Departments & Divisions
Margarita M Vasquez, M.D.
Professor of Pediatrics
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program Director
Dr. Vasquez received her combined Bachelors of Liberal Arts and Doctor of Medicine degree from University of Missouri at Kansas City in 2000. After completing medical school, she moved to San Antonio where she completed both Pediatric Residency and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship at University of Texas Health San Antonio. Dr. Vasquez joined our department as an Assistant Professor just after the completion of fellowship in 2006 and has moved her way up to Professor of Pediatrics with Tenure. She is certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Dr. Vasquez became the Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellowship program director in 2009. Her career has focused on medical education and simulation training for fellows. Dr. Vasquez is actively involved in the Organization of Neonatal Training Program Directors where she is on the executive council for the National Neonatology Curriculum Committee.
Professional Background
- 2006 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center
- 2003 - Residency - Pediatrics - University of Texas Health Science Center
- 2000 - MD - Medicine - University of Missouri at Kansas City
- 1999 - BA - Liberal Arts - University of Missouri at Kansas City
- 09/2020 - Professor of Pediatrics with Tenure - University of Texas Health San Antonio
- 09/2013 - Associate Professor of Pediatrics with Tenure - University of Texas Health San Antonio
- 11/2009 - Neonatologist - Community Medicine Associates, Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 02/2009 - Director, Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship - University of Texas Health San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 11/2018 - Present, Neonatology Flipped Classroom, UTHSCSA
- 10/2013 - Present, Preparing your Curriculum Vitae, UTHSCSA
- 3/2012 - Present, Simulation Training for fellows and transport team, University Hospital
- 7/2009 - Present, Neonatal Board Review, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2/2009 - Present, Individual Instruction, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2/2009 - Present, Post Graduate Rotation Supervision, University Hospital NICU
- 7/2006 - Present, Pediatric Resident/Student Didactic Conference, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/2006 - Present, Pediatrics Clerkship, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2006 - Present, Neonatal ICU Externship, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2006 - Present, Post Graduate Rotation Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/2006 - Present, Thematic Journal Update, UTHSCSA
- 7/2006 - Present, Journal Club, UTHSCSA
- 7/2003 - Present, Neonatal Resuscitation Program, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/2003 - Present, Neonatal Fellow Didactic, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Research & Grants
Funding Agency AAP Section of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Title The ONTPD National Neonatology Curriculum: An Innovative Educational Project Status Active Period 7/2018 - 6/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail
Funding Agency SPARK-Ed- Penn Medicine Title The ONTPD National Neonatology Flipped Classroom Curriculum and the Development of Best Practices for Flipped Classroom Facilitation Status Active Period 1/2019 - 7/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail
Gray M, Dadiz R, Zucker E, Izatt S, Kraukauer M, Carbajal M, Johnston L, Falck A, Bonachea EW, Vasquez MM, Karpen H, Payne A, Chess P, Arias A, Gisondo C, French H. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Traditional Didactics vs the Flipped Classroom for Knowledge Acquisition and Retentions. 2020 May. (E-PAS2020)
French H, Payne A, Zucker E, Karpen H, Carbajal M, Arias A, Dadiz R, Johnston L, Krakauer M, Izatt S, Vasquez MM, Gisondo C, Falck A, Bonachea E, Chess P, Gray M. Impact of Instructional Method on Perceptions of the Learning Environment 2020 May. (E-PAS2020).
Carbajal M, Karpen H, Gisondo C, Arias A, Gray M, French H, Krakauer M, Izatt S, Bonachea E, Falck A, Johnston L, Payne A, Vasquez MM, Chess P, Dadiz R. The Cost of Graduate Medical Education: Cost Comparison of Didactic Education at Individual Fellowship Programs vs. Shared Res urces of the National Neonatology Curriculum 2020 May. (E-PAS2020).
French H, Gisondo C, Bonachea E, Vasquez MM, Izatt S, Falck A, Zucker E, Dadiz R, Krakauer M, Johnston L, Carbajal M, Chess P, Karpen H, Payne A, rias A, Gray M. Use of a Standardized National Curriculum in Graduate Medical Education 2020 May. (E-PAS2020).
Gray M, Arias A, Zucker E, Dadiz R, Carbajal M, Izatt S, Krakauer M, Bonachea E, Vasquez MM, Falck A, Chess P, Payne A, Gisondo C, Karpen H, Johnston L, French H. Fellowship Educational Barriers from the Viewpoint of Learners, Educators, and Program Directors 2020 May. (E-PAS2020).
Gisondo C, Vasquez MM, Bonachea E, Izatt S, Falck A, Zucker E, Krakauer M, Dadiz R, Carbajal M, Chess P, Payne A, Johnston L, Arias A, Karpen H, Gray M, French H. Presentation of Standardized Educational Materials Impacts the Classroom Experience in Traditional vs Flipped Classrooms 2020 May. (E-PAS2020).
