For administrative calls, please contact:
- Donna Nolan
- nolandj@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-3129
Departments & Divisions
Justin R Mascitelli, M.D., FAANS
Associate Professor
Program Director
Professional Background
- 2018 - Clinical Fellowship - Cerebrovascular Surgery - The Barrow Neurological Institute
- 2017 - Residency - Neurological Surgery - Mount Sinai Health System
- 2015 - Clinical Fellowship - Endovascular Neurosurgery - Mount Sinai Health System
- 2010 - MD - Doctor of Medicine - Weill Cornell Medical College
- 2006 - BA - Chemistry - Univ of Pennsylvania College of Arts and Sciences
- 2018 - Fellowship - Cerebrovascular Surgery - The Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, TX, United States
- 2017 - Residency - Neurological Surgery - Mount Sinai Health System, New York, NY
- 2015 - Fellowship - Endovascular Neurosurgery - Mount Sinai Health System, New York, TX, United States
05/2023 Recognition award for the STAR Aneurysm Steering Committee
12/2021 Long School of Medicine Academy of Educational Scholars Star Educator Award
06/2020 Faculty Teaching Award, University of Texas Health and Science Center San Antonio, Department of Neurosurgery, June 2020
07/2019 Editor of the Year, Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery
- 8/2018 - Assistant Professor - University of Texas Health San AntonioSan Antonio
- 2018 - Clinical Instructor - The Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ
Research & Grants
Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery - Endovascular and microsurgical treatment of cerebrovascular disease
Clinical Research
Multicenter Registry of Thrombectomy Cases not Evaluated in Previous Trials, An international multicenter database of large vessel occlusive stroke treated with mechanical thrombectomy for presentations not evaluated in previous randomized control
Multicenter Retrospective Review of Atlas Stent, Multicenter, retrospective review of the Atlas Stent in the treatment of wide neck intracranial aneurysms
Funding Agency The Bee Foundation Title The Bee Foundation 2017 Research Grant Status Active Period 7/2017 - 6/2018 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail A multicenter, prospective registry of wide-neck
intracranial aneurysms treated by both microsurgical and endovascular techniques. -
Stroke Medical Director, St. Luke’s Baptist Hospital, San Antonio, TX
Medical Director
12/2021 – Present
Neurosurgery Residency Program Director (PD)
University of Texas Health and Science Center San Antonio / San Antonio, Texas
07/2020 – 12/2021
Neurosurgery Residency Associate Program Director (APD)
University of Texas Health and Science Center San Antonio / San Antonio, Texas
07/2020 – Present
Neurosurgery Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) Chair
University of Texas Health and Science Center San Antonio / San Antonio, Texas
Service to the Profession
07/2021 – Present
AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section Communications Committee
06/2021 – 04/2023
AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section Website Committee
AANS Introduction to Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery for Residents, Co-Director
Planned and taught at the annual AANS Intro to CV Neurosurgery for Residents course at the annual AANS meeting.
AANS/CNS CV Section / SNIS Combined Fellows Course, Co-Director
AANS/CNS CV Section Website Education Section Editor,
Operative Neurosurgery Reviewer
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Neurosurgery Reviewer
Ad Hoc Reviewer
World Neurosurgery Reviewer
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Neurosurgery Reviewer
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery Reviewer
Ad Hoc Reviewer
- Predictors and outcomes of first pass efficacy in posterior circulation strokes: Insights from STAR collaboration.
- Association of Noncontrast Computed Tomography and Perfusion Modalities With Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Late-Window Stroke
- Prognostic significance of age within the adolescent and young adult acute ischemic stroke population after mechanical thrombect
- Multicenter investigation of technical and clinical outcomes after thrombectomy for distal vessel occlusion by frontline techniq
- Technical and clinical outcomes in concurrent multivessel occlusions treated with mechanical thrombectomy: insights from the STA
- Mechanical thrombectomy for large vessel occlusion strokes beyond 24 hours.
