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Nikos Papanikolaou, PhD, MBA
Chief of Division of Medical Physics
Dr. Nikos Papanikolaou is a professor in the Departments of Radiation Oncology and Radiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. He is the chief of the division of medical physics and the director of the Doctor of Medical Physics graduate program. His research interests include Dose calculation algorithms in Radiotherapy, Optimization, Hypo-fractionated treatments and Radiobiological Modelling.
Professional Background
- 2020 - MBA - Business and Healthcare management - University of Texas
- 1994 - PhD - Medical Physics - University of Wisconsin
- 1991 - MS - Medical Physics - University of Wisconsin
- 1989 - BS - Physics (Graduation with Honors) - University of Athens
- 12/2005 - Professor and Chief, Division of Medical Physics - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Radiation Oncology, San Antonio
- 2020 - Business School - University of Texas San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 2/2017 - 6/2021, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, Univ of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio
- 8/2016 - Present, RADI5055 Fund of Dosimetry
- 8/2015 - Present, Ph.D. Dissertations Directed, University of Texas HSC San Antonio
- 7/2014 - Present, RADI 6023 Clinical Practices in radiotherapy
- 8/2008 - Present, Individual Instruction, University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1/2006 - Present, Medical Dosimetry Certificate Program, Cancer Therapy and Research Center at UTHSCSA
- 1/2006 - Present, Medical Residency Physics Course, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 1/2006 - Present, Advanced Radiotherapy Physics, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1/2006 - Present, Research, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
Title: Enhancing MAPK-targeted Therapy in PDX Models of BRAF-Mutant Pediatric Brain Tumors
Funding Agency: NIH/NCI
Status: Awarded
Period: 03/2021 - 03/2026
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $2,942,127
Grant Detail: The major goal of this project is to develop MAPKi combinations with radiation therapy (RT) and investigate combinations that retard or prevent MAPKi/RT resistance in a unique panel of BRAF-mutant glioma mouse models.
Title: Identifying Clinically-Relevant Mechanisms of Resistance in Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma PDX Models
Funding Agency: NIH/NCI
Status: Pending
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $2,558,280.00
Grant Detail: The major goal of this project is to utilize a radically different approach using patient derived xenografts to model the complex high-risk chemo-radiation protocols to develop and characterize mechanisms that confer resistance, and to determine whether rapamycin, an FDA approved drug, can delay or prevent emergence of resistance, based upon our published work and preliminary data.
Title: Radiation Sensitization with Targeted Drugs in BRAFV600E Brain Tumors
Funding Agency: NIH/NCIStatus: Pending
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $3,874,813.00
Grant Detail: The major goal of this project is to determine whether BRAF mutation can be therapeutically exploited for enhancing RT effects in preclinical models, whether such combinations can maintain tumor control at lower doses of RT, and retard or prevent development of resistance.
Title: Microscopic computer-aided 3D reconstruction of prostate cancer
Funding Agency: Veterans Administration
Status: Complete
Period: 01/1998 - 12/1999
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $24,000.00
Grant Detail: Design and development of a software tool that allows 3-D reconstruction of surgical pathology slides of prostate cancer patients
Title: Dosimetric Evaluation of Elements
Funding Agency: Brainlab
Role: PI
Period: 2023-24
Total Costs: $36,000
Status: Funded
Title: AI based dose predictions.
Funding Agency: Therapanacea
Role: PI
Period: 2023-24
Total Costs: $35,000
Status: Funded
Title: Dosimetric Characterization of the C-Rad Stereotactic System
Funding Agency: C-Rad
Status: Complete
Period: 09/2018 - 08/2020
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $28,000.00
Grant Detail: The purpose of this study was to dosimetrically characterize the C-RAD tracking system as a method of setup and intrafraction motion tracking for SRS treatments. CRAD uses Non-ionizing radiation to tack the surface of a patient. Once patient accuracy for treatments is determined in this study, we will be the first clinic in the USA to utilize this method in the treatment of SRS. This will be used in conjunction with our standard clinical workflows.
Title: BrainLab - Spine metastasis
Funding Agency: BrainLab
Status: Complete
Period: 02/2018 - 12/2019
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $15,000.00
Grant Detail: Development of a QA program for a novel SBRT treatment technique of spinal metastasis
Title: Stavros Niarchos Foundation - Modern Practices in Treatment Planning and Delivery
Funding Agency: Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Status: Complete
Period: 01/2018 - 01/2021
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $97,650.00
Grant Detail: Develop a fellowship program on advanced radiotherapy techniques
Title: ELEKTA - stereotactic plan optimization and delivery QA
Funding Agency: ELEKTA
Status: Complete
Period: 05/2017 - 09/2018
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $36,000.00
Grant Detail: We have a master research agreement with ELEKTA and we add every year a list of projects based on a mutually agreed upon SOW. The projects have so far targeted implementation and QA techniques of SRS delivery with the ELEKTA linacs using Monaco RTP
Title: - Multiple brain mets treatment with a single isocenter
Funding Agency: BrainLab
Status: Complete
Period: 01/2017 - 01/2018
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $14,000.00
Grant Detail: Clinical testing and development of a QA program for a mono-isocentric technique to treat multiple brain metastasis
Title: Evaluation of the multiple elements application for simultaneous treatment of multiple brain metastasis
Funding Agency: Brain Lab
Status: Complete
Period: 08/2014 - 07/2016
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $17,000.00
Grant Detail:
Title: Evaluation of Rapidarc efficiency
Funding Agency: VARIAN medical Systems
Status: Complete
Period: 07/2014 - 07/2015
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $20,000.00
Grant Detail:
Title: Development of an EPID based quality assurance program for patient specific pre-treatment dose reconstruction
Funding Agency: Oncology Data Systems, Inc.
Status: Complete
Period: 10/2008 - 09/2010
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $210,370.00
Grant Detail:
Title: Adaptation of breast radiotherapy in prone position for large breasted patients
Funding Agency: San Antonio Area Foundation
Status: Active
Period: 06/2008 - 05/2009
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $35,000.00
Grant Detail:
Title: Development of a Novel Treatment Unit for Adaptive Radiotherapy in the Upright Position
Funding Agency: Initia Corporation
Status: Complete
Period: 02/2008 - 02/2009
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $125,000.00
Grant Detail: Investigate the possibility of treating radiation therapy patients in a standing or sitting position by applying deformable registration vectors to correct for changes in patient anatomy between supine CT scanning position and the upright treatment position.
Title: Target tracking delivery using a dual bank micro Multileaf Collimator
Funding Agency: Direx Corporation
Status: Complete
Period: 10/2006 - 10/2007
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $55,000.00
Grant Detail: Investigation of an electronic portal imaging device that will provide real-time feedback based on an implantable marker in the tumor for real-time beam steering and tracking in radiation therapy treatment delivery.
Title: Development of Educational and Training Program in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and Image-Guided Radiation Therapy
Funding Agency: Philips Medical Systems
Status: Complete
Period: 02/2006 - 02/2009
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $60,000.00
Grant Detail:
Title: IGRT implementation using the Peacock delivery system
Funding Agency: NOMOS Corporation
Status: Complete
Period: 01/2006 - 12/2008
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $115,000.00
Grant Detail: Development of deformable registration for adaptive radiotherapy based on computed tomography and megavoltage tomography image guidance. This project is being pursued while carrying a full administrative and clinical load.
Title: Development of a Monte Carlo based 4D Simulation Toolkit
Funding Agency: Cancer Care Council of San Antonio
Status: Complete
Period: 01/2006 - 12/2007
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $15,000.00
Grant Detail: Application of the Monte Carlo technique to develop a software package that simulates organ motion during computed tomography imaging of organs that are subject to motion. This project was pursued while carrying full clinical and administrative responsibilities.
Title: Monte Carlo Algorithms and QA tools for Tomotherapy
Funding Agency: Tomotherapy Inc
Status: Complete
Period: 01/2004 - 12/2005
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $120,000.00
Grant Detail: Development of quality assurance tests and software analysis tools for patient and equipment quality assurance using helical tomotherapy.
Title: PortSIM A software platform for MLC field outline verification
Funding Agency: Central Arkansas Radiation Therapy Institute
Status: Complete
Period: 01/2003 - 12/2005
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $30,000.00
Grant Detail: Comprehensive software package that enables the projection of static and dynamic multi-leaf collimated (MLC) shaped beams on top of radiographic and fluoroscopic (RF) images for beam aperture and isocenter verification prior to treatment.
Title: IMRT teaching grant
Funding Agency: ADAC / Philips Medical Systems
Status: Complete
Period: 01/2001 - 01/2005
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $600,000.00
Grant Detail: Development of an Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) training course for the Pinnacle IMRT users as well as to investigate the application of biological optimization for IMRT. This project was completed while pursuing a full clinical and administrative load.
Title: Clinical evaluation of a convolution based algorithm for 3-D Radiation Treatment Planning.
Funding Agency: ADAC Laboratories
Status: Complete
Period: 01/1999 - 01/2000
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $11,000.00
Grant Detail:
Title: Quality Assurance and Commissioning tests for a Convolution/Superposition Algorithm
Funding Agency: Dr. Mildred Scheel Stiftung fur Krebsforschung
Status: Complete
Period: 01/1996 - 12/1998
Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $48,000.00
Grant Detail:
Title: RP170345 CPRIT
Funding Agency: CPRIT
Status: Complete
Period: 12/2016 - 11/2021
Role: Co-Investigator
Total Costs: $3,996,895.00
Grant Detail: The major goal of this project is to fund post-doctoral and pre-doctoral fellows in cancer research, including one pediatric oncology fellow per year selected on an internally competitive basis.
1. Clinical Implementation of the Multivariate Risk-Adjusted Hotelling’s T2 control Chart for Monitoring Brainstem Dose: S. Sivabhaskar, J. S. Buatti1, M. de Oliveira, K. Duke, A. Roy, A. Yeh, N. A. Kirby and N. Papanikolaou, AAPM 2023 Houston, TX
2. J. S. Buatti, N. A. Kirby, S. Stathakis, S. Sivabhaskar, K. Duke, M. de Oliveira, N. Papanikolaou and N. Paragios Validation of Automated Contours As a Substitution for Undefined Contours in Deep Learning Dose Predictions of Head and Neck Cancers:, AAPM 2023 Houston, TX
3. K. Duke, J. S. Buatti, M. de Oliveira, S. Sivabhaskar, N. A. Kirby and N. Papanikolaou Comparison of Two Automated Contouring Software for Head and Neck Cancers, AAPM 2023 Houston, TX
4. H. M. Paschal, P. A. Myers, K. H. Rasmussen, D. L. Saenz, N. Papanikolaou and N. A. Kirby Designing a Surface-Conforming Flexible Collimator for Improving Electron Radiotherapy:, AAPM 2023 Houston, TX
5. A. C. Alvarez, N. Papanikolaou, P. A. Myers, N. A. Kirby, K. H. Rasmussen and D. L. Saenz Correlation between Plan Quality Metrics and Planning Target Volume for Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy Treatments Using Brainlab Elements:, AAPM 2023 Houston, TX
6. T. A. Cuthbert, P. A. Myers, K. H. Rasmussen, D. L. Saenz, N. Papanikolaou and N. A. Kirby, Isopoint: External Validation of the Integrity of Physical Isocenter with Absolute and Relative Trending, AAPM 2023 Houston, TX
7. S Sivabhaskar, R Li, J Buatti, M de Oliveira, M Bonnen, A Roy, N Kirby, S Stathakis, N Papanikolaou; Predicting 3D Gamma Passing Rates of Head-And-Neck Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Using Machine and Deep Learning Models, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
8. H (Parenica) Paschal, C Kabat, S Stathakis, M Bonnen, N Papanikolaou, N Kirby; A Surface-Conforming Flexible Collimator for Improving Electron Radiotherapy, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
9. J S Buatti, N Kirby, R Li, M de Oliveira, C Kabat, N Papanikolaou, N Paragio, S Stathakis; Evaluation of Automated and Manual Contours for Head and Neck Cancers, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
10. M de Oliveira, J Buatti, R Li, N Paragios, N Kirby, N Papanikolaou, S Stathakis; Creation of a NoSQL Relational User Model Database for Head and Neck Patients, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
11. C Baley, N Kirby, S Stathakis, N Papanikolaou, D Saenz; Assessing the Ability to Detect Lung Target Amplitude Changes Between 3D CBCT and 4D CBCT by Geometric and Dosimetric Evaluation, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
12. T Cuthbert, S Stathakis, P Mavroidis, N Papanikolaou, W Jones; Feasibility Study of Quantifying the Dosimetric Discrepancies of Planned Dose in Comparison to Delivered Dose Utilizing Daily Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
13. J Patel, P Myers, K Andrews, N Toups, I Corona, N Papanikolaou, N Kirby, N Newman; Feasibility of Reducing Bone Marrow Dose for Esophageal and Lung Radiotherapy, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.14. K Rasmussen, V Bry, D Saenz, M Bonnen, N Papanikolaou; Surface Guided Imaging Versus Orthogonal X-Ray Imaging for Initial Setup and Position Verification at Couch Angles with An Anthropomorphic Head Phantom, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
15. C Kabat, I Alecu, H Paschal, N Kirby, S Stathakis, N Papanikolaou; Using 3D Printing to Design Reusable Boluses for Patient OSLD Measurements, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
16. G Komisopoulos, P Mavroidis, F Simopoulou, G Kyrgias, N Papanikolaou, K Theodorou; Breast Conformal Radiotherapy with Sequential Boost Versus Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy with a Simultaneously Integrated Boost, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
17. A Alvarez, K Kelly, M Naessig, M Bonnen, N Papanikolaou, S Stathakis; Logfile Based Dose Delivery Verification Using a 3rd Party 3D Dose Calculation Software, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.18. K Kelly, A Alvarez, M Naessig, T Wagner, N Papanikolaou, S Stathakis; Secondary Monitor Unit Verification Comparison Between Single Point and 3D Dose Calculations, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
19. K Kelly, M Naessig, A Alvarez, M Bonnen, N Papanikolaou, S Stathakis; Comparison of Monte Carlo Computed Gamma Indices and Measured Patient Specific IMRT QA Results, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
20. M Naessig, K Kelly, A Alvarez, T Wagner, E Galvan, N Papanikolaou, S Stathakis; Independent 3D Dose-Volume Verification for Brainlab Elements MultiMet Patients, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
21. V Bry, D Saenz, E Pappas, G Kalaitzakis, N Papanikolaou, K Rasmussen; End to End Comparison of Surface Guided Imaging Versus Orthogonal X-Ray Imaging for Single Isocenter, Multiple Target SRS Treatment Using 3D Gel Head Phantoms, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
22. R Li1, N Ebadi, A Das, A Roy, N Kirby, N Papanikolaou, M Bonnen, P Rad; Longitudinal Lung Tumor Segmentation On CBCTs Using Sequential Transduction Neural Network and Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
23. H (Parenica) Paschal, C Kabat, T Martin, S Stathakis, M Bonnen, N Papanikolaou, N Kirby; Dosimetric Characterization of a New Surface-Conforming Electron MLC, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
24. R Li1, N Ebadi, J Boutilier, P Rad, J Buatti, M De Oliveira, N Kirby, N Papanikolaou, M Bonnen, A Roy; A Data-Driven Fluence Map Optimization Approach to Mitigate the Risk of Deep Learning Tumor Segmentation Misclassification, AAPM 2022 July 10-14, Washington, DC.
25. Li, R, Roy, A, Kirby NA, Bice, N, Sivabhaskar,S, Fakhreddine, M, Papanikolaou N. Managing Tumor Changes During Fractionated Radiotherapy: Evaluation On a Deep-Learning-Based Predictive Model and a Re-Planning Strategy 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
26. Parencia, H, Kabat, C, Papaconstadopoulos, P, Kirby NA, Myers PA, Wagner TD, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Monte Carlo Dose Calculations for Patient-Specific QA Based on Maching Log Files 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
27. Sivabhaskar, S, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Li, R, Roy, A. Machine Learning Models to Predict the Delivered Positions of Elekta Multileaf Collimator Leaves for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
28. Bice, N, Kirby NA, Nguyen, D, Kabat C, Myers PA, Papanikolaou N, Fakhreddine, M. Latent Space Arc Therapy Optimization 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
29. Komisopoulos, G, Tolia, M, Siountas, A, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis, P. Conformal Radiotherapy with Sequential Boost Versus Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy with a Simultaneously Integrated Boost 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
30. Bry, V, Bice, N, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH. Design and Testing of a Novel Phantom for Camera Calibration of Skin Tones with SGRT 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
31. Mavroidis, P, McGurk, R, Schreiber, E, Dance, M, Zourari, K, Kalaitzakis, G, Zoros, E, Boursianis, T, Pappas, E, Read, B, Barry, P, Papanikolaou N, Das, S, Stathakis S. Feasibility Study of Precision-CyberKnife, IPlan-Novalis, Raystation-VersaHD and Monaco-VersaHD to Satisfy the UNC Treatment Planning Protocol of Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Multiple Brain Lesions 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
32. Baley, C, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Myers PA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL. Optimizing Isocenter Placement Based On Rotational Uncertainty in Single-Isocenter SRS 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
33. Kabat, C, Parenicia, H, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Variance in DVHs Based On Machine Repeatability 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
34. Kabat, C, Stathakis S, Parenica, H, Papanikolaou N, Das, S, Chera, B, Mavroidis, P. Investigating the Differences Between PlanIQ and IPA Planning Tools for Plan Optimization in Head 2021 Jul.
35. Papanikolaou N. Quantifying the Dosimetric effect of Tumor Treating Fields (TTF) Transducer Arrays: Is a Correction Needed? 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
36. McConnell, KA, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Guiterrez, Alonso, Papanikolaou N. Variability of Breast Surface Positioning Using an Active Breathing Coordinator for a Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Technique 2021 Jun. p. e15649. (Cureus; vol. 13, no. 6).
37. Li, R, Das, A, Bice, N, Rad, P, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N. A Depthwise Separable Convolution Neural Network for Survival Prediction of Head 2020 Jun. p. e405. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
38. Bry, V, Parencia, H, Rembish, J, Licon, A, Naessing, M, Fischer, K, Martin, T, Myers PA, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N, Crownover RL, Rasmussen KH. Surface Guided Imaging and Facial Motion with Open Face Masks 2020 Jun. p. E440-E441. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
39. McGurk, R, Schreiber E, Dance, M, Stathakis S, Zouraci, K, Kalaitzakis, G, Zoros, E, Pappas, E, Read, B, Barry, P, Papanikolaou N, Das, S, Mavroidis, P. Examining the Capability of Versa HD to Accurately Treat Single- Isocenter Multi-Lesion Brain Patients 2020 Jun. p. e460. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
40. Kabat, C, Asper, J, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. MOSAIQ Based ClinicalWorkflow Dashboard 2020 Jun. p. e484. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
41. Baley, C, Stathakis S, Myers PA, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL. Dose Verification of Four-Dimensional Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for Target Localization of Planned and Unplanned Target Motion 2020 Jun. p. e605-e606. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
42. Nicewonger, D, Rasmussen KH, Stathakis S, Fischer, K, McCulloch J, Naessing, M, Licon, A, Alecu I, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Myers PA. A Novel Method Using KV and MV Imaging of a Linear Accelerator to Improve Metal and MRI Compatible HDR Applicator Source Simulation and Delivery 2020 Jun. p. e686. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
43. Chatzipapas, K, Zoiopoulou V, Papadimitroulas P, Loudos G, Papanikolaou N, Kagadis GC. An Investigation Study Into the Dose Enhancement of Gold Concentration in Radiation Therapy Procedures 2020 Jun. p. e698. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
44. Licon, A, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Myers PA, Crownover RL, Saenz DL. Beam Arrangement as a Method to Reduce Dose to An Implanted Cardiac Device for Cranial Stereotactic Radiotherapy Patients 2020 Jun. p. e709. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
45. Stathakis S, Kabat, C, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of the New MicroSilicon X Diode Detector 2020 Jun. p. e717. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
46. Parencia, H, Kabat, C, Papaconstadopoulos P, Kirby NA, Myers PA, Wagner TD, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Clinical Implementation of Monte Carlo Modeling of the Elekta VersaHD with Agility Collimator 2020 Jun. p. E719. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
47. Kabat, C, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis, P, Stathakis S. Comparison of Elekta ICOM Services and TRF Log Files 2020 Jun. p. E727. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
48. Rembish, J, Bice N, Kabat, C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Myers PA. Development of An Automated Pre-Treatment Data-Transfer Evaluation 2020 Jun. p. e744. (Medical Physics).
49. Schreiber E, Dance M, Stathakis S, Licon, A, Papanikolaou N, Das S, Mavroidis, P. Examining the Capability of Precision, IPlan, Raystation and Monaco to Satisfy the UNC Treatment Planning Protocol of Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Multi-Lesion Brain Cases 2020 Jun. p. e778. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
50. Bice N, Kirby NA, Li R, Kabat C, Nguyen D, Papanikolaou N, Fakhreddine, M. Learning the Plausible VMAT Subspace with Deep Autoencoders 2020 Jun. p. e809. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
51. Rembish, J, Kabat, C, Jang E, Olivares, M, Payne C, Rendon C, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Myers PA. The Impact of Plan Feasibility Predictions On VMAT Treatment Planning 2020 Jun. p. e861. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
52. McCulloch, J, Pawlowski J, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Shi Z, Myers PA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL. Use of Octavius 4D for the Patient Specific Dose Validation of Single- Isocenter Multiple Brain Metastasis Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2020 Jun. p. e872. (Medical Physics; vol. 47, no. 6).
53. Bassiri, Nema, Gray, T, Shaquan David, Patel, Devanshi Yogeshkumar, Locker, Andrew, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Mayer, Kathryn M., Kirby NA. Assessment of the Quality and Accuracy of a Commercial Deformable Image Registration (DIR) SoftwareTechnical Note: Film‐based measurement of gold nanoparticle dose enhancement for 192Ir 2020 Jan. p. 260-266. (Medical Physics; vol. 47).
54. Bergamo, Angelo M., Kauweloa, Kevin, Gan, Gregory, Shi C, Daniels, Janeen, Crownover RL, Narayanasamy, Ganesh, Stathakis S, Mavroidis, Panayiotis, Papanikolaou N, Guitierrez, Alonso. Correlation between Biological Effective Dose and Radiation-induced Liver Disease from Hypofractionated Radiotherapy 2019 Sep. p. 185-190. (Medical Physics; vol. 44, no. 3).
55. Clark, Alison, D, Hussain, Suleman S., Huang, Shih-Bo, Bedolla, Roble G, Obeidat, Mohammad, Papanikolaou N, Lin Lin, Chun, Huang, Tim H., Gupta, Yogesh, Chen, Yidong, Miyamota, Hiroshi, Ghosh, Rita, Kumar, Addanki P. Inhibition of ribosomal protein RPS6KB1 as a strategy to improve conventional therapy for prostate cancer 2019 Jul. p. 3943. (AACR; vol. 79, no. 13).
