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Research Areas
CancerAnna Malkova, PhD
Mays Family Foundation Distinguished Chair in DNA Repair Genetics
Currently seeking Ph.D. students
Professional Background
- 1993 - Ph.D - Molecular Genetics - St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Mentor: Dmitry Gordenin
- 1987 - BS - Genetics - St. Petersburg State University St. Petersburg, Russia
- 2003 - Post-Doctoral Fellow - Mechanisms of double-strand break repair - Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. Mentor: James Haber
- 1996 - Post-Doctoral Fellow, - Mechanisms of double-strand break repair - Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. Mentor: James Haber
- 2003 – 2009 - Assistant Professor of Biology - Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
- 2009 - 2013 - Associate Professor of Biology, - ndiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
- 2009 - 2013 - Adjunct Associate Professor - Department Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine
- 2014 - 2018 - Associate Professor of Biology, - University of Iowa
- 2018 - 2022 - Professor of Biology, - University of Iowa
- 2022 - 2024 - Roy J. Carver Professor of Biology - University of Iowa
- 2024-Current - Adjunct Professor - University of Iowa
Research & Grants
Areas of Research Interest
DNA repair, Homologous Recombination, Cancer Etiology, Break-Induced Replication (BIR), BRCA1/2; Telomere homeostasis, Microhomology-Mediated BIR (MMBIR) in cancer cells, genomic instability, mutagenesis, APOBEC; mutation clustersGrants
Current Status: Funded & ongoing
MAY 2027 R01AG081263-01A1, NIA Genetic and environmental factors affecting alternative lengthening of telomeres.
Role: PI (MPI: Comeron)
Total Award amount: $1,864,784JUNE 2018 – MAY 2028
R35GM127006, NIGMS
Double strand break repair maelstrom: causes, mechanisms and genome destabilizing consequences.
Role: PI
Total Award amount: $3,742,750
3R35GM127006-04S1 (Supplemental)
Award amount: $98,998APRIL 2019 – MARCH 2024 R01CA232425, NCI
The role of human RAD52 protein in genome stability
Role: MPI (MPIs: Spies, Malkova, Pichierri)
Total Award amount: $2,042,780Completed
MAY 2022 – APRIL 2023
UI Environmental Health Sciences Research Center
Identifying conserved ncRNAs that trigger stress-induced epigenetic changes.
Role: Co-I (PI: Prahlad)
Total Award amount: $40,000JUNE 2022 – MAY 2023
College of Public Health and the Carver College of Medicine (UI)
Addressing Rural Environmental Health in a Changing Climate: Identifying Conserved Targets for Intervention to Address Climate Change-Mediated Health Effects.
Role: Co-I (PI: Lehmler)
Total Award amount: S500,000SEPTEMBER 2018- AUGUST 2020
R21ES030307, NIEHS Genetic and environmental factors affecting alternative lengthening of telomeres
Role: PI (MPI: Comeron)
Total Award amount: $408,064APRIL 2018 – MARCH 2020
R03ES029306, NIEHS
Suppressors and drivers of long-tract repair DNA synthesis (LTRS)
Role: PI
Total Award amount: $152,500JULY 2008– APRIL 2019
1R01GM084242, NIGMS
Amplification of risk resulting from mis-routing of double-strand break repair
Role: PI
Total Award amount: $1,148,600
3R01GM084242-08S1 (Supplemental)
Award amount: $151,474
3R01GM084242-07S1 (Supplemental)
Award amount: $57,700AUGUST 2008– JUNE 2011
1R03 ES016434; NIEHS
Visualization of break-induced replication Role: PI (MPI: Lobachev)
Total Award amount: $179,862MARCH 2006– FEBRUARY 2009
R15GM074657; NIGMS
Mechanisms of break-induced replication in yeast Role: PI
Award amount: $227,250
3R15GM074657-01A1S1 (Supplemental)
Total Award amount: $34,000DECEMBER 2016-DECEMBER 2017
UIowa Cancer Center Collaborative Pilot Grant
The role of Srs2 helicase in regulation of homologous recombination
Role: PI (MPI: Spies)
Total Award amount: $100,000JUNE 2008-MAY 2009
MAY 2004 -JULY 2004
Purdue University Research Fund (PRF)
Research Grants
Role: PI
Genetic consequences of failed break-induced replication. Award amount:: $16,375
Mechanisms of DSB DNA repair by break-induced replication. Total Award amount: $7,000OCTOBER 2012-SEPTEMBER 2013
NOVEMBER 2009-MAY 2010
JULY 2007 – JUNE 2008
JANUARY 2006–DECEMBER.2006Research Support Fund Grants (Indiana University)Role: PI
Molecular mechanism of break-induced replication
Funding Level: $35,000
Development of Novel Biosensors for Mutagenic Exposures Funding Level: $14,000
Analysis of molecular intermediates of break-induced replication Funding Level: $35,000
Mechanism of break-induced replication in yeast
Funding Level: $30,000JANUARY 2006-DECEMBER 2006
American Cancer Society (Indiana University Institutional grant)
Role: PI Mechanism of BIR and gross chromosomal rearrangements. Award amount: $20,000 -