Departments & Divisions
Manuel Angel Oscos-Sanchez, M.D.
Distinguished Teaching Professor
Family Medicine Residency Program
Professional Background
- 1999 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Family Medicine - Harbor/UCLA Department of Family Medicine
- 1999 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Primary Care Research - University of California Los Angeles
- 1996 - Residency - Family Medicine - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1993 - MD - Medicine - Stanford University School of Medicine
- 1984 - BA - Biochemistry (Cum Laude) - The University of Texas at Austin
- 9/2014 - Professor with Tenure - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Department of Family and Community Medicine, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 9/2017 - Present, Membership on Supervising Committee, The University of Texas at Austin
- 1/2014 - Present, CIRC 6013 Musculoskeletal and Dermatology
- 11/2013 - Present, CIRC 6011 Digestive Health and Nutrition
- 9/2013 - Present, Membership on Supervising Committee, UTHSCSA
- 9/2013 - Present, CIRC 6009 Endocrine and Female Reproductive
- 7/2013 - Present, CIRC 6007 Mind, Brain and Behavior
- 7/2013 - Present, CIRC 5007 Molecules to Medicine
- 4/2013 - Present, CIRC 5015 Renal and Male Reproductive
- 3/2013 - Present, CIRC 5013 Respiratory
- 1/2013 - Present, CIRC 5011 Circulation and Hematology
- 10/2012 - Present, CIRC 5009 Attack and Defense
- 10/1999 - Present, ADULT MEDICINE, UTHSCSA
- 10/1999 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 10/1999 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
Research & Grants
Funding Agency National Institute of Nursing Research Title Healthy Frio: A Rural Community Partnership to Advance Latino Obesity Research Status Active Period 8/2016 - 7/2021 Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail TEAM: Parra-Medina D, Oscos-Sanchez MA, Akopian D, Yin X, Liang Y. Further grant details are provided in the Research Projects section.
Funding Agency South Texas AHEC Research Initiative Title Education, Life Choices and Injury Risk Status Active Period 10/2016 - 8/2019 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail TEAM: Oscos-Sanchez MA, Bustos Flores B, Claeys L, Liang Y, Lopez B, McDaniel M, Oscos-Flores LD, Parra-Medina D, Villatoro A, Winkler P. Further grant details are provided in the Research Projects section. Funding Agency Texas Department of State Health Services Title Texas Healthy Adolescent Initiative: Youth Violence Prevention Status Active Period 9/2014 - 8/2018 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail TEAM: Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD, Pineda D. Further grant details are provided in the Educational Grant section.
Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD. Effects of Two CBPR Programs on Violence Outside of and In School among Adolescents and Young Adults in a Latino Community; 2020 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 66, no. 2). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores LD. Cultural Funds of Knowledge about Fatal Injury Risk Reduction among Adolescents and Young Adults in a Latino Community; 2020 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 66, no. 2). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD. Sustaining Non-Violence among Adolescents and Young Adults in a Latino Community; 2019 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 64, no. 2). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Bustos Flores B, Claeys L, Liang Y, Lopez B, McDaniel M, Oscos-Flores LD, Parra-Medina D, Villatoro A, Winkler P. Using Respondent Driven Sampling to Estimate Homicide and Motor Vehicle Crash Risk among Adolescents and Young Adults in a Latino Community; 2019 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 64, no. 2). Galvan-Ontiveros FM, Oscos-Sanchez MA. Is ADHD Associated With and Reactive and Premeditated Latino Youth Violence?; 2017 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 58, no. 2). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores LD. Thoughtful Decision Making and High Risk Driving Among Latino Adolescents and Young Adults; 2015 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 54, no. 2). Oscos-Sanchez MA and Oscos-Flores LD. Exposure to a Firearm in the Home is Strongly Associated with Latino Adolescent Violence and Substance Use; 2015 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 54, no. 2). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD. A Randomized Controlled Evaluation of the Effects of the Familias en Accion Scholarship Program on Adolescent Violence, Substance Use and High Risk Driving; 2014 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 52, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD, Wood R. An Evaluation of the Effects of Participation in El Joven Noble on Youth Violence; 2014 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 52, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores LD. Will Promoting Academic Achievement Decrease Latino Adolescent High Risk Attitudes and Behaviors?; 2012 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 44, no. 4s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores LD, Lesser J. Participants of a Family Medicine Health Career Promotion Program Report Fewer Acts of Violence; 2012 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 44, no. 4s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD. The Impact of Trauma and an Intervention Program on Substance Use among High Risk Youth in a Latino Community; 2012 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 50, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores LD. Participants of the Teen Medical Academy Report Fewer Acts of Violence; 2012 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 50, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores LD. Is Exposure