('*' indicates Peer Reviewed)
Book Chapter
*1. Birnbaum L, Mascitelli JR, McDougall CM. Complications of Acute Stroke: A Concise Guide to Prevention, Recognition, and Management: Endovascular and Post-Procedural Complications. In: Missing Book Title. Springer Publishing Company; 2019.
2. Mascitelli JR, Howington J.. Anterior Communicating Aneurysms. In: Intracranial Aneurysms, 1st Edition. Elsevier; 2018.
3. Mascitelli JR, Burkhardt JM, Lawton MT. Indocyanine Green Videoangiography and Arteriovenous Malformations In: Fluorescence-Guided Neurosurgery: Neuro-oncology and Cerebrovascular Application:. Thieme; 2018.
4. Awad AJ, Mascitelli JR, Bederson JB, Mocco J.. Fusiform Aneurysms of the Posterior Circulation. In: Decision Making in Neurovascular Disease 1st Edition. Thieme; 2018.
5. Mascitelli JR, Patel, AB.. Selective Sampling of Petrosal Veins In: Endocrine Surgery, 2nd Edition. CRC Press; 2017.
6. Mascitelli JR, Gologorsky Y, Patel AB. Endovascular Management of Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations In: Youmans Neurological Surgery, 7th Edition:. Elsevier; 2017.
7. Mascitelli JR, Iyer A, Bederson JB. Neurology: Management of Neurosurgical Postoperative Patients In: Mount Sinai Expert Guides. Wiley-Blackwell; 2016.
8. Mascitelli JR, Gologorsky Y, Bederson JB.. Removal of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhages In: Atlas of Neurosurgical Emergencies. Thieme; 2015.
9. Mascitelli JR, Gandhi S, Lawton MT, Spetzler MT.. Surgical management of midbasilar and lower basilar aneurysms. In: Schmidek & Sweet’s Operative Neurosurgical Techniques: Indications, Methods, and Results.
10. Mascitelli JR, Gandhi S, Lawton MT.. To bypass or not? The role of revascularization in skull base surgery In: Controversies in Skull Base Surgery.
11. Mascitelli JR, Lawton MT.. Basilar Tip and Superior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysms: Surgical Approach In: WFNS Essential practice of Neurosurgery.
12. Mascitelli JR, Bederson JB, Mocco J. Ruptured MCA aneurysm with large hematoma. In: The Society of Neurological Surgeons | Medical Student Neurosurgery Handbook:.
Journal Article
* 1. Gandhi S, Mascitelli J, Hardesty D, Lawton MT. Far Lateral Craniotomy for Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery-Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Bypass and Trapping of Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysm: 3-Dimensional Operative Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2019 Apr
* 2. Mascitelli J, Gandhi S, Cavallo C, Nanaszko M, Wright E, Lawton MT.. Right pretemporal-transsylvian approach for resection of a midbrain cavernous malformation: 3D operative video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2019 Apr
* 3. Cole TS, Gandhi S, Mascitelli JR, Hardesty D, Cavallo C, Lawton MT.. Bifrontal approach for clip ligation of bilateral ethmoidal dural arteriovenous fistulas: operative video. Neurosurg Focus 2019 Apr
* 4. Mascitelli J, Gandhi S, Wright E, Lawton MT. Transsylvian-Transinsular Approach for an Insular Cavernous Malformation Resection: 3-Dimensional Operative Video Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2019 Feb
* 5. De Leacy RA, Fargen KM, Mascitelli JR, Fifi J, Turkheimer L, Zhang X, Patel AB, Koch MJ, Pandey AS, Wilkinson DA, Griauzde J, James RF, Fortuny EM, Cruz A, Boulos A, Nourollah-Zadeh E, Paul A, Sauvageau E, Hanel R, Aguilar-Salinas P, Novakovic RL, Welch BG, Almardawi R, Jindal G, Shownkeen H, Levy EI, Siddiqui AH, Mocco J.. Wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery and basilar apex treated by endovascular techniques: a multicentre, core lab adjudicated study evaluating safety and durability of occlusion (BRANCH) J Neurointerv Surg 2019 Jan
* 6. Gandhi S, Mascitelli JR, Zhao X, Chen T, Hardesty DA, Wright EJ, Lawton MT.. Two-Stage Revascularization and Clip Reconstruction of a Giant Ophthalmic Artery Aneurysm: 3-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2018 Dec
* 7. Mascitelli J, Burkhardt JM, Gandhi S, Lawton MT.. Contralateral Supracerebellar-Infratentorial Approach for Resection of Thalamic Cavernous Malformations Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2018 Oct;15(4):404-411.
