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Rocio Norman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Associate Professor
Currently seeking Ph.D. students
Rocío S. Norman is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the School of Health Professions at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio. She earned her undergraduate degree from Florida International University, her Masters’ degree from the University of Texas at Austin and her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. During her training, Dr. Norman was an American Speech-Hearing Association New Century Scholar and an NIH Predoctoral Fellow. In 2018, as a new faculty member at UT Health, she received both a School of Health Professions Pilot Grant and a Texas Society for Allied Health Professions Research Grant. Her research has been published in various peer-reviewed journals such as Brain Injury, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Military Medicine, Neuropsychologia and Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.Her research centers on improving the lives of individuals with concussion or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). She primarily uses experimental methods to investigate cognitive-communication disorders after mTBI. As a recent recipient of the KL2 career development award at University of Texas Health Science Center, Dr. Norman will use innovative methods such as discourse analysis and electroencephalogram (EEG) measures to richly characterize language output and shed light on the underlying cognitive mechanisms of language performance after mTBI. Dr. Norman aims to standardize assessment for mTBI-related communication disorders and use precise measurement to develop appropriate behavioral interventions to improve life participation for the mTBI population. In the fall of 2019, Dr. Norman was awarded a Teaching Excellence Award and the George Kudolo Award for Excellence in Research at the University of Texas School of Health Professions.
Professional Background
- 2017 - PhD - Communication Sciences and Disorders - University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2008 - MA - Communication Sciences and Disorders - University of Texas at Austin
- 2000 - BFA - Theatre (Cum Laude) - Florida International University
- 10/2017 - Assistant Professor - University of Texas Health Science Center, Speech-Language Pathology, San Antonio
Research & Grants
KL2 TR002646 Career Development Award, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health 2019-2022
Texas Society of Allied Health Professions Research Grant Award 2018
School of Health Professions Seed Grant 2017
Journal Article
Norman R., Swan A., Jenkins, A. Amuan, M., Pugh M.J. (2020) Updating and refining
prevalence rates of traumatic brain injury-related communication disorders among
veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium Study.
Perspectives of the American-Speech Hearing Special Interests Groups Journal.Bouldin, E. D., Swan, A. A., Norman, R. S., Tate, D. F., Tumminello, C., Amuan, M. E.,
... & Pugh, M. J. (2020). Health Phenotypes and Neurobehavioral Symptom Severity
Among Post-9/11 Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Chronic Effects of
Neurotrauma Consortium Study. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.Norman R., Shah M., Turkstra L. (2019) Reaction time and cognitive-linguistic
performance in adults with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury.Norman R., Shah M., Turkstra L. (2019) Language Comprehension after Mild
Traumatic Brain Injury: The Role of Speed. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.Norman RS, Jaramillo, C., Amuan, M., Eapen, B., Pugh, M.J. Acquired Stuttering in Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:The Role of Traumatic Brain Injury, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Medications Military Medicine 2018 Apr;67. Turkstra, LS
Norman RS
Mutlu, B
Duff MC
. Impaired theory of mind in adults with traumatic brain injury: A replication and extension of findings Neuropsychologia 2018 Feb;111. Turkstra,LS
Norman, RS
Whyte, J
Dijkers, M
Hart, T. Knowing what we`re doing: Why specification of treatment methods is critical for evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2016 May;25. Norman RS
Politis A. Computer-based cognitive rehabilitation for individuals with traumatic brain injury Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups 2016 Jan;1(2):18-46. Norman RS
Jaramillo, C
Amuan, M
Pugh, MJ. Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan: Communication Disorders stratified by severity of brain injury Brain Injury 2013 Jan;27(13-14):1623-1630. -