Institutes & Centers
Pamela Recto, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
My work as an early-stage investigator focuses on community-partnered exploratory research with underserved populations. I have utilized the Life Course Theory, Vulnerable Populations Framework, and Mental Health Literacy as an approach to conceptualize illness across populations, and recognize the multiple and intersecting factors that influence health over a period of time. As a registered nurse, I have more than 15 years of experience in family-centered care with newborns and families. Additionally, I have knowledge in health disparities and mental health research. Examples of populations and subject matters that I have studied include: 1) assessing the mental health literacy of Mexican-American adolescent mothers concerning perinatal depression, 2) understanding the factors surrounding opioid-related maternal mortality, 3) examining the perspectives of Hispanic young fathers on parenthood, and 4) exploring the mental health needs of young fathers during the COVID-19 pandemic. These studies helped me understand the need for patient-centered care in order to improve health outcomes, reduce health disparities, and cultivate a strong client-provider relationship. My community partnerships helped me appreciate the value of interprofessional collaborations and community engagement in promoting health and addressing the salient needs of individuals and their families. Through community-based participatory research my goal is to help populations gain access to vital health care resources and services that will improve health outcomes and well-being.
Professional Background
- 2018 - Doctor of Philosophy - The University of Texas at Austin
- 2013 - Master of Science in Nursing - Administrative Management - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2002 - Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Nursing - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Licensures and Certifications
- Registered Nurse
Honors and Awards
- 2021 2021 IIMS Community Engagement Hero Award for Outstanding Researcher
- 2015 - 2018, Robert Wood Johnson Future of Nursing Scholar, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- 2020 - Assistant Director - South Texas Area Health Center (ST-AHEC)
- 2020 - Assistant Professor - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2013 - Clinical Assistant Professor - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2012 - Clinical Instructor - Hallmark University
- 2008 - Clinical Instructor - Career Point College
Instruction & Training
- 2020 -Present , NURS 7310 Theory Development, Analysis and Evaluation in Nursing, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020 - Present, NURS 4533 Disease Management III: Clinical Application - Lecturer, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020 - Present, NURS 3372 Family Nursing Care: Theoretical Foundations - Lecturer, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020 - Present, NURS 3373 Family Nursing Care: Clinical Applications - Clinical Faculty, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2018 - 2019, NURS 3372 Family Nursing Care: Theoretical Foundations, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
Research & Grants
Currently Funded:
- 2023-2024 Funder: DSHS Dollars: $1,019,000 Title: (no-cost extension) COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant Role: Co-PI with Janna Lesser
- 2022-2027 Funder: HRSA Dollars: $3,705,000 Title: Model State Supported Area Health Education Centers Role: Co-PI with Janna Lesser
- 2021 – 2022, Funder: NAC Grant, Dollars: $5,000. Title: The Impact of a COVID-19 Project ECHO Program on the Mental Health of Community Health Workers: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study. Role: PI.
- 2021 – 2022 Funder: LINC Seed Grant, Dollars: $5,000. Title: A Co-Curricular IPE World Café for Mental Health: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study. Role: PI.
- 2021 – 2023 Funder: DSHS Dollars: $1,014,000. Title: National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities. Role: Co-PI
Pending Submissions:
- 2022-2027 Funder: HRSA Dollars: $3,705,000. Title: Model State Supported Area Health Education Centers. Role: Co-PI
Completed Research/Projects:
- 2020 – 2021, Funder: The Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science (IIMS): UL1 TR002645, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Dollars: $2,000. Title: The Impact of COVID-19 among Adolescent Fathers: Community Insight to Guide Service Delivery and Research. Role: PI.
- 2019 – 2020, Funder: The Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science (IIMS): UL1 TR002645, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Dollars: $5,000. Title: Adolescent Fathers' Perception and Experiences of Fatherhood: A Qualitative Community Based Participatory Research Study. Role: PI.
- 2019 – 2020, Funder: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholar, Dollars: $5,000. Title: Adolescent Fathers' Perception and Experiences of Fatherhood: A Qualitative Community Based Participatory Research Study. Role: PI.
- 2017– 2018, Funder: 72572, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholar, Grant # 72572, Dollars: $5,000. Title: Assessment of Mental Health Literacy among Pregnant and Parenting Mexican-American Adolescents. Role: PI.
- 2017– 2018, Funder: Frances Fowler Wallace Memorial for Mental Health Dissertation Award, Grant # 72572, Dollars: $5,000. Title: Perceptions about Professional Help and Attitudes Towards Help-Seeking among Pregnant and Postpartum Mexican-American Adolescents. Role: PI.