* 8. Mascitelli JR, Lawton MT, Hendricks B, Nakaji P, Zabramski J, Spetzler RF.. Analysis of wide neck aneurysms in the Barrow Ruptured Aneurysm Trial. Neurosurgery 2018 Oct
* 9. Mascitelli J, Yoon S, Cole T, Lawton MT.. Does Eloquence Subtype Influence Outcome Following Arteriovenous Malformation Surgery J Neurosurg 2018 Oct
10. Mascitelli JR, Lawton MT.. Publication comment: Efficacy and outcomes of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) bypass for proximal PICA and vertebral artery-PICA aneurysms: a case series. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2018 Oct;15(4):395-403.
11. Yaeger K, Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Cerebral Aneurysm Size and Distal Intracranial Hemodynamics: An Assessment of Flow and Pulsatility Index Using Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Angiography Neurosurgery 2018 Oct;83(4):660-665.
* 12. Goyal N, Tsivgoulis G, Frei D, Turk A, Baxter B, Froehler MT, Mocco J, Vachhani J, Hoit D, Elijovich L, Loy D, Turner RD, Mascitelli J, Espaillat K, Alexandrov AV, Alexandrov AW, Arthur AS.. Comparative Safety and Efficacy of Modified TICI 2b and TICI 3 Reperfusion in Acute Ischemic Strokes Treated With Mechanical Thrombectomy Neurosurgery 2018 Sep;83(3):593
13. Lawton MT, Mascitelli JR.. In Reply: Letter: Passing the needle and pulling the thread. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2018 Sep;15(3):E32
14. Mascitelli JR, Lawton MT.. Publication comment: Treatment outcomes of ARUBA-eligible unruptured brain arteriovenous malformation patients Neurosurgery 2018 Sep;83(3):548-555.
* 15. Mascitelli JR, Schlachter L, Oemke H, Chartrain AG, Gilligan J, Costa AB, Shrivastava RK, Bederson JB.. Navigation-Linked Heads-Up Display in Intracranial Surgery: Early Experience. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2018 Aug;15(2):184-193.
* 16. Yoon S, Mascitelli JR, Mooney M, Gandhi S, Chen T, Cole T, Lawton MT. Kawase Approach for Dolichoectactic Basilar Artery Macrovascular Decompression in a Patient With Trigeminal Neuralgia: Case Report. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2018 Aug;16
17. Mascitelli JR, Lawton MT. Letter: Results of surgery for low-grade brain arteriovenous malformation resection by early career neurosurgeons: An observational study Neurosurgery 2018 Aug;83(2):E91
18. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J. Publication comment: Indocyanine green videoangiography in aneurysm surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis Neurosurgery 2018 Aug;83(2):166-180.
* 19. Meybodi AT, Gandhi S, Mascitelli JR, Bozkurt B, Bot G, Preul M, Lawton MT.. The Oculomotor-Tentorial Triangle: Part 1 -Microsurgical Anatomy and Techniques to Enhance Exposure. J Neurosurg 2018 Jun
* 20. Mascitelli JR, Gandhi S, Meybodi AT, Lawton MT. The Oculomotor-Tentorial Triangle Part 2: A Microsurgical Workspace for Vascular Lesions in the Crural and Ambient Cisterns J Neurosurg 2018 Jun:1-11.
