for traumatic brain injury in inpatient rehabilitation by facility volume, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(10), E62.
- Makam AN, Halm EA, Nguyen OK, Zhou J, Kuo YF, Reistetter TA, Ottenbacher KJ, Goodwin JS. (2015) Regional trends in long-term acute care hospital use in Texas, Journal of Hospital Medicine, 10(S2).
- Makam AN, Halm EA, Nguyen OK, Zhou J, Kuo YF, Reistetter TA, Ottenbacher KJ, Goodwin JS. (2015) Regional trends in long-term acute care hospital use in Texas, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 30(S2), 244-245.
- Makam AN, Halm EA, Nguyen OK, Zhou J, Kuo YF, Reistetter TA, Ottenbacher KJ, Goodwin JS. (2015) Regional trends in long-term acute care hospital use in Texas, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63(S1) 126-127.
- Al Snih S, Kumar, A, Teppala S, Reistetter T, Markides K Ottenbacher K (2014) Life-space mobility and 5-year mortality in Mexican Americans aged 75 years and older, Gerontologist 54(S2) 213.
- Teppala S, Ottenbacher K, Karmarkar A, Kumar K, Al Snih S, Graham J, Reistetter T (2014) Geographic variation in functional status following post-acute hip fracture rehabilitation, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95(10), E2.
- Teppala S, Reistetter T, Ottenbacher K, Karmarkar, Graham J (2014) Variation in functional status following hip fracture rehabilitation: Multilevel analysis of Medicare fee-for service beneficiaries.
- Reistetter T, Karmarkar A, Eschbach K, Graham J, Freeman J, Ottenbacher K (2014) Regional variation in readmission among those discharged to the community after stroke rehabilitation, Gerontologist 53(S1) 339.
- Reistetter T, Kuo YF, Karmarkar A, Ottenbacher K, Freeman J (2013) Facility and regional variation in older adult cognitive and motor function following stroke rehabilitation, Gerontologist 53(S1) 612.
- Reistetter T, Karmarkar A, Graham J, Ottenbacher K, & Freeman J (2012) Regional variation in hospital readmission following Inpatient stroke rehabilitation, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ,93(12), E39-E38.
- Al Snih S, Ottenbacher K, Markides K, Raji M, Reistetter T, & Samper-Ternent R (2012) Nutritional status in older Mexican Americans aged 75 years and older Gerontologist, 52(S1), 388-389.
- Al Snih S, Karmarkar A, Reistetter T, Lee J, Kumar A, Graham J & Ottenbacher K (2012) Obesity and rehabilitation outcomes after lower extremity arthroplasty, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 64(10), S678.
- Dickerson A, Gaudy J, Reistetter T (2010) Assessing the risk of complex IADL from the perspective of medically-at-risk older adults and their caregivers, Gerontologist, 50 (S1), 13.
- Karmarkar A, Graham JE, Reistetter TA, Granger CV & Ottenbacher KJ (2010) Impact of duration to admission to inpatient rehabilitation on outcomes across multiple impairment categories. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91, E35.
- Reistetter T, Graham J Deutsch A, Karmarkar A, Eschbach K, Granger C & Ottenbacher K (2010) Geographic patterns in rehabilitation outcomes following stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91, E28.
- Reistetter T, Seale G, Deutsch A, Markello S, Granger C & Ottenbacher K (2010) Differing discharge FIM rating value for classifying return to the community of older adults receiving inpatient rehabilitation following a traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91, E13.
- Reistetter T, Al Snih S, Markides K, & Ottenbacher K (2009) The effect of grip strength and education on IADL disability over time across gender among older Mexican Americans. Gerontologist, 49, 288.
- Dickerson AE, Reistetter T & Monahan M (2009) Gender differences in driving evaluations. Gerontologist, 49, 226.
- Al Snih S, Ray LA, Reistetter TA, Graham JE (2009) Gender differences in obesity and life space mobility among older Mexican Americans, Journal of Women’s Health, 18(10), 1504-1505.
- Reistetter, T, Graham J, Deutsch A, Markello S, Granger C & Ottenbacher K(2009) Interaction between age and diabetes comorbidity tier groups on length of stay, functional status, and discharge setting among hip fracture patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90, E23.
- Reistetter, T, Howard W., Nagelson, J, Manalo, E, Carrion-Jones, M, & Ivanhoe, C (2007) Influence of temporal targets and object weight on smoothness of forearm and wrist motion in focal dystonia: A case study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88(11), E11
- Dickerson A, Trujillo T, Reistetter, T (2007) A reflective analysis of the older adult driver occupational therapy evaluation process, Gerontologist, 45(S2), 273.
- Trujillo L, Dickerson A, Riggs, P & Reistetter, T (2005) A reflective analysis of the older adult driver occupational therapy evaluation process, Gerontologist, 45(S1), 508.
- Heyn P, Reistetter, T, & Abreu B (2003) The use of technology to study environmental regulators on postural stability in nursing home residents. Gerontologist. 43(S1), 395.
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