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- Heather M. Mullis
- mullish@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-5640
Departments & Divisions
Teresa L. Johnson-Pais, Ph.D.
Division of Research
Dr. Teresa Johnson-Pais obtained her Ph.D. degree in Cellular and Structural Biology at the UT Health San Antonio, TX. She subsequently trained at the Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR as a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Mathew J. Thayer, Ph.D. Dr. Johnson-Pais has authored and co-authored 60 publications, primarily in the field of cancer genetics. She is co-director of the institutional Biospecimen and Translational Genomics Core Laboratory. She lectures in courses for the graduate program in Integrated Biomedical Sciences and is a course director for the Master’s in Clinical Investigation graduate program.
Related Diseases: Cancer
Techniques: In vitro cell culture, real-time PCR, high throughput genotyping, gene expression microarrays and next-generation sequencing.
Professional Background
- 1994 - PhD - Cellular and Structural Biology - University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio
- 1986 - BS - Medical Technology - University of Nebraska Medical School
- Postdoctoral Fellowship - Molecular Genetics - Oregon Health Sciences University
- Postdoctoral Fellowship - Genetics - University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2014 - Associate Professor/Research - University of Texas Health Science Center, Urology, San Antonio
- 5/2005 - Co-Director Institutional Biobanking and Genome Analysis Core Laboratory - University of Texas Health Science CenterSan Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 6/2019 - 5/2020, High School/Junior High School Student Supervision, UT Health San Antonio
- 1/2019 - 1/2021, Membership on Supervising Committee, UT Health San Antonio
- 1/2019 - 1/2021, Membership on Supervising Committee, UT Health San Antonio
- 1/2014 - Present, Integrate Mol/Bio/Patient Res, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 8/2013 - Present, PreMatriculation Wet Lab, UTHSCSA
Research & Grants
My own research efforts have focused mainly on the genetic studies of urologic cancers, including prostate and testicular cancer, particularly on the identification of biomarkers for risk and prognosis, including copy number variants and single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping. I am also the co-director of the UT Health San Antonio Biobanking and Genome Analysis Core Laboratory.
Diseases Associated: Cancer
Techniques Used: In vitro cell culture, real time PCR, high throughput genotyping, gene expression microarrays, next generation sequencing
Funding Agency NIH Title Cognitive Impairment Associated with Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Status Active Period 12/2018 - 11/2023 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail In this project, we will study the neural mechanisms underlying the cognitive impairment caused by ADT in rats, in order to identify potentially new targets for intervention. Funding Agency NIH Title Clinical and Translational Science Award: Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science: A Partnership to Improve Health Status Active Period 5/2018 - 4/2023 Role Contributor Grant Detail The vision of the Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science is to improve health and reduce disparities by accelerating scientific discoveries and applications across the full translational research spectrum. We will accomplish this by strategic resource deployment, focusing on prevalent challenges in our region, including: 1) the health needs of our underserved Hispanic and rural populations, 2) the special health issues facing active- duty military and veteran populations, and 3) limitations in the translational science workforce required to fill in critical knowledge gaps and improve health in South Texas and the US. Funding Agency NIH/NIGMS (2R25 GM095480-06) Title Recruiting and Retaining Underrepresented Students Status Active Period 8/2011 - 4/2022 Role Contributor Grant Detail Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Program. The major goal of this program is to provide an avenue to identify, recruit, and prepare underrepresented minority (URM) graduate students for timely completion of doctoral degrees and successful careers in the biomedical sciences. Dr. Oyajobi is a named mentor on the grant. Competitively renewed in 2017.
PI/PDs: Blake, NMJ, PhD; Weiss, DS, PhD
Funding Agency National Cancer Institute Title Cancer Therapy and Research Center at UTHSCSA Status Active Period 9/2009 - 7/2019 Role Contributor Grant Detail P30, Funding Agency NIH Title PCPT and SELECT Cohorts: Core Infrastructure Support for Cancer Research Status Complete Period 9/2013 - 8/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail The goals of this project are to support the biorepositories for the PCPT and SELECT prostate cancer trials and to distribute these resources to support other cancer research. Funding Agency DOD Title Advancing Prostate Cancer Research by Providing Summer Research Opportunities for HBCU Students at the Cancer Center at UTHSCSA Status Complete Period 7/2016 - 7/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail This program will provide students from a Historically Black College and University (HBCU), Huston-Tillotson University (HTU) in Austin, Texas, an opportunity to conduct prostate cancer research at a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-Designated Cancer Center, the Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). The overall goal of this program is to develop opportunities to train minority students in southern Texas in prostate cancer research. This program will provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to work at a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer center and participate in state-of-the-art prostate cancer research in many focus areas including biomarkers, genetics, tumor biology, therapy and imaging. Funding Agency NCATS Title Clinical and Translational Science Award: Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science: a Partnership to Improve Health Status Complete Period 7/2013 - 6/2018 Role Contributor Grant Detail Within the Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science, MJ Lichtenstein served as the Co-Principal Investigator for Research Education, Training, and Career Development.