21. Mascitelli JR, Bederson JB.. In Reply: Letter: Navigation-Linked Heads-Up Display in Intracranial Surgery: Early Experience Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2018 Jun;14(6):E73
* 22. Goyal N, Tsivgoulis G, Frei D, Turk A, Baxter B, Froehler MT, Mocco J, Vachhani J, Hoit D, Elijovich L, Loy D, Turner RD, Mascitelli J, Espaillat K, Alexandrov AV, Alexandrov AW, Arthur AS. Comparative Safety and Efficacy of Combined Intravenous Thrombolysis and Mechanical Thrombectomy with direct Mechanical Thrombectomy in Emergent Large Vessel Occlusion. Neurology 2018 Apr;15(4):el1274-el1282.
23. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J. Publication comment: Risk factors for intracranial aneurysm rupture: a systematic review. Neurosurgery 2018 Apr;82(4):431-440.
24. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Better Outcomes and Reduced Hospitalization Cost are Associated With Ultra-early Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: A US Nationwide Data Sample Study. Neurosurgery 2018 Apr;82(4):497-505.
* 25. Goyal N, Tsivgoulis G, Frei D, Turk A, Baxter B, Froehler MT, Mocco J, Vachhani J, Hoit D, Elijovich L, Loy D, Turner RD, Mascitelli J, Espaillat K, Alexandrov AV, Alexandrov AW, Arthur AS.. A multicenter study of the safety and effectiveness of mechanical thrombectomy for patients with acute ischemic stroke not meeting top-tier evidence criteria. J Neurointerv Surg 2018 Jan;10(1):10-16.
* 26. Mascitelli J, Cole T, Yoon S, Nakaji P, Albuquerque F, McDougall C, Zabramski J, Lawton MT, Spetzler RF.. External Validation of the Subarachnoid Hemorrhage International Trialists (SAHIT) Predictive Model Using the Barrow Ruptured Aneurysm Trial (BRAT) Cohort Neurosurgery 2018
27. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Current Practice Trends For Use of Early Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis After Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Neurosurgery 2018 Jan;82(1):85-92.
* 28. Wei D, Oxley TJ, Nistal DA, Mascitelli JR, Wilson N, Stein L, Liang J, Turkheimer LM, Morey JR, Schwegel C, Awad AJ, Shoirah H, Kellner CP, De Leacy RA, Mayer SA, Tuhrim S, Paramasivam S, Mocco J, Fifi JT.. Mobile Interventional Stroke Teams Lead to Faster Treatment Times for
Thrombectomy in Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke 2017 Dec;48(12):3295-3300.
* 29. Yuk F, Steinberger J, Skovrlj B, Mascitelli J, Cho SK, Caridi JM.. Postoperative Radiculopathy caused by a Retained Fractured Pedicle Cannulation Probe and its Mechanism of Extraction: a Case Report. World Neurosurg 2017 Nov;107:1044el-1044e4.
* 30. Yaeger K, Mascitelli JR, Kellner CP, Hickman Z, Mocco J, Margetis K.. Temporary vertebral artery occlusion after C3 fracture dislocation injury and spontaneous resolution following reduction and instrumented fusion: a case report and literature review J Neurointerv Surg 2017 Oct;9(10):1027- 1030.
* 31. Mascitelli JR, Yaeger K, Wei D, Kellner CP, Oxley TJ, De Leacy RA, Fifi JT, Patel AB, Naidich TP, Bederson JB, Mocco J.. Multimodality Treatment of Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysms World Neurosurg 2017 Oct;106:493-503.
* 32. Wei D, Mascitelli JR, Nistal DA, Kellner CP, Fifi JT, Mocco J, De Leacy RA.. The use and utility of aspiration thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: a systematic review and met-analysis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2017 Oct;38(10):1978-1983.
