Departments & Divisions
Jennifer L Palarczyk, D.O.
Neonatology Physician Specialist
Currently not seeking mentees
Dr. Palarczyk received her Bachelors of Science in Biology along with a minor in Bioethics at Loyola University Chicago in Chicago, IL. She then obtained her medical degree at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing, Michigan. After medical school, she was accepted to the UT Health Science Center San Antonio residency program where she completed her general pediatrics residency and continued on to complete her Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship. After graduating, she then joined a practice at Laredo Medical Center in Laredo, Texas where she was appointed the position as the Neonatal Clinical Coordinator and continued her interests in neonatal nutrition and pursuing many QI projects related to advocating for an all human milk diet in very low birth weight infants. After leaving Laredo in 2019, she then joined the Department of Pediatrics,Division of Neonatology as a specialist in 2020 and continues to pursue her interests in nutrition.
Professional Background
- 2010 - D.O. - Medical - Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- 2005 - Bachelor of Science; Biology Minor in Bioethics - Biology - Loyola University Chicago
- 2016 - Neonatology - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2013 - D.O. - Pediatrics - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2016 - Attending Neonatology Faculty - Laredo Medical Center
- 2018 - NICU Clinical Coordinator. - Laredo Medical Center
- 2020 - Neonatology Faculty Physician Specialist - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 2015-Present, NRP instructor , NRP Program UTHSCSA
- 2018-2019, Lecture series for Family Medicine Residents on NICU/NBN rotations, Laredo Medical Center
- 2016-2019 , Lecture series for NICU/Newborn nursing staff, Laredo Medical Center
- 2013-2016, NICU Fellow Didactics, UTHSCSA
- 2013-2016, Lecture series for residents and medical students, UTHSCSA
Research & Grants
2016-2019 Quality improvement projects, Laredo Medical Center, Neonatal Division.
2020 Neonatologist on service at University Hospital
2015 Participant, Root Cause Analysis Conference at University Hospital, San Antonio
2014 Participant, Root Cause Analysis Conference at University Hospital, San Antonio
2010 - present American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
2006 - present American Osteopathic Association
Subha Puppala, Cun Li, Jeremy P. Glenn, Romil Saxena, Samer Gawrieh, Amy Quinn, Jennifer Palarczyk, Edward J. Dick Jr, Peter W. Nathanielsz, Laura A. Cox. Primate fetal hepatic respondes to maternal obesity: epigenetic signaling pathways and lipid accumulation. The Journal of Physiology. 07 March 2018. Volume 596, Issue 23.
Puppala S, Li C, Glen J, Quinn A, Palarczyk JL, Dick EJ Nathanielsz PW, Cox LA. Poster presentation: Primate fetal hepatic response to maternal obesity: Impact on WNT/beta-catenin signaling and lipid metabolism. November 2015. Abstract accepted: Obesity Society 2015 Annual Meeting; Lost Angeles, CA.
Palarczyk JL, Quinn AR, Li C, Nathanielsz PW, Blanco CL. Podium presentation: Fetal Environment Alters Pancreatic Development in Non-Human Primate. E-PAS2015:3755.5. April 2015. Abstract Accepted: Pediatric Academic Societies 2015 Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA.
Palarczyk JL, Blanco CL, Nathanielsz PW, Li C, Quinn, AR. Podium presentation: The Effects of Maternal Environment on Pancreatic Development in Fetal Baboons. Journal of Investigative Medicine. February 2015. 63(2):277-323. Abstracted accepted: Southern Society for Pediatric Research 2015 Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA.
Palarczyk JL, Hisey JC. Poster presentation: What’s Causing this Baby’s Ascites… Journal of Investigative Medicine. January 2012. 60(1):467-473. Abstract accepted: Southern Society for Pediatric Research 2012 Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA.
Board Certifications
- 2020 - Neonatology Board Certified
- 2013 - Pediatrics