to Community Violence Associated with Latino Adolescent High Risk Attitudes and Behaviors?; 2012 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 50, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores LD. Will Focusing on Academic Achievement Decrease Latino Adolescent High Risk Attitudes and Behaviors?; 2012 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 50, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA,. Correlates of positive attitudes toward The clinical management of substance use; 2011 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 43, no. 4s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD. El Joven Noble Reduces Substance Use Among High-risk Latino Youth; 2011 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 43, no. 4s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD. Defining Positive Youth Development Priorities With a Latino Community; 2011 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 43, no. 4s). Oscos-Sanchez MA Oscos-Flores LD, Flores L. Nationality, Race, and Ethnicity of Participants of Original Research Published in the Journal of Adolescent Health; 2011 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 48, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA et al. Defining Positive Youth Development Priorities with a Latino Community; 2011 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 48, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA et al. Correlates of Positive Attitudes Toward the Clinical Management of Substance Use; 2011 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 48, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA et al. El Joven Noble Reduces Substance Use among High Risk Latino Youth; 2011 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 48, no. 2s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Burge SK, Emko N. Teaching Residents a Brief Motivational Interviewing Intervention for Substance Use; 2010 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 42, no. Sup 4). Pogosian E, Tinitigan M, Oscos-Sanchez MA, Burge SK, Loffredo AS, Emko N, Lyssy TK, Tysinger JW. Residents? Attitudes Toward Clinical Management of Substance Use; 2010 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 42, no. Sup 4). Parra JM, Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores, LD. A Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Two Health Career Promotion Programs; 2010 May. Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Berndt A. Exposure to Community Violence, Male Privilege, Depression, and Familismo are Correlates of Substance Use Among High-Risk Latino Youth; 2010 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 2, no. Supp1). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Berndt A. El Joven Noble Concepts are Correlated with Violence-Related Attitudes and Behaviors; 2010 Feb. (Journal of Adolescent Health; vol. 2, no. Supp1). Oscos-Sanchez MA. Preparing Economically Disadvantaged Ethnic Minority Students for Careers In Our Medical Homes; 2009 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 41, no. 4s). Oscos-Sanchez MA. What Keeps Youth in Latino Communities From Engaging in Violent Behaviors?; 2008 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 40, no. 4s). Patel N, Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Olvera R. A Descriptive Study of Youth With Bipolar Disorder in a Correctional Treatment Center; 2008 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 40, no. 4s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Oscos-Flores LD, Burge SK. Interest in Medicine Predicts College Enrollment Among Minority Students in a Family Medicine Pipeline Program; 2008 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 40, no. 4s). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Cash C, Johnson MS, Diaz V. Developing an Ethnically Diverse Family Medicine Workforce: Early Interventions With Underrepresented Minority Students; 2008 Jun. (Family Medicine; vol. 40, no. 4s).
Electronic/Web Publication
Warf C, Svetaz MV, Eisenstein E, Oscos-Sanchez MA, Birch D and the SAHM Executive and Advocacy Committees. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Statement on the Separation of Children, Adolescents, and Parents from Migrant, Refugee and Asylum Seeking Families 2018 Jun.
Journal Article
Oscos-Sanchez MA. Youth Violence and Mental Health: Repeating Exposures International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare 2017 Jan;10(3). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD. Using Community Based Participatory Action Research to Define Positive Youth Development Program Goal Priorities with a Latino Community Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2017 Jan;38(6). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Kelly PJ. Trauma Informed Interventions Across the Life Span Family and Community Health 2015 Sep;. Anderson NL, Lesser J, Oscos-Sanchez MA, Pineda DV, Garcia G, Mancha J. Approaches to Community Nursing Research Partnerships: A Case Example The Journal of Transcultural Nursing 2014 Feb;. Barkley L, Kodjo C, West KJ, Chulani VL, Svetaz MV, Sylvester MS, Kaul P, Vo CX, Oscos-Sanchez MA. Promoting Equity and Reducing Health Disparities among Racially/Ethnically Diverse Adolescents Journal of Adolescent Health 2013 Jun;52(6). Oscos-Sanchez MA, Lesser J, Oscos-Flores LD. High School Students in a Health Career Promotion Program Report Fewer Acts of Violence Journal of Adolescent Health 2013 Jan;52(1). Lesser J, Oscos-Sanchez MA, Davis C. Latino Adolescent Mothers and Fathers in South Texas Mangaging Violence Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2010 Jul;. Kelly PJ, Lesser J, Cheng AL, Oscos-Sanchez MA. A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of an Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program with a Mexican-American Community Family and Community Health 2010 Jan;33(3).