* 33. Multani JS, Oermann EK, Titano J, Mascitelli J, Nicol K, Feng R, Skovrlj B, Pain M, Mocco JD, Bederson JB, Costa A, Shrivastava R.. Quantitative CT ventriculography for Assessment and Monitoring of Hydrocephalus: a Pilot Study and Description of Method in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH World Neurosurg 2017 Aug;104:136-141.
34. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Neurosurgical Emergency Transfers: An Analysis of Deterioration and Mortality Neurosurgery 2017 Aug;81(2):240-250.
* 35. Mascitelli JR, Kellner CP, Oravec CS, De Leacy RA, Oermann EK, Yaeger K, Paramasivam S, Fifi JT, Mocco J.. Factors associated with successful revascularization using the aspiration component of ADAPT in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke J Neurointerv Surg 2017 Jul;9(7):636-640.
36. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Impact of Weekend Presentation on Short-Term Outcomes and Choice of Clipping vs Coiling in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Neurosurgery 2017 Jul;81(1):87-91.
* 37. Mascitelli JR, Wei D, Oxley TJ, Kellner CP, Shoirah H, De Leacy RA, Mocco J, Fifi JT.. A technical consideration when using flow diversion for recurrent aneurysms following stent-assisted coiling J Neurointerv Surg 2017 Jun;9(6)
* 38. Awad AJ, Mascitelli JR, Haroun R, De Leacy R, Fifi JT, Mocco J.. Endovascular Management of Fusiform Aneurysms in Posterior Circulation: The Era of Flow Diversion Neurosurg Focus 2017 Jun;42(6):E12
39. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Cavernous malformation associated with arterialized developmental venous anomaly: a case report Neurosurgery 2017 Jun;80(6):E257-E262.
Mascitelli JR, Mocco J. Publication comment: Hyperglycemia Aggravates Cerebral Vasospasm after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in a Rat Model. Neurosurgery Neurosurgery 2017 May;80(5):809-815.
* 41. Chartrain AD, Awad AJ, Mascitelli JR, Shoirah H, Oxley TJ, Feng R, Gallitto M, De Leacy R, Fifi JT, Kellner CP.. Novel and Emerging Technologies for Endovascular Thrombectomy. Neurosurg Focus 2017 Apr;42(4)
42. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Observation of Neointimal Coverage Around the Aneurysm Neck After Stent-Assisted Coil Embolization by Optical Frequency Domain Imaging: Technical Case Report Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2017 Apr;13(2):285-292.
43. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J. Publication comment: Activation of NF-κB in Endothelial Cells of Chronic Subdural Hematoma Outer Membranes Neurosurgery 2017 Apr;80(4):571-578.
* 44. Feng R, Mascitelli J, Chartrain A, Margetis K, Mocco J. Anti-epileptic drug (AED) use in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) Curr Pharm Des 2017;23(42):6446-6453.
45. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Reconstruction of the Internal Carotid Artery After Treatment of Complex Traumatic Direct Carotid-Cavernous Fistulas With the Willis Covered Stent: A Retrospective Study With Long-Term Follow-up. Neurosurgery 2016 Dec;79(6):794-805.
* 46. Mascitelli JR, Wilson N, Shoirah H, De Leacy RA, Furtado SV, Paramasivam S, Oermann EK, Mack WJ, Tuhrim S, Dangayach NS, Meyer SA, Bederson JB, Mocco J, Fifi JT.. The impact of evidence: evolving therapy for acute ischemic stroke in a large healthcare system. J Neurointerv Surg 2016 Nov;8(11):1129-1135.
* 47. Stapleton CJ, Torok CM, Rabinov JD, Walcott BP, Mascitelli JR, Leslie-Mazwi TM, Hirsch JA, Yoo AJ, Ogilvy CS, Patel AB.. Validation of the Modified Raymond-Roy classification for intracranial aneurysms treated with coil embolization J Neurointerv Surg 2016 Sep;8(9):927-933.