French H, Zucker E, Dadiz R, Vasquez MM, Falck A, Johnston L, Izatt S, Karpen H, Carbajal MM, Chess P, Gray M. Educational Landscape of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Programs 2019 Apr. (E-PAS2019).
Gray M, Dadiz R, Izatt S, Johnston L, Falck A, Vasquez MM, Bonachea E, Carbajal MM, Karpen H, Chess P, Payne A, French H. The National Neonatal Respiratory Physiology Flipped Classroom Experience 2019 Apr. (E-PAS2019).
Farner RC, Vasquez MM, Gonzalez AB. Evaluating the Need for a Delivery Room Checklist in Extremely Low Birth Weight Deliveries via Simulation; 2019 Jan. (J Invest Med).
French H, Gray MM, Gillam-Krakauer M, Bonachea E, Carbajal MM, Payne A, Vasquez MM, Rubinos L, Falck AJ, Izatt S, Dadiz R. The National Neonatology Curriculum Project; 2018 May. (E-PAS2018).
Siddiqui S, Mustafa SB, Vasquez MM, Werner S, Seidner SR. Mechanical Ventilation Alters the Differentiation Potential and Ultrastructure of Endogenous Lung Mesenchymal Stromal Cells; 2016 May. (E-PAS2016:3873.662).
Siddiqui SK, Mustafa SB, Vasquez MM, Seidner SR. Effect of Mechanical Ventilation and Postnatal Adaptation on Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Isolated from Late Preterm Rabbit Lung; 2016 Jan. (Journal of Investigative Medicine).
Koele-Schmidt L, Vasquez MM. NewB for Newbies: Training Housestaff to Perform Neonatal Intubation with Direct and Videolaryngoscopy; 2015 Jan. (Journal of Investigative Medicine). Hisey JC, Le Saux CJ, Vasquez MM, Anzueto DG, Seidner SR, Summers PK, Mustafa SB. Abnormal Alveolarization, Surfactant Protein Expression and Lung Function in Caveolin-1-Deficient Newborn Mice; 2013 May. (E-PAS2013:1670.3).
Journal Article
Beer L, Gray M, Carbajal MM, French H, Vasquez MM, Bauserman M, Bonachea EM. "Megaflip," a Novel Approach to Nati nal Collaboration for Flipped Classroom Education. Academic Pediatrics 2020 Jun
Gray MM, Dadiz R, Izatt S, Gillam-Krakauer M, Carbajal MM, Falck AJ, Bonachea EM, Johnston LC, Karpen H, Vasquez MM, Chess PR, French H. Value, Strengths, and Challenges of e-Learning Modules Paired with the Flipped Classroom for Graduate Medical Education: A Survey from the Natio al Neonatology Curriculum. American Journal of Perinatology 2020 Apr
Moreira AG, Siddiqui SK, Macias R, Johnson-Pais TL, Wilson D, Gelfond JAL, Vasquez MM, Seidner SR, Mustafa SB. Oxygen and Mechanical Ventilation Impede the Functional Prop rties of Resident Lung Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. PLOS ONE 2020 Mar;15(3)
French H, Gray M, Gillam-Krakauer M, Bonachea EM, Carbajal M, Payne A, Vasquez MM, Rubinos L, Falck A, Izatt S, Dadiz R. Flipping the classroom: a national pilot curriculum for physiology in neonatal-perinatal medicine Journal of Perinatology 2018 Oct;38(10):1420-1427.
Abramson EL, Paul CR, Petershack JA, Serwint J, Fischel JE, Rocha M, Treitz M, McPhillips H, Lockspeiser T, Hicks P, Tewksbury L, Vasquez MM, Tancredi DJ, Li ST. Conducting Quantitative Medical Education Research: From Design to Dissemination Academic Pediatrics 2018 Mar;18(2):129-139.
Koele-Schmidt L, Vasquez MM. NewB for Newbies: A Randomized Control Trial Training Housestaff to Perform Neonatal Intubation with Direct and Videolaryngoscopy Paediatric Anaesthesia 2016 Apr;26(4):392-398.
Namachivayam K, Blanco CL, MohanKumar K, Jagadeeswaran R, Vasquez MM, McGill-Vargas L, Garzon SA, Jain SK, Gill RK, Freitag NE, Weikamp JH, Seidner SR, Maheshwari A. Smad7 inhibits autocrine expression of TGF-ß2 in intestinal epithelial cells in baboon necrotizing enterocolitis Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2013 Jan;304(2):G167-180.
Reeves AA, Johnson CJ, Vasquez MM, Maheshwari A, Blanco CL. TGF-?2, a protective intestinal cytokine, is abundant in maternal human milk and human-derived fortifiers but not in donor human milk Breastfeeding Medicine 2013 Dec;8(6):496-502.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Pediatrics/Neonatal-Perinatal