56. Delgado, AB, Rasmussen KH, Kauweloa, K, Pesqueira , Medrano T, Cohen, D, Eng T, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Shi Z, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez, A. A Graphical User Interface GUI toolkit for Treatment Plan Quality Analysis in Right Lung SBRT 2019 Jun. p. e98-e99. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
57. Saenz DL, McCulloch, J, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Myers PA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. On the Spatial Accuracy of Single Isocenter Multiple Brain Metastases SRS with BrainLab Elements 2019 Jun. p. e144-e145. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
58. Baley, C, Stathakis S, Myers PA, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL. Validation of Simulated Target Motion Spatial Accuracy of Elekta Symmetry Versus 4D CT 2019 Jun. p. e146. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
59. Karakas, Z, Schreiber E, Grimm, J, Cengiz, M, Yazici G, Ozyigit , G, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Das, S, Mavroidis P. SBRT Optimization Using NTCP Objectives Regarding Carotid Blowout Syndrome 2019 Jun. p. e150. (Medical Physics).
60. Lavdas, E, Papaioannou, M, Tsikrika, A, Pappas, E, Sakkas, G, Roka, V, Kostopoulos, S, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Lumbar Spine Imaging-Sagittal Plane: TI FLAIR BLADE with and Without Parallel Imaging Is Superior than TI Turbo Spin Echo 2019 Jun. p. e169. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
61. Kabat, C, Mavroidis, P, Parenica, H, Nicewonger, D, Defoor, D, Rasmussen KH, Myers PA, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. A Flexibel Radiobiological Tool for the Evaluation of Radiotherapy Treatment Plans 2019 Jun. p. e179. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
62. Kabat, C, Solis, J, Schantz, T, Graham, B, Defoor, D, Myers PA, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Jones, W, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. An Ideal Planning Assistant Application for Planning Guidance and Patient Review in Radiotherapy 2019 Jun. p. e180. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
63. Bui, B, Obeidat, M, Papanikolaou N, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Effects of Variations in Scavenging Conditions On a DNA Dosimeter 2019 Jun. p. e202. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
64. Bassiri, N, Gray, T, David, S, Patel, D, Locker, A, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Mayer, K, Kirby NA. Measuring Dose Enhancement from Gold Nanoparticles in an 1921Ir Setup 2019 Jun. p. e231. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
65. Myers PA, Kabat, C, Saenz DL, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. A Software Tool to Harvest and Analyze MLC Log Files of the Elekta VersaHD Linear Accelerator 2019 Jun. p. e244. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
66. Lavdas, e, Papaioannou, M, Tsikrika, A, Pappas, E, Sakkas, G, Roka, V, Kostopoulos, S, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Investigation of Origin and Clinical Impact of Different Artifacts in Thorax CT 2019 Jun. p. e252. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
67. Hammers, J, Lindsay, D, Tan, X, Pirozzi, S, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Wang, A, Chen, R, Das, S, Mavroidis P. Estimation of Delivered Dose in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy Based On Daily IGRT: Comparison with Planned Dose and Dependence On Deformable Image Registration Algorithm 2019 Jun. p. e330. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
68. McCulloch, J, Bry, V, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL, Myers PA, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Rasmussen KH. Quantifying the Effect of Eye Movement on Surface Guided Imaging for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2019 Jun. p. e335. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
69. Rembish, J, Myers PA, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Kabat, C, Bice, N, Stathakis S. Developing An Automated Method for Pre-Treatment Data Transfer Checks 2019 Jun. p. e338. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
70. Yu, V, Lee, C, Tenn, S, O‘Connell, D, Weinstein, L, Skinner, M, McGuinness, C, Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N, Agazaryan, N. Use and Validation of IAEA Correction Factors for Small Field Dosimetry Commissioning: A Multi-Institution Study 2019 Jun. p. e380. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
71. Chatzipapas, K, Papadimitroulas, P, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Kagadis, G C. Quantification of DNA Damage After An Ionizing Irradiation Session 2019 Jun. p. e444. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
72. Bry, V, McCulloch, J, Rembish, J, Papanikolaou N, Crownover RL, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Myers PA, Stathakis S, Rasmussen KH. Comparing the Accuracy of Surface Guided Imaging to Orthogonal X-Rays for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2019 Jun. p. e567. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
73. Martin, T, Saenz DL, Myers PA, Rasmussen KH, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA. An Easy to Create In-House Phantom for TG-132 Deformable Image Registration Evaluation 2019 Jun. p. e568-e569. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
74. Nicewonger, D, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Myers PA, Fakhreddine, M, Rasmussen KH. Improvements in Efficiency and Accuracy for HDR Source Positioning Through the Use of a High Resolution Camera Localization System 2019 Jun. p. e573. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
75. Bales, K, George, R, Naessig, M, Fischer, K, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Myers PA, Saenz DL, Rasmussen KH, Stathakis S. Dosimetric Evaluation of Electron Beam Doses at Various Interfaces 2019 Jun. p. e580. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
76. Mavroidis, P, Pearlstein, K, Moon, D, Sheets, N, Kasibhatla, M, Shen, C, Papanikolaou N, Zagar, T, Marks,L, Chera, B, Das, S, Wang, K. NTCP Modeling and Dose-Volume Correlations of Patient Reported Xerostomia 1 Month After Whole-Brain Radiation Therapy 2019 Jun. p. e585-e586. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
77. Hammers, J, Lindsay, D, Tan, X, Dooley, J, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Marks, L, Wang, A, Chen, R, Das, S, Mavroidis, P. Evaluation of the Clinical Impact of the Difference Between Planned and Delivered Dose in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy Based on Daily IGRT and Patient-Reported Outcome Scores 2019 Jun. p. e586. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
78. Parenica, H, Kabat, C, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Treatment Delivery Verification Using ELEKTA Versa HD High-Resolution Log Files 2019 Jun. p. e613. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
79. Ghahremani, S, Dolormente, K, Ha CS, Livadiotis, G, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Myers PA, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S. Sensitivity of Dose Volume Objectives On Radiation Therapy Optimization Algorithms 2019 Jun. p. e615. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
80. Parenica H, Kabat, C, Fischer, K, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Myers PA, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Monte Carlo Modeling and Patient Dose Calculation Using DOSXYZnrc for the Elekta Versa HD with the Agility Collimator 2019 Jun. p. e619. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
81. Rembish, J, Myers PA, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Bry, V, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Evaluating the Effects of Varying Statistical Uncertainity Using a Monte Carlo Based Treatment Planning System 2019 Jun. p. e620. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
82. Licon, A, Stathakis S, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N, Myers PA. Effect of Photon Energy on Whole Brain Radiation Therapy 2019 Jun. p. e623. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 6).
83. Makris DN, Pappas EP, Zoros E, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL, Kalaitzakis G, Zourari K, Efstathopoulos E, Maris TG, Pappas E.. Characterization of a novel 3D printed patient specific phantom for quality assurance in cranial stereotactic radiosurgery applications 2019 May. p. 1-11. (Phys Med Biol; vol. 64, no. 10).
84. Markovic, Miljenko, Narayanasamy, Ganesh, Stathakis S, Mavroidis, Panayiotis, Jurkovic, Ines-Ana, Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N. Clinical Evaluation of a Two-dimensional Liquid-Filled Ion chamber Detector Array for Verification of High Modulation Small Fields in Radiotherapy 2019 Feb. p. 91-98. (Medical Physics).
85. Konstantionos, P. Chatzipapas, Papadimitroulas, Panagiotis, Obeidat, Mohammad, McConnell, Kristen A, Kirby NA, Loudos, George, Papanikolaou N, Kagadis, George C. Quantification of DNA double‐strand breaks using Geant4‐DNA 2019 Jan. p. 405-413. (Medical Physics; vol. 46).
86. Kabat, Christopher N., Defoor, Dewayne >, Myers PA, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Mavroidis, Panayiotis, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Evaluation of the Elekta Agility MLC performance using high‐resolution log files 2019 Jan. p. 1397-1407. (Medical Physics; vol. 46, no. 3).
87. Parencia, Holly M., Mavroidis, Panayiotis, Jones, William, Swanson, G, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Evaluation of the Elekta Agility MLC performance using high‐resolution log files 2019. p. 1-10. (Sage; vol. 18, no. 1-10).
88. Stathakis S, Narayanasamy, Ganesh, Licon, Anna Laura, Myers PA, Li, Ying, Crownover RL, Papanikolaou N. A dosimetric comparison between volumetric-modulated arc therapy and dynamic conformal arc therapy in SBRT 2019. p. 838-843. (JBUON; vol. 24, no. 2).
89. Nicewonger, D, Myers PA, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. PTW QUICKCHECKwebline: Daily quality assurance phantom comparison and overall performance 2019. p. 1727-1734. (JBUON; vol. 24, no. 4).
90. Saenz DL, Crownover RL, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. A dosimetric analysis of a spine SBRT specific treatmentplanning system 2018 Oct. p. 154-159. (j Appl Clin Med Phys; vol. 20, no. 1).
91. Bui, B, McConnell, K, Obeidat, M, Papanikolaou N, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Penumbra and Depth Dose Measurements with a DNA Dosimeter 2018 Jun. p. e123. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
92. Parenica, H, Rembish, J, Saenz DL, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Shi Z, Li Y, Fakhreddine, M, Crownover RL, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Comparison of Collapsed Cone Convolution Superposition and Monte Carlo Dose Calculations for Spine SBRT Dose 2018 Jun. p. E163. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
93. Stanley, D, Alexandrian, A, Trongaard, D, Lee, J, Papanikolaou N, Shi Z, Crownover RL, Kirby NA. Dosimetric Comparison of Acclerated Whole Breast Irradiation with Hypofractionated Simultaneous Integrated Boost vs. Conventionally Fractionated Whole Breast Irradiation and a Sequential Boost with Deep-Inspiration Breath Hold 2018 Jun. p. e167. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
94. Kabat, C, Defoor, D, Myers, P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Multi-Institutional Analysis of Elekta Linear Accelerators Performance Using High-Resolution Log Files 2018 Jun. p. e187. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
95. Lavdas, E, Papaioannou, M, Sarantaenna, L, Apostolopoulou, G, Gogou, L, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Mavroidis, P. Common and Uncommon Artifacts in T1 SAG Sequences of Brain MRI 2018 Jun. p. e192. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
96. George, R, Stathakis S, Astorga, N, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N. Retrospective Analysis of Plan-Of-The-Day Implementation for Prostate Cancer Patients 2018 Jun. p. e221. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
97. Papanikolaou N, Hammers, J, Stathakis S, Baltas, D, Chen, R, Das, S, Mavroidis, P. Evaluation of the Deformable Registration of Two Commercial Software Regarding the Estimation of Inter-Fractional Dose Delivery Accuracy of Prostate VMAT Plans 2018 Jun. p. e228. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
98. Astorga, N, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Roring, J, Stathakis S, Saenz DL, Crownover RL, Papanikolaou N, George R. Design of a Real Time Online Tracking Solution for HDR Inventory 2018 Jun. p. e239. (Medical Physics).
99. Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL. ChartAlert: Automation for Physics Weekly Patient Chart Checks in Radiation Oncology 2018 Jun. p. e272. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
100. Astorga, N, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Pre-Treatment Table Coordinate Prediction for Improving Patient Safety in Radiation Therapy 2018 Jun. p. e274. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
101. Rembish, J, Mal,M, Kabat, C, Nunez, F, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Rasmussen KH, Parenica, H, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Rapid Database Parsing for Compressed Pinnacle Patient Files 2018 Jun. p. e276. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
102. Bassiri, N, McCulloch, J, Shi Z, Stathakis S, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen JW. Quantification of Standard and FFF Beam Perturbations with a New Linac Mounted Transmission Detector 2018 Jun. p. e285. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
103. Ghahremani, S, Stanley,D, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Jones W", Stathakis S. Institutional Experience of a Commercial Data Base System for Ongoing Daily/Weekly/Monthly QA of Linear Accelerators 2018 Jun. p. e312. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
104. George, R, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. A Dosimetric Comparison of ICVI Varian Cones and BrainLab Cones 2018 Jun. p. e325. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
105. Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Rasmussen KH, Crownover RL, Floyd JR. Dosimetric Assessment of Spine SRS with the Brainlab Elements Treatment Planning System 2018 Jun. p. e330. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
106. Brito Delgado, A, Shi Z, Rasmussen KH, Medrano Pesqueira, T, Kauweloa, K, Cohen, D, Eng, T, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez, A. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Score Plan Quality of Lung SBRT Treatment Plans 2018 Jun. p. e332. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
107. Rembish, J, Saenz DL, Mavroidis, P, Crownover RL, Myers PA, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Is Monte Carlo Necessary for IntraCranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery? 2018 Jun. p. e333. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
108. Stathakis S, Licon, A, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Crownover RL, Li Y, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N. Dynamic Conformal Arc Therapy for Lung and Liver SBRT 2018 Jun. p. e338. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
109. Licon, A, Rembish, J, Crownover RL, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Feasibility of SRS Delivery for Single Mets Using the Versa HD Linac 2018 Jun. p. e341. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
110. Jurkovic, I, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Kirby NA, Mavroidis, P. Assessment of the Quality and Accuracy of a Commercial Deformable Image Registration (DIR) Software 2018 Jun. p. e401. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
111. Hammers, J, Pirozzi, S, Lindsay, D, Kaidar-Person, O, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Chen, R, Das, S, Mavroidis, P. Evaluation of the Dose Delivery Accuracy and Its Dependence On Imaging Modality and Deformable Image Registration Algorithim in Prostate Cancer Patients 2018 Jun. p. e402. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
112. Bassiri, N, Galvan, Eva, Crownover RL, Fakhreddine, M, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL, Stathakis S, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH. The Effect of Dose Inhomogeniety On Sarcoma HDR Treatments 2018 Jun. p. e496. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
113. Hammers, J, Pirozzi,S, Lindsay, D, Kaidar-Person, O, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Chen, R, Das, S, Mavroidis, P. Evaluation of a Commercial DIR Platform for Contour Propagation in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with IMRT/VMAT 2018 Jun. p. e505. (Medical Physics).
114. McCulloch, J, Rasmussen KH, Roring, J, Kabat, C, Stanley, D, Licon, A, Crownover RL, Shi Z, Kirby NA, Saenz DL, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Is Surface Imaging Practical for 4D Gating On Animal Patients: A Feasibility Study 2018 Jun. p. e524. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
115. Kabat, C, Alexandrian, A, Parencia, H, Defoor, D, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Preliminary Treatment Planning Guidance for Superior Radiation Treatments for Cancer Patients 2018 Jun. p. e547. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
116. Alexandrian, A, Parenica, H, Kirby NA, Jones W", Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Quantitative Evaluation Algorithm for Radiotherapy Plan Evaluation 2018 Jun. p. e558. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
117. Bedre, M, Alexandrian, A, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Sampson AJ, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Kirby NA. An Open-Source Image Quality Assurance Software for Matlab/Octave 2018 Jun. p. e594. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
118. Pbeodat. <, McConnell, Kr, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Characterizing the Energy and Directgional Dependence for a DNA Dosimeter 2018 Jun. p. e607. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
119. Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Pappas, E, Li Y. Quality Assurance for Multi-Focal Single Isocenter Stereotactic Radiosurgery Through 3D Gel Dosimetry 2018 Jun. p. e607. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
120. Parenica, H, Rembish, J, Saenz DL, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Shi Z, Li Y, Fakhreddine, M, Crownover RL, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Comparison of Collapsed Cone Convolution Superposition and Monte Carlo Dose Calculations for Spine SBRT Dose 2018 Jun. p. e. (Medical Physics; vol. 45, no. 6).
121. Parencia, H, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Fakhreddine, M, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Monte Carlo Modeling of the Elekta Versa HD with the Agility Collimator 2018 Jun. (Medical Physics).
122. Chatzipapas, K, Papadimitroulas, P, Obeidat, Mohammad, Kirby NA, Loudos, G, Papanikolaou N, Kagadis, G. C.. Validating Geant4-DNA for Double Strand Brakes (DSB) 2017 Aug. (Conference Proceedings).
123. Rasmussen KH, Roring, J, Astorga, N, George, R, Stanley, DN, Stathakis S, Saenz DL, Gutierrez, AN, Shi Z, Papanikolaou N. Quantification of Signal Strength Variation Between OSLD Drawers 2017 Jul. (Medical Physics).
124. DN Stanley, K Mcconnell, Rasmussen KH, AN Gutierrez, Saenz DL, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA. Variability of Breast Surface Positioning for Deep Inspiration Breath Hold From An Active Breathing Coordinator 2017 Jun. p. 3228-3229. (Medical Physics; vol. 44, no. 6).
125. R George, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH. Evaluation of the Effect of Body Habitus and Radiation Therapist On Initial Positioning of Prostate Patients 2017 Jun. p. 2826-2826. (Medical Physics; vol. 44, no. 6).
126. Mihailidis D, Papanikolaou N. Tolerance Levels and Methodologies for IMRT Verification 2016 Sep. p. 184. (Physica Medica; vol. 32, no. 3).
127. DeFoor, D, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Patient Daily Treatment Verification Using MLC Log Files 2016 Sep. p. 196. (Physica Medica).
128. Maris, T.G., Pappas, E, Boursianis, T., Kalaitzakis, Papanikolaou N, Watts LT, Mazonakis, M., Damilakis, J. 3D Polymer Gel MRI Dosimetry Using a 2D Haste, a 2D TSE and a 2D SE Multi Echo (ME) T2 Relaxometric Sequences: Comparison of Dosimetric Results 2016 Sep. p. 238-239. (Physica Medica; vol. 32, no. 3).
129. Kalaitzakis, G, Papanikolaou N, Boursianis, T., Pappas, E. P., Lahanas, V., Makris, D, Stathakis S, Watts LT, Efstathopoulos, E, Maris, T.G, Pappas, E. A Quality Assurance Test for the Validation of the Spatial and Dosimetric Accuracy of a New Technique for the Treatment of Multiple Brain Mestastases 2016 Sep. p. 327-328. (Physica Medica; vol. 32, no. 3).
130. Papanikolaou N. Quality assurance in MRI for radiotherapy planning 2016 Sep. (1st European Congress of Medical Physics).
131. Papanikolaou N. Tolerance levels and methodologies for IMRT verification QA 2016 Sep. (1st European Congress of Medical Physics).
132. Stanley D, Rasmussen KH, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Commissioning and Acceptance Testing of the C-Rad CatalystHD Surface Imaging System 2016 Aug. (Medical Physics).
133. Roring J, Stanley D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Initial Evaluation of a Novel 6D QA Phantom (HexaCheck) for Daily 6D Couch Correction Assessment 2016 Aug. (Medical Physics).
134. Gutierrez AN, Stanley D, Papanikolaou N, Crownover RL. Lung VolumeVariability Assessed by Bh-CBCT in 3D Surface Image Guided Deep InspirationBreath Hold (DIBH) Radiotherapy for Left-Sided Breast Cancer 2016 Aug. (Medical Physics).
135. Bishop A, Li Y, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA, Baacke D, Gutierrez AN. Dosimetric Comparison Between Pinnacle3 Auto-Planning and Manual Planning for Lung SBRT Treatments 2016 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
136. Marston T, Eng TY, Baacke D, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Evaluating Treatment Plan Quality between Manual Planning and Auto-Planning in Patients with Prostate and Seminal Vesicles Irradiation 2016 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
137. Jurkovic I, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, P Mavroidis. Radiobiologically based analysis of the influence of breathing motion and DIR method on lung treatment plans 2016 Feb. p. 179-186. (Journal of Radiation Oncology; vol. 5, no. 2).
138. Rasmussen KH, Baumgarten A, Stanley D, Pelletier C, Corbett M, Jung JW, Feng Y, Huang Z, Ju A, Eng TY, Kirby NA, Gutierrez AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Verification of a 3D Printed HDR Skin Brachytherapy Applicator 2016. (Medical Physics).
139. Lirani A, Rasmussen KH, Eng TY, Baacke D, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Investigating the Dosimetric Differences between Manual Planning and Auto-Planning in Patients with Prostate and Pelvic Lymph Nodes Irradiation 2016. (Mecical Dosimetry).
140. Zehren B, Rasmussen KH, Baacke D, Crownover RL, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Evaluating Treatment Plan Quality and the Dosimetric Differences between Pinnacle Auto-Planning and Manual Treatment Planning in Brain Cancer Patients 2016. (Medical Dosimetry).
141. Defoor, Dwayne, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Interfraction Treatment Monitoring Using Integrated invivo EPID Images 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3687).
142. Chatzipapas, C, Papadimitroulas, P, Loudos, G, Papanikolaou N, Kagadis, G. Evaluation of Monte Carlo Simulations Performance for Pediatric Brachytherapy Dosimetry 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3472).
143. Kabat, C, DeFoor, D, Alexandrian, A, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Evaluation of Treatment Delivery Parameters Using High Resolution ELEKTA Log Files 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3515).
144. Roring, J E, Alexandrian, A, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. An Assessment of Deviations in Gamma Index Between PTW Octavius4D Phantom Measurements and Various Treatment Planning Systems 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3527).
145. Alexandrian, A, Kabat, C, Roring, J, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Evaluation of Commercially Available System for Patient Specific QA Using Dose Volume Histograms 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3526).
146. Defoor, D, Kabat, C, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Two Years of Radiotherapy Treatments Analyzed Through MLC Log Files 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3570).
147. Tuazon, B, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Comparison of Pinnacle and Monaco Dose Calculations of SBRT Treatments 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3605).
148. Jurkovic, I, Stathakis S, Markovic, m, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis, P. Radiobiological Analysis of the Impact of Daily Patient Deformation and Setup Variations Through the Use of the Cone Beam CT and Deformable Image Registration in Lung Cancer IMRT 2016. (Med Phys).
149. Jurkovic, I, Stathakis S, Markovic, M, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis, P. Use of Cone Beam CT and Deformable Image Registration for Assessing Geometrical and Dosimetric Variations During Lung Radiotherapy 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3672).
150. Parenica, H, Ford, J, Mavroidis, P, Li Y, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Quality Improvement Review of Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning in the Presence of Dental Implants 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3565).
151. Stathakis S, Mavroidis, P, Tuazon, B, Defoor, D, Kirby NA, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric and Radiobiological Comparison of Conventional and Monte Carlo Treatment Plans of Lung Tumors Using SBRT 2016. (Med Phys).
152. Papanikolaou N. Academic and professional opportunities for young medical physicists in US 2016. (ECMP 2016).
153. Obeidat, M, Cline, K, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Gutierrez AN, Ha CS, Lee SE, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Radiation Measurements with a DNA Double-Strand-Break Dosimeter 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3691).
154. Licon, A, Ford J, Defoor, W, Crownover RL, Li Y, Ha CS, Eng TY, Jones W", Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Mavroidis, P. A Quantitative Parameter for Treatment Plan Quality 2016. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3557).
155. Xavier, C. P., Ferreira, B.C., Khouri, L., Lopes, M., Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Dose Response Relations for Xerostomia from Head and Neck Cancer Radiation Therapy 2015 Nov. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology-Biology-Physics; vol. 93, no. 3).
156. Bergamo, A, Kauweloa, K, Ha CS, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Inverse Planned Conformality and Normal Tissue Complication Probability Effects for High Risk Pelvic Lymph Node Irradiation 2015 Nov. p. E571-E572. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology-Biology-Physics; vol. 93, no. 3).
157. Papanikolaou N, Pappas, E, Maris, T, Forgang, R. Teboh, Stojadinovic, S, Stathakis S, Gutierrez AN. Stereotactic Treatment of Multiple Brain Metastasis: Pseudo in Vivo Evaluation of Three Different Techniques 2015 Nov. p. E572. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology-Biology-Physics; vol. 93, no. 3).
