For administrative calls, please contact:
- Gloria A Matthews
- matthewsg@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-5213
Departments & Divisions
Jane L Lynch, M.D.
Professor of Pediatrics and Division Chief
Fellowship Director
Greehey Foundation Chair in Pediatric Endocrinology
I am a board-certified Pediatric Endocrinologist and Professor at UT Health San Antonio. I serve as the Greehey Family Foundation Chair and Pediatric Endocrinology Division Chief. My clinics and clinical research take place the UHS Texas Diabetes Institute with my scholarly research focused on diabetes. I was the local Principal Investigator on the NIH sponsored TODAY studies with a multitude of ancillary and related sub studies as well as for the bionic pancreas pediatric studies that are ongoing. I have been the fellowship director for Pediatric Endocrinology since 2006 when I began the fellowship training program. I was elected as the national chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Executive Committee on Endocrinology in 2014 and for six years. I remain involved with several national research advocacy initiatives. I completed my Pediatric residency at UT Southwestern in Dallas and my fellowship training at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston with academic appointments and private practice experience prior to joining UT Health in 2005.
Professional Background
- 1984 - MD - Medicine - Wright State University School of Medicine
- 1980 - BS - Microbiology (Honors Division) - Indiana University
- 1990 - Clinical Fellowship - Pedi-Endocrine/Child Psychiatry Fellowship - Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, Boston MA
- 1989 - Clinical Fellowship - Genetics, Endocrinology and Metabolism - Oklahoma Health Sciences Center-Children's Hospital of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City OK
- 1987 - Residency - Pediatrics - University of Texas-Southwest-Children`s Medical Center, Dallas TX
- 1985 - Internship - Pediatric Internship - Washington University- St. Louis Children`s Hospital, St. Louis MO
5/2022 - Women in Medicine - San Antonio Magazine
5/2022 - Best Doctors
- 09/2021 - Division Chief, Pediatric Endocrinology - UT Health San Antonio
- 9/2016 - Interim Division Chief of Endocrinology - UT Health San Antonio, San Antonio TX
- 3/2014 - Consultant - Methodist Children's Hospital San Antonio, San Antonio TX
- 9/2012 - Co-Director - Children`s Clinic, Texas Diabetes Institute, University Hospital, San Antonio TX
- 9/2012 - Professor - UT Health San Antonio, San Antonio TX
- 1/2005 - Medical Staff Member - University Health System San Antonio, San Antonio TX
- 1/2005 - Pediatric Endocrine Fellowship Director - UT Health San Antonio, San Antonio TX
Instruction & Training
- 5/2021, Crucial Conversations , UT Health San Antonio
- 8/2013 - Present, Preceptor for UTHSCSA Family Practice Graduate Course, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/2013 - Present, Pediatric Fellows Residents (9:30-10:30), UT-Health San Antonio
- 7/2013 - Present, Camp Lecture for Medical Staff, UT-Health San Antonio
- 8/2008 - Present, Clinical Preceptor, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 8/2005 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UT Health San Antonio
- 5/2005 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UT Health San Antonio
- 3/2005 - Present, Pediatric Endocrinology, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1/2005 - Present, Case Management Instruction, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1/2005 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UT Health San Antonio
Research & Grants
- Childhood Type 2 diabetes – investigation for new therapies and complication intervention
- Diabetes technology for Type 1 diabetes
- Endocrine care for children and adolescents
Endocrine is a rewarding career with many complex conditions and nuances that make it constantly challenging. We enjoy supporting our families and teaching on all levels as part of our daily clinical care and research.
(17-D16/U01Dk061230-16): Funding Agency: George Washington University - (NIH Flow Through) Title: TODAY 2 Phase 2 (T2P2): Long-Term Post Intervention Follow Up- Status Active Period 5/2019 - 4/2022; Role Principal Investigator: Grant Detail - Follow Up Study of T2 Diabetes Children who have completed the TODAY Study with medical therapy and annual studies. TODAY study data is currently being analyzed. This study will then be further extended by final design which is under development and incorporating preliminary TODAY outcome data. This is a continuation for the long-term evaluation of the cohort that completed the TODAY2 Phase 1 component. (Internal PID 165380).
(JCHR/1UC4DK108612) - Funding Agency: Jaeb Center for Health Research - Funding Detail: 02/24/2020 - 12/31/2021: The Insulin Only Bionic Pancreas Pivotal Trial: Testing the Islet in Adults and Children with Type 1 Diabetes (IOBPPT). (Internal PID: 167262)
Funding Agency: Baptist Heatlh Foundation; IDENTIFICATION OF A MARKER AND THERAPEUTIC TARGET FOR PEDIATRIC OBESITY AND DIABETES; Role: Co-Investigator; Funding Detail: 12/15/2020 - 12/14/2025 (Internal PID: 169313).