* 48. Awad AJ, Sarkiss CA, Kellner CP, Steinberger J, Mascitelli JR, Oermann EK, Pain M, De Leacy R, Shrivastava R, Bederson JB, Mocco J.. Impact of Neurosurgery Medical Student Research Grants on Neurosurgery Residency Choice. World Neurosurg 2016 Aug;92:349-352.
* 49. Mascitelli JR, Pain M, Zarzour HK, Baxter P, Ghatan S, Mocco J.. Sinus thrombectomy for purulent cerebral venous sinus thrombosis utilizing a novel combination of the Trevo stent retriever and the Penumbra ACE aspiration catheter: the stent anchor with mobile aspiration technique J Neurointerv Surg 2016 Jun;8(6)
50. Awad AJ, Kellner CP, Mascitelli JR, Fifi JT, Bederson JB, Mocco J.. Modified Antiplatelet Regimen Trial for Elective Coil Embolization for Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms. World Neurosurg 2016 Jun;90:684
* 51. Mascitelli JR, McNeill IT, Mocco J, Berenstein A, DeMattia J, Fifi JT.. Ruptured distal AICA pseudoaneurysm presenting years after vestibular schwannoma resection and radiation. J Neurointerv Surg 2016 May;8(5)
52. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Association of Hemodynamic Factors With Intracranial Aneurysm Formation and Rupture: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Neurosurgery 2016 Apr;78(4):510-520.
53. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: The Relationship Between Serum Neuron-Specific Enolase Levels and Severity of Bleeding and Functional Outcomes in Patients With Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Neurosurgery 2016 Apr;78(4):487-491.
54. Awad AJ, Kellner CP, Mascitelli JR, Bederson JB, Mocco J. No Early Mobilization After Stroke: Lessons Learned from the AVERT Trial. World Neurosurg 2016 Mar;87:474
* 55. Oermann EK, Rubinsteyn A, Ding D, Mascitelli J, Starke RM, Bederson JB, Kano H, Lunsford LD, Sheehan JP, Hammerbacher J, Kondziolka D.. Using a Machine Learning Approach to Predict Outcomes after Radiosurgery for Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations Sci Rep 2016 Feb;6:21161
56. Mascitelli JR, Mocco J.. Publication comment: Clinical and Anatomical Follow-up in Patients With Aneurysms Treated With the WEB Device: 1-Year Follow-up Report in the Cumulated Population of 2 Prospective, Multicenter Series (WEBCAST and French Observatory) Neurosurgery 2016 Jan;78(1):133-141.
* 57. Mascitelli JR, Ben-Haim S, Paramasivam S, Zarzour H, Rothrock R, Bederson JB.. Association of a distal, intradural-extracranial PICA aneurysm with Chiari 1 malformation. Neurosurgery 2015 Oct;77(4):660-665.
* 58. Mascitelli JR, Oermann EK, De Leacy RA, Moyle H, Mocco J, Patel AB. Predictors of treatment failure following coil embolization of intracranial aneurysms. J Clin Neurosci 2015 Aug;22(8):1275-1281.
* 59. Mascitelli JR, Oermann EK, Mocco J, Fifi JT, Paramasivam S, Stapleton CJ, Patel AB. Predictors of success following endovascular retreatment of intracranial aneurysms Interv Neuroradiol. 2015 Aug;21(4):426-432.
* 60. Mascitelli JR, Oermann EK, De Leacy RA, Moyle H, Patel AB. Angiographic outcome of intracranial aneurysms with neck remnant following coil embolization. J Neurointerv Surg 2015 Jul;7(7):484-489.
* 61. Mascitelli JR, Moyle H, Oermann EK, Polykarpou MF, Doshi A, Patel AA, Gologorsky Y, Bederson JB, Patel AB.. An Update to the Raymond-Roy Occlusion Classification of intracranial aneurysms treated with coil embolization J Neurointerv Surg 2015 Jul;7(7):496-502.