158. Kauweloa, K, Bergamo, A, Gutierrez AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Use of the 3-D Biological Effective Dose (BED) for Optimizing Liver Cancer SBRT Treatments 2015 Nov. p. E580. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology-Biology-Physics; vol. 93, no. 3).
159. Stanley, D.N., Popp, T, Ha CS, Swanson GP, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Dosimetric Effect of Photon Beam Energy on VMAT Treatment Plan Quality Due to Body Habitus for Advanced Prostate Cancer 2015 Nov. p. E565. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology-Biology-Physics; vol. 93, no. 3).
160. Henry J, Li Y, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Dosimetric Quantification of Target Dose Compactness in SBRT Planning using Dual Photon Energy IMRT 2015 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
161. Kuchta A, Baacke D, Crownover RL, Shi Z, Gutierrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S.. An Initial Evaluation of Automated IMRT Planning Compared to Manual Forward Planning IMRT for Breast Tangent Irradiation. 2015 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
162. Moreno C, Li Y, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Dosimetric Comparison of 3D-CRT-FFF, IMRT-FF, and IMRT-FFF Techniques for Island Lung Lesions during SBRT 2015 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
163. Williams L, Eng TY, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN, Kirby NA. Dosimetric Comparison of Single and Double Tandem 2015 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
164. Komisopoulos G, Buckey C, Stathakis S, Sakellaropoulos G, Kardamakis D, Nikoforidis G, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. The Risk of Secondary Malignancies as An Evaluation Factor in the Comparison of Prostate Cancer Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and Conformal Radiotherapy (CRT) Treatment Plans. 2015 Jun. p. 3507-3507. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
165. Stathakis S, Defoor D, Linden P, Kirby N, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. MLC Distance Travelled as a Predictor for Motor Failure. 2015 Jun. p. 3460-3460. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
166. Markovic M, Stathakis S, Jurkovic I, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Intrinsic Characteristics of the Nine Detectors and Evaluation of Their Performance in Non-Equilibrium Radiation Dosimetry. 2015 Jun. p. 3452-3452. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
167. Ghahremani S, Chavez R, Li Y, Crownover R, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Flattening Filter Free Beams for Head and Neck IMRT and VMAT Optimization. 2015 Jun. p. 3434-3434. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
168. Defoor D, Obeidat M, Linden P, Kirby N, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Error Detection Comparison of EPID and MLC Log File Based IMRT QA Systems. 2015 Jun. p. 3417-3417. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
169. Bosse C, Narayanasamy G, Kirby N, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Dose Calculation Comparisons Between Monaco, Pinnacle and Eclipse Treatment Planning Systems. 2015 Jun. p. 3396-3396. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
170. Papanikolaou N, Narayanasamy G, Stathakis S, Pappas E, Kirby N, Mavroidis P, Crownover R, Gutierrez A. A Systematic Analysis of Mono-Isocentric Techniques for the Treatment of Multiple Metastasis. 2015 Jun. p. 3350-3350. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
171. Jurkovic I, Stathakis S, Li Y, Patel A, Vincent J, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Motion Analysis and 3D Plane Fit Through the Tumor Center of Mass Positions in the 4DCT Data Set. 2015 Jun. p. 3301-3301. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
172. Kauweloa K, Bergamo A, Gutierrez A, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Kirby N. Uncertainties Associated with Dose Summation of High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Gynecological Cases. 2015 Jun. p. 3291-3291. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
173. Jurkovic I, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P. Assessment of Deformable Image Registration Algorithms by Using Different Similarity Measures for the Registration Evaluation. 2015 Jun. p. 3286-3286. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
174. Stanley D, Kirby N, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez A. Evaluation of the Spatial Reproducibility and Temporal Drift of the CRAD CatalystHD System. 2015 Jun. p. 3282-3282. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
175. Kagadis G, Alexakos C, Papadimitroulas P, Mihailidis D, Megalooikonomou V, Siablis D, Papanikolaou N, Karnabatidis D. A Cloud Based Application for MRI Brain Image Processing. 2015 Jun. p. 3257-3257. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
176. Mavroidis P, Boci N, Kostopoulos S, Ninos C, Glotsos D, Oikonomou G, Bakas A, Roka V, Sakkas G, Tsagkalis A, Chatzivasileiou V, Batsikas G, Cavouras D, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Lavdas E. Reduction of Susceptibility Artifacts by Increasing the Bandwidth (BW) and Echo Train Length (ETL). 2015 Jun. p. 3256-3256. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
177. Kauweloa K, Gutierrez A, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) Toolkit Created for Multi-Phase Biological Effective Dose (BED) Calculations Including Statistical Analyses. 2015 Jun. p. 3227-3227. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
178. Cline K, Stanley D, Defoor D, Stathakis S, Gutierrez A, Papanikolaou N, Kirby N. An Excel-Based Study Tool for ABR-Style Exams. 2015 Jun. p. 3223-3223. (Med Phys; vol. 42, no. 6).
179. Obeidat, M, Cline, K, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Gutierrez AN, Ha CS, Lee SE, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Optimizing the Response and Cost of a DNA Double-Strand Break Dosimeter 2015. (Med Phys; vol. 43, no. 3872).
180. Tuohy R, Bosse C, Mavroidis P, Shi Z, Crownover RL, Gutierrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S.. Strategies for evaluation of daily delivered dose using CBCT. Accepted as poster presentation at ASTRO 56th annual meeting,: 2014 Sep. p. S883-S883. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology *Biology *Physics; vol. 90, no. 1).
181. Stanley D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. An Evaluation of the Stability of Image Quality Parameters of Varian On-Board Imaging (OBI) and EPID Imaging Systems 2014 Jun. (Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics; vol. 41, no. 160).
182. Dunlap B, Li Y, Papanikolaou N, Baacke D, Gutierrez AN. Evaluating the Dosimetric Impact of Weekly Isocenter Re-marking on Head and Neck (H&N) IMRT Radiotherapy Treatment Plans using Orthogonal Radiographic Imaging Techniques. 2014 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
183. Hua P, Stathakis S, Ha CS, Eng TY, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Pilot Dosimetric Study to Model the Potential Benefit of a Dynamic Collimator during VMAT Delivery of Prostate and Lymph Node Irradiation Treatments. 2014 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
184. Martin K, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Baacke D, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Dosimetric and Radiobiological Evaluation of Simultaneous Integrated Boost for Prostate + LN versus Two Phase Planning. 2014 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
185. Popp T, Ha CS, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Evaluating Dosimetric Differences between 6MV and 10MV in Large Patients with Prostate and Pelvic Lymph Node Irradiation VMAT Treatments 2014 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
186. Krupela K, Gutierrez AN, Stathakis S, Baacke D, Eng TY, Li Y, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Radiobiological Evaluation of Different Dose Prescription Approaches 2014 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
187. Tuohy R, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Bosse c, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Two Commercially Available Software Platforms for Deformable Image Registraion 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 218).
188. Stathakis S, Markovic M, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of the PTW Synthetic Diamond detector for Radiation Therapy Measurements 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 315).
189. Defoor D, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of Patient Specific VMAT QA Using Dynalop Files and Treatment Planning System 2014 Jun. p. 360-360. (Med Phys; vol. 41).
190. Papanikolaou N, Tuohy R, Mavroidis P, Eng TY, Gutierrez AN, Stathakis S. Appropriateness Criteria for Deformable Image Registration and Dose Propagation 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 160).
191. Jurkovic I, Stathakis S, Li Y, Patel A, Vincent J, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Internal Tumor Volume Motion and Volume Size Assessment Using 4D CT Lung Data 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 173).
192. Tuohy R, Bosse C, Mavroidis P, Shi Z, Crownover R, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S.. Comparison of Two Commercially Available Programs for the Evaluation of Delivered Daily Dose Using Cone Beam CT (CBCT). 2014 Jun. p. 242-242. (Medical Physics; vol. 41, no. 6).
193. Bosse C, Tuohy R, Mavroidis P, Shi Z, Crownover R, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Daily Fraction Dose Recalculation Based On Rigid Registration Using Cone Beam CT. 2014 Jun. p. 244-244. (Medical Physics; vol. 41, no. 6).
194. Jurkovic I, Stathakis S, Li Y, Patel A, Vincent J, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Evaluation of the Optimal Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Plans Done On the Maximum and Average Intensity Projection CTs 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 262).
195. Defoor D, Vazquez Quino L, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. On the Evaluation of Patient Specific IMRT QA Using EPID, Dynalog Files and Patient Anatomy 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 281).
196. Peixoto Xavier C, Costa Ferreira B, Khouri L, Lopes M, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Dosimetric Assessment of the Salivary Glands in Head and Neck Tumour Patients Treated with Radiation Therapy 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 333).
197. Kauweloa K, Gutierrez AN, Bergamo A, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Clinical Analysis of the Approximate Multi-Phase Biological Effective Dose (BED) Calculation 2014 Jun. p. 339-339. (Med Phys; vol. 41).
198. Narayanasamy G, Cruz W, Breton C, Gutierrez AN, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Comparison of Measured Tissue Phantom Ratios (TPR) Against Calculated From Percent Depth Doses (PDD) with and Without Peak Scatter Factor (PSF) in 6MV Open Beam 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 341).
199. Stathakis S, Avila G, Mavroidis P, Ha CS, Eng TY, Shi Z, Papanikolaou N.. Composite IMRT Planning: How Does the Initial Plan Dose Distribution Affect the Boost Plan Optimization? 2014 Jun. p. 365-365. (Medical Physics; vol. 41, no. 6).
200. Mavroidis P, Xavier C Peixoto, Costa Ferrerira B, Khouri L, Lopes M do Carmo, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Determination of the Radiobiological Parameters That Describe the Dose-Response Relations of Xerostomia and Disgeusia From Head and Neck Radiotherapy 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 317).
201. Court L, Aristophanous M, Bellezza D, Followil D, Kirsner S, Kisling K, Massingill B, Papanikolaou N, Parker B, Pidikiti R, Wong P, Zhen H, Balter P. Credentialing of IGRT Equipment and Processes for Clinical Trials 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 200).
202. Mavroidis P, Lavdas E, Kostopoulos S, Ninos C, Strikou A, Glotsos D, Vlachopoulou A, Oikonomou G, Economopoulos N, Roka V, Sakkas G, Tsagkalis A, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Batsikas G. Use of Blade Sequences in Cervical Spine MR Imaging for Eliminating Motion, Truncation and Flow Artifacts 2014 Jun. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 141).
203. Kauweloa K, Gutierrez AN, Bergamo A, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Mathematical Analysis of Approximate Biological Effective Dose (BED) Calculation for Multi-Phase Radiotherapy Treatment Plans 2014 Apr. (Med Phys; vol. 41, no. 344).
204. Choi J, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Eng TY. Radiobiological Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Treatments With HDR Brachytherapy 2013 Sep. p. S405-S405. (Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 87 (Suppl. 2), S405 (2013); vol. 87, no. Sup2).
205. Cruz, Wilbert, Mavroidis P, Milickovic, N, Karabis, A, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Zamboglou, N, Baltas, D. Sensitivity Analysis of the Radiobiological Parameters Used to Examine the Effectiveness of Different fractionation Schedules in Prostate Cancer HDR Brachytherapy 2013 Aug. p. 273. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
206. Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Myers, P, Li Y, Crownover RL, Papanikolaou N. Small Field SRS/SBRT Patient Specific QA at Extended SSD 2013 Aug. p. 100. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
207. Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Markovic, M, Esquivel C, Myers, P, Crownover RL, Li Y, Papanikolaou N. SRT/SBRT Patient Specific QA with a New High Resolution 2D Detector Array 2013 Aug. (Medical Physics; vol. 40, no. 256).
208. Casares, O, Kim, S, Armas, J, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Impact of Detector element-Specific Angular Correction Factors for the MaxtriXX Ion Chamber Array for Patient-Specific Dose Validation 2013 Aug. p. 250. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
209. Defoor, D, Stathakis S, Regan, M, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Comparison of VMAT and S&S IMRT Regarding the Dose Delivred to the Skin in Different Cancer Sites 2013 Aug. p. 289. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
210. Briceno, McKinsey, R, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Patient Specific IMRT QA Analysis Comparison of Four Commercially Available Systems 2013 Aug. p. 251. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
211. McKinsey, R, Qiu, Y, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Comparison of Different Commercial MU Verification Software in Terms of Accuracy and Performance 2013 Aug. p. 204. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
212. Tuazon, B, Esquivel C, Biggers, T, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological Evaluation of the Inter-fractional Variations in Cervical Cancer Treatments with HDR Brachytherapy 2013 Aug. p. 370. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
213. Myers, P, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Gutierrez AN, Jones, W, Eng TY, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N. Pediatric Cranio-Spinal Axis Irradiation: Comparison of Radiation-Induced Secondary Malignancy Estimations Based on Three Methods of Analysis for Three Different Treatment Techniques 2013 Aug. p. 268. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
214. Myers, p, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Gutierrez AN, Esquivel C, Jones, W, Eng TY, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological Evaluation of the Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy, Smart Arc, and Helical Tomotherapy Treatment Techniques for Pediatric Cranio-Spinal Axis Irradiation 2013 Aug. p. 275. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
215. Qiu, Y, Kim, S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Dosimetric Comparison of Patient Specific IMRT QA Using Varian DynalLog Files and TPS Calculations in a Phantom Geometry 2013 Aug. p. 250. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
216. Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Choi, J, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological Evaluation of the Inter-Fractional Organ Deformations in Cervical Cancer Treatments with HDR Brachytherapy 2013 Aug. p. 318. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
217. Markovic, M, Stathakis S, Ha CS, Poppe, B, Gutierrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of the Two-Dimensional Liquid Field Ion Chamber Detector Array Used for the Verification of the Treatments in Radiation Therapy 2013 Aug. p. 278. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
218. Mavroidis P, Lavdas, E, Kostopoulos, S, Glotsos, d, Roka, V, Topalzikis, T, Bakas, A, Oikonomou, G, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Batsikas, G, Kafees, I, Kechagias, D. Improving Image Quality in Brain MRI Using Blade Sequences 2013 Aug. p. 141. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
219. Cruz, W, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. CTRC Experience Patient Specific IMRT Quality Assurance with Ionization Chamber and Detector Arrays 2013 Aug. p. 265. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
220. Mavroidis P, Lavdas, E, Topalzikis, T, Kyriakis, I, Roka, V, Kostopoulos, S, Glotsos, D, Zilidis, K, Stathakis S, Tsagkalis, A, Papanikolaou N, Vassiou, K, Batsikas, G. Detection of Articular Knee Cartilage Defects Using PD BLADE with Fat Saturation (FS), PD FS and T2 3D DESS with Water Exictation (WE) 2013 Aug. p. 141. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
221. Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Eng TY, Patel, A, Gutierrez AN, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Evaluation of a High-Dose-Rate Modified-Rotte "Y" Applicator for Treatment of Inoperable Endometrial Cancer 2013 Aug. p. 284. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
222. Markovic, M, Stathakis S, Ha CS, Poppe, B, Gutierrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Investigation of the Characteristics of the OCTAVIUS Detector 1000 SRS for Verification of the Small Field Size IMRT and SRS Beams 2013 Aug. p. 292. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
223. Kauweloa, K, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Crownover RL, Mavroidis P. Analysis of Two Overall Biological Effective Dose (OBED) Calculation Methods and Their Impact On the Accurate Determinationo of the Maximum Biological Effective Dose (BED) in Multi-Phase Treatment Plans 2013 Aug. p. 370. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
224. Jurkovic, I, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Li Y, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological Evaluation of the Impact of Lung Density Variation in the Effectiveness of IMRT Treatment Plans 2013 Aug. p. 274. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
225. Jurkovic, I, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Chyle, V, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of the Performance of the Segmentation Methods Used in the CMS XiO Step-And-Shoot IMRT 2013 Aug. p. 346. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
226. Papanikolaou N, Komisopoulos, G, Rodriguez, S, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Nikiforidis, G, Sakellaropoulos G, Mavroidis P. Secondary Malignancy Risks in Lung Cancer Radiotherapy with Helical Tomotherapy, Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy, and Conformal Radiotherapy 2013 Aug. p. 318. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
227. Kim, S, Qiu, Y, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. To Evaluate Significance of Gamma Index Between the Measurement of 2D Detector Arrays and the Calculated Patient 3 D Dose Distribution 2013 Aug. p. 253. (Medical Physics; vol. 40).
228. Stanley D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Development of a Methodology to Assess the Image Quality of the ExacTracTM Localization System Using the PIPSproTM Software and Unfors RaySafe Xi R/F Detector 2013 Aug. (Medical Physics).
229. Spears, H, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N, Gutiérrez AN. Dosimetric Impact of Simulation CT Dataset Selection for 4DCT during SBRT 2013 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
230. McAllister, N, Baacke, D, Papanikolaou N, Gutiérrez AN. Dosimetric Comparison of Optimizer-Defined Non-Coplanar IMRT Fields versus Dual VMAT Arcs for Intracranial Lesions 2013 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
231. Paden, K, Baacke, D, Papanikolaou N, Gutiérrez AN. Dosimetric Comparison of Optimizer-Defined Non-Coplanar IMRT Fields versus Coplanar VMAT Arcs for Liver SBRT Lesions 2013 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
232. Granatowicz, D, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. A Comparison Between 3D Conformal Radiotherapy, Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy, and Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Technique For Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Of Lung Tumors 2013 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
233. Lavdas E, Mavroidis P, Kostopoulos S, Glotsos D, Roka V, Koutsiaris AG, Batsikas G, Sakkas GK, Tsagkalis A, Notaras I, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Vassiou K. Use of Blade sequences in lumbar spine MR imaging for eliminating motion, pulsatile flow and cross-talk artifacts 2013 Mar. (AAPM Spring Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, March 16-19, 2013).
234. Patel AJ, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Modeling the Loss of Tumor Control Probability (TCP) Due to Small Geometrical Deviations of LINAC-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2013 Feb. (IJROBP; vol. 87, no. 2).
235. Williams Albert, Stathakis S, Baacke Diana, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Differences in Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Tumors Abutting Inhomogeneities using BrainLAB iPlan Pencil Beam and Eclipse AAA Dose Calculation Algorithms 2012 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
236. Jenshus A, Gutiérrez AN, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Comparison of Fixed-Field Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) versus Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) for Head and Neck (H&N) Cancer 2012 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
237. Dougherty JR, Gutiérrez AN, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Comparison of Prostate Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT): Single versus Dual Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Techniques 2012 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
238. Chavez R, Baacke D, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Evaluation of Simultaneously Integrated Boost (SIB) versus Sequential (Primary + Boost) VMAT Treatment Plans for Prostatic Fossa and Lymph Nodes Irradiation 2012 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
239. Nguyen, MV, Esquivel C, Nayebi, N, Baacke, D, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of the Dosimetric Effects of Delivering IMRT Step-and-Shoot Head and Neck Plans Optimized for an Achromatic Linear Accelerator on a Straight-beam Linear Accelerator 2012 Jun. (Medical Dosimetry).
240. Herraiz LaBlanca MD, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Hernandez-Armas J. Dosimetric Impact of Volume Changes on IMRT H&N Treatments in Light of Patient Setup Errors 2012 May. (Radiotherapy and Oncology).
241. Knaup, Courtney, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Exploring the dosimetric and radiobiological effects of Prostate seed loss and migration 2012 May. p. 38. (Radiother Oncol; vol. 103, no. 2).
242. Stathakis S, Myers, P, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of a New Commercially Device for Patient Specific IMRT QA 2012. (Medical Physics; vol. 39, no. 3787).
243. Stathakis S, Myers, P, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of a New Commercially Available System for Patient Specific IMRT/VMAT QA 2012. (Medical Physics; vol. 39, no. 3782).
244. Myers, P, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of Localization Errors for CSA Delivery Using VMAT 2012. (Medical Physics; vol. 39, no. 3965).
245. McKinsey, Rachel, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Myers, Pamela, Nayebi, Nazanin, Regan, M, Papanikolaou N. Validation of a New System for Patient Specific IMRT QA and Comparison with Other Commercial Systems 2012. (Medical Physics; vol. 39, no. 3793).
246. Knaup C, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Exploring the Dosimetric and Tumor Control Consequences of Prostate Seed Loss and Migration 2012. p. 3812-3812. (Medical Physics; vol. 39).
247. Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of Relative Doses and Source Strengths for Varios Plaque Sizes and Tumor Dimensions in the treatment of Uveal Melanoma 2012. p. 3824. (Medical Physics; vol. 39).
248. Regan, M, Stathakis S, Nayebi, N, McKinsey, R, Myers, P, Knaup, C, Vazquez-Quino, L, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Three Year Analysis Using Ionization Chamber Array for Patient Specific IMRT QA 2012. p. 3784. (Medical Physics; vol. 39).
249. Papanikolaou N, Vazquez Quino, L, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Alkhatib, H. Assessment of the Dosimetric Significance of Isocenter Shift by Means of EPIDQA 2012. p. 3791. (Medical Physics; vol. 39).
250. Myers, P, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Reducing the Arc Span for CSA VMAT Delivery 2012. p. 3838. (Medicla Physics; vol. 39).
251. Kim, S, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N, Gutiérrez AN. Comparative Evaluation of EBT2 film, Matrixx and PTW729 for Patient Specific Small-Field, High Dose, IMRT Plans 2012. p. 3785. (Medical Physics; vol. 39).
252. Vazquez Quino, L, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Alkhatib, H, Papanikolaou N. MU-EPID an EPID Based Tool for IMRT Quality Assurance 2012. p. 3967. (Medical Physics; vol. 39).
253. Nayebi, N, Esquivel C, Patel, A, McKinsey, R, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of the Dosimetric Effects of Delivering a VMAT Plan Optimized for a Straight-Beam Linac on a Bent-Beam Linac 2012. p. 3597. (Medial Physics; vol. 39).
254. Vazquez Quino, L, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. IMRT Monte Carlo Dose Calculations for a Novalis TX LINAC Equipped with HD- 120 MLC 2012. p. 3788. (Medical Physics; vol. 39).
255. Mavroidis P, Fuller CD, Giantsoudis D, Duppen JN, Rasch CRN, Thomas Jr CR, Okunieff P, Jones III WE, Kachnic LA, Papanikolaou N. Target delineation in rectal cancer radiotherapy: Radiobiological consequences of atlas implementation 2012. p. S307-S307. (Radiother Oncol; vol. 103, no. Supp1).
256. Knaup C, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Swanson G, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological Comparison of Single and Dual‐Isotope Prostate Seed Implants 2012. p. 3810-3810. (medical physics; vol. 39).
257. Roland T, Tryggestad E, Mavroidis P, Hales R, Papanikolaou N. Application Of The radiobiological P index as a modality discriminator for mobile tumor radiotherapy - A preliminary study involving 4DCT volumes of 18 lung cancer patients. 2011 Oct. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biolo Phys).
258. Dorward J, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Comparison of Head and Neck Irradiation Treatments using CCCS, AAA, and Acuros Calculation Algorithms 2011 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
259. Dziuk J, Gutiérrez AN, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Comparison of Helical TomoTherapy and Pinnacle3 VMAT Liver SBRT Treatments for Dual Lesions 2011 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
260. Mueller B, Gutiérrez AN, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Comparison of Fixed-Field Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) versus Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Liver Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Treatment Plans for Varying Target Volumes and Locations 2011 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
261. Nguyen K, Eng TY, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Bladder and Rectal Doses Between Film-Based and CT-Based Planning Methods for HDR T 2011 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
262. Sath C, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N. Volumetric Dose Comparison Between Acuros, AAA and CCCS Dose Calculation Algorithms for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy of Lung Lesions 2011 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
263. Esquivel C, Zalman T, Fitzpatrick M, Vazquez-Quino L, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Accuracy of the Dose Calculation Algorithm of a Commercially Available Fluence Based IMRT QA Software 2011 Aug. (Medical Physics).
264. Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of the Respisens™ Motion Sensor Device for Intra-Fraction Patient Monitoring 2011 Aug. (Medical Physics).
265. Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Crownover RL, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Inter-Fractional Setup Accuracy of the Body Pro-Lok™ System for Hypo-Fractionated Liver Radiotherapy Using Novalis Tx™ 2011 Aug. (Medical Physics).
266. Biggers, Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Radiation Therapy Using External Beam Therapy and Brachytherapy 2011 Aug. (Medical Physics).
267. Mavroidis P, Katsilieri Z, Kefala V, Milickovic N, Papanikolaou N, Karabis A, Zamboglou N, Baltas D. Estimation of the clinical impact of dwell time modulation restriction in HIPO optimized HDR prostate brachytherapy implants. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul–Aug 2011).
268. Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Sath C, Gutiérrez AN, Dorward J, Mihailidis D, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Clinical evaluation of a new commercial dose calculation algorithm. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul–Aug 2011).
269. Knaup C, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Sensitivity of tumor control probability to changes in radiobiological parameters. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul–Aug 2011).
270. Papanikolaou N, Beck G, Peyton J, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S. A Web based tool for the implementation of routine linac QA following TG142. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul–Aug 2011).
271. Myers P, Buckey C, Mihailidis D, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. VMAT monthly quality assurance using an in vivo dosimetric device attached to the linac gantry. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
272. Myers P, Buckey C, Mihailidis D, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. VMAT monthly quality assurance using a 2D ionization chamber array. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
273. Zalman T, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Mihailidis D, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Investigation of dose reconstruction using the dosimetry check platform for different anatomical sites. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
274. Buckey C, Myers P, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Mihailidis D, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Application of a 2D ionization chamber array for monthly and annual linear accelerator QA. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
275. Buckey C, Myers P, Esquivel C, Mihailidis D, Mavroidis P, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Evaluation of an in vivo device for daily patient treatment delivery measurements using a Varian linear accelerator. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
276. Zalman T, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Mihailidis D, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. IMRT patient QA with dosimetry check: The effect of detector selection in volumetric dose reconstruction. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
277. Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Kim S, Buckey C, Myers P, Mihailidis D, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Hypofractionated spine radiotherapy: How do you QA? 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
278. Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Mihailidis D, Buckey C, Myers P, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Accuracy of a commercially available dose calculation algorithm for small field dosimetry. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
279. Vasquez LA, Fitzpatrick CM, Chen X, Alkhatib H, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. EPID IMRT QA for brain, and head-neck treatment plans in radiation therapy. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
280. Vasquez LA, Fitzpatrick CM, Alkhatib H, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of the stability of the central axis response of an amorphous-silicon EPID used in the continuous mode of image acquisition. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
281. Knaup C, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiologically based treatment plan evaluation for prostate seed implant. 2011 Jul. (Joint AAPM / COMP Meeting, Vancouver Jul – Aug 2011).
282. Kalantzis, G, Lei, Y, Papanikolaou N. A New Method for EPID-Based Winston-Lutz Tset Based on the Circular Hough Transform 2011 Jun. p. 3498. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
283. Giantsoudi, D, Papanikolaou N. A Clinical Software Solution to Produce Composite Dose from multiple Patient Plans and Treatment Planning Software 2011 Jun. p. 3664. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
284. Guo, B, Cheng, C, Shi, C, Papanikolaou N. The Effects of Tissue Inhomogeneities and Biological Effectiveness on the Outcome Prediction of Electronic Brachytherapy for Accelerator Partial Breast Irradiation 2011 Jun. p. 3736. (Medical Physics).
285. Regan, M, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Determination of Skin Dose during Smart Arc Delivery 2011 Jun. p. 3564. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
286. Langen, K., Papanikolaou N, Balog, J, Crilly, R, Followill, D, Goddu, S, Grant, W, Olivera, G, Ramsey, C, Shi, C. QA of Helical Tomotherapy TG-148 2011 Jun. p. 3799. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
287. Calvo, O, Kim, S, Lei, Y, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Can 2D and 3D Detector Arrays Identify Multileaf Collimator (MLC) Positional Errors during Smart-Arc Pre-Treatment Verification Plan Delivery? 2011 Jun. p. 3818. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
288. Giantsoudi, D, Papanikolaou N, Baltas, D, Karabis, A, Mavroidis, P. GEUD-Based Optimization for HDR Prostate Brachytherapy: Maximizing Conformal Index 2011 Jun. p. 3460. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
289. Fitzpatrick, M, Vazquez-Quino, L, Shi C, Papanikolaou N, Alkhatib,H, Chen, X. Arc Therapy Dose Reconstruction Using an A-Si EPID-Based System 2011 Jun. p. 3597. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
290. Fitzpatrick, M, Vazquez-Quino, L, Shi C, Papanikolaou N, Alkhatib, H, Chen X. IMRT Dose Reconstruction Using An A-Si EPID-Based System 2011 Jun. p. 3500. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
291. Mavroidis, P, Ferreira, B, Papanikolaou N, Lopes, M. The Use of Probability Volume Histograms (PVH) and Iso-Probability of Response Charts in Treatment Plan Evaluation 2011 Jun. p. 3489-3489. (Medical Physics).
292. Nayebi, N, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Inter-Fraction Setup Uncertainty of Two Commercially- Available, Cranial Immobilization Masks Using KV-CBCT and ExacTrac® Imaging Systems 2011 Jun. p. 3603. (Medical Physics; vol. 38, no. 6).
293. Wang, Charlton, M, Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Neutron Dose Equivalent at the Maze Entrance of GRID Therapy 2011 Jun. p. 3721. (Medical Physics).
294. Giantsoudi, D, Karabis, A, Mavroidis, D, Baltas, D, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. gEUD-Based Optimization for HDR Prostate Brachyterapy: Numberical Stability and Sensitivity Analysis 2011 May. p. S159. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
295. Papanikolaou N, Knaup, C, Mavroidis, P. Sensitivity of Calculated Tumor Control on Choice of Biological Parameters for LDR Prostate Implants 2011 May. p. S160. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
296. Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of the Temperature, Polarization, and Ion Recombination for the Microlion Liquid Ionization Chamber 2011 May. p. S169. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
297. Vazquez-Quino, L.A., Chen, X., Fitzpatrick, M., Shi C, Mavroidis, P., Alkhatib, H., Papanikolaou N. Development of an A-Si EPID-Based System for Machine, IMRT and VMAT Quality Assurance 2011 May. p. S170-S171. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
298. Knaup, C, Mavroidis, P., Papanikolaou N. Improving LDR Prostate Implant Plan Evaluation 2011 May. p. S403. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
299. Mavroidis, P, Katsilleri, Z, Kefala, V., Millickovic, N., Papanikolaou N, Karabis, A, Zambogious, N, Baltas, D. Radiobiologically Evaluated Dwell Time Modulation Restriction in Hipo Optimized HDR Prostate Brachytherapy Implants 2011 May. p. S403-S404. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
300. FULLER D, Giantsoudi, D., Mavroidis, P., Nijkampa, J, Duppen, J., Rascj.C/, Thomas, C, Okunieff, P., Jones W", Kachnic, L, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiologic Consequences of Atlas Implementation: Analysis of a Prospective Randomized Study 2011 May. p. S427. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
301. Tzikas, A., Mavroidis, P., Hyodynmaa, S., Ferreria, B.C., Axelsson, S., Papanikolaou N, Lind, B.. The Impact of Patient Positioning and Breathing in the Delivery of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy 2011 May. p. S527. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
302. Stathakis S, Mavroidis, P., Shi C, Xu, J., Giantsoudi, D., Papanikolaou N. A New Quantitative Quality Assurance Evaluation Parameter 2011 May. p. S539-S540. (Radiotherapy & Oncology; vol. 99, no. 1).
303. Lei Y., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Evaluating Linac-based Radiosurgery Of Avm Using Avm Score And Pie Model 2010 Nov. p. S782-S782. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 78, no. 3).
304. Guo B., Papanikolaou N, Xu X. G., Shi C. Fast 4D modeling for real-time motion management in radiation therapy 2010 Nov. p. 729. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 78, no. 3).
305. Chen X., Papanikolaou N, Shi C. Biophysical Modeling of Lung Motion for Radiotherapy Using Porous Soft-tissue Mechanics Model 2010 Nov. p. 722. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 78, no. 3).
306. He W. H., Shi C, Vazquez Quino L., Dzintars E., Papanikolaou N. Systematic and Random Dosimetric Impact Studies on 100 Helical Tomotherapy Cancer Cases 2010 Nov. p. 758. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 78, no. 3).
307. Baseman, D.G., FULLER D, Papanikolaou N. Offline vs. Online Megavoltage CT (MVCT) Set-up Correction in Prostate Cancer: A Virtual Comparison 2010 Nov. p. 679-680. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 78, no. 3).
308. Stathakis S, Buckey, C.R., Mavroidis, P., Papanikolaou N. Feasibility of using 10 mm MCL Leaves to Obtain Dosimetrically Similar RapidArc Plans as with 5 mm Leavaes 2010 Nov. p. 743-744. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 78, no. 3).
309. He W. H., Shi C, Vazquez L. Q., Dzintars E., Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Alkhatib H., Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Consequence Of Inter-Fractional Setup Shifts On Helical Tomotherapy 2010 Sep. (the ESTRO annual meeting, 29 Sept. 12-16, Barcelona, Spain).
310. Chen X., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. A Virtual Lung Phantom For Radiotherapy Using Porous-Media Finite Element Method 2010 Sep. (the ESTRO annual meeting, 29 Sept. 12-16, 2010, Barcelona, Spain).
311. Giantsoudi D, Baltas D, Karabis A, Mavroidis P, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. High dose rate brachytherapy optimization based on the generalized equivalent uniform dose. 2010 Sep. (29th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2010).
312. Komisopoulos G, Mavroidis P, Ferreira BC, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Sakellaropoulos GC, Lind BK, Nikiforidis GC. Recently determined dose-response relations for different normal tissues. 2010 Sep. (29th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2010).
313. Koutsouveli E, Mavroidis P, Karaiskos P, Sandilos P, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK, Torrens M. Determination of radiobiological response parameters from acoustic neuromas after Gamma Knife radiosurgery. 2010 Sep. (29th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2010).
314. Knaup C, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Smith MD, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of prostate volume change in tumor control for LDR brachytherapy. 2010 Sep. (29th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2010).
315. Myers P, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Mihailidis D, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of helical tomotherapy patient QA using PTW SEVEN29 and SCANDIDOS DELTA4. 2010 Sep. (29th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2010).
316. Quino L. V., Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Feasibility of An Independent Dose Calculation for VMAT with Monte Carlo 2010 Aug. (The 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
317. Quino L. V., Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Novalis Tx MonteCarlo Based Linear Accelerator 2010 Aug. (The 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; vol. 37).
318. He W., Shi C, Quino L. V., Dzintars E., Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Alkhatib H., Papanikolaou N. Development and Dosimetric Studies of Independent Dose Validation Software On Helical Tomotherapy 2010 Aug. p. 3350. (Medical Physics; vol. 37, no. 6).
319. G Albala, B.S., C. Esquivel, Ph.D., T. Eng, M.D., A. Gutierrez, Ph.D., D. Baacke, B.S., N. Papanikolaou, Ph.D.. The Implications of Bladder Filling in Affecting the Dose Distribution for Tandem and Ovoid High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy 2010 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
320. E Edmonds B.Sc., C Esquivel, Ph.D., T Eng, M.D., AN Gutiérrez, Ph.D., D Baacke, B.S., N Papanikolaou, Ph.D. . Optimization Comparisons in HDR Syed Treatments 2010 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
321. TL Kyenzeh, B.Sc., S Stathakis, Ph.D., AN Gutierrez, Ph.D., N Papanikolaou, Ph.D., CD Fuller, M.D. . Dosimetric impact on rectal dose due to variations in prostate clinical target volume (CTV) delineation 2010 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
322. N Mistry, B.Sc., AN Gutiérrez, Ph.D., D Baacke, B.Sc., N Papanikolaou, Ph.D.. Stereotactic Spine Radiosurgery: Fixed-Field Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) versus Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) 2010 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
323. L Western, B.Sc., AN Gutiérrez, Ph.D., D Baacke, B.Sc., N Papanikolaou, Ph.D . Dosimetric Comparison of Craniospinal Irradiation (CSI) Treatments using Helical TomoTherapy and SmartArc 2010 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
324. J Richards, B.Sc., S Stathakis, Ph.D., A Gutierrez, Ph.D., D Baacke, B.Sc., N Papanikolaou, Ph.D.. Dosimetric Comparison of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) versus Fix-Field Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy of Liver Lesions 2010 Aug. (Medical Dosimetry).
325. Calvo O, Guo B, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. 3D Dose Reconstruction for Delivery Quality Assurance (DQA) From Multiple 2D Planes Using the OCTAVIOUS Phantom 2010 Aug. p. 3243. (the 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; vol. 37).
326. Gutiérrez AN, Calvo O, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Evaluation and Characterization of a MicroLion Liquid Ionization Chamber 2010 Aug. p. 3264. (the 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; vol. 37).
327. Gutiérrez AN, Dick, D, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Secondary Cancer Risk Characterization of Pediatric Craniospinal Irradiation (CSI) Using Helical Tomotherapy and Conventional 3-Field Technique 2010 Aug. p. 3317. (the 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; vol. 37).
328. Varatharaj, C, Stathakis S, Ravikumar, M, Esquivel C, Buckey, C, Tynan, P, Calvo, O, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Four Different Commercial Devices for Rapid Arc and Sliding Window IMRT QA 2010 Aug. p. 3088. (The 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; vol. 37).
329. Dzintars, E, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. A Software Solution for Independent Dose Calculation of Helical Tomotherapy 2010 Aug. p. 3466. (Medical Physics; vol. 37, no. 6).
330. Buckey, C, Stathakis S, Mihailidis, D, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N. Effective MLC Leaf Width for RapidARc Plans: Can Coarse Resolution Give Fine Results? 2010 Aug. p. 3315. (Medical Physics; vol. 37, no. 6).
331. Esquivel C, Wang, X, Calvo, O, Stathakis S, Corona, I, Mihailidis, D, Papanikolaou N. Implications of 120-MLC Plans Treated on an 80-MLC Linear Accelerator 2010 Aug. p. 3222. (The 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; vol. 37).
332. Lei, Y, Mavroidis, P, Buckey, C, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Do Stricter IMRT Planning Constraints Produce Better Radiobiological Results? 2010 Aug. p. 3302. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jul 2010,; vol. 37).
333. Mallah, J, Mihailidis D, Tomara, P, Kagadis, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Dependence of Entrance Exposure on KVp and Other Variables for Diagnostic Radiographic Units 2010 Aug. p. 3121. (Medical Physics; vol. 37).
334. Mihailidis, D, Tomara, P, Kagadis, G, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Physics Performance Comparisons between 256-Slice, 64-Slice and 16-Slice CT Scanners in the Clinic 2010 Aug. p. 3121. (Medical Physics; vol. 37).
335. Chandraraj V, Stathakis S, Manickam R, Esquivel C, Knaup C, Myers P, Calvo O, Papanikolaou N. Consistency and Reproducibility of the VMAT Plan Delivery Using Three Independent Validation Methods 2010 Aug. (The 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; vol. 37).
336. Boumpoutsi I, Mavroidis P, Isacsson U, Johansson S, Montelius A, Papanikolaou N, Sakellaropoulos GC, Nikiforidis GC, Turesson I, Lind BK. Dose-response parameters for urinary bladder from combined photon and proton irradiations in prostate cancer radiotherapy. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
337. Mavroidis P, Valianti C, Boumpoutsi I, Isacsson U, Johansson S, Montelius A, Papanikolaou N, Sakellaropoulos GC, Nikiforidis GC, Turesson I, Lind BK. Clinically derived dose-response relations for prostate from combined photon and proton prostate cancer radiotherapy. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
338. Valianti C, Mavroidis P, Isacsson U, Montelius A, Johansson S, Papanikolaou N, Sakellaropoulos GC, Nikiforidis GC, Turesson I, Lind BK. Clinically derived dose-response relations for rectum and penile bulb from combined photon and proton prostate cancer radiotherapy. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
339. Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Holmes R, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Mihailidis D. Comparison of Two Different Implementations for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
340. Stathakis S, Mihailidis D, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Monte Carlo Commissioning of BrainLab SRS Cones On a NovalisTX. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
341. Mavroidis P. The Effect of MLC Leaf Width in RapidArc Plan Optimization. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
342. Knaup C, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Mihailidis D, Papanikolaou N. Daily Evaluation of in Vivo Dose Verification Device. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
343. Myers P, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Mihailidis D, Papanikolaou N. Commissioning of PTW Seven29 for Helical TomoTherapy Quality Assurance. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
344. Myers P, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Mihailidis D, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Helical TomoTherapy Patient Quality Assurance Using PTW Seven29 and ScandiDos Delta4. 2010 Jul. (52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 2010).
345. He W. H., Vazquez L., Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Alkhatib H., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Development and Application of Independent Dose Validation Software for Tomotherapy 2010 May. (the XVIth ICCR Amsterdam May 31 to June 3, the Netherlands).
346. Chen X. M., Shi C, Buckey C. R., Alkhatib H., Papanikolaou N. Development of an EPID-based Machine QA System 2010 May. (the XVIth ICCR Amsterdam May 31 to June 3, the Netherlands).
347. Koutsouveli E, Mavroidis P, Karaiskos P, Sandilos P, Stergiou C, Andisheh B, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK, Torrens M. Dose-response curve of acoustic neuromas from gamma knife radiosurgery. 2010 May. (15th International Meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Athens, Greece, May 2010).
348. Langen K, Papanikolaou N, Balog J, Crilly , R, Followill, D, Goddu, S, Grant, W, Olivera, G, Ramsey, C, Shi C. QA of Radiation Delivery Systems 2010 Feb. p. 3374. (Med Phys; vol. 37, no. 6).
349. Guo B., Shi C, Cheng C., Esquivel C, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetry and Inverse Treatment Planning for 3D Intensity Modulated Brachytherapy 2010. p. 3192. (Med Phys.; vol. 37, no. 6).
350. Knaup, C, Mavroidis, P, Stathakis S, Smith, M, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of Prostate Volume Change in Tumor Control for LDR Brachytherapy 2010. p. 3202. (The 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; vol. 37).
351. Giantsoudi, D, Baltas, D, Karbis, A, Mavroidis, P, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Optimization Based on the Generalized Equivalent Uniform Dose 2010. p. 3355. (Med Phys; vol. 37).
352. Chen X, Shi C, Buckey C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Alkhatib H. Development of an EPID-Based Machine and IMRT QA System 2010. p. 3154. (Medical Physics; vol. 37).
353. Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Smith M., Papanikolaou N. Clinical Experience in the Use of Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeters for Total Body Irradiation 2009 Nov. p. 602-603. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 75, no. 3).
354. Guo, B., Papanikolaou N, Shi C. Monte Carlo Based Plan Verification For Electronic Brachytherapy: The Dosimetric Influence Of Patient Boundary And Tissue Inhomogeneities 2009 Nov. p. 120-121. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 75, no. 3).
355. Sarkar V., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. An Application for Digital Tomosynthesis Datasets in Adaptive Radiotherapy 2009 Nov. (Radiological Society of North America 2009 annual meeting).
356. Holmes R., Shi C, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, He W.. Impact of Arc Angle and Dose Rate on SmartArc™ IMRT Delivery 2009 Nov. (Radiological Society of North America 2009 annual meeting).
357. Liu Y, Shi C, Chen W., Xu G., Papanikolaou N. Tissue Composition Effect Investigated in Proton Therapy Using Monte Carlo Models Of Hounsfield Number Conversion And Cadaver-based Anatomical Data 2009 Nov. p. 701. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics; vol. 75, no. 3).
358. Pagdonsolan M., Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Characterization of Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) using Helical Tomotherapy and Topotherapy 2009 Nov. p. 253-254. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics; vol. 75, no. 3).
359. Tynan, P.M., Ramer, R, Esquivel C, Sanchez, S. M, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Skin Doses with and without Clothing during Total Skin Electron Beam Therapy 2009 Nov. p. 523. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 75, no. 3).
360. Stathakis S, Buckey, C, Mavroidis, P, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N, Smith, M, Giantsoudi, G, Dzintars, E. A Radiobiological Perspective between IMRT and 3D Conformal Treatment of Prostate Cancer 2009 Nov. p. 623. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Phsics; vol. 75, no. 3).
361. Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. The BEUD, EUD, Deff and gEUD biological doses in treatment planning. 2009 Nov. (51rst ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 2009).
362. Roland T, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. A radiobiological assessment of the clinical improvement when tumor tracking versus conventional techniques is used for lung cancer radiotherapy. 2009 Nov. (51rst ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 2009).
363. Chalimou I, Lind H, Mavroidis P, Sakellaropoulos GC, Nikiforidis GC, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Treatment strategies in radiotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Differences in attitude in Europe. 2009 Nov. (51rst ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 2009).
364. Komisopoulos G, Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Plataniotis GA, Lind BK. Dose-response parameters for different tumors and normal tissues. 2009 Nov. (51rst ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 2009).
365. Papanikolaou N, Lind BK, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P. Determination and clinical verification of dose-response relations from patient databases. 2009 Nov. (51rst ASTRO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 2009).
366. Rodriguez S, Su F, Mavroidis P, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. BEUD analysis and secondary malignancy risk: Radiobiological comparison of HT, MLC-based IMRT, and CRT. 2009 Nov. (Proceedings in Annual RSNA Meeting, Chicago, USA, Nov - Dec 2009).
367. Fan-Shi Su, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. The application of the radiobiological evaluation on adaptive tomotherapy for lung cancer patients. 2009 Nov. (Proceedings in Annual RSNA Meeting, Chicago, USA, Nov - Dec 2009).
368. Guo B., Papanikolaou N, Shi C. Monte Carlo based plan verification for electronic brachytherapy: the dosimetric influence of patient boundary and tissue inhomogeneities 2009 Sep. (10th Biennial ESTRO Conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy; Maastricht, The Netherlands August 30 – September 3 2009).i. Mavroidis P, Soulimioti G, Sotiriadou K, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Clinical aspects of the BEUD, EUD, Deff and gEUD biological doses. 2009 Sep. (ECCO 15 – ESMO 34th Multidisciplinary Congress, Berlin, Germany, Sep 2009).
369. Komisopoulos G, Sotiriadou K, Soulimioti G, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK, Mavroidis P. Demonstration of dose-response relations for a series of tumors and normal tissues after external radiotherapy. 2009 Sep. (ECCO 15 – ESMO 34th Multidisciplinary Congress, Berlin, Germany, Sep 2009).
370. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Papanikolaou N, Svensson R, Lind BK, Brahme A. Radiobiological analysis of planned and delivered IMRT dose distributions. 2009 Sep. (World Congress in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Munich, Germany, Sep 2009).