- Country-Specific Prevalence and Incidence of Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes: A Narrative Literature Review
- Effect of Surgical Versus Medical Therapy on Diabetic Kidney Disease Over 5 Years in Severely Obese Adolescents With Type 2
- Hyperglycemia During Childhood Cancer Therapy: Incidence, Implications, and Impact on Outcomes
- Liraglutide in Children and Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes
- Elevated Serum Uric Acid Is Associated With Greater Risk for Hypertension and Diabetic Kidney Diseases in Obese Adolescents
- Rapid rise in hypertension and nephropathy in youth with Type 2 diabetes: The TODAY clinical trial
- A clinical trial to maintain glycemic control in youth with type 2 diabetes
- Long-Term Complications in Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
- Young adults show especially serious complications from Type 2 diabetes
- Pediatric Endocrinology: Perspectives of Pediatric Endocrinologists Regarding Career Choice and Recruitment of Trainees
- Hyperglycemia During Childhood Cancer Therapy: Incidence, Implications, and Impact on Outcomes
- LRG1 is in an adipokine that mediates obesity-induced hepatosteatosis and insulin resistance
- Serum carotenoids and Pediatric Metabolic index predict insulin sensitivity in Mexican American children
- Effects of Metabolic Factors, Race-Ethnicity, and Sex on the Development of Nephropathy in Adolescents and Young Adults with T2D
Peer Reviewed Articles:
MA Van Name, P Cheng, RL Gal, C Kollman, J Lynch, B Nelson, WV Tamborlane, & Pediatric Diabetes Consortium. Children and adolescents with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Pediatric Diabetes Consortium Registries: comparing clinical characteristics and glycaemic control. Diabetic Medicine 2020 May;37(5), 863-867. Doi:10.1111/dme.14233 Epub 2020 Feb 5. PMID: 31943374.
Shah R, McKay SV, Levitt Katz LE, El Ghormli L, Anderson BJ, Casey TL, Higgins L, Izquierdo R, Wauters AD, Chang N; TODAY Study Group.(J Lynch, E Escaname, M Rayas) Adherence to multiple medications in the TODAY (Treatment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth) cohort: Effect of additional medications on adherence to primary diabetes medication. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Feb 25;33(2):191-198. doi: 10.1515/jpem-2019-0315. PMID: 31809265.
Kaar JL, Schmiege SJ, Drews K, Higgins J, Walders-Abramson N, Isganaitis E, Willi SM, Marcus MD, Zeitler PS, Kelsey MM. Evaluation of the longitudinal change in health behavior profiles across treatment groups in the TODAY clinical trial. (J Lynch, E Escaname, M Rayas). Pediatr Diabetes. 2020 Mar;21(2):224-232. doi: 10.1111/pedi.12976 PMID: 31886931.
Kumar, S., Lteif, A., Lynch, J., Aye, T., & Ashraf, A. (2020, June). Perspectives of Pediatric Endocrinologists on Career Choice and Strategies to Stimulate Interest in Pediatric Endocrinology Subspecialty Training. In HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS (Vol. 93, No. SUPPL 1, pp. 141-142). PMID: 34132198.
Selvakumar PKC, Kabbany MN, Lopez R, Rayas MS, Lynch JL, Alkhouri N. Prevalence of Suspected Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease In Lean Adolescents In The United States J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2018 Jul;67(1):75-79.
Arya R, Farook VS , Fowler SP, Puppala S, Chittoor G, Resendez RG, Mummidi S, Vanamala J , Almasy L, Curran JE, Comuzzie AG, Lehman DM, Jenkinson CP, Lynch JL, DeFronzo RA, Blangero J, Hale DE, Duggirala R,. Diego VP. Genetic and Environmental (Physical Fitness and Sedentary Activity) Interaction Effects on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Mexican American Children and Adolescents. Genetic Epidemiology 2018 Jun;42(4):378-393.
Nathan E. McWhorter, Leen Abazid, Brandon C. Gorzell, Jane L. Lynch, Umber A. Salman, Darlene F. Metter and William T. Phillips. Simultaneous blood glucose monitoring during gastric emptying scintigraphy may identify unsuspected abnormalities. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2018 Jun;43(6):411-419.
Gidding SS, Bacha F, Bjornstad P, Levitt Katz LE, Levitsky LL, Lynch J, Tryggestad JB, Weinstock RS, El Ghormli L, Lima JAC; TODAY Study Group. Cardiac Biomarkers in Youth with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Results from the TODAY Study. J Pediatr 2018 Jan;192:86-92 e5.