NCATS - KL2 TR001118 - KL2 Scholars Career Development Award Program
Total Costs KL2: $3,274,065
NCATS - TL1 TR001119 - TL1 Pre-doctoral Training Program
Total Costs TL1: $620, 395Dr. Lichtenstein stepped down from his IIMS responsibilities on 12.31.2015
Total Costs for UL1 + KL2 + TL1: $22,707,724
ABSTRACT: San Antonio, the gateway to South Texas, is the 7*^ largest city in the US and the largest metropolitan area with a majority Hispanic population (63%). South Texas is about the size of Ohio, and comprises an impoverished and largely Hispanic population with disproportionate rates of diabetes and obesity, exacerbated by a lack of health insurance and poor access to health care. This region also contains numerous US military installations, and active-duty service members and veterans often have special health issues, including risk for post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic injuries. Unfortunately, neither better access to care nor improved care delivery can eliminate health disparities and meet these complex needs, in addition, research across the full T1 to T4 translational spectrum is required to eliminate knowledge gaps and establish real-world effectiveness that improves health care for our populations. In 2006, UTHSCSA established the Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science (IIMS) to improve health and reduce disparities by accelerating scientific discoveries and applications across the full translational research spectrum. For example, IIMS expanded the number of clinical research units that extend to the Texas-Mexico border from 1 to 7, and dramatically increasing participant access to clinical and translational science. We increased, from 2 to 6, the Practice-Based Research Networks that focus on diverse ambulatory populations. Efforts to address trPrivate
Funding Agency William & Ella Owens Medical Research Foundation Title Characterizing the role of genetic variant rs1047776 in impaired cognition associated with androgen deprivation therapy for aggressive prostate cancer Status Active Period 4/2018 - 12/2019 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency Department of Urology Title Biomarker Discovery for Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Using Transcriptome Analysis Status Active Period 7/2016 - 8/2019 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Department of Urology Pilot Award/Urologic Oncology
Liss M, Stutz E, Johnson-Pais TL, Thompson I, Leach R. BRCA Mutations in Hispanic Men with First Degree Prostate and Breast Cancer History; 2019 Apr. (J Urol; vol. 201, no. S4). Macias R, Moreira A, Siddiqui S, Wilson D, Johnson-Pais T, Gelfond J, Seidner SR, Mustafa S. Gene Expression Profiles of Endogenous Lung Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Following Postnatal Adaptation and Mechanical Ventilation; 2018 May. (EPAS). Siddiqui SS, Do R, Zhang W, Lenz HJ, Johnson-Pais TL, Leach R, Fraser G, Wang C, Varki N, Varki A. Polymorphic Psuedogenization of SIGLEC12 in Humans: Relationship to Late Stage Cancer Progression; 2018 Apr. (FASEB J; vol. 32, no. 1).