371. Su F, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Goytia V, Crownover RL, Rassiah-Szegedi P, Baltas D, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation on Lung Cancer Patients’ Four-dimensional Treatment Plans Utilizing Biologically Effective Uniform Dose. 2009 Sep. (World Congress in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Munich, Germany, Sep 2009).
372. Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Comparison of the Biologically Effective Uniform Dose, Equivalent Uniform Dose, Effective Dose and Generalized Equivalent Uniform Dose concepts. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug – Sep 2009).
373. Su F, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. A radiobiological-based toolkit for treatment plan evaluation and outcome prediction. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug - Sep 2009).i. Koutsouveli E, Mavroidis P, Karaiskos P, Sandilos P, Stergiou C, Andisheh B, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK, Torrens M. Analysis of acoustic neuromas response and cochlear complications after treatment with Gamma Knife. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug - Sep 2009).
374. Shi C, Mavroidis P, Zhai Y, Xu J, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of IMRT dose delivery using the concepts of Gamma Index and Biologically Effective Uniform Dose. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug - Sep 2009).
375. Roland T, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Analysis of 4D tumor tracking radiotherapy for mobile tumors using radiobiological measurements. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug - Sep 2009).
376. Tzikas A, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Lind BK. Clinical implementation of radiobiological treatment plan optimization using a database and calculation module integrated to a treatment planning system. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug - Sep 2009).
377. Rodriguez S, Su F, Mavroidis P, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. BEUD/Secondary Malignancy Analysis: Comparison of HT, MLC-based IMRT, and CRT in Prostate Treatment Planning. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug - Sep 2009).
378. Buckey CR, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Shi C, Mihailidis DN, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric evaluation of a grid compensator for spatially fractionated radiation therapy. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug - Sep 2009).
379. Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Buckey C, Swanson GP, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. IMRT vs. 3D conformal therapy for prostate cancer. A radiobiological comparison. 2009 Aug. (10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Maastrich, The Netherlands, Aug - Sep 2009).
380. Wang X., Esquivel C, Shi C, Nes E., Papanikolaou N, Charlton M. The Neutron Dose Evaluation and Shielding at the Maze Entrance of the Varian Clinac 2300EX AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
381. Moral S., Calvo O., Armas J., Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Roland T., Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Assessing the sensitivity of a multi-detector array for IMRT patient QA AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
382. Corona I., Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric evaluation of a 120-MLC plan delivered on a 80-MLC linear accelerator AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
383. Zhai Y., Jin X., Giantsoudi D., He W., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Experimental Verification of Biological Gamma Plus Index AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
384. Holmes R., He W., Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of Tomo Quality Assurance™ (TQA™) Performance for Daily Quality Assurance AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
385. Xu J., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. A novel dynamic MLC leaf sequencing algorithm for 4D treatment with deformable target motion correction AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
386. Esquivel C, Smith M., Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Total Skin Electron Therapy skin dose validation using optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
387. Guo B., Cheng C., Director B., Rusch T., Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. A Monte Carlo based Dose Calculation and Evaluation Toolkit for Electronic Brachytherapy: Feasibility of IMBT AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
388. Esquivel C, Smith M., Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. In vivo dose measurements for Total Body Irradiation using optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
389. Diaz AZ, Liu Y, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. An evaluation study of treatment planning of brain tumor using implanted neutron brachytherapy and compared with photon IMRT AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
390. Liu Y, Shi C, Xu X., Chen W., Jette D., Papanikolaou N. Dependency of proton dose on tissue composition investigated using Monte Carlo models of Hounsfield number conversion and cadaver-based anatomical data AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
391. Myers P., Weber L., Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Delivery Angle Dependency on Treatment Plan Quality for Whole Breast Radiotherapy Using Helical Tomotherapy AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
392. Vikren S., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. A Digital tomosynthesis Applications in Radiotherapy Toolkit AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
393. Vikren S., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. The effect of set-up errors on the final target dose distribution in step-and-shoot IMRT plans compared to helical tomotherapy plans AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
394. Shi C, Gutiérrez AN, Liu Y, Zhai Y., Papanikolaou N. Impact of Pulse Forming Network (PFN) and Injection Current (IC) Parameters on Output and Energy Variations of Helical TomoTherapy AAPM Annual Meeting, July 26-30, 2009 Anaheim, California; 2009 Jul. (Medical Physics).
395. Mavroidis P, Tzikas A, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Lind BK. Development of software for performing radiobiological studies and treatment plan optimization. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
396. Koutsouveli E, Mavroidis P, Karaiskos P, Sandilos P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Stergiou C, Torrens M. Assessment of clinical response factors of acoustic neuromas after Gamma Knife treatment. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
397. Andisheh B, Mavroidis P, Brahme A, Bitaraf MA, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Investigating the benefits of stereotactic light ion radiation therapy for treating large intracranial AVMs. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
398. Buckey C, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Mihailidis D, Papanikolaou N. The inter- and intra-fraction reproducibility of three common IMRT delivery techniques. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
399. Liu Y, Roland T, Shi C, Swanson GP, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Visibility study of fiducial marker for real-time MLC beam tracking delivery using MV fluence video. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
400. Su F, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Utilizing Radiobiological Measures and Planned Adaptive Software to Evaluate Adaptive Tomotherapy Plans for Lung Cancer Patients. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
401. Roland T, Shi C, Liu Y, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of tracking versus conventional delivery for lung cancer radiotherapy via 4D treatment planning. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
402. Roland T, Shi C, Liu Y, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Tracking versus gating for lung cancer radiotherapy. A retrospective study involving 5 patient 4DCT data sets. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
403. Papanikolaou N, Calvo O, Mavroidis P, Dzintars E, Mihailidis D, Stathakis S. DVM vs. DMH in lung cancer radiotherapy. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
404. Stathakis S, Buckey C, Mavroidis P, Swanson GP, Mihailidis D, Papanikolaou N. Is IMRT better than 3D conformal therapy for prostate cancer? A radiobiological comparison. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
405. Stathakis S, Buckey C, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Shi C, Mihailidis D, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Evalualtion of a Commercial Compensator for Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
406. Dzintars E, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Shi C, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Su F, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological evaluation of inhomogenity corrections in tissue for lung cancer patients. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
407. Vazquez L, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Roland T, Esquivel C, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric comparison among 3D conformal, IMRT, and phase-average compensators for SBRT treatment planning. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
408. Calvo O, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Moral S, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Validation of the Delta4 dosimetry phantom against ionometric measurements. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
409. Calvo O, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Moral S, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of small volume ion chambers for absolute dosimetry. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
410. Rodriguez S, Su F, Shi C, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Helical Tomotherapy, MLC-based IMRT, and 3D-Conformal radiation modalities in BEUD utilization and analysis. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
411. Xu J, Buckey C, Swanson GP, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Impact of proper bladder and rectum delineation in the evaluation of the effectiveness of IMRT in prostate cancer radiotherapy. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
412. Tynan P, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Commercial 2D and 3D Devices for Patient-Specific IMRT QA. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
413. Tynan P, Joyner M, Smith MD, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Swanson GP. Comparison of Pre- and Post-Implant Prostate Volume Segmentation Using Trans-Rectal Ultrasound and Computed Tomography. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
414. Papanikolaou N, Liu Y, Roland T, Mavroidis P, Shi C. Measurements of Fiducial marker positions for real-time MLC beam tracking delivery using MV fluence video. 2009 Jul. (51rst AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, Jul 2009).
415. Gutiérrez AN. Dosimetric Characterization of Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) Using Helical Tomotherapy 2009 Jun. p. 2662-2662. (Medical Physics; vol. 36, no. 6).
416. Gutiérrez AN. Evaluation of the Delta4 3D Cylindrical Phantom for Delivery Quality Assurance of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Treatments Using Helical Tomotherapy 2009 Jun. p. 2604-2604. (Medical Physics; vol. 36, no. 6).
417. Su F, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Utilizing Planned Adaptive Module and Radiobiological Measures to Evaluate Helical Tomotherapy for Lung Cancer Patients. 2009 Mar. (SWAAPM Spring Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Mar 2009).
418. Sarkar V., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. The effect of reconstruction algorithm and number of projection images used as input data on the final quality of megavoltage digital tomosynthesis datasets 2009 Feb. (19th Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiation Oncology, February 26th-28th, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada).
419. Zhai Y. J., Trache L., Tribble R., Papanikolaou N, Liu Y, Shi C, Iacob V., Hardy J.. Using Monte Carlo Simulations and Experimental Measurements to Calibrate An HPGE Gamma Detector Precisely 2009 Feb. (19th Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiation Oncology, February 26th-28th, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada).
420. Zhai Y, Mavroidis P, Shi C, Xu J, Papanikolaou N. Developing a new gamma evaluation index with biological information of organs. 2009 Feb. (19th ACRO Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Feb 2009).
421. Su FC, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Assessment of four-dimensional radiotherapy planning and respiratory motion induced dose difference based on radiological measures. 2009 Feb. (19th ACRO Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Feb 2009).
422. Rogers, D.W.O, Cygler, J, Papanikolaou N. Clinical dosimetry Measurements in Radiotherapy 2009. p. 2397. (Med Phys; vol. 37).
423. Teboh R., Papanikolaou N. Incorporating system latency effects associated with dynamic radiotharpy delivery in the dose prediction step: Preliminary results based on phantom measurements 2008 Nov. (RSNA 2008).
424. Calvo, O.I., Buckey, C, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Analysis of the accuracy of the collapse cone convolution superposition algorithm using ion chamber and field measurements for small lung lesions 2008 Nov. p. 635. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 72, no. 1).
425. Liu Y, Nguyen Dominic, Swanson GP, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. Dose Calculation For Prostate Tumor Using Human Anatomy-based Monte Carlo Algorithm Compared To CT-based Treatment Planning System 2008 Sep. p. 557-578. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics; vol. 72, no. 1).
426. Liu Y, Lin B, Papanikolaou N,. 4D Tracking Radiotherapy Delivery Evaluation For Five Patients With Mobile Lung Tumor 2008 Sep. p. 614. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics; vol. 72, no. 1).
427. Liu Y, Diaz AZ, Papanikolaou N. Dose Calculation For Brain Using A Cf-252 Neutron Brachytherapy Source Based-on Human Anatomy Monte Carlo Model and Compared to Standard Photon IMRT Planning 2008 Sep. p. 664. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 72, no. 1).
428. Su F, Shi C, Mavroidis P., Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation on the four-dimensional radiation treatment plan for lung cancer using biologically effective uniform dose 2008 Sep. (10th biennial ESTRO Meeting 2008).
429. D Giantsoudi, A Gutierrez, C Shi, N Papanikolaou . Clinical feasibility of using film-based, in vivo dosimetry to detect setup errors during stereotactic body radiotherapy treatments using helical tomotherapy 2008 Sep. (10th biennial ESTRO Meeting 2008).
430. V. Sarkar, A. Gutierrez, S. Stathakis, G. Swanson, N. Papanikolaou. A virtual fluoroscopy system to verify seed positioning accuracy during prostate permanent seed implants. 2008 Sep. p. S311. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008; vol. 88, no. 2).
431. C. Buckey, S. Stathakis, G. Swanson, P. Mavroidis, F. C. Su, N. Papanikolaou . IS IMRT BETTER THAN 3D CONFORMAL THERAPY FOR PROSTATE CANCER? A DOSIMETRIC COMPARISON 2008 Sep. p. S332. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008; vol. 88, no. 2).
432. R. Ramer, T. Tynan, T. Eng, C. Esquivel, N. Papanikolaou. THE EFFECT OF CLOTHING ON THE SKIN DOSE DURING 6 MEV TOTAL SKIN ELECTRON (TSE) IRRADIATION USING GAFCHROMIC EBT FILM 2008 Sep. p. S393. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008; vol. 88, no. 2).
433. S. Rodriguez, C. Esquivel, R. Crownover, N. Papanikolaou. ANALYSIS OF OUT OF FIELD SCATTER DOSE AS A FUNCTION OF DEPTH, OFF AXIS DISTANCE, BEAM MODULATION, AND BEAM ENERGY AS IT RELATES TO BREAST IRRADIATION 2008 Sep. p. S425. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008; vol. 88, no. 2).
434. P. Tynan, S. Stathakis, N. Papanikolaou. Use of Custom-shaped Compensators for Modulated Electron Radiotherapy Treatments 2008 Sep. p. S450. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008; vol. 88, no. 2).
435. Cheng R., Shi C, Guo B., Papanikolaou N, Ahmad S.. A Clinical Monte Carlo Dosimetric Evaluation in Accelerated Partial Breast Electronic Brachytherapy 2008 Sep. p. S521-S522. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics; vol. 72, no. 1).
436. Ramer, R, Holder, A, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Prostate Treatment Options using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) 2008 Sep. p. 481. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 72, no. 1).
437. Delichas MG, Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Shi C, Gutiérrez AN, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N, Ha CS. Comparison of 3D-CRT, MLC-Based IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy. 2008 Sep. (50th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Sep 2008).
438. Komisopoulos G, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Inhomogeneity regularization methods in treatment plan optimization. 2008 Sep. (50th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Sep 2008).
439. Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Su FC, Giantsoudi D, Stathakis S, Komisopoulos G, Shi C, Swanson GP, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N. Daily Megavoltage CT registration on adaptive radiotherapy with Helical Tomotherapy. 2008 Sep. (50th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Sep 2008).
440. Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Ha CS. Patient setup correction in treating head and neck cancer with Helical Tomotherapy. 2008 Sep. (50th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Sep 2008).
441. Shi C, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Costa Ferreira B, Diaz AA, Papanikolaou N. Brain and cranio-spinal cancer treatment using Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT. 2008 Sep. (50th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Sep 2008).
442. Stathakis S, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Swanson GP, Ramer C, Sarkar V, Costa Ferreira B, Komisopoulos G, Giantsoudi D, Papanikolaou N. Use of Megavoltage CT imaging for quantifying treatment setup uncertainties. 2008 Sep. (50th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Sep 2008).
443. Su F, Mavroidis P, Shi C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Treatment planning for prostate cancer: biologically quantitative comparisons among conventional radiotherapy and three IMRT delivery techniques. 2008 Sep. (50th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Sep 2008).
444. Buckey C, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Mavroidis P, Su FC, Papanikolaou N. Are current IMRT plans superior to 3D conformal therapy for prostate cancer? A dosimetric comparison. 2008 Sep. (50th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Sep 2008).
445. Buckey C, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Mavroidis P, Su FC, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric comparison of prostate treatment modalities. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
446. Delichas MG, Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Shi C, Gutiérrez AN, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N, Ha CS. Lung cancer radiotherapy using 3D-CRT, MLC-based IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
447. Guo B, Liu Y, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N. Dose calculation for proton radiotherapy based on Monte Carlo simulation using anatomical detailed human model. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
448. Hyödynmaa S, Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Axelsson S, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Investigating the expected effects of patient positioning, breathing and radiation pneumonitis scoring in breast cancer radiotherapy. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
449. Karaiskos P, Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Papanikolaou N, Sandilos P, Koutsouveli E, Skarleas C, Dardoufas K. Investigating the impact of using CT vs CT-MRI images during organ delineation and treatment planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
450. Komisopoulos G, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Treatment plan optimization using different methods of dose inhomogeneity regularization. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
451. Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Ha CS. Planned vs. Delivered Dose Distributions with and without Patient Setup Correction in Helical Tomotherapy. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
452. Plataniotis G, Mavroidis P, Adamus-Górka M, Hyödynmaa S, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Association of dose-mass-histogram (DMH) with the expected lung complications from breast cancer radiotherapy. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
453. Roland T, Rassiah-Szegendi P, Szegedi M, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. A phantom based investigation of the effects of MIP versus AIP derived internal target volumes on 4D treatment planning. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
454. Shi C, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Costa Ferreira B, Diaz A, Papanikolaou N. Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT in treating brain and cranio-spinal tumors. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
455. Stathakis S, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Swanson GP, Ramer C, Sarkar V, Costa Ferreira B, Komisopoulos G, Giantsoudi D, Papanikolaou N. Treatment setup uncertainties quantified by megavoltage CT imaging. 2008 Sep. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008).
456. Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. EVALUATION OF A NEW IMPLANTABLE DOSIMETER USED FOR DAILY DOSE VERIFICATION IN HI-ART TOMOTHERAPY TREATMENT DELIVERY 2008 Sep. p. S71. (27th ESTRO Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, Sep 2008; vol. 88).
457. Su F, Shi C, Crownover R, Swanson G, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Impacts of Gantry Angle Misalignment on Prostate Cancer Treatment using Helical Tomotherapy 2008 Aug. p. 269. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics; vol. 7, no. 4).
458. Su FC, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological evaluation on the four-dimensional stereotactic radiotherapy plan. 2008 Jul. p. 2824. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
459. Su FC, Mavroidis P, Swanson GP, Buckley KA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological-based comparisons among conventional radiotherapy and IMRT delivery techniques for prostate treatment planning. 2008 Jul. p. 2821. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
460. Hyödynmaa S, Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Axelsson S, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Radiobiological optimization of breast cancer radiotherapy taking into account patient positioning, breathing and radiation pneumonitis scoring. 2008 Jul. p. 2821. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
461. Swanson GP, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Su FC, Ramer C, Sarkar V, Costa Ferreira B, Komisopoulos G, Giantsoudi D, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiologically Quantified Treatment Setup Uncertainties based on Megavoltage (MV) CT Imaging. 2008 Jul. p. 2822. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
462. Mavroidis P, Su FC, Giantsoudi D, Stathakis S, Komisopoulos G, Shi C, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological investigation of the dosimetric effects of daily Megavoltage CT registration techniques on adaptive radiotherapy with Helical Tomotherapy. 2008 Jul. p. 2823. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
463. Delichas MG, Costa Ferreira B, Shi C, Gutiérrez AN, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Radiobiological effectiveness of 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy, MLC-based IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy in lung cancer. 2008 Jul. p. 2821. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
464. Komisopoulos G, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Interpretation of the dosimetric results in terms of expected treatment outcome when optimizing treatment plans using different methods of regularizing dose inhomogeneity 2008 Jul. p. 2820. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
465. Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Shi C, Costa Ferreira B, Lind BK, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological comparison of Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT for brain and cranio-spinal tumors. 2008 Jul. p. 2822. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
466. Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P. Expected Clinical Impact of the Differences between planned and delivered dose distributions in Helical Tomotherapy. 2008 Jul. p. 2937. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
467. Giantsoudi D, Liu Y, Diaz AA, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Neutron energy and dose considerations of Cf-252 brachytherapy sources for various geometries. 2008 Jul. p. 2728. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
468. Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Rassiah P, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Commissioning of flattening filter free Varian 600C linear accelerator. 2008 Jul. p. 2871. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
469. Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric verification of the CCCS algorithm for spatially fractionate radiation therapy. 2008 Jul. p. 2888. (50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Jul 2008, Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
470. M Yam, Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. On the Dosimetric Characterization of Inclined Target Geometries using Helical Tomotherapy 2008 Jun. p. 2833-2833. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 06).
471. Roland T., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Development and application of a robust toolkit, Tomo-XML-DOM, for helical tomotherapy system 2008 Jun. p. 2810-2810. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 06).
472. Cheng R., Guo B., Ahmad S., Papanikolaou N, Shi C. Dosimetric Impacts on Tissue Homogeneity Corrections in Electronic Brachytherapy 2008 Jun. p. 2735-2735. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 06).
473. Giantsoudi D., Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. On the Sensitivity of Film-Based, In Vivo Dosimetry to Setup Errors for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Treatments 2008 Jun. p. 2832-2832. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 06).
474. Guo B, Liu Y, Chen C, Ahmad S, Papanikolaou N. Accurate Simulation for Therapeutic Protons Range-Energy and Range-Density Tables 2008 Jun. p. 2805. (Med Phys; vol. 35, no. 6).
475. Papanikolaou N, Caldwell K,Gutiérrez A,Tome W. Dosimetric Delivery Verification of Whole Brain Radiotherapy with Hippocampal Avoidance (WBRT-HA) and Simultaneously Integrated Multiple Metastases Boost (SIB) 2008 Jun. p. 2826. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
476. Mavroidis P, Plataniotis G, Gorka M, Hyodynmaa S, Papanikolaou N, Lind B. Dose-Mass-Histogram (DMH) Vs. Dose-Volume Histogram (DVH) in Predicting Lung Complication 2008 Jun. p. 2823. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
477. N Papanikolaou, E Klein. Heterogeneity Corrections in Clinical Trials 2008 Jun. p. 2961. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
478. Y Liu, C Shi, X Xu, N Papanikolaou. Human Anatomy-Based Monte Carlo Dose Calculation for External Protons 2008 Jun. p. 2800. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
479. Y Liu, B Guo, L Lin, N Papanikolaou. Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a 4D Tracking DmMLC-Based Delivery to Lung Tumor 2008 Jun. p. 2846. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
480. Gutiérrez, A, Tome, W, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou, N, Integrated Subvolume Boosting Technique to Reduce Normal Tissue Irradiation During SBRT Treatment Planning Using Helical Tomotherapy 2008 Jun. p. 2947. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
481. Rassiah P, Szegedi M, Peyton J, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Accuracy of the Finite Size Pencil Beam Without the Flattening Filter 2008 Jun. p. 2937. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
482. Papanikolaou N. Imaging for Planning Verification: In Room Imaging: Pre-Treatment Verification 2008 Jun. p. 2926. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
483. R Ramer, A Holder, N Papanikolaou. Utilization of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to Compare Prostate Treatment Options 2008 Jun. p. 2815. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
484. C Buckey, S Stathakis, G Swanson, F Su, N Papanikolaou. Dosimetric Comparison of Prostate Radiotherapy Treatment Techniques 2008 Jun. p. 2838. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
485. P Tynan, S Stathakis, C Esquivel, N Papanikolaou. Monte Carlo Modeling of Modulated Electron Beams Delivered Through a Photon Multileaf Collimator 2008 Jun. p. 2748. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
486. M Smith, S Stathakis, G Swanson, M Joyner, A Gutiérrez, N Papanikolaou. Dosimetric Analysis of Real Time and Post Implantation Dosimetry for Prostate 2008 Jun. p. 2731. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
487. N Papanikolaou, Y Liu, T Roland. Performance of Dual Layer Micro MLC Versus Standard Single Layer MLC for IMRT Delivery 2008 Jun. p. 2746. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
488. J Xu, N Papanikolaou, C Shi, S Jiang. Dose Verification of 2D Synchronized DMLC IMRT Delivery to a Moving Target 2008 Jun. p. 2745. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
489. S Rodriguez, C Esquivel, N Papanikolaou. Analysis of Scatter Dose On a Contralateral Breast as a Function of Surface Dose and Treatment Depth 2008 Jun. p. 2782. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
490. J Xu, T Roland, C Shi, N Papanikolaou. 4D IMRT Quality Assurance (QA) by Dynamic Log File Analysis 2008 Jun. p. 2760. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
491. C Esquivel, S Rodriguez, N Papanikolaou. Analysis of Electron Cutout Factor Measurements 2008 Jun. p. 2767. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
492. R Ramer, P Tynan, T Eng, N Papanikolaou. The Effect of Clothing On the Skin Dose During 6 MeV Total Skin Electron (TSE) Irradiation 2008 Jun. p. 2768. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
493. Y Zhai, L Trache, R Tribble, Y Liu, C Shi, N Papanikolaou, V Iacob, J Hardy, G Tabacaru. New Method of An HPGe Detector Precise Efficiency Calibration with Experimental Measurements and Monte Carlo Simulations 2008 Jun. p. 2780. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
494. C Buckey, S Stathakis, O Calvo, N Papanikolaou. Minimum Segment Size for the Collapsed Cone Convolution Superposition Algorithm 2008 Jun. p. 2749. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
495. Calvo O, Buckey C, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Validation of Collapse Cone Convolution Superposition Algorithm Using Ion Chamber and Field Measurements 2008 Jun. p. 2749. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
496. P Tynan, S Stathakis, N Papanikolaou. An Exploration of the Use of Custom Compensators for Modulated Electron Radiotherapy 2008 Jun. p. 2748. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
497. Sarkar V, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. A Graphical User Interface for Virtual Fluoroscopy to Aid in Prostate Seed Implant Verification 2008 Jun. p. 2680. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
498. V Sarkar, C Shi, N Papanikolaou. The Effect of Number of Projections On the Accuracy of Volumetric Data Reconstructed Using Digital Tomosynthesis 2008 Jun. p. 2654. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
499. A Gutiérrez, O Calvo, S Stathakis, P Rassiah-Szegedi, C Esquivel, N Papanikolaou. On the Quantification of the Dosimetric Accuracy of Collapsed Cone Convolution Superposition Algorithm for Small Lung Volumes Using IMRT 2008 Jun. p. 2631. (Medical Physics; vol. 35, no. 6).
500. Tynan T, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Use of BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc to Model Modulated Electron Beams Delivered Through a Photon Multileaf Collimator 2008. (International Nuclear Codes Workshop).
501. Papanikolaou N, Liu Y, Shi C, Tynan P. Dosimetric characteristics of dual-layer multileaf collimation for small-field and intensity-modulated radiation therapy applications 2008. (Medical Physics; vol. 9, no. 2).
502. Papanikolaou N, Shi C, Penagaricano J,. Comparison of IMRT treatment plans between LINAC and helical tomotherapy based on integral dose and inhomogeneity index 2008. p. 215. (Medical Physics; vol. 33, no. 3).
503. Su F, Shi C, Fuss, M, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Effects of Gantry Angle Miss-alignment during Helical Tomotherapy Treatment 2007 Nov. p. 723. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 69, no. 3).
504. Siddiqui F., Shi C, Papanikolaou N, Thomas C.R., Fuss M.. MVCT Image-guidance Derived Bony Setup Accuracy for Supine and Prone Pelvic Radiation Therapy 2007 Nov. p. S294-S295. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics; vol. 72, no. 1).
505. Fuss M., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Mega-Voltage CT (MVCT) Image Guidance for Abdominal and Retroperitoneal IMRT Target Volumes 2007 Nov. p. S296-S297. (International Journal of Radiation Oncolgy, Biology, Physics; vol. 69, no. 3).
506. Liu Y, Shi C, Lin L., Papanikolaou N. 4D Dynamic Intensity Modulated Radiation Treatment With Dual-Layer Micro Multileaf Collimators 2007 Nov. p. S697-S697. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics; vol. 69, no. 3).
507. Xu J., Shi C, Jiang S., Papanikolaou N. Correcting for Intra-Fraction Breathing Motion Based on Offline and Online Analysis of Respiratory Patterns 2007 Nov. p. S704-S705. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics; vol. 69, no. 3).
508. Lin L., Shi C, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Quantification Of Inter-fractional Organ Motion And Deformation Using Megavoltage ComputedTomography Images From Helical Tomotherapy 2007 Nov. p. S527-S528. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics; vol. 69, no. 3).
509. Ramsey, C.R., Gibbons, J, Holmes, T, Jeong, K, Langen, K, Low, D, Meeks, S, Papanikolaou N, Schubert, K, Tomsej M. Mechanical and Dosimetric Quality Assurance for Helical Tomotherapy 2007 Nov. p. 699. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, biology, Physics; vol. 69, no. 3).
510. Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Axelsson S, Hyödynmaa S, Rajala J, Pitkänen MA, Lind BK, Brahme A. Expected risk for radiation pneumonitis from breast cancer radiotherapy taking into account breathing and setup uncertainties. 2007 Nov. (Proceedings in Annual RSNA Meeting, Nov 2007, Chicago, USA).
511. Ramer R, Roland T, Papanikolaou N. Skin Dose Profiling for IMRT Patients Using Gafchromic EBT films 2007 Sep. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 84).
512. Nguyen L, Szedegi W, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N, Rassiah P. Conformal Inverse Planned Arcs vs. IMRT Arcs for SBRT Lung Lesions 2007 Sep. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 84).
513. Xu J, Shi C, Jiang S, Papanikolaou N. A new quantitative quality assurance evaluation parameter-gamma plus 2007 Sep. (the XVth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy).
514. Rassiah P., Lin BC, Szegedi M., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. The effect of 4DCT and static image data set on dose calculation and optimization 2007 Sep. (9th biennial ESTRO Meeting).
515. Liu YX, Shi CY, Lin L, Papanikolaou N. A 4D dynamic IMRT plan delivery and evaluation with a dual-layer micro multileaf collimators 2007 Sep. (9th biennial ESTRO Meeting).
516. Lin L., Shi C, Liu Y, Papanikolaou N. A phantom study of 4D delivery methodologies: gating vs. tracking 2007 Sep. (9th biennial ESTRO Meeting).
517. Giantsoudi D., Stathakis S, Shi C, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Investigation of the dosimetric effect of daily megavoltage CT registration techniques on adaptive radiotherapy with helical Tomotherapy 2007 Sep. (9th biennial ESTRO Meeting).
518. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Hyödynmaa S, Pitkänen MA, Rajala J, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. The Impact of Patient Positioning, Breathing, and Radiation Pneumonitis Scoring in the Optimization Of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy 2007 Sep. p. 282. (Proceedings in 9th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep, 2007, Radiother Oncol; vol. 84, no. 1).
519. Papanikolaou N, Costa Ferreira B, Shi C, Lind BK, Mavroidis P. Expected effectiveness of Conformal, Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT in lung cancer radiotherapy. 2007 Sep. p. 277. (Proceedings in 9th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep, 2007, Radiother Oncol; vol. 84, no. 1).
520. Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of dose delivery variations in Helical Tomotherapy using Helical megavoltage CT images. 2007 Sep. p. 187. (Proceedings in 9th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep, 2007, Radiother Oncol; vol. 84, no. 1).
521. Swanson GP, Stathakis S, Su S, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Treatment planning for prostate: a quantitative comparison between 3DRTP and three IMRT delivery techniques. 2007 Sep. p. 199. (Proceedings in 9th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2007, Radiother Oncol; vol. 84, no. 1).
522. Papanikolaou N, Sarkar V, Lin L, Shi C. Quality assurance of the multileafcollimator with helical tomotherapy: design and implementation 2007 Jul. p. 2949. (Medical Physics; vol. 34, no. 7).
523. P Rassiah-Szegedi, S Stathakis, M Szegedi, C Esquivel, and N Papanikolaou.. Monte Carlo Flattening Filter Free MIMiC Based IMRT Planning 2007 Jul. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine).
524. S Stathakis, Y Liu, D Giantsoudi, C Shi, and N Papanikolaou . Monte Carlo Modeling and Commissioning of a Bi-Directional Micro Multileaf 2007 Jul. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine).
525. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Shi C, Lind BK, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Comparing the expected effectiveness of Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT using biological measures. 2007 Jul. p. 2550. (Proceedings in 49th AAPM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Jul 2007, Med Phys; vol. 34, no. 6).
526. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Papanikolaou N, Svensson R, Lind BK, Brahme A. Expected clinical impact of the differences between planned and delivered IMRT dose distributions. 2007 Jul. p. 2452. (Proceedings in 49th AAPM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Jul 2007, Med Phys; vol. 34, no. 6).
527. Stathakis S, Sarkar D, Rassiah P, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Monte Carlo based dose verification for Serial Tomotherapy. 2007 Jul. p. 2470. (Proceedings in 49th AAPM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Jul 2007, Med Phys; vol. 34, no. 6).
528. Papanikolaou N, Eller CM, Esquivel C, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S. Investigation of the use of transmission type detectors for daily IMRT patient dose reconstruction. 2007 Jul. p. 2464-2465. (Proceedings in 49th AAPM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Jul 2007, Med Phys; vol. 34, no. 6).
529. Liu Y, Shi C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Dose Engine Verification of a Dual Level MMLC-Based Treatment Planning System Benchmarked by MCNPX and Pinnacle 2007 Jun. p. 2600-2600. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 6).
530. Lin L., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Development and application of an integrated treatment planning platform for 4D radiotherapy 2007 Jun. (the XVth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy).
531. Liu Y, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. A Monte Carlo simulation and dosimetric analysis of a dual bank micro MLC 2007 Jun. (the XVth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy).
532. Su FC, Shi C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Application of GAFCHROMIC® EBT film for in vivo dosimetry with total body irradiation (TBI) radiotherapy 2007 Jun. p. 2420-2420. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, July 22-26 2007, Minneapo; vol. 34, no. 6).
533. Shi C, Stathakis S, Eller C., Papanikolaou N. Predictive analysis of target wear for a TomoTherapy unit 2007 Jun. p. 2483-2483. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 06).
534. Shi C, Sarkar V., Lin L., Papanikolaou N. Quality assurance protocol of the HiArt Tomotherapy MLC: design and implementation 2007 Jun. p. 2561-2561. (Medical Physics; vol. 34, no. 06).
535. Su F.C., Shi C, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric characteristics of GAFCHROMIC EBT film for therapeutic electron beams 2007 Jun. p. 2610-2610. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 06).
536. Sarkar V., Shi C, Rassiah-Szegedi P., Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. A feasibility study using a CCD-based EPID for digital tomosynthesis 2007 Jun. p. 2378-2378. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 06).
537. Lin L., Shi C, Xu X.G., Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. APT4D, an integrated treatment planning platform for 4D radiotherapy 2007 Jun. p. 2632-2632. (Medical Physics; vol. 34, no. 06).
538. Lin L., Shi C, Liu Y, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Development and evaluation of an automatic contour propagation method for 4D radiotherapy 2007 Jun. p. 2637-2638. (Medical Physics; vol. 34, no. 6).
539. Roland T., Ramer C., Rassiah-Szegedi P., Nicol K., Stathakis S, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Skin dose determination for helical and serial tomotherapy and MLC based IMRT 2007 Jun. p. 2489-2489. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 06).
540. Xu J., Shi C, Jiang S., Papanikolaou N. A new quantitative quality assurance evaluation parameter (gamma plus) and its clinical assessment 2007 Jun. p. 2407-2407. (Medical Physics; vol. 34, no. 06).
541. Liu H., Rassiah-Szegedi P, Stathakis S, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Comparison between collapsed cone convolution and Monte Carlo dose distributions for small lung lesions 2007 Jun. p. 2557-2557. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 06).
542. Tynan P., Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Effective source distance and virtual source location for MLC based electron radiotherapy 2007 Jun. p. 2400-2401. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 06).
543. Tynan P., Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Surface dose determination for modulated electron radiotherapy 2007 Jun. p. 2492-2492. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 06).
544. Papanikolaou N, Liu Y, Stathakis S, Shi C. Development of a toolkit for dose verification and comparison between treatment planning systems 2007 Jun. (49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine; vol. 34, no. 06).
545. Liu Y, Shi C, Lin L., Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of a dual-level micro multileaf collimator in reducing dose undulation and leakage 2007 Jun. p. 2449-2449. (Medical Physics; vol. 34, no. 06).
546. S Stathakis, N Papanikolaou, J Li, C Ma.. jMC: A Java Monte Carlo treatement planning Toolkit for Modulated electron radiation therapy optimization anddose calculation 2007 Jun. (The XVth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy).
547. Su FC, Shi CY, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric effects of gantry angle misalignment during helical Tomotherapy treatment 2007 May. p. 163-163. (Annual Meeting of American College of Medical Physics; vol. 8, no. 3).
548. Papanikolaou N. Heterogeneity Corrections in the IMRT Era 2007. p. 2617. (Med Phys; vol. 34).
549. Papanikolaou N. Imaging for Planning/Verification: In-Room Imaging 2007. p. 2537. (Med Phys; vol. 34).
550. Giantsoudi D, Eller C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Patterns of Failure for Ion Chamber Based IMRT QA 2007. p. 2479. (Med Phys; vol. 34).
551. Esquivel C, Eller C, Rassiah P, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of the Performance of an Implantable Dosimeter Used in 4D-Gated Radiotherapy 2007. p. 2452. (Med Phys; vol. 34).
552. Esquivel C, Beyer G, Childress C, Rassiah P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation and Performance Characteristics of an Implantable Dosimeter with the TomoTherapy Hi-Art System 2007. (Med Phys; vol. 34).
553. Rassiah P, Fuss M, Sheifh-Bagheri D, Szegedi M, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Dosimetric Evaluation of a Monte Carlo IMRT Treatment Planning System with the MIMiC 2007. p. 2441. (Med Phys; vol. 34).
554. Papanikolaou N, Huang, Y. J, Blough, M.. Dosimetric Effects of Various Clinical Parameters in MammoSite Treatment as Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation for Early Breast Cancer 2006 Nov. p. S694-S695. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 66, no. 3).
555. Joyner, M, Papanikolaou N, Fuss M. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Centrally Located Lung Malignancies: Tumor Control and Toxicity 2006 Nov. p. S497-S498. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 66, no. 3).
556. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Shi C, Penagaricano J, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of dose distributions from Tomotherapy and IMRT treatment plans using the biologically effective uniform dose. 2006 Oct. p. 245. (Proceedings in 25th ESTRO Meeting, Leipzig, Germany, Oct 2006, Radiother Oncol; vol. 81, no. 1).
557. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira, Shi C, Penagaricano J, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N. The use of biologically effective uniform dose in comparing dose distributions from tomotherapy and IMRT treatment plans. 2006 Aug. (Proceedings in World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, Seoul Korea, Aug 2006).
558. Yan YL, Jiang HY, Weng XJ, Penagaricano J, Moros E, Papanikolaou N, Shi C, Novak P, Ratanatharathorn V. A comprehensive patient-specific IMRT quality assurance procedure on Hi-Art Tomotherapy® unit 2006 Jun. p. 2250-2250. (Medical Physics; vol. 33, no. 6).
559. Lin L., Shi C, Salter B., Fuss M., Papanikolaou N. Quantification of respiration-induced dosimetric impact on liver for abdominal radiotherapy 2006 Jun. p. 2174-2174. (Medical Physics; vol. 33, no. 06).
560. Papanikolaou N, Shi C. A useful tool developed for trial comparison and developing composite plan between Tomotherapy and Pinnacle 2006 Jun. p. 2065-2065. (Medical Physics; vol. 33, no. 06).
561. Shi C, Penagaricano J., Yan Y. L., Papanikolaou N. Application of the Post-Processing Dose Tool (PPD) to Dosimetrically Compare Gamma Knife and Hi Art Tomotherapy 2006 Jun. p. 2072-2072. (Medical Physics; vol. 33, no. 06).
562. Shi C, Yan Y. L., Wu C., Papanikolaou N. Inter-institution comparison of patient quality assurance analysis for Tomotherapy 2006 Jun. p. 2113-2113. (Medical Physics; vol. 33, no. 06).
563. Fuss M, Papanikolaou N, Diaz I, Thomas CE. Tomotherapeutic IMRT for rectal and anal cancer 2006. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 77, no. 3).
564. Fuss M, Papanikolaou N. Mega-voltage CT guided Sterotactic Body Radiation Therapy 2006. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 77, no. 3).
565. Papanikolaou N. Heterogeneity Corrections in the IMRT Era 2006. p. 2262. (Med Phys; vol. 33).
566. Rassiah P, Fuss M, Papanikolaou N. Dose Mapping for Interrupted Tomotherapy Treatments 2006. p. 2088. (Med Phys; vol. 33).
567. Huang Y, Blough M, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Dose Differences Due to Air Pockets in Mammosite Treatments for Partial Breast Irradiation 2006. p. 2088. (Med Phys; vol. 33).
568. Rassiah P, Fuss M, Blough M, Hussey DH, Lancaster J, Papanikolaou N, Salter B. Characterization of Dose in SBRT Lung Via Monte Carlo 2006. p. 2076. (Med Phys; vol. 33).
569. Mavroidis P, Tsougos I, Hyödynmaa S, Papanikolaou N, Axelsson S, Rajala J, Pitkänen MA, Lind BK, Kappas C, Brahme A. The effects of breathing and setup uncertainties on the prediction of radiation pneumonitis from breast cancer radiotherapy. 2005 Sep. p. 157. (Proceedings in 8th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal, Sep 2005, Radiother Oncol; vol. 74, no. 1).
570. Papanikolaou N, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Kappas C, Penagaricano J. Plan evaluation using the Biologically Uniform Dose (BUD) concept. 2005 Sep. p. 208-209. (Proceedings in 8th Biennial ESTRO Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal, Sep 2005, Radiother Oncol; vol. 74, no. 1).
571. Weng XJ, Yan YL, Ratanatharathorn V, Penagaricano J, Berkley L., Shi C, Youssef E., Papanikolaou N. Treatment simulation for 4D image guided radiation therapy 2005 Jun. p. 1936-1936. (Med Phys; vol. 32).
572. Weng X. J., Yan Y. L., Ratanatharathorn V, Penagaricano J, Berkley L, Shi C, Youssef E, Papanikolaou N. Initial experiences with a dynamic treatment simulation system 2005 Jun. p. 2163-2163. (Med Phys; vol. 32).
573. Wu C, Shi C, Yang C, Papanikolaou N, Ratanatharathorn V, Purdy JA, Vijaykumar S. A comparison between BAT and Tomotherapy MVCT on inter-fractional prostate localization 2005 Jun. p. 1927-1927. (Medical Physics; vol. 32, no. 6).
574. Shi C, Papanikolaou N, Yan Y. L., Weng X.. An analytic approach to film based absolute dosimetry for IMRT 2005 Jun. p. 1980-1980. (Medical Physics; vol. 32, no. 06).
575. Papanikolaou N, Shi C, Yan Y. L., Weng X. J.. Patient quality assurance analysis for Tomotherapy 2005 Jun. p. 1986-1986. (Medical Physics; vol. 32, no. 06).
576. Papanikolaou N, Jiang H, Shi C, Yan Y. The effect of tissue heterogeneity in Tomotherapy planning and delivery 2005. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 76, no. 3).
577. Papanikolaou N, Penagaricano J, Yan Y, Youssef E, Wu C, Ratanatharathorn V. Hi-Art Tomotherapy vs. MLC based IMRT: plan dosimetry comparison 2004. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 68).
578. Papanikolaou N. Algorithms for treatment planning with Photon Beams 2003. p. 1411. (Medical Physics; vol. 30, no. 6).
579. Papanikolaou N, Hadjigeorgiou K, Guiterrez L, Yan Y, Wu C. Clinical Implementation of Beam Angle Optimization in IMRT 2003. p. 1490. (Medical Physics; vol. 30, no. 6).
580. Yan Y, Papanikolaou N, Penagaricano J, Wu C, Ratanatharathorn V. Artificial Landmark Technique for Image Registration in Radiation Therapy 2003. p. 1496. (Medical Physics; vol. 30, no. 6).
581. Gutierrez L, Papanikolaou N, Yan Y, Wu C. Monte Carlo Simulation of a Total Skin Electron Technique 2003. p. 1515. (Medical Physics; vol. 30, no. 6).
582. Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez L, Yan Y, Wu C, Penagaricano J, Ratanatharathorn V. The effect of tissue inhomogeneity in dose based and biologically based IMRT 2003. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 68).
583. Papanikolaou N, Penagaricano J, Yan Y, Ratanatharathorn V. A feasibility study of IMRT for cranio-spinal Irradiation 2002 Sep. p. 292. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 64, no. Supl).
584. Papanikolaou N, Yan Y, Penagaricano J, Ratanatharathorn V. Application of IMRT for the treatment of medulloblastoma 2002 Jun. (Medical Physics; vol. 29, no. 6).
585. Yan Y, Papanikolaou N, Penagaricano J, Ratanatharathorn V. Automated patient positioning verification using orthogonal DRR and portal images 2002 Jun. p. 1244. (Medical Physics; vol. 29, no. 6).
586. Papanikolaou N, Yan Y, Penagaricano J, Ratanatharathorn V. The Impact of Daily Patient Set-up error and Tissue Inhomogeneities in PTV Coverage and OAR Avoidance Using IMRT 2002 Jun. p. 1286. (Medical Physics; vol. 29, no. 6).
587. Papanikolaou N, Penagaricano, Ratanatharathorn V. Investigation of IMRT delivery for lung cancer 2001 Nov. p. 399. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 51, no. 3).
588. Papanikolaou N. Dose calculation algorithms in the IMRT era 2001 Oct. p. 512. (Radiotherapy and Oncology; vol. 61, no. S1).
589. Papanikolaou N, Penagaricano J, Ratanatharathorn V. The effect of lung inhomogeneity in IMRT 2001. p. 302. (Int Journ Rad Onc. Biol Phys; vol. 50, no. s1).
590. Papanikolaou N, Strottmann JM, Cassola SL, Mohiuddin M, Regine WF. Multi-modality guided treatment for brain tumors based on image fusion 2000 Nov. p. 158. (Radiology; vol. 217).
591. Butker E, Ting J, Papanikolaou N, Davis L. A time-motion study of a typical IMRT with inverse planning and delivery 2000 Nov. p. 202. (Radiology).
592. Holmes L, Godette K, Papanikolaou N, Iwinski A, Ghavidel S, Ting J. Using IMRT for management of cervix cancer 2000 Nov. p. 315. (Radiology).
593. Ting J, Butker E, Papanikolaou N, Iwinski A. Radiation room shielding design with consideration of IMRT 2000 Nov. p. 158. (Radiology; vol. 217).
594. Papanikolaou N, Gehring M. A study of the algorithm dimensionality in the calculation of dose for photon beam 1998. (Med Phys; vol. 25, no. 7).
595. Erb J, Kalbaugh K, Papanikolaou N, Sowards K, Cassola S, Ibbott G. Commissioning of the Varian enhanced dynamic wedge 1998. p. A94. (Med Phys; vol. 25, no. 7).
596. Papanikolaou N, Duce J, Erb J. Investigation of the changes in the output factor of wedged fields 1997. p. 966. (Med. Phys.; vol. 24, no. 6).
597. Papanikolaou N, Erb J, Heintz J. Commissioning and acceptance testing of a convolution based 3D RTP system 1997. p. 1077. (Med Phys; vol. 24, no. 6).
598. Johnson J, Papanikolaou N, Mackie TR. Small field dosimetry with film 1996. p. 1071. (Med. Phys.; vol. 23, no. 6).
599. Webster J, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric evaluation and modeling of a dynamic wedge 1996. p. 1156. (Med. Phys; vol. 23, no. 6).
600. Easterling S, Papanikolaou N, Meigooni A. Quantitative analysis of dose in an anthropomorphic lung phantom using thermoluminescent dosimetry, convolution algorithm, and radiochromic film 1996. p. 1154. (Med Phys; vol. 23, no. 6).
601. Papanikolaou N, Heintz B. Speed and accuracy considerations for convolution algorithms in 3D treatment planning 1996. p. 1037. (Med. Phys; vol. 23, no. 6).
602. Papanikolaou N, Mackie TR, Gehring M, Fairbanks J. Clinical implementation of a convolution based algorithm for 3D treatment planning 1995 Oct. p. 302. (International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; vol. 32).
603. Papanikolaou N. Extension of the convolution/superposition based algorithms to include atomic number effects 1995. p. 977. (Med. Phys.; vol. 22, no. 6).
604. McNutt T, Mackie TR, Reckwerdt P, Papanikolaou N, Paliwal B. Modeling portal dose using the convolution/superposition methods 1995. p. 992. (Med. Phys; vol. 22, no. 6).
605. Mackie TR, Papanikolaou N, Thomadsen B, Reckwerdt P, Holmes T, Sanders C. Monitor unit calculations for convolution and Monte Carlo dose planning systems 1994. (Med Phys; vol. 21, no. 6).
606. Papanikolaou N. Separation of photon beam output factor into its phantom and machine generated components using a convolution code 1994. p. 877. (Med. Phys; vol. 21, no. 6).
607. Papanikolaou N, Mackie TR. The extended phantom concept: modeling the treatment machine modifiers and portal imaging dosimetry system using a convolution code 1994. p. 877. (Med Phys; vol. 21, no. 6).
608. Papanikolaou N, Mackie TR. Generation of Photon convolution kernels using a Monte Carlo Code for use in radiotherapy treatment planning and cavity theory 1993. (Med Phys; vol. 20, no. 3).
609. Papanikolaou N, Paliwal B. A Monte Carlo study of the dosimetric characteristics of intraoperative radiotherapy cones 1993. (Med Phys; vol. 20, no. 3).
610. Meger-Wells CM, Mackie TR, Papanikolaou N, Frye DMD. Dosimetry of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Beams Using a Plastic Scintillation Detector 1993. (Medical Physics; vol. 20, no. 3).
611. Papanikolaou N, Mackie, TR. A new convolution approach for the generation of polyenergetic photon beam dose distributions 1992. (Med. Phys; vol. 19, no. 3).
612. Mackie TR, Reckwerdt P, Holmes T, Papanikolaou N, Simpkin D. The concept of secondary radiation equilibrium 1992. (Med Phys; vol. 19, no. 3).
613. Meger-Wells CM, Mackie TM, Podgorsak MB, Papanikolaou N, Holmes M, Reckwerdt P, Attix FH. Electron dose distribution measurements in inhomogeneous phantoms using a plastic scintillation detector 1992. (Med Phys; vol. 19, no. 3).
Journal Articles
1. Nesrin Dogan, Ben J. Mijnheer, Kyle Padgett, Adrian Nalichowski, Chuan Wu, Matthew J. Nyflot, Arthur J. Olch, Niko Papanikolaou, Jie Shi, Shannon M. Holmes, Jean Moran, Peter B. Greer Use of electronic portal imaging devices for pre-treatment and in vivo dosimetry patient-specific IMRT and VMAT QA: Report of AAPM Task Group 307 Medical physics. 2023 Aug;50(6):e1-39.
2. Burmeister JW, Coffey CW, Hazle JD, Kirby N, Kuang Y, Lamba MA, Loughery B, Papanikolaou N., AAPM Report 373: The content, structure, and value of the Professional Doctorate in Medical Physics (DMP). J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Oct;23(10):e13771. Epub 2022 Sep 15.
3. Sivabhaskar S, Li R, Roy A, Kirby N, Fakhreddine M, Papanikolaou N. Machine learning models to predict the delivered positions of Elekta multileaf collimator leaves for volumetric modulated arc therapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Jun 7:e13667. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13667. Online ahead of print.
4. Zhu TC, Stathakis S, Clark JR, Feng W, Georg D, Holmes SM, Kry SF, Ma CM, Miften M, Mihailidis D, Moran JM. Report of AAPM Task Group 219 on independent calculation‐based dose/MU verification for IMRT. Medical physics. 2021 Oct;48(10):e808-29.
5. Naessig M, Hernandez S, Astorga NR, McCulloch J, Saenz D, Myers P, Rasmussen K, Stathakis S, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N, Ford J. A customizable aluminum compensator system for total body irradiation. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. 2021 Oct;22(10):36-44.
6. Bice N, Kirby N, Li R, Nguyen D, Bahr T, Kabat C, Myers P, Papanikolaou N, Fakhreddine M. A sensitivity analysis of probability maps in deep‐learning‐based anatomical segmentation. Journal of applied clinical medical physics. 2021 Aug;22(8):105-19.
7. Bry V, Licon AL, McCulloch J, Kirby N, Myers P, Saenz D, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen K. Quantifying false positional corrections due to facial motion using SGRT with open‐face Masks. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. 2021 Apr;22(4):172-83.
8. Bry V, Saenz D, Pappas E, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen K. 82786 Quantification of the Accuracy of Stereotactic Radiosurgery using Surface Guided Imaging with 3D Printed Head Phantoms. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2021 Mar;5(s1):103-.
9. Bice N, Fakhreddine M, Li R, Nguyen D, Kabat C, Myers P, Papanikolaou N, Kirby N. Latent Space Arc Therapy Optimization. arXiv e-prints. 2021 May:arXiv-2106. 10. Chatzipapas KP, Papadimitroulas P, Loudos G, Papanikolaou N, Kagadis GC. IDDRRA: A novel platform, based on Geant4‐DNA to quantify DNA damage by ionizing radiation. Medical physics. 2021 May;48(5):2624-36.
11. Licon, A, Alexandrian, A, Saenz DL, Myers PA, Rasmussen KH, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Kirby NA. An open‐source tool to visualize potential cone collisions while planning SRS cases Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2020 Oct;21(10):40-47.
12. Bice N, Kirby NA, Bahr T, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Wagner TD, Papanikolaou N, Fakhreddine M. Deep learning‐based survival analysis for brain metastasis patients with the national cancer database Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2020 Sep;21(9):187-192.
13. Li R, Roy A, Bice N, Kirby N, Fakhreddin M, Papanikolaou N. Managing Tumor changes during Radiotherapy using a Deep Learning Model. Medical Physics. 2021 May 7. 14. McCulloch, J, Pawlowski J, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Shi Z, Myers PA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Saenz DL. Patient‐specific dose quality assurance of single‐isocenter multiple brain metastasis stereotactic radiosurgery using PTW Octavius 4D Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2020 Sep;21(9):107-115.
15. Ines Ana Jurkovic, Nikos Papanikolaou, Sotirios Stathakis, Neil Kirby, Panayiotis Mavroidis. Objective Assessment of the Quality and Accuracy of Deformable Image Registration Journal of Medical Physics 2020 Sep;45(3):156-167.
16. Obeidat M, McConnell KA, Li X, Bui B, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Ha CS, Lee S, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Erratum: DNA double-strand breaks as a method of radiation measurements for therapeutic beams Med Phys 2020 Jun;47(5):2576
17. Bassiri, Nema, Gray, T, Shaquan David, Patel, Devanshi Yogeshkumar, Locker, Andrew, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Mayer, Kathryn M., Kirby NA. Film‐based measurement of gold nanoparticle dose enhancement for 192Ir Medical Physics 2020 Jan;47(1):260-266.
18. Bosse C, Narayanasamy, Ganesh, Saenz DL, Myers PA, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Dose calculation comparisons between three modern treatment planning systems Medical Physics 2020;45(3):143-147.
19. Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N, Zoros Emmanouil, Evangelos Pappas, Reiner Michale, Chew LT, Lim HY, Hancock Sam, Nevelsky, Sam, Njeh, Christopher, Amagnostopoulos , G. Robustness of single-isocenter multiple-metastasis stereotactic radiosurgery end-to-end testing across institutions Journal of Radiosurgery & SBRT 2020;7(3):223-232.
20. Kauweloa, KI, Bergamo, A, Guiterrez, AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou, N, Mavroidis, P. Use of 3D biological effective dose (BED) for optimizing multi-target liver cancer treatments Australas Phys Eng Sci Med 2019 Sep;42(3):711-718.
21. Nicewonger D, Myers PA, Saenz DL, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. PTW QUICKCHECKwebline: Daily quality assurance phantom comparison and overall performance Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 2019 Aug;24(4):1727-1734.
22. Bergamo, AM, Kauweloa, K, Gan, G, Shi Z, Daniels, J, Crownover RL, Narayanasamy, G, Stathakis S, Mavroidis, P, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez, A. Correlation between Biological Effective Dose and Radiation-induced Liver Disease from Hypofractionated Radiotherapy J Med Phys 2019 Jul;44(3):185-190.
23. Obeidat, M, McConnell, K., Bui, B, Stathakis S, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Shim EY, Kirby NA. Optimizing the response, precision, and cost of a DNA double-strand break dosimeter Phys Med Biol 2019 May;64(10)
24. Markovic,M, Narayanasamy, G, Stathakis S, Mavroidis, P, Jurkovic, I, Saenz DL, Papanikolaou N. Clinical Evaluation of a Two-dimensional Liquid-Filled Ion Chamber Detector Array for Verification of High Modulation Small Fields in Radiotherapy J Med Phys 2019 Apr;44(2):91-98.
25. Saenz DL, Crownover RL, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. A dosimetric analysis of a spine SBRT specific treatment planning system J Appl Clin Med Phys 2019 Jan;20(1):154-159.
26. Chatzipapas KP, Papadimitroulas P, OBeidat M, McConnell KA, Kirby NA, Loudos G, Papanikolaou N, Kagadis GC. Quantification of DNA double-strand breaks using Geant4-DNA Med Phys 2019 Jan;46(1):405-413.
27. Parenica HM, Ford JR, Mavroidis P, Li Y, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Treatment planning dose accuracy improvement in the presence of dental implants Med Dosim 2019;44(2):159-166.
28. Kabat C, Defoor D, Myers PA, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Evaluation of the Elekta Agility MLC performance using high-resolution log files Medical Physics 2019 Jan;46(3):1397-1407.
29. Stathakis S, Narayanasamy, Ganesh, Licon, Anna Laura, Myers PA, Li Y, Crownover RL, Papanikolaou N. A dosimetric comparison between volumetric-modulated arc therapy and dynamic conformal arc therapy in SBRT Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 2019;24(2):838-843.
30. Jurkovic IA, Stathakis S, Li Y, Patel A, Vincent J, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Use of lung treatment plans to evaluate DIR algorithms Australas Phys Eng Sci Med 2018 Dec;41(4):837-845.
31. Saenz DL, Li Y, Rasmussen K, Stathakis S, Pappas E, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric and localization accuracy of Elekta high definition dynamic radiosurgery Physica Medica 2018 Oct;54:146-151.
32. Hussain SS, Huang SB, Bedolla RG, Rivas P, Basler JW, Swanson GP, Hui-Ming Huang T, Narayanasamy G, Papanikolaou N, Miyamoto H, Yeh IT, Reddick RL, Pollock BH, GhoshR, Kumar AP. Suppression of ribosomai protein RPS6KB1 by Nexrutine increases sensitivity of prostate tumors to radiation Cancer Lett 2018 Oct;1(433):232-241.
33. Saenz DL, Astorga NR, Kirby N, Fakhreddine M, Rasmussen K, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. A method to predict patient‐specific table coordinates for quality assurance in external beam radiation therapy Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2018 Sep;19(5):625-631.
34. Licon Laura A, Defoor DL, Ford J, Crownover RL, Li Y, Ha CS, Eng T, Jones W", Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. A quantitative measure for radiation treatment plan quality J BOUN 2018 Sep;23(5):1460-1466.
35. Obeidat, Mohammad, McConnell, Kristen A, Li, Xiaolei, Bui, Brian, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen KH, Ha CS, Lee S, Shim EY, Kirby NA. DNA double-strand breaks as a method of radiation measurements for therapeutic beams Medical Physics 2018 Jul;45(7):3460-3465.
36. Miften, M, Olch A,, Mihailidis D, Moran J, Pawlicki , T, Molineu A,, Li H,, Wijesooriya K, Shi Z, Xia P, Papanikolaou N, Low DA. Tolerance limits and methodologies for IMRT measurement-based verification QA: Recommendations of AAPM Task Group No. 218. Med Phys 2018 Apr;45(4):53-83.
37. Kauweloa KI, Gutierrez AN, Bergamo AM, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Clinical analysis of the approximate, 3-dimensional, biological effective dose equation in multiphase treatment plans. Med Dosim. 2018 Apr;43(1):11-22.
38. Stanley DN, Rasmussen K, Kirby N, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. An evaluation of the stability of image quality parameters of Elekta X‐ray volume imager and iViewGT imaging systems Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2018 Mar
39. Jurkovic I, Kocak-Uzel E, Mohamed AS, Lavdas E, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Fuller DC, Mavroidis P. Dosimetric and Radiobiological Evaluation of Patient Setup Accuracy in Head-and-neck Radiotherapy Using Daily Computed Tomography-on-rails-based Corrections. J Med Physics 2018 Mar;43(1):28-40.
40. Tuazon B, Narayanasamy G, Papanikolaou N, Kirby N, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S. Evaluation and comparison of second-check monitor unit calculation software with Pinnacle3 treatment planning system. Phys Med 2018 Jan;45:186-191.
41. McConnell, KA, Alexandrian, A, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Comparative performance evaluation of a new a-Si EPID that exceeds quad high-definition resolution JBUON 2018 Jan;23(2):507-513.
42. McConnell KA, Marston T, Zehren BE, Lirani A, Stanley DN, Bishop A, Crownover RL, Eng T, Shi Z, Li Y, Baacke D, Kirby NA, Rasmussen KH, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Dosimetric Evaluation of Pinnacle‘s Automated Treatment Planning Software to Manually Planned Treatments Technol Cancer Res Treat 2018 Jan;1:17
43. Narayanasamy G, Saenz DL, Defoor D, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S.. Dosimetric validation of Monaco treatment planning system on an Elekta VersaHD linear accelerator Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2017 Nov;18(6):123-129.
44. Stanley DN, McConnell KA, Kirby N, Gutiérrez AN Papanikolaou N, Rasmussen K. Comparison of initial patient setup accuracy between surface imaging and three point localization: A retrospective analysis. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2017 Nov;18(6):58-61.
45. Linares MN, Papanikolaou N, Esquivel C, Eng T, Fuller CD, Sosa M. Prescribed and Measured Dose Differences for an AP-PA TBI Protocol with Compensation Filter and Ergonomic Patient Support J of Med Imaging and Rad Sciences 2017 Sep;48(3):301-306.
46. Mavroidis P, Komisopoulos G, Buckey C, Mavroeidi M, Swanson GP, Baltas D, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Radiobiological evaluation of prostate cancer IMRT and conformal-RT plans using different treatment protocols. Phys Med. 2017 Aug;40:33-41.
47. Defoor DL, Stathakis S, Roring JE, Kirby NA, Mavroidis P, Obeidat M, Papanikolaou N. Investigation of error detection capabilities of phantom, EPID and MLC log file based IMRT QA methods. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2017 Jul;18(4):172-179.
48. Defoor DL, Stathakis S, Roring JE, Kirby NA, Mavroidis P, Obeidat M, Papanikolaou N. Investigation of error detection capabilities of phantom, EPID and MLC log file based IMRT QA methods Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2017 Jun;18(4):172-179.
49. Narayanasamy, Ganesh, Avila, George, Mavroidis, Panayiotis, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez A, Baacke, Diana, Shi Z, Stathakis S. Comparison of composite prostate radiotherapy plan doses with dependent and independent boost phases. Australas Phys Eng Sci Med. 2016 Sep;39(3):727-733.
50. Kauweloa, KI, Gutierrez AN, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. A graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit for the calculation of three-dimensional (3D) multi-phase biological effective dose (BED) distributions including statistical analyses Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2016 Jul;131:1-12.
51. Ines-Ana Jurkovic, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Li Y, Patel, Abhilasha, Vincent, Jill, Mavroidis P. Assessment of Lung Tumor Motion and Volume Size Dependencies Using Various Evaluation Measures Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 2016 Mar;47(1):30-42.
52. Henry J, Moreno C, Crownover RL, Baacke D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. On the Dosimetric Quantification of Target Dose Compactness in SBRT Liver Planning using Dual Photon Energy IMRT Journal of Radiosurgery and SBRT 2016
53. Stathakis S, Balbi, F, Chronopoulos, AT, Papanikolaou N. Monte Carlo modeling of linear accelerator using distributed computing J Boun 2016;21(1):252-260.
54. Saenz DL, Roring J, Cruz W, Sarkar V, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Commissioning and cross-comparison of four scanning water tanks Journal of Cancer Therapy and Oncology 2015 Dec;4(1):1-9.
55. Narayanasamy G, Zalman T, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Evaluation of Dosimetry Check software for IMRT patient-specific quality assurance. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2015 May;16(3):5427-5427.
56. Xiao Y, Kry SF, Popple R, Yorke E, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Xia P, Huq S, Bayouth J, Galvin J, Yin FF. Flattening filter-free accelerators: a report from the AAPM Therapy Emerging Technology Assessment Work Group. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2015 May;16(3):5219-5219.
57. Defoor DL, Papanikolaou N, Vazquez-Quino LA, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis, S. Anatomy-based, patient-specific VMAT QA using EPID or MLC log files. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2015 May;16(3):206-215.
58. Stanley D, Gutierrez AN, Papanikolaou N. An evaluation of the stability of image-quality parameters of Varian on-board imaging (OBI) and EPID imaging systems. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2015 Mar;16(2):87-98.
59. Stanley DN, Popp T, Ha CS, Swanson GP, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Dosimetric Effect of Photon Beam Energy on VMAT Treatment Plan Quality Due to Body Habitus for Advanced Prostate Cancer Practical Radiation Oncology 2015;5(4)
60. Myers P, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Pediatric Craniospinal Axis Irradiation: Comparison of Radiation-Induced Secondary Malignancy Estimations Based on Three Methods of Analysis for Three Different Treatment Techniques Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2015;14(2):169-180.
61. Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Markovic M, Myers P, Papanikolaou N. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy patient specific quality assurance using a two-dimensional array at extended Source to Surface Distance Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 2015;20(4):1154-1163.
62. Stanley D, Papanikolaou N, Gutierrez AN. Development of image quality assurance measures of the ExacTrac localization system using commercially available image evaluation software and hardware for image-guided radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2014 Feb;15(6):81-91.
63. Komisopoulos G, Mavroidis P, Rodriguez S, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Nikiforidis GC, Sakellaropoulos GC. Radiobiological Comparison of Helical Tomotherapy, Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy, and Conformal Radiotherapy Accounting for Secondary Malignancy Risks Med Dosim 2014 Aug;39(3)
64. Kauweloa KI, Gutierrez AN, Bergamo A, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P. Practical aspects and uncertainty analysis of biological effective dose (BED) regarding its three-dimensional calculation in multiphase radiotherapy treatment plans. Med Phys 2014 Jul;41(7):071707
65. Mavroidis P, Giantsoudis D, Awan MJ, Nijkamp J, Rasch CR, Duppen JC, Thomas CR Jr, Okunieff P, Jones WE 3rd, Kachnic LA, Papanikolaou N, Fuller CD. Consequences of anorectal cancer atlas implementation in the cooperative group setting: Radiobiologic analysis of a prospective randomized in silico target delineation study Radiother Oncol 2014 Jul;111
66. Myers P, Stathakis S, Buckey C, Papanikolaou N. VMAT monthly QA using two techniques: 2D ion chamber array with an isocentric gantry mount and an in vivo dosimetric device attached to gantry Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice 2014 Jun;13(2):240-246.
67. Vasquez Quino, LA, Chen, X, Fitzpatrick, M, Shi, C, Stathakis S, Gutierrez AN, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Alkhatib, H, Papanikolaou N. Patient Specific Pre-treatment QA Verification using an EPID Approach Technol Cancer Res Treat 2014;13(1):1-10.
68. Chalimou I, Lind H, Sakellaropoulos C, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N, Nikiforidis GC, Mavroidis P. Clinical survey for registering treatment decision criteria in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer radiotherapy and determination of the dose-response relationship for 1-year survival J Radiother Pract 2014;13(1):18-28.
69. Mavroidis P, Milickovic, N, Cruz, W, Tselis, N, Karabis A., Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Zamboglou N., Baltas, D. Comparison of different fractionation schedules toward a single fraction in HDR brachytherapy as monotherapy for low-risk prostate cancer using 3D radiobiological modes. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2014;88(1):216-223.
70. Markovic, M, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Characterization of a 2-Dimensional liquid-filled ion chamber detector array used for verification of the treatments in radiotherapy Med Phys 2014;41(5):051704
71. Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Shi, C, Xu, J, Giantsoudi, D, Papanikolaou N. Gamma Plus (γ+) index; a new evaluation parameter for quantitative quality assurance Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2014;114(1):60-69.
72. Myers P, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Radiobiological evaluation of three dimensional conformal radiation therapy, SmartArc, and Helical Tomotherapy treatment techniques for pediatric craniospinal axis irradiation J Appl Clin Med Phys 2014;15
73. Stathakis S, Myers, P, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Characterization of a novel 2D array dosimeter for patient-specific quality assurance with volumetric arc therapy Med Phys 2013 Jul;40(7):071731
74. Myers, P, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of localization errors for craniospinal axis irradiation delivery using volume modulated arc therapy and proposal of a technique to minimize such errors Radiother Oncol 2013 Jun;108(1):107-113.
75. Tzikas A, Komisopoulos G, Ferreira BC, Hyodynmaa S, Axelsson S, Papanikolaou N, Lavdas E, Lind BK, Mavroidis P. Radiobiological evaluation of breast cancer radiotherapy accounting for the effects of patient positioning and breathing in dose delivery. A meta analysis. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2013 Feb;12(1):31-44.
76. Knaup C, Mavroidis P, Swanson GP, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. Inclusion of Radiobiological Factors in Prostate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning J Radiother Pract 2013;12(2):163-172.
77. Dzintars E, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis P, Sadeghi KA, Stathakis S. Application of an independent dose calculation software for estimating the impact of inter-fractional setup shifts in Helical Tomotherapy treatments Phys Med 2013;29(6):615-623.
78. Giantsoudi, D, Baltas, D, Karabis, A, Mavroidis P, Zambogiou, N., Tsells, N., Shi, C, Papanikolaou N. A gEUD-based inverse planning technique for HDR prostate brachytherapy: Feasibility study Med Phys 2013;40(4):041704
79. Knaup, C, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological Comparison of Single and Dual-Isotope Prostate Seed Implants J Radiother Pract 2013;12(2):154-162.
80. Casares-Magaz O, Kim S, Hernandez-Armas J, Papanikolaou N, Gutiérrez AN. Corrección de dependencia angular de los detectores del MatriXX Evolution y su impacto en la validación de tratamientos de IMRT y VMAT Fisica Medica 2013
81. Lavdas, E, Mavroidis P, Kostopoulos S, Glotsos D, Roka V, Koutsiaris AG, Batsikas G, Sakkas GK, Tsagkalis A, Notaras I, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Vassiou K. Elimination of motion artifacts using Blade sequences in lumbar spine MR imaging Magn Reson Imag 2013 Jan;31(6):882-890.
82. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Papanikolaou N, Lopes M do Carmo. Analysis of fractionation correction methodologies for radiation therapy based on multiple treatment plans. Med Phys 2013;40(3):031715
83. Lavdas E, Topalzikis T, Mavroidis P, Kyriakis I, Roka V, Kostopoulos S, Glotsos D, Zilidis C, Stathakis S, Tsagkalis A, Papanikolaou N, Batsikas G, Arvanitis DL, Vassiou K. Comparison of PD BLADE with fat saturation (FS), PD FS and T2 3D DESS with water exicitation (WE) in detecting articular knee cartilage defects Magn Reson Imag 2013 Jan;31(8):1255-1262.