Hutchins J, Barajas RA, Hale DE, Escaname EN, Lynch JL. Type 2 diabetes in a 5 year old and single center experience of Type 2 diabetes in youth under 10. Pediatric Diabetes 2017 Nov;18(7):674-677. PMID: 27807935.
Magge SN, Goodman E, Armstrong SC; COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION; SECTION ON ENDOCRINOLOGY; SECTION ON OBESITY. The Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents: Shifting the Focus to Cardiometabolic Risk Factor Clustering. Pediatrics 2017 Aug;140(2):e1-e14.
Farook VS, Reddivari L, Mummidi S, Puppala S, Arya R, Lopez-Alvarenga JC, Fowler SP, Chittoor G, Resendez RG, Kumar BM, Comuzzie AG, Curran JE, Lehman DM, Jenkinson CP, Lynch JL, DeFronzo RA, Blangero J, Hale DE, Duggirala R, Vanamala JK. Genetics of serum carotenoid concentrations and their correlation with obesity-related traits in Mexican American children. Am J Clin Nutr 2017 Jul;106(1):52-58.
Arslanian S, El Ghormli L, Bacha F, Caprio S, Goland R, Haymond MW, Levitsky L, Nadeau KJ, White NH, Willi SM; TODAY Study Group.(Lynch, JL). Adiponectin, Insulin Sensitivity, β-Cell Function, and Racial/Ethnic Disparity in Treatment Failure Rates in TODAY. Diabetes Care 2017 Jan;40(1):85-93.
Bachrach LK, Gordon CM; SECTION ON ENDOCRINOLOGY. Bone Densitometry in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics 2016 Oct;138(4).
Nadeau KJ, Anderson BJ, Berg EG, Chiang JL, Chou H, Copeland KC, Hannon TS, Huang TT, Lynch JL, Powell J, Sellers E, Tamborlane WV, Zeitler P. Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Consensus Report: Current Status, Challenges, and Priorities. Diabetes Care 2016 Sep;39(9):1635-1642.
Tamboralane WV; Haymond MW; Dunger D; Shankar R; Gubitosi-Klug R; Bethin K; Karres J; Tomasi P; Libman I; Hale PH; Portman R; Klingensmith G; Reed M; Blumer J; Giacoia G; NICHD Diabetes Working Group: Lynch JL; Chilton RJ. Expanding Treatment Options for Youth With Type 2 Diabetes: Current Problems and Proposed Solutions: A White Paper From the NICHD Diabetes Working Group. Diabetes Care 2016 Mar;39(3):323-329.
Kaplowitz P, Bloch C; Section on Endocrinology, American Academy of Pediatrics. Evaluation and Referral of Children With Signs of Early Puberty. Pediatrics 2016 Jan;137(1).
Farook VS, Reddivari L, Chittoor G, Puppala S, Arya R, Fowler SP, Hunt KJ, Curran JE, Comuzzie AG, Lehman DM, Jenkinson CP, Lynch JL, DeFronzo RA, Blangero J, Hale DE, Duggirala R, Vanamala J. Metabolites as novel biomarkers for childhood obesity-related traits in Mexican-American children. Pediatr Obes 2015 Aug;10(4):320-327.
Rayas MS, Willey-Courand DB, Lynch JL, Guajardo JR. Improved Screening for Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes by an Integrated Care Team Using an Algorithm. Pediatric Pulmonology 2014 Oct;49(10):971-977.
Fowler SP, Puppala S, Arya R, Chittoor G, Farook VS, Schneider J, Resendez RG, Upadhayay RP, Vandeberg J, Hunt KJ, Bradshaw B, Cersosimo E, Vandeberg JL, Almasy L, Curran JE, Comuzzie AG, Lehman DM, Jenkinson CP, Lynch JL, Defronzo RA, Blangero J, Hale DE, Duggirala R. Genetic epidemiology of cardiometabolic risk factors and their clustering patterns in Mexican American children and adolescents: the SAFARI Study. Hum Genet 2013 Sep;132(9):1059-1071.
Orsi CM, Hale DE, Lynch JL. Pediatric obesity epidemiology. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2011 Feb;18(1):14-22. TODAY Study Group, Klingensmith GJ, Pyle L, Arslanian S, Copeland KC, Cuttler L, Kaufman F, Laffal L, Marcovina S, Tollefsen SE, Weinstock RS, Linder B. TODAY Study Group.
Solis-Herrera C, Triplett CL, Lynch JL. Nephropathy in youth and young adults with type 2 diabetes. Current Diabetes Reports 2014 Feb;14(2).
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. "The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus." New England Journal of Medicine 329.14 (1993): 977-986.
Board Certifications
- 1991 - American Board of Pediatrics, Pediatric Endocrinology
- 1988 - American Board of Pediatrics, Pediatrics Board
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