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- Debbie Espinoza
- espinozad@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-8115
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Jinqi Li, MD
Assistant Professor/Research
Research Imaging Institute
In decades of working in medical imaging both as a practicing radiologist and as a researcher, I've worked in a variety of roles that contribute to my understanding and ability to conduct successful imaging projects. My history serving as a radiologist provided a great amount of experience collecting, processing, and reading MRI studies. Having faced many unique situations during that time as well as during my time as a researcher, I can find ways to adapt scan protocols to a multitude of challenging requirements. My area of expertise is in providing MRI services through designing scan protocols and acquiring functional and structural brain, cardiac, diabetes, and spectroscopy. In addition to human imaging, I have also branched out to expand my horizons by taking on hundreds of non-human MRI scans across dozens of studies. Beyond just research, I have expanded my professional duties by managing labs and helping to coordinate large multi-center studies. I am currently a primary point of contact for clinically oriented research imaging studies being carried out at the Research Imaging Institute.
Professional Background
- 1983 - MD - Medicine - Shandong Medical University
- 5/2001 - Assistant Professor and Research Professor - UTHSCSA, Radiology, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 10/2012 - Present, Introduction to Magnetic Resonance, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 10/2012 - Present, Mri, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
Funding Agency
The National Institutes of Health
Womb to Tomb: Developmental Programming and Aging Interactions in Primates Status
Status Active
Period 9/2018 - 5/2023
Grant Detail
We aim to obtain information on aging processes before animals become aged to enable study of early aging-developmental programming interactions. We will develop the life course connection between baboon status in the womb, combining data obtained in these cohorts over the next 4 years with data with our 24y research program and archives in fetal and adult life (e.g. signaling pathways and epigenetics in brain, heart, liver, pancreas, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle). MRI is integral to all three project of the U19 grant: 1: hippocampal-hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HHPA) axis and Brain Function; 2: Cardiovascular Function; 3: Metabolism.
Funding Agency
Imaging Genomics of the Aging Brain
Period 09/2018-09/2023
Role: Co-Investigator
Grant Detail: The purpose of this study is to characterize the genetic and environmental influences on normal aging-related changes in neuroanatomic, neurophysiologic, and neurocognitive indices. Using data we collected in large, randomly selected pedigrees from the Genetics of Brain Structure and Function (GOBS) study, we
previously documented genotype x age (GxA) interactions influencing neurocognitive decline and reduced cortical thickness within medial temporal and parietal cortices. While these findings implicate genetic factors in brain aging, they are based on cross-sectional data and lack direct evaluation of intra-individual aging. More powerful methods for the detection of genetic andenvironmental influences require longitudinal data. Thus, we propose a pedigree-based, mixed longitudinal study to re-phenotype the oldest 600 GOBS individuals approximately 10 years after their initial assessment.This study will recruit 600 subjects over 3 yearsFunding Agency
Identification of the Exposome in Fatty Liver Disease in Mexican Americans
Status Active
Period 4/2018-11/2022
Role Co-Investigator
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Pavel, Singh, Amar P., Malloy, Kristen E., Zhou, Wei, Barrett, Douglas W., Franklin, Crystal G., Altmeyer WB, Gutierrez JE, Li J, Heyl, Betty L., Lancaster JL, Gonzalez-Lima, F., Duong TQ. Methylene blue modulates functional connectivity in the human brain Brain Imaging Behav 2017 Jun;11(3):640-648.
Malloy, Kristen E., Li J, Choudhury, Gourav R., Torres, April, Gupta, Shruti, Kantorak, Chris, Goble, Tim, Fox PT, Clarke GD, Daadi, Marcel M. Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Delivery of Neural Stem Cells into the Basal Ganglia of Nonhuman Primates Reveals a Pulsatile Mode of Cell Dispersion Stem Cells Transl Med 2017 Mar;6(3):877-885.
Kuo AK, Li C, Li J, Huber HF, Nathanielsz PW, Clarke GD. Cardiac Remodeling in a Baboon Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction Mimics Accelerated Aging The Journal of Physiology 2017 Feb;595(4):1093-1110.
Rodriguez P, Zhou W, Barrett DW, Altmeyer W, Gutierrez JE, Li J, Lancaster JL, Gonzalez-Lima F, Duong TQ. Multimodal randomized functional MR imaging of the effects of methylene blue in the human brain Radiology 2016 Nov;281(2):516-526.
Rodriguez P., Zhou W., Barrett D.W., Altmeyer W., Gutierrez J.E., Li J, Lancaster J.L., Gonzalez-Lima F., Duong T. Multimodal Randomized Functional MR Imaging of the Effects of Methylene Blue in the Human Brain Radiology 2016 Nov;281(2):516-526.
Yao W.X., Jiang Z.G., Li J, Jiang C.H., Franklin C.G., Lancaster J.L., Huang Y.F., Yue G.H. Brain Functional Connectivity Is Different during Voluntary Concentric and Eccentric Muscle Contraction Front Physiol 2016 Jul;7(521).
Li J. Intrinsic Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Human Spinal Cord at 3.0 T Radiology 2016 Apr;279(1):262-268.
Yao WX, Li J, Jiang Z, Gao JH, Franklin CG, Huang Y, Lancaster JL, Yue GH. Aging interferes central control mechanism for eccentric muscle contraction Front Aging Neurosci 2014 May;6:86-86.
Ghosh S, Lertwattanarak R, Gardu?o JD, Galeana JJ, Li J, Zamarripa F, Lancaster JL, Mohan S, Hussey S, Musi N. Elevated Muscle TLR4 Expression and Metabolic Endotoxemia in Human