84. Lavdas E, Mavroidis P, Topalzikis T, Slatinopoulos V, Roka V, Vlachopoulou A, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S, Kapsalaki E, Batsikas G. Comparison of the T2-TSE Sagittal BLADE and conventional T2-TSE Sagittal sequences for the visualization of cervical spinal cord in patients with multiple sclerosis - Case report Magn Reson Imag 2013 Jan;31(10):1766-1770.
85. Myers P, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Comparing conformal, arc radiotherapy, and helical tomotherapy in craniospinal irradiation planning Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2013;15(5):12-28.
86. Dzintars, E, Stathakis S, Mavroidis P, Sadeghi A, Papanikolaou N. Performance of independent dose calculation in helical tomotherapy: implementation of the MCSIM code Australas Physics Eng Sci Med 2012 Dec;35(4):423-438.
87. Roland T, Tryggestad E, Mavroidis P, Hales R, Papanikolaou N. The radiobiological P+ index for pretreatment plan assessment with emphasis on four-dimensional radiotherapy modalities Med Phys 2012 Oct;39(10):6420-6430.
88. Vazquez-Quino LA, Massingill B, Shi C, Gutierrez A, Esquivel C, Eng T, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Monte Carlo modeling of a Novalis Tx Varian 6 MV with HD-120 multileaf collimator. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2012 Sep;13(5):3960-3960.
89. Calvo, OI, Gutierrez AN, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. On the quantification of the dosimetric accuracy of collapsed cone convolution superposition (CCCS) algorithm for small lung volumes using IMRT Journal Appl Clin Med Phys 2012 May;13(3):3751
90. Myers P, Stathakis S, Gutierrez AN, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of PTW Seven29 for tomotherapy patient specific quality assurance and comparison with ScandiDos Delta4 Journal of Medical Physics 2012 Apr;37(2):72-80.
91. Knaup C, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Baltas, Dimos, Papanikolaou N. Investigating the Dosimetric and Tumor Control Consequences of Prostate Seed Loss and Migration Med Phys 2012;39(6):3291-3298.
92. Calvo, O, Stathakis S, Gutierrez AN, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. 3 Dose Reconstruction of Pretreatment Verification Plans Using Multiple 2D Planes from the OCTAVIUS/Seven29 Phantom Array Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2012;11(1):69-82.
93. Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Vasquez Quino LA, Myers P, Calvo O, Mavroidis P, Gutierrez AN, Papanikolaou N. Accuracy of the small field dosimetry using the Acuros XB dose calculation algorithm within and beyond heterogeneous media for 6MV photon beams Int J Med Phys Clin Eng Radiat Oncol 2012;1(3):78-87.
94. Myers P, Stathakis S, Gutierrez AN, Esquivel C, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Comparison of Craniospinal Axis Irradiation (CSI) Treatments Using Helical Tomotherapy, SmartArcTM, and 3D Conventional Radiation Therapy International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering, and Radiation Oncology 2012;2:30-38.
95. Wang Xudong, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N, Carlton Micahel, Nes Elena. The neutron dose equivalent evaluation and shielding at the maze entrance of a Varian Clinac 23EX treatment room Medical Physics 2011 Jun;38(3):1141
96. Tzikas A, Karaiskos P, Papanikolaou N, Sandilos P, Koutsouveli E, Lavdas E, Scarleas C, Dardoufas K, Lind BK, Mavroidis P. Investigating the clinical aspects of using CT vs. CT-MRI images during organ delineation and treatment planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2011 Jun;10(3):231-242.
97. Chandraraj V, Stathakis S, Manickam R, Esquivel C, Supe SS, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of four commercial devices for RapidArc and sliding window IMRT QA. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2011 Apr;12(2):3367-3367.
98. Sarkar V, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. DART, a platform for the creation and registration of cone beam digital tomosynthesis datasets. Australas Phys Eng Sci Med 2011 Apr;34(1):5-13.
99. Fuller CD, Nijkamp J, Duppen JC, Rasch CR, Thomas CR, Wang SJ, Okunieff P, Jones WE, Baseman D, Patel S, Demandante CG, Harris AM, Smith BD, Katz AW, McGann C, Harper JL, Chang DT, Smalley S, Marshall DT, Goodman KA, Papanikolaou N, Kachnic LA. Prospective Randomized Double-Blind Pilot Study of Site-Specific Consensus Atlas Implementation for Rectal Cancer Target Volume Delineation in the Cooperative Group Setting. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2011 Feb;79(2):481-489.
100. Mavroidis P, Su FC, Giantsoudi D, Stathakis S, Komisopoulos G, Shi C, Swanson G, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiological and dosimetric analysis of daily megavoltage CT registration on adaptive radiotherapy with Helical Tomotherapy. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2011 Feb;10(1):1-13.
101. Mavroidis P, Shi C, Plataniotis GA, Delichas MG, Ferreira BC, Rodriguez S, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of the helical tomotherapy against the multileaf collimator-based intensity-modulated radiotherapy and 3D conformal radiation modalities in lung cancer radiotherapy. Br J Radiol 2011 Feb;84(998):161-172.
102. Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Crownover RL, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Clinical Evaluation of an Immbolization System for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy using Helical TomoTherapy Journal of Medical Dosimetry 2011;36(2):126-129.
103. Knaup C, Mavroidis P, Esquivel C, Baltas D, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Radiobiologically based treatment plan evaluation for prostate seed implants J Contemp Brachyther 2011;3(2):74-83.
104. Knaup, C, Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Smith, M, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of the effect of prostate volume change on tumor control probability in LDR brachytherapy J Contemp Brachyther 2011;3(3):125-130.
105. Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. A practical method to detect target failure of a helical tomotherapy unit Journal of BUON 2010 Oct;15:496-499.
106. Su FC, Mavroidis P, Shi C, Ferreira BC, Papanikolaou N. A graphic user interface toolkit for specification, report and comparison of dose-response relations and treatment plans using the biologically effective uniform dose. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2010 Oct;100(1):69-78.
107. Mavroidis P, Tzikas A, Papanikolaou N, Lind BK. Toolkit for determination of dose-response relations, validation of radiobiological parameters and treatment plan optimization based on radiobiological measures. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2010 Oct;9(5):523-537.
108. He W. H., Luis A. V., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Sensitivity Study to Evaluate the Dosimetric Impact of Off-Axis Ratio Profiles Misalignment on TomoTherapy Second Dose Validation Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2010 Sep;9(5):515-522.
109. Shi C, Guo B., Cheng C. Y., Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. Applications of Tissue Heterogeneity Corrections and Biologically Effective Dose Volume Histograms in Assessing the Doses for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using an Electronic Brachytherapy Source. Phys. Med. Biol. 2010 Sep;55:5283-5297.
110. He W. H., Luis A. V., Dzintars E., Papanikolaou N, Shi C. Assessing the Dosimetric Consequence of Inter-fractional Setup Shifts on Helical TomoTherapy Plans with Independent Dose Calculation Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy 2010 Sep;2(5):136-144.
111. Papanikolaou N, He W. H., Luis A. V., Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Alkhatib H., Shi C. MU-Tomo: an Independent Dose Validation Software for Helical TomoTherapy Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy 2010 Sep;2(5):145-152.
112. Langen K., Papanikolaou N, Balog J., Crilly R., Followill D., Goddu S. M., Grant W., Olivera G., Ramsey C., Shi C. QA for Helical Tomotherapy: Report of the AAPM Task Group 148 Medical Physics 2010 Sep;37(9):4817-4853.
113. Buckey CR, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. The inter- and intrafraction reproducibilities of three common IMRT delivery techniques. Med Phys 2010 Sep;37(9):4854-4860.
114. Shi C, Guo B., Cheng C. Y., Esquivel C, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. Three dimensional Intensity Modulated Brachytherapy (IMBT): dosimetry algorithm and inverse treatment planning Medical Physics 2010 Jul;37(7):3725-3737.
115. Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Liu Y., Zhai Y., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Impact of pulse forming network and injection current parameters on output and energy variations of helical tomotherapy Journal of BUON 2010 Jul;15:373-377.
116. Roland T, Shi C, Liu Y, Crownover RL, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. "Tradeoffs for Assuming Rigid Target Motion in Mlc-Based Real Time Target Tracking Radiotherapy: A Dosimetric and Radiobiological Analysis" Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2010 Apr;9(2):199-210.
117. Roland T, Mavroidis P, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Incorporating system latency associated with real-time target tracking radiotherapy in the dose prediction step Phys Med Biol 2010 Apr;55:2651-2668.
118. Roland T, Shi C, Liu Y, Crownover R, Mavroidis P, Papanikolaou N. Tradeoffs for assuming rigid target motion in MLC-based real time target tracking radiotherapy: a dosimetric and radiobiological analysis. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2010 Apr;9(2):199-210.
119. Buckey C, Stathakis S, Cashon K, Gutierrez A, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of a commercially-available block for spatially fractionated radiation therapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2010 Apr;11(3):3163-3163.
120. Varatharaj C, Stathakis S, Ravikumar,M, Esquivel C, Knaup, C, Myers,P, Papanikolaou N. Consistency and Reproducibility of the VMAT Plan Delivery Using Three Independent Validation Methods Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2010;12:129-140.
121. Fuller CD, Scarbrough TJ, Sonke JJ, Rasch CR, Choi M, Ting JY, Wang SJ, Papanikolaou N, Rosenthal DI. Method comparison of automated matching software-assisted cone-beam CT and stereoscopic kilovoltage x-ray positional verification image-guided radiation therapy for head and neck cancer: a prospective analysis. Phys Med Biol 2009 Dec;54(24):7401-7415.
122. Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutiérrez AN, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric evaluation of multi-pattern spatially fractionated radiation therapy using a multi-leaf collimator and collapsed cone convolution superposition dose calculation algorithm. Appl Radiat Isot 2009 Oct;67(10):1939-1944.
123. Stathakis S, Esquivel C, Gutierrez A, Buckey CR, Papanikolaou N. Treatment planning and delivery of IMRT using 6 and 18MV photon beams without flattening filter. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2009 Sep;67(9):1629-1637.
124. Xu J., Papanikolaou N, Shi C, Jiang S.. Synchronized moving aperture radiation therapy (SMART): superimposing tumor motion on IMRT MLC leaf sequences under realistic delivery conditions Phys. Med. Biol. 2009 Aug;54:4993-5007.
125. Roland T, Mavroidis P, Gutierrez A, Goytia V,and Papanikolaou N. A radiobiological analysis of the effect of 3D versus 4D image-based planning in lung cancer radiotherapy Phys Med Biol 2009 Aug;54:5509-5523.
126. Sarkar V., Shi C, Rassiah-Szegedi P., Diaz AZ, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. The effect of a limited number of projections and reconstruction algorithms on the image quality of megavoltage digital tomosynthesis JOURNAL OF APPLIED CLINICAL MEDICAL PHYSICS 2009 Jul;10(3):155-172.
127. Sarkar V, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. A virtual fluoroscopy system to verify seed positioning accuracy during prostate permanent seed implants. J BUON 2009 Jul;14(3):447-450.
128. Su FC, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Goytia V, Crownover R, Rassiah-Szegedi P, Papanikolaou N. Assessing four-dimensional radiotherapy planning and respiratory motion-induced dose difference based on biologically effective uniform dose. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2009 Jun;8(3):187-200.
129. Lin L., Shi C, Eng TY, Swanson GP, Fuss M., Papanikolaou N. Evaluation of inter-fractional setup shifts for site-specific Helical Tomotherapy treatments Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2009 Apr;8(2):115-122.
130. Stathakis S, Roland T, Papanikolaou N, Li J, Ma C. A prediction study on radiation-induced second malignancies for IMRT treatment delivery. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2009 Apr;8(2):141-148.
131. Liu Y, Shi C, Lin B, Ha CS, Papanikolaou N. Delivery of four-dimensional radiotherapy with TrackBeam for moving target using an AccuKnife dual-layer MLC: dynamic phantoms study. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2009 Apr;10(2):2926-2926.
132. Giantsoudi D, Stathakis S, Liu Y, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Monte Carlo Modeling and Commissioning of a Dual-layer Micro Multileaf Collimator. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2009 Apr;8(2):105-114.
133. Salter, Bill J, Fuss, Martin, Sarkar, Vikren, Wang, B, Rassiah-Szegedi, P, Papanikolaou N, Hollingshaus, S, Shrieve, DC. Optimization of Isocenter Location for Intensity Modulated Stereotactic Treatment of Intracranial Targets International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 2009 Feb;73(2):546-555.
134. Mavroidis P, Ferreira B.C., Shi C, Delichas M.G., Lind B.K., Papanikolaou N. Comparison of the Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT Radiation Modalities in Treating Brain and Cranio-spinal Tumors Technol Cancer Res Treat 2009 Feb;8(1):3-14.
135. Sarkar V., Shi C, Rassiah-Szegedi P., Diaz AZ, Eng TY, Papanikolaou N. A feasibility study on the use of digital tomosynthesis with individually-acquired megavoltage portal images for target localization J BUON. 2009 Jan;14(1):103-108.
136. Su FC, Shi C, Mavroidis P, Rassiah-Szegedi P, Papanikolaou N. Evaluation on lung cancer patients‘ adaptive planning of TomoTherapy utilising radiobiological measures and Planned Adaptive module. J Radiother Pract 2009 Jan;8:185-194.
137. Mavroidis P, Stathakis S, Gutiérrez AN, Esquivel C, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Expected clinical impact of the differences between planned and delivered dose distributions in Helical Tomotherapy for treating head and neck cancer using Helical Megavoltage CT Images J Appl Clin Med Phys 2009;8(3):2969
138. Roland, Teboh F, Stathakis S, Ramer, R, Papanikolaou N. Measurement and comparison of skin dose of prostate and head-and-neck patients treated on various IMRT delivery systems Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2008 Dec;66(12):1844-1849.
139. Mavroidis P, Komisopoulos G, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N. Interpretation of the dosimetric results of three uniformity regularization methods in terms of expected treatment outcome. Med Phys 2008 Nov;35(11):5009-5018.
140. Sarkar V, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. A Monte Carlo Model for Independent Dose Verification in Serial Tomotherapy Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2008 Oct;7(5):385
141. Roland T, Esquivel C, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N. On the evaluation of the relative sensitivity of commercial TLD readers using well characterized TLD chips. J BUON 2008 Oct;13(4):547-551.
142. Su F., Shi C, Crownover RL, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric impacts of gantry angle misalignment on prostate cancer treatment using helical tomotherapy Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2008 Aug;7(4):287-293.
143. Siddiqui F., Shi C, Papanikolaou N, Fuss M.. Image-guidance protocol comparison: Supine and prone set-up accuracy for pelvic radiation therapy Acta Oncol. 2008 Jun;47(7):1344-1350.
144. Liu Y, Shi C., Lin L., Tabar R., Shichman G., Papanikolaou N.. Radiation therapy target tracking - 4D dynamic intensity modulated radiation treatment with dual-layer micro multileaf collimators Computer-integrated surgery medical robotics, and medical imaging 2008 May:21-26.
145. Lin L., Shi C, Liu Y, Swanson GP, Papanikolaou N. Development of a Novel Post-processing Treatment Planning Platform for 4D Radiotherapy Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2008 Apr;7(2):125-132.
146. Su, Fan-Chi, Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Clinical application of GAFCHROMIC EBT film for in vivo dose measurements of total body irradiation radiotherapy Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2008 Mar;66(3):389-394.
147. Liu Y, Su F., Szegedi M., Lan L., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. A phantom-based evaluation of a real-time tracking micro MLC delivery International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 2008
148. Liu Y, Shi C, Tynan T, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetric Characteristics of dual-layer multileaf collimation for small field and IMRT applications Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2008;9(2)
149. Shi C, Peñagarícano J, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of IMRT Treatment Plans between Linac and Helical Tomotherapy based on Integral Dose and Inhomogeneity Index Medical Dosimetry 2008;33(3):212-215.
150. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Shi C, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of the 3D-Conformal, Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT radiation modalities using radiobiological measures J BUON 2008;13:75-86.
151. Su, FC, Liu Y, Stathakis S, Shi C, Esquivel C, Papanikolaou N. Dosimetry characteristics of GAFCHROMIC (R) EBT film responding to therapeutic electron beams Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2007 Oct;65(10):1187-1192.
152. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Shi C, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N. Treatment plan comparison between Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT using radiobiological measures Phys Med Biol 2007;52:3817-3836.
153. Pappas E, Maris TG, Papadakis A, Zacharopoulou F, Damilakis J, Papanikolaou N, Gourtsoyiannis N. Experimental determination of the effect of detector size on profile measurements in narrow photon beams. Med Phys 2006 Oct;33(10):3700-3710.
154. Mavroidis P, Ferreira C, Papanikolaou N, Svensson, Kappas C, Lind B, Brahme A. Assessing the Difference Between Planned and Delivered Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Dose Distributions Based on Radiobiological Measures Clin Oncol 2006 Sep;18(7):529-538.
155. Shi C, Papanikolaou N, Yan Y., Weng X., Jiang H.. Analysis of the sources of uncertainty for EDR2 film-based IMRT quality assurance Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2006 May;7(2):1-8.
156. Stathakis S, Kappas C, Theodorou K, Papanikolaou N, Rosenwald JC. An inhomogeneity correction algorithm for irregular fields of high-energy photon beams based on Clarkson integration and the 3D beam subtraction method J Appl Clin Med Phys 2006;7(1):1-13.
157. Rassiah P, Salter BJ, Fuller D, Blough M, Papanikolaou N, Fuss M. Monte Carlo characterization of Target Doses in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Acta Oncologica 2006;45(7):989-994.
158. Joyner M, Salter BJ, Papanikolaou N, Fuss M. Stereotactic body radiation therapy for centrally located lung lesions Acta Oncologica 2006;45(7):802-807.
159. Fuss M., Shi C, Papanikolaou N. Tomotherapeutic stereotactic body radiation therapy: Techniques and comparison between modalities Acta Oncologica 2006 Jan;45:953-960.
160. Penagaricano J, Papanikolaou N, Youssef E, Wu C, Yan Y, Ratanatharathorn. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) enabling technologies J Artk Med Soc 2005 Oct;102(4):117
161. Penagaricano J, Papanikolaou N, Yan Y, Youssef E, Ratanatharathorn V. Feasibility of cranio-spinal axis radiation with the Hi-Art tomotherapy system Radiotherapy and Oncology: Journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiolgy and Oncology 2005 Sep;76(1):72-78.
162. Yan Y, Papanikolaou N, Weng X, Penagaricano J, Ratanatharathorn V. Fast radiographic film calibration procedure for helical tomotherapy intensity modulated radiation therapy dose verification Medical Physics 2005 Jun;32(6):1566-1570.
163. Penagaricano J, Papanikolaou N, Wu C, Yan Y. An Assessment of biological-based optimization (BORT) in the IMRT era Medical Dosimetry 2005;30(1):12-19.
164. Penagaricano J, Papanikolaou N, Yan Y, Ratanatharathorn V. Application of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in Pediatric Malignancies Medical dosimetry 2004;29(4):247-253.
165. Penagaricano J, Ratanatharathorn V, Papanikolaou N, Yan Y. Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy reduces the dose to normal tissue in T2N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx Medical Dosimetry 2004;29(4):254-257.
166. Penagaricano J, Papanikolaou N. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Current Oncology Reports 2003 Mar;5(2):131-139.
167. Elshihabi S, Ratanatharathorn V, Yan Y, Papanikolaou N, Penagaricano J, Linskey M. Current Principles for the Management of Solid Central Nervous Metastases Contemporary Neurosurgery 2003;25(4):1-10.
168. Reft C, Alecu R, Das IJ, Gerbi BJ, Keall P, Lief E, Mijnheer BJ, Papanikolaou N, Sibata C, Van Dyk J. Dosimetric considerations for patients with hip prostheses undergoing pelvic irradiation Medical Physics 2003;30(6):1162-1182.
169. Mavroidis P, Costa Ferreira B, Komisopoulos G, Sotiriadou K, Soulimioti G, Lavdas E, Shi C, Lind BK, Papanikolaou N. Comparison of Helical Tomotherapy and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy treatment plans using radiobiological measures Forum of Clinical Oncology 2001 Feb;8(3-4):124-137.
170. Papanikolaou N, Klein E. Heterogeneity corrections should be used in treatment planning for lung cancer Med Phys 2000;27(9):1702-1704.
171. McNutt T, Mackie TR, Reckwerdt P, Papanikolaou N, Paliwal B. Calculation of portal dose using the convolution/superposition methods Medical Physics 1996;23(4):527-535.
172. Papanikolaou N, Paliwal B. A study of the effect of cone shielding in intraoperative radiotherapy Medical Physics 1995;22(5):571-575.
173. Merger-Wells CM, Mackie TR, Podgorasak MB, Holmes M, Papanikolaou N, Reckwerdt P, Cygler J, Rogers DWO, Bielajew AF, Schmidt D, Muehlenkamp J. Measurements of the electron dose distribution near inhomogeneities using a plastic scintillation detector Int Journ Rad. Onc. Biol. Phys 1994 Jul;29(5):1157-1165.
174. Papanikolaou N, Mackie TR, Wells C, Gehring M, Reckwerdt P. Investigation of the convolution method for polyenergetic spectra Medical Physics 1993;20(5):1327-1336.
Review Articles
1. Papanikolaou N, Battista J, Boyer A, Kappas C, Klein E, Mackie T, Sharpe J, Van Dyke J. Tissue Inhomogeneity Corrections for Megavoltage Photon Beams. Report No. 85 2007 Aug
2. Papanikolaou N. NCS Report 12: Determination and use of Scatter Correction Factors for Megavoltage Photon Beams Health Physics 1999;77(2):215
3. Papanikolaou N. Biophysical aspects of Auger Processes Med Phys 1994;21(2)
Book Chapters
1. Rasmussen KH, Bry, V, Papanikolaou N. Surface imaging guided radiotherapy with cRad In: Surface Imaging guided radiotherapy. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2020.
2. Papanikolaou N, Gutiérrez AN, Mavroidis P. Adaptive Treatment Planning in Radiation Therapy Planning and Treatment Optimization. In: Radiation Therapy Planning and Treatment Optimization. In: Brahme A. Comprehensive Biomedical Physics. The Netherlands: Elsevier Science & Tech, ISBN 13: 9780444536327; 2014.
3. Mavroidis P, Lind BK, Baltas D, Papanikolaou N. Use of radiobiological modeling in treatment plan evaluation and optimization of prostate cancer radiotherapy. In: Philippe E. Spiess. Prostate Cancer / Book 2. Croatia: INTECH; 2011. p. 237 - 260.
4. Papanikolaou N, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Shi C. Self-contained accelerator systems – Tomotherapy In: Papanikolaou N, Gutiérrez AN, Stathakis S, Shi C. Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis; 2010.
5. Shi C, Fuss M., Papanikolaou N, X. Xu. External Photon Beam (IGRT) Treatment Planning In: Shi C, Fuss M., Papanikolaou N, X. Xu. Handbook of Anatomical Models for Radiation Dosimetry. http://www.crcpress.com/ecommerce_product/product_detail.jsf?catno=C5979... TAYLOR & FRANCIS; 2009.