Journal Article
Sharp AM, Lertphinyowong S, Yee SS, Paredes D, Gelfond J, Johnson-Pais TL, Leach RJ, Liss M, Risinger AL, Sullivan AC, Thompson IM, Morilak DA. Vortioxetine reverses medial prefrontal cortex-mediated cognitive deficits in male rats induced by castration as a model of androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer Psychopharmacology 2019 May;. Liss MA, Leach RJ, Rourke E, Sherrill A, Johnson-Pais T, Lai Z, Basler J, White JR, Patterson JE. Microbiome diversity in carriers of fluoroquinolone resistant Escherichia coli Investig Clin Urol 2019 Mar;60(2):75-83. Liss MA, Chen Y, Rodriguez R, Pruthi D, Johnson-Pais T, Wang H, Mansour A, Kaushik D. Immunogenic Heterogeneity of Renal Cell Carcinoma With Venous Tumor Thrombus Urology 2019 Feb;124:168-173. Liss MA, White JR, Goros M, Gelfond J, Leach R, Johnson-Pais T, Lai Z, Rourke E, Basler J, Ankerst D, Shah DP. Metabolic Biosynthesis Pathways Identified from Fecal Microbiome Associated with Prostate Cancer Eur Urol 2018 Nov;74(5):575-582. Hariharan N, Ashcraft KA, Svatek RS, Livi CB, Wilson D, Kaushik D, Leach RJ, Johnson-Pais TL. Adipose Tissue-Secreted Factors Alter Bladder Cancer Cell Migration J Obes 2018 May;. Weiner M, Gelfond J, Johnson-Pais TL, Engle M, Peloquin CA, Johnson JL, Sizemore EE, Mac Kenzie WR. Elevated Plasma Moxifloxacin Concentrations and SLCO1B1 g.-11187G>A Polymorphism in Adults with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2018 Apr;62(5):1802-1817. Liu Y, Wu P, Zhou J, Johnson-Pais TL, Lai Z, Chowdhury WH, Rodriguez R, Chen Y. XBSeq2: a fast and accurate quantification of differential expression and differential polyadenylation BMC Bioinformatics 2017 Oct;. Winchester DA, Till C, Goodman PJ, Tangen CM, Santella RM, Johnson-Pais TL,
Leach RJ, Xu J, Zheng SL, Thompson IM, Lucia MS, Lippman SM, Parnes HL, Isaacs
WB, De Marzo AM, Drake CG, Platz EA
. Association between variants in genes involved in the immune response and prostate cancer risk in men randomized to the finasteride arm in the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Prostate 2017 Mar;77(8):908-919. McGill-Vargas L, Gastaldelli A, Liang H, Anzueto Guerra D, Johnson-Pais T, Seidner S, McCurnin D, Muscogiuri G, DeFronzo R, Musi N, Blanco CL. Hepatic Insulin Resistance and Altered Gluconeogenic Pathway in Premature Baboons Endocrinology 2017 Jan;158(5):1140-1151. Winchester DA, Gurel B, Till C, Goodman PJ, Tangen CM, Santella RM, Johnson-Pais TL, Leach RJ, Thompson IM, Xu J, Zheng SL, Lucia MS, Lippman SM1, Parnes HL, Isaacs WB, Drake CG, De Marzo AM, Platz EA. Key genes involved in the immune response are generally not associated with intraprostatic inflammation in men without a prostate cancer diagnosis: Results from the prostate cancer prevention trial Prostate 2016 May;76(6):565-574. Price DK, Chau CH, Till C, Goodman PJ, Leach RJ, Johnson-Pais TL, Hsing AW, Hoque A, Parnes HL, Schenk JM, Tangen CM, Thompson IM, Reichardt JK, Figg WD. Association of androgen metabolism gene polymorphisms with prostate cancer risk and androgen concentrations: Results from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Cancer 2016 May;:doi:10-1002/. Winchester DA, Till C, Goodman PJ, Tangen CM, Santella RM, Johnson-Pais TL, Leach RJ, Xu J, Zheng SL, Thompson IM, Lucia MS, Lippmann SM, Parnes HL, Dluzniewski PJ, Isaacs WB, DeMarzo AM, Drake CG, Platz E. Variation in genes involved in the immune response and prostate cancer risk in the placebo arm of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Prostate 2015 Sep;75:1403-1418. Chau CH, Price DK, Till C, Goodman PJ, Chen X, Leach RJ, Johnson-Pais TL, Hsing AW, Hoque A, Tangen CM, Chu L, Parnes HL, Schenk JM, Reichardt JK, Thompson IM, Figg WD. Finasteride concentrations and prostate cancer risk: results from the prostate cancer prevention trial PLoS One 2015 May;10:126672-126672. McGill-Vargas LL, Johnson-Pais T, Johnson MC, Blanco CL. Developmental regulation of key gluconeogenic molecules in nonhuman primates Physiol Rep 2014 Dec;18(2):pii:-e12243. Shim EY, Livi CB, Rakheja D, Tan J, Benson D, Parekh V, Kho EY, Ghosh A, Kirkman R, Velu S, Dutta S, Chenna B, Rea SL, Mishur R, Li Q, Johnson-Pais TL, Guo L, Bae S, Wei S, Block K, Sudarshan S. L-2-Hydroxyglutarate: An Epigenetic Modifier and Putative Oncometabolite in Renal Cancer Cancer Discov 2014 Nov;4(11):1290-1298. Mohamed GH, Gelfond JA, Nicolas MM, Brand TC, Sarvis JA, Leach RJ, Johnson-Pais TL. Genomic characterization of testis cancer: associations of alterations with outcome of clinical stage 1 mixed germ cell nonseminomatous germ cell tumor of the testis Urology 2012 Aug;80:e1-e5.