Departments & Divisions
Raymond F Palmer, Ph.D.
I am a biostatistician/epidemiologist trained in Preventive Medicine. I have extensive experience in Health-Promotion Disease-Prevention statistical research methods including multilevel design, mediation analysis, and the applications of modern missing data methods. I specialize in the application of latent variable modeling and longitudinal data analysis within a structural equation modeling framework. Recent applications have been on identifying predictors of age-related cognitive decline and transition to dementia. My other statistical contributions have been focused on improvements in health care delivery and disease prevention. As an NIH funded principal investigator in autism epidemiology, my work is focused on investigating gene/environment interaction to understand the etiology of autism spectrum and other neurologic disorders.
Professional Background
- 1995 - PhD - Preventive Medicine - University of Southern California
- 1986 - AAS - Nursing - Golden West College
- 1985 - MA - Quantitative Psychology - California Sate University, Domiguez Hills
- 1980 - BA - Psychology - Long Beach State University
- 1978 - AA - Physical education - Cerritos College
- 9/2016 - Professor w/Tenure - University of Texas Health Science Center at San AntonioSan Antonio
Research & Grants
Funding Agency NIA Title A Longitudinal Study of Mexican American Elderly Health Status Active Period 7/2014 - 6/2019 Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail The goal of this study is to understand the risk factors and development of chronic disease among Mexican American elderly and to investigate caregiver burden Funding Agency Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA Title ?A Latent Variable Phenotype for Dementia Diagnosis and Biomarker Selection in TBI? Status Active Period 9/2014 - 8/2017 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail $634,561 total costs
Funding Agency Marilyn Hoffman Foundation Title Toxicant Induced loss of Tolerance Research and Education Status Active Period 9/2015 - 8/2018 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail TILT Project Goals
Goal 1. Build a pipeline of Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT)-informed health professionals through education
Goal 2. Improve health outcomes of patients with TILT through Environmental House Calls
Goal 3. Grow the body of knowledge of TILT through innovative research investigating TILT biomarkers and EHC ?best? practices. -
Taverna MV, Mungia R, Palmer RF, Castillo M, Heilbron L. South Texas Oral Health Network (STOHN) and the Tooth Fairy Project; 2018 Apr. (Journal of Dental Hygiene Supplement 1; vol. 92, no. Sup 1). Mungia R, Taverna M, Castillo M, Heilbrun L, Palmer R
. The South Texas Oral Health Network and The Tooth Fairy Project Presentation at the Clinical and Translational Science Award, Community Engagement Science Symposium, San Anto; 2017 Jan. Royall DR
Palmer RF. IGF BP-2 Strongly Moderates Age`s Effect on Cognition; 2014 Jun. (Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association). Jaen CR, Crabtree, BF, Nutting, PA, Miller, WL, Palmer RF, Stewart B, Stewart EE, Stange, KC. Methodological Lessons From The Evaluation of The First Patient-centered Medical Home (PCMH) National Demonstration Project (NDP); 2010 Jan. (Family Medicine; vol. 43, no. Sup 1).Journal Article
Ratcliffe TA, Crabtree M, Palmer RF, Pugh JA, Lanham HJ, Leykum LK. Service and Education: The Association Between Workload, Patient Complexity, and Teaching on Internal Medicine Inpatient Services Journal of General Internal Medicine 2018 Feb;33(4):449-454. Lanham HJ, Palmer RF, Leykum LK, McDaniel RR, Nutting PA, Stange KC, Crabtree BF, Miller WL, Jaen CR. Trust and Reflection in Primary Care Practice Redesign Health Services Research 2016 Aug;51(4):1489-1514. Finley EP, Pugh MJ, Palmer RF. The Family Resilience Scale for Veterans (FRS-V): Validation of a Measure of Family Resilience among Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Military Behavioral Health 2016 Jan;4(3):205-219. Ferrer RL, Burge S, Palmer R, Cruz I. Practical opportunities for healthy diet and physical activity: relationship to intentions, behaviors, and body-mass index Annals of Family Medicine 2016 Jan;14. Leykum LK, Chesser H, Lanham H, Pezzia C, Palmer RF, Ratcliffe T, Reisinger H, Agar M, Pugh JA. The Association Between Sensemaking During Physician Team Rounds and Hospitalized Patients? Outcomes Journal of General Internal Medicine 2015 Dec;30(12):1821-1827. Leykum LK, Chesser H, Lanham HJ, Pezzia C, Palmer RF, Ratcliffe TA, Reisinger H, Agar M, Pugh JA. The Association Between Sensemaking During Physician Team Rounds and Hospitalized Patients' Outcomes Journal of General Internal Medicine 2015 Dec;30(12):1821-1827. Raymond F. Palmer, Heilbrun, David Camann, Alice Yau, Stephen Schultz, Viola Elisco, Beatriz Tapia, Noe Garza, and Claudia Miller. Organic Compounds Detected in Deciduous Teeth: A Replication Study from Children with Autism in Two Samples Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2015 Jul;2015. Heilbrun LP, Palmer RF, Jaen CR, Svoboda MD, Perkins, J, Miller CS. Maternal chemical and drug intolerances: Potential risk factors for autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) J Am Board Fam Med 2015 Jul;28(4):461-470. Salazar R, Palmer RF, Royall DR. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Community Dwelling Mexican Americans:Results form the Hispanic HEPESE Study International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015 Mar;30(3):300-307. Royall DR, Matsuoka T, Palmer RF, Kato Y, Taniguchi S, Ogawa M, Fujimoto H, Okamura A, Shibata K, Nakamura K, Nakaaki S, Koumi H, Mimura M, Fukui K, Narumoto J. Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: d Improves Upon a Battery`s Diagnostic Performance Neuropsychology 2015 Feb;. Finley EP, Bollinger M, Noel PH, Pugh JA, Amuan M, Copeland LA, Dassori AM, Palmer RF, Bryan CJ, Pugh MJ. A national cohort study of the association between the polytrauma clinical triad and suicide-related behavior among US Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan American Journal of Public Health 2015 Feb;:380-387. Bishnoi RJ, Palmer RF, Royall DR. Serum interleukin (IL)-15 as a biomarker of Alzheimer`s disease PLoS One 2015 Feb;10(2):0117282-0117282. Royall DR, Palmer RF. Ethnicity moderates dementia`s biomarkers J Alzheimers Dis 2015 Jan;43(1):275-287. Bishnoi R
Palmer RF
Royall DR. Vitamin D Binding Protein as a Serum Biomarker of Alzheimer Disease Journal of Alzheimer?s Disease 2015 Jan;43:37-45. Malone GP, Vale Arismendez S, Schneegans Warzinski S, Amodei N, Burge SK, Wathen PI, Conde MV, Palmer RF, Williams JF. South Texas Residency Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) Training: 12-Month Outcomes Substance Abuse 2015 Jan;36(3):272-280. Palmer RF, Royall DR. Future Dementia Severity is Almost Entirely Explained by the Latent Variable I'`s Intercept and Slope (In Press) Journal of Alzheimers Disease 2015 Jan;. McAllister C, Leykum LK, Lanham HJ, Reisinger HS, Kohn JL, Palmer RF, Pezzia C, Agar M, Parchman ML, Pugh JA, McDaniel RR. Relationships within Inpatient Physician Housestaff Teams and Their Association with Hospitalized Patient Outcomes Journal of Hospital Medicine 2014 Dec;9(12):764-771. Royall DR, Palmer RF. "Executive functions" cannot be distinguished from general intelligence: two variations on a single theme within a symphony of latent variance Front Behav Neurosci 2014 Oct;8:369-369. Noel PH Noel PH, Parchman ML, Palmer RF, Romero RL, Leykum LK, Lanham HJ, Zeber JE, Bowers KW. Alignment of patient and primary care practice member perspectives of chronic illness care: a cross-sectional analysis BMC Family Practice 2014 Apr;15(1):57-57. Noel PH, Parchman ML, Palmer RF, Romero RL, Leykum LK, Lanham HJ, Zeber JE, Bowers KW. Alignment of patient and primary care practice member perspectives of chronic illness care: a cross-sectional analysis BMC Family Practice 2014 Mar;15(57). Royall DR, Palmer RF. The temporospatial evolution of neuritic plaque-related and independent tauopathies: implications for dementia staging Journal of Alzheimers Disease 2014 Jan;40(3):541-549. Royall DR, Salazar R, Palmer RF. Latent variables may be useful in pain`s assessment Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014 Jan;12(13). Royall DR
Palmer RF. Does Ethnicity Moderate Dementia?s Biomarkers? Neurobiology of Aging 2014 Jan;35:336-344. Royall DR, Palmer RF, Vidoni ED, Honea RA. The Default Mode Network may be the key substrate of depression related cognitive changes Journal of Alzheimer?s Disease 2013 Jan;34:547-560. Royall DR, Palmer RF. Alzheimer pathology does not mediate the association between depressive symptoms and subsequent cognitive decline Alzheimer?s Disease & Dementia 2013 Jan;9:318-325. Royall DR, Palmer RF, White LR, Petrovitch H, Ross GW, Masaki K. Modeling regional vulnerability to Alzheimer pathology Neurobiology of Aging 2012 Aug;33(08):1556-1563. Royall DR, Palmer RF, O`Bryant SE. Validation of a Latent Variable Representing the Dementing Process J Alzheimers Dis 2012 Jun;30:639-649. Royall DR, Palmer RF. Getting Past "g": testing a new model of dementing processes in persons without dementia J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2012 Jan;24(1):37-46. Royall DR, Palmer RF. Estimating the temporal evolution of Alzheimer`s disease pathology with autopsy data J Alzheimers Dis 2012 Jan;32(1):23-32. Royall DR, Palmer RF, Vidoni ED, Honea RA, Burns JM. The Default Mode Network and Related Right Hemisphere Structures may be the Key Substrates of Dementia J Alzheimers Dis 2012 Jan;32:467-478. Kipke MD, O'Connor S, Palmer R, MacKenzie RG. Street youth in Los Angeles: Profile of a group at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus infection Archives of Pediatrics and Adolecent Medicine 1995 Jan;149(5):513-519. Palmer RF, Dwyer JH, Semmer N. A measurement model of adolescent smoking Addict Behav 1994 Sep;19(5):477-489.Review Article
Palmer RF, Royall DR. Missing data? Plan on it! J Am Geriatr Soc 2010 Oct;58:343-348.