Departments & Divisions
Wajeh Y Qunibi, MD, FACP
Professor of Medicine
Director of Nephrology Faculty Development
- Dr. Qunibi is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology at the UT Health Science Center. He is an attending nephrologist at University Hospital and Medical Director of Inpatient and Outpatient Hemodialysis services. He is Director of the Faculty Development in Nephrology. He published more than 60 articles, 55 abstracts, several reviews, editorials and Book Chapters. He has expertise in Bone and Mineral Metabolism, cardiovascular calcification, anemia of CKD and Hyperkalemia. He delivered several lectures on these subjects at National and international meetings.
Professional Background
- 1972 - MD - Medicine (with Honors) - Alexandria University School of Medicine
- 1966 - Science - Alexandria University School of Medicine
- Internship - Internal Medicine - Union Memorial Hospital-Johns Hopkins Hospital
- Clinical Fellowship - Nephrology - Baylor College of Medicine
- Residency - Internal Medicine - Union Memorial Hospital-Johns Hopkins Hospital
- 9/2004 - Professor of Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Medicine, San Antonio
- 3/2001 - Medical Director - University Hospital, Inpatient Hemodialylsis Unit, Inpatient Hemodialylsis Unit, San Antonio
- 6/1999 - Medical Director - University Dialysis Northwest Unit, Dialysis Unit, San Antonio
- 6/1999 - Attending Nephrologist - University HospitalSan Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 9/2007 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/1999 - Present, Lecture to Second Year Medical Students, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/1999 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/1999 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Research & Grants
Treatment of Hyperkalemia
Treatment of hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic kidney disease
Cardiovascular calcification in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Treatment of anemia of chronic kidney disease (EPO and iron)Grants
Funding Agency Nabi Pharmaceuticals Title EPIC (Effect of PhosLo on Phosphorous Levels in Chronic Kidney Disease): A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Arm, Study of Calcium Acetate (PhosLo) on Phosphorous Levels in Subjects with Stage 4 Chronic Kid Status Active Period 7/2005 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Title Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of a Unique Intravenous Iron Preparation (VIT-45) versus Oral Iron in the Treatment of Anemia in Non-Dialysis Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease Status Active Period 11/2005 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency ZS Pharma Title Phase III multicenter, two-phase, multi-dose, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to investigate the safety and efficacy of ZS(Microporous, Fractionated, Protonated Zirconium Silicate), and oral sorbent, in subjects with mild Status Active Period 4/2013 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail
June 1999-present: Inpatient Attending UHS
June 1999-present: Outpatient Dialysis Attending UHS
1999-Present (except 2014-2016): Medical Director of Inpatient Dialysis Service. I supervised the establishment and opening of a new inpatient dialysis unit.
1999-present: Medical Director, University Dialysis; now UDNW. I have been involved not only in training renal fellows but also in education of the nursing staff at this unit. I supervised the relocation of the dialysis unit to Louis Pasteur -
Qunibi WY. Is It Too Much of a Good Thing? A New Era in Phosphate Binder Therapy in ESRD J Am Soc Nephrol 2015 Mar;.
Electronic/Web Publication
Qunibi WY. Prescribing and assessing adequate hemodialysis 2017 Jan. Qunibi WY. Treatment of anemia in peritoneal dialysis patients 2017 Jan. Qunibi WY. Overview of Chronic Kidney disease-Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) 2017 Jan. Qunibi WY. Protein intake in maintenance hemodialysis patients 2017 Jan. Qunibi WY. Aluminum toxicity in end-stage renal disease 2017 Jan.
Journal Article
Qunibi WY. Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate in Hyperkalemia N. Engl J Med. [Epub ahead of print]. N Engl J Med. 2015 Jan 15;372(3):222-31 2015 Jan;372(3):222-231. Kosiborod M, Rasmussen HS, Lavin P, Qunibi WY, Spinowitz B, Packham D, Roger SD, Yang A, Lerma E, Singh B. Effect of Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate on Potassium Lowering for 28 Days Among Outpatients With Hyperkalemia: The HARMONIZE Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA 2014 Dec;312(21):2223-2233. Onken JE, Bregman DB, Harrington RA, Morris D, Buerkert J, Hamerski D, Iftikhar H, Mangoo-Karim R, Martin ER, Martinez CO, Newman GE, Qunibi WY, Ross DL, Singh B, Smith MT, Butcher A, Koch TA, Goodnough LT. Ferric carboxymaltose in patients with iron-deficiency anemia and impaired renal function: the REPAIR-IDA trial Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013 Aug;.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine/Nephrology
- American Board of Internal Medicine