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Karl Rasmussen, PhD
Associate Professor
Dr. Karl Rasmussen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology that specializes in Medical Physics.
Professional Background
- 2009 - PhD - Medical Physics - University of Wisconsin - Madison
- 1998 - BS - Mathematics and Physics - Nebraska Wesleyan University
- 7/2015 - Assistant Professor - University of Texas San Antonio Health Science Center, Radiation Oncology, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 8/2017 - Present, Basic Radiation Biology, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2016 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/2015 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/2015 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/2015 - Present, Fund Radiation Dosimetry, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2015 - Present, Radiotherapy Clin Pract, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Rasmussen KH, Roring, J, Astorga, N, George, R, Stanley, DN, Stathakis S, Saenz DL, Gutierrez, AN, Shi Z, Papanikolaou N. Quantification of Signal Strength Variation Between OSLD Drawers; 2017 Jul. (Medical Physics). DN Stanley, K Mcconnell, Rasmussen KH, AN Gutierrez, Saenz DL, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA. Variability of Breast Surface Positioning for Deep Inspiration Breath Hold From An Active Breathing Coordinator; 2017 Jun. (Medical Physics; vol. 44, no. 6). Rasmussen KH. Investigating the Use of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (ahp) as a Tool to Determine Optimal Treatment Plans; 2017 Jun. (Medical Physics; vol. 44, no. 6). Rasmussen KH. Tumor Control Probability Incorporated in Savi Brachytherapy Treatment Planning Prevents Failure in Treatment Outcomes; 2017 Jun. (Medical Physics; vol. 44, no. 6). A Brito Delgado, Rasmussen KH, K Kauweloa, Medrano T Pesqueira, D Cohen, Eng TY, A Gutierrez. First Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Determine Optimal Prostate Treatment Plans; 2017 Jun. (Medical Physics; vol. 44, no. 6). R George, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH. Evaluation of the Effect of Body Habitus and Radiation Therapist On Initial Positioning of Prostate Patients; 2017 Jun. (Medical Physics; vol. 44, no. 6). Stanley D, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Commissioning and Acceptance Testing of the C-Rad CatalystHD Surface Imaging System; 2016 Aug. (Medical Physics). Ferreira C, Johnson D, Rasmussen KH, Ahmad S, Jung JW. Investigation of Beta-Emitter 90Sr-90Y Dose Distribution Using Gafchromic EBT3 Film for Application On Conformal Skin Brachytherapy Device; 2016 Jul. (Medical Physics). Alexandrian, A, Kabat, C, Defoor, W, Saenz DL, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Gutierrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Tracking Trends of TG-142 Parameters Via Analysis of Data Recorded by 2D Chamber Array; 2016 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 6). Lirani A, Rasmussen KH, Eng TY, Baacke D, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Investigating the Dosimetric Differences between Manual Planning and Auto-Planning in Patients with Prostate and Pelvic Lymph Nodes Irradiation; 2016 Jan. (Mecical Dosimetry). Rasmussen KH, Baumgarten A, Stanley D, Pelletier C, Corbett M, Jung JW, Feng Y, Huang Z, Ju A, Eng TY, Kirby NA, Gutierrez AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Verification of a 3D Printed HDR Skin Brachytherapy Applicator; 2016 Jan. (Medical Physics). Ferreira C, Johnson D, Rasmussen KH, Ahmad S, Jung JW. Investigation of Beta-Emitter 90Sr-90Y Dose Distribution Using Gafchromic EBT3 Film for Application On Conformal Skin Brachytherapy Device; 2016 Jan. (Medical Physics). Obeidat, M, Cline, K, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Gutierrez AN, Ha CS, Lee SE, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Radiation Measurements with a DNA Double-Strand-Break Dosimeter; 2016 Jan. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3691). Zehren B, Rasmussen KH, Baacke D, Crownover RL, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Evaluating Treatment Plan Quality and the Dosimetric Differences between Pinnacle Auto-Planning and Manual Treatment Planning in Brain Cancer Patients; 2016 Jan. (Medical Dosimetry). Obeidat, M, Cline, K, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Gutierrez AN, Ha CS, Lee SE, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Optimizing the Response and Cost of a DNA Double-Strand Break Dosimeter; 2015 Jan. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3872).
Journal Article
Stanley DN, Rasmussen K, Kirby N, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. An evaluation of the stability of image quality parameters of Elekta X‐ray volume imager and iViewGT imaging systems Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2018 Mar;. Stanley DN, McConnell, K, Kirby NA, Gutierrez, AN, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH. Comparison of Initial Patient Setup Accuracy between Surface Imaging and Three Point Localization: A Retrospective Analysis Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2017 Sep;. Ferreira C, Johnson D, Rasmussen KH, Leinweber C, Ahmad S, Jung JW. A novel conformal skin high-dose- rate brachytherapy device for the treatment of inoperable non-melanoma skin cancer and keloids Brachytherapy 2017 Jan;16(1):215-222. Rasmussen KH. design and verification of 3d printed brachytherapy applicators for skin lesions JACMP 2016 Jan;. Rasmussen KH. Praseodymium-142 microspheres for brachytherapy of nonresectable hepatic tumors Brachytherapy 2013 Jan;12(6):654-664.