Student Mentees/Trainees
- 2022-Present Adriana Munoz, PhD student dissertation committee member
- 2021 Lauren Hicks, PhD candidate, dissertation committee member
- 2021 Shanae Rhodes, PhD student, dissertation committee chair
2023 UT Health SA, SoN PhD Student Applicant Interviewer
- 2023-Present UT Health SA Member, Search Advisory Committee for the UT School of Public Health San Antonio Departmental Chairs
- 2021-Present UT Health SA Committee Member, LINC Co-Curricular IPE Initiative
- 2020-Present UT Health SA, SoN Assistant Director, for South Texas AHEC
- 2023 UT Health SA Grant Reviewer, LINC Case Competition Review Committee
- 2013, UT Health SA, School of Nursing, Committee on Faculty and Student Matters, member
Service to the Profession
- 2022 – present Editorial Board Member Public Health Nursing Journal
- 2020 – present, Program Office Staff, South Texas Area Health Center (UT Health San Antonio)
- 2020 – present, Journal Reviewer, Western Journal of Nursing Research
- 2020 – present, Journal Reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Nursing
- 2019 – present, Member, Philippine Nurses Association San Antonio, TX
- 2016 – present, Journal Reviewer, Research and Theory for Nursing Practice
- 2013 – present, Member, Association of Women‘s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses
Professional Affiliations (memberships)
- 2020 – present Philippine Nurses Association
- 2013 – present Association of Women‘s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses
- 2023- Present Volunteer at Roy Maas Youth Alternatives Chicktime Inc, San Antonio
- 2020, COVID-19 Vaccine Administration, UT Health San Antonio, TX
- Recto, P., Lesser, J., Zapata Jr., Jose, Moreno-Vasquez, A., Gandara, E., Zavala, A., Casillas, M., (under development). An evaluation of a CHW health equity workgroup.
- Zapata Jr. J., Zavala-Idar, A., Recto, P., Lesser, J. (under development). consequences of COVID-19 on health professions students’ mental health: A mixed methods study.
- Gandara, E., Recto, P., Lesser, J., Zapata Jr., J., Zavala-Idar, A., Hernandez, L., Castillo, C., Escareno, J., Flores, M., Morales, V. (Under review). Planting seeds and watching them grow”: Perceptions of community capacity building amongst community health workers in south Texas. Journal of Public Health.
- Recto, P., Lesser, J., Paleo, J., Gray, A.H., Zapata Jr., J., A., Zavala Idar, A., Castilla, Eduardo Gandara. (in-press). Teaching person-centered care and interprofessional collaboration through a virtual mental health world café: A mixed methods IPE pilot project. Issues in Mental Health Nursing.
- Lesser, J., Castilla, M., Castillo, C., Escareno, J., Flores, M., Gandara, E., Hernandez, L., Morales, V., Recto, P., Vela, V., Zapata Jr., J., Zavala-Idar, A. (in-press). Developing a COVID-19 health equity workgroup with CHWs: Answering a call to action. Issues in Mental Health Nursing.
- Gandara, E., Recto, P., Zapata, J., Jr, Moreno-Vasquez, A., Zavala Idar, A., Castilla, M., Hernández, L., Flores, M., Escareño, J., Castillo, C., Morales, V., Medellin, H., Vega, B., (2023) Using CBPR to translate an English to Spanish language CHW COVID-19 & health inequities project echo within South Texas. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 44(3), 218-222. https://doi-org.libproxy.uthscsa.edu/10.1080/01612840.2022.2029103
- Recto, P., Lesser, J., Paleo, J., Gray, A.H., Zapata Jr., J., Moreno-Vasquez, A., Zavala Idar, A., Castilla, (2023). The co-development and implementation of a mental health world cafe. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 4(4), 338–342. https://doi.org/10.1080/01612840.2022.2085453
- Recto, P., Zapata Jr., J., Gandara, E., Moreno-Vasquez, A., Zavala Idar, A., Castilla, M., Hernandez, L., Flores, M., Escareno, J., Castillo, C., Morales, V., Lesser, J. (2022). Supporting community health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods pilot. Public Health Nursing, 40(1), 63–72. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13144.
- Gandara, E., Recto, P., Zapata, J., Jr, Moreno-Vasquez, A., Zavala Idar, A., Castilla, M., Hernández, L., Flores, M., Escareño, J., Castillo, C., Morales, V., Medellin, H., Vega, B., Hoffman, B., González, M., & Lesser, J. (2022). A program evaluation of a pilot Spanish opioid use disorder project echo program for CHWs. Public Health Nursing.
- Champion, J., & Recto, P. (in-press). An assessment of HIV risk, perceptions of risk, and potential adherence to preexposure prophylaxis among HIV-negative people with injection drug use who access mobile outreach services. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 34(2), 101-110. DOI: 10.1097/JAN.0000000000000522
- Recto, P., Lesser, J., Farokhi, M.R., Lacy, C.J., Chapa, I., Garcia, S., Geelhoed, M., Johnson, L., Stone, M., Worabo, H., & Zorek, J.A. (2022). Addressing health inequities through co-curricular interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice,29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2022.100549
- Moreno-Vasquez, A., Lesser, J., Recto, P., Zapata, Jr., J., Idar, A. (under review). Developing and implementing a co-curricular IPE program for communities and health profession students in South Texas: AHEC scholars program. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
- Champion, J.D. & Recto, P. (under review). An assessment of HIV risk, perceptions of risk and potential adherence to PrEP among HIV negative people with injection drug use who access mobile outreach services. Journal of Addictions Nursing.
- Recto, P., & Lesser, J. (2020). Young Hispanic fathers during COVID-19: Balancing parenthood, finding strength, and maintaining hope. Public Health Nursing, Published Ahead of Print. https://doi-org.libproxy.uthscsa.edu/10.1111/phn.12857
- Recto, P., & Lesser, J. (2020). Adolescent fathers' perceptions and experiences of fatherhood: A qualitative exploration with Hispanic adolescent fathers. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Published Ahead of Print. https://doi-org.libproxy.uthscsa.edu/10.1016/j.pedn.2020.12.010
- Recto, P., Lesser, J., Moreno-Vasquez, A., Zapata Jr., J., & Idar, A. (2020). Supporting the mental health needs of adolescent fathers during COVID-19: Opportunities for nursing practice and community-based partnerships. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Published Ahead of Print. https://doi-org.libproxy.uthscsa.edu/10.1080/01612840.2020.1850951
- Recto, P., & Lesser, J. (2020). The parenting experiences of Hispanic adolescent fathers: A life course theory perspective. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 42(11), 918-926. doi:10.117/0193945920935593
- Cleveland, L., Brownell, E., McGlothen-Bell, K., McGrath, J.M., & Recto P. (under review). Using the health stigma and discrimination framework to understand stigma among perinatal women with opioid use disorder. Research in Nursing and Health.
- McGlothen-Bell, K., Recto, P., Brownell, E., McGrath, J., & Cleveland, L, (2020). Recovering together: Mothers’ experiences providing skin-to-skin care for their infants with NAS. Advances in Neonatal Care, Published Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000819.
- Recto, P., & Lesser, J. (2020). “Fathers need help too”: Adolescent fathers and depression. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. Publish Ahead of Print. doi:10.1080/01612840.2020.1752866.
- Recto, P., McGlothen-Bell, K., McGrath, J., Brownell, E., & Cleveland, L. (2020). The role of stigma in the nursing care of families impacted by neonatal abstinence syndrome. Advances in Neonatal Care, 20(5), 354-363. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000778
- McGlothen-Bell, K., Cleveland, L, Recto, P., Brownell, E., & McGrath, J. (2020). Feeding behaviors in infants with prenatal opioid exposure: An integrative review. Advances in Neonatal Care, 20(5), 374-383. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000762
- Cleveland, L., McGlothen-Bell, K., Scott, L., & Recto, P. (2020). A life course exploration of opioid-related maternal morbidity in the U.S. Addiction Journal. 115(11), 2079-2088. doi:10.1111/add.15054
- Recto, P., & Champion J. D. (2020). Social support and perinatal depression: The perspectives of Mexican-American adolescent mothers. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40(9), 821-824. doi:10.1080/01612840.2018.1557303
- Recto, P., & Champion J. D. (2020). Psychosocial factors associated with paternal perinatal depression: A systematic review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 41(7), 1-16, doi: 10.1080/01612840.2019.1704320.
- Recto, P. (2019). Mexican-American adolescents’ views on factors that facilitate recognition and help-seeking for perinatal depression. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. doi: 10.1080/01612840.2018.1557303.
- Recto, P., & Champion, J.D. (2018). Mexican-American adolescents’ perceptions about causes of perinatal depression, self-help strategies, and how to obtain mental health information. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 31(2-3), 61-69. doi: 10.1111/jcap.12210.
- Recto, P., & Champion, J.D. (2018). “We don’t want to be judged”: Perceptions about professional help and attitudes towards help-seeking among pregnant and postpartum Mexican-American adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 42, 111-117. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2018.04.010.
- Recto, P., & Champion, J. D. (2017). Assessment of mental health literacy among perinatal Hispanic adolescents. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 38(12), 1030-1038. doi:10.1080/01612840.2017.1349224
- Recto, P., & Champion, J. D. (2017). Psychosocial risk factors for perinatal depression among female adolescents: A systematic Review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 38(8), 633-642. doi: 10.1080/01612840.2017.1330908
- Recto, P., Champion, J. D., Mackert, M. (2016). Assessing the mental health needs of pregnant adolescents: Health literacy frameworks to guide research and practice. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 31(2), 137-155. doi:10.1891/1541-6577.31.2.137
- Recto, P., & Champion, J.D. (2016). Psychological distress and associated factors among Mexican-American adolescents. Hispanic Health Care International 14(4), 170-176. doi: 10.1177/1540415316676224
- 2020 “A Life Course Theory Perspective to Explore the Parenting Experiences of Adolescent Fathers”. Pamela Recto & Janna Lesser. The Health Advocacy and Policy 2020 Nursing Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Postponed due to COVID-19).
- 2019 “Understanding the Parenting Experiences of Adolescent Fathers”. Pamela Recto & Greg Marshall. 2019 Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science Community Engagement Symposium, San Antonio, TX.
- 2022 “A Co-Curricular Case Competition to Explore Interprofessional Solutions Addressing Local Health Disparities.” Moshtagh R. Farokhi, Irene Chapa, Sean E. Garcia, Michael Geelhoed, LeKeisha D. Johnson, M.B.A, Pamela Recto, Melanie Stone, Heidi J. Worabo, Joseph A. Zorek. Nexus Summit Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
- 2020 “Support for Young Fathers During the COVID-19 Crisis”. Pamela Recto & Janna Lesser. The American Academy of Nursing 2020 Policy Conference, In Crisis and Calm: Leading with Purpose. Virtual Conference.
- 2020 “A Life Course Theory Perspective to Explore the Parenting Experiences of Adolescent Fathers”. Pamela Recto & Janna Lesser. The Health Advocacy and Policy 2020 Nursing Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Postponed due to COVID-19).
- 2019 “Maternal-Infant Stress Reactivity and Physiological Attunement in Prenatally Opioid-Exposed Newborns”. Pamela Recto, Kelly McGlothen-Bell, Jacqueline McGrath, Elizabeth Brownell, Natashia Bibriescas, Leticia Scott, Lisa Cleveland. Advanced Methods Conference, Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, District of Columbia.
- 2019 “Understanding the Parenting Experiences of Adolescent Fathers”. Pamela Recto & Greg Marshall. 2019 Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science Community Engagement Symposium, San Antonio, TX.
- 2019 “Mental Health Literacy of Mexican-American Adolescents: Examining Their Perceptions about Perinatal Depression”. Pamela Recto. Postpartum Support International Annual Conference, Portland OR.
- 2019 “The Impact of Opioids on Maternal-Infant Interaction, Stress Response, and Attunement”. Pamela Recto & Kelly McGlothen-Bell. 11th Annual Conference Behavior, Biology, and Chemistry: Translational Research in Addiction, San Antonio, TX.
- 2018 “A Community Collaborative to Improve Care and Outcomes for Families Impacted by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS”). Pamela Recto, Leticia Scott, Ashley Emmerich, Frank Puga, Rebecca Bonugli, & Lisa Cleveland. Re-Imagining Healthcare Conference, San Antonio, TX
- 2018 “Mental Health Literacy of Mexican-American Adolescents: Examining their Knowledge and Attitudes about Perinatal Depression”. Pamela Recto & Jane Dimmitt Champion. Southern Nursing Research Society 2018 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA .
- 2016 “Adolescents Experiencing, Interpersonal Violence, Risky Behavior, and Pregnancy”. Pamela Recto & Jane Dimmitt Champion. San Antonio Health Literacy Initiative, San Antonio, TX.
- 2016 “Assessing the Mental Health Needs of Pregnant and Postpartum Adolescents through Health Literacy”. Pamela Recto. Mental Health Literacy Needs among Mexican-American. Robert Wood Johnson Future of Nursing Scholar 2016, Colorado Springs, CO.
- 2016 “Mental Health Literacy Needs among Mexican-American Adolescent Females Experiencing Interpersonal Violence, Risky Sexual Behavior, and Pregnancy”. Pamela Recto & Jane Dimmitt Champion. Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference Williamsburg, VA.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Peer Reviewed Podium Presentations
Peer Reviewed Poster Presentations