* 62. Mascitelli JR, DeLeacy R, Oermann EK, Skovrlj B, Smouha E, Elozy S, Patel AB.. Cervical-petrous internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm presenting with otorrhagia treated with endovascular techniques J Neurointerv Surg 2015 Jul;7(7)
* 63. Mascitelli JR, Pain M, Panov F, Bederson JB, Patel AB.. Ophthalmic artery occlusion immediately following placement of a flow diverter without clinical sequelae Interv Neuroradiol 2015 Apr;21(2):191-195.
* 64. Mascitelli JR, Patel AB, Polykarpou MF, Patel AA, Moyle H. Analysis of early angiographic outcome using unique large diameter coils in comparison with standard coils in the embolization of cerebral aneurysms: a retrospective review J Neurointerv Surg 2015 Feb;7(2):126-130.
* 65. Sierra T, Nguyen L, Mascitelli J, Kalir T, Fishman D.. Brain metastasis from uterine serous carcinoma: A case report and review of literature Gynecol Oncol Rep. 2015 Jan;11:34-37.
* 66. Rasouli J, Patel SA, Skovrlj B, Gologorsky Y, Mascitelli J, Petersen B, Caridi J.. Primary extranodal marginal zone lymphoma involving the skull J Clin Neurosci 2014 Feb;21(2):351-353.
* 67. Skovrlj B, Mascitelli JR, Steinberger JM, Weiss N.. Progressive visual loss following rupture of an intracranial dermoid cyst J Clin Neurosci 2014 Jan;21(1):159-161.
* 68. Skovrlj B, Mascitelli JR, Camins MB, Doshi AH, Qureshi SA.. Acute respiratory failure from Surgifoam expansion after anterior cervical surgery J Neurosurg Spine 2013 Oct;19(4):428-430.
* 69. Gologorsky Y, Shrivastava RK, Panov F, Mascitelli J, Signore AD, Govindaraj S, Smethurst M, Bronster DJ.. Primary intraosseous cavernous hemangioma of the clivus: case report and review of the literature J Neurol Surg Rep 2013 Jun;74(1):17-22.
* 70. Mascitelli JR, Steinberger J, De Los Reyes K, Zou H. Lack of functionality and need for revision of an Ommaya reservoir placed into a cavum septum pellucidum J Neurosurg 2013 Mar;118(3):502-504.
* 71. Mascitelli JR, Polykarpou MF, Patel AA, Kamath AA, Moyle H, Patel AB. Initial experience with Penumbra Coil 400 versus standard coils in embolization of cerebral aneurysms: a retrospective review J Neurointerv Surg 2013 Feb;5(6):573-576.
* 72. Mascitelli JR, Halpern CH, Dolinskas CA, Zager EL, Welch WC.. Carpal tunnel syndrome secondary to an osteophyte of the trapezium. J Clin Neurosci 2011 Nov;18(11):1558-1559.
* 73. Smith MJ, Mascitelli J, Santillan A, Brennan JS, Tsiouris AJ, Riina HA, Gobin YP. Bare platinum vs matrix detachable coils for the endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms: a multivariate logistic regression analysis and review of the literature. Neurosurgery 2011 Sep;69(3):557-564.
* 74. Swanson EW, Mascitelli J, Stiefel M, MacMurtrie E, Levine J, Kofke WA, Yang W, Le Roux PD. Patient transport and brain oxygen in comatose patients. Neurosurgery 2011 May;66(5):925-932.
* 75. Katz JM, Gologorsky Y, Tsiouris AJ, Wells-Roth D, Mascitelli J, Gobin YP, Stieg PE, Riina HA. Is routine intraoperative angiography in the surgical treatment of cerebral aneurysms justified? A consecutive series of 147 aneurysms. Neurosurgery 2006 Apr;58(4):719-727.
* 76. Mack CA, Milla F, Ko W, Girardi LN, Lee LY, Tortolani AJ, Mascitelli J, Krieger KH, Isom OW. Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation using argon-based cryoablation during concomitant cardiac procedures Circulation 2005 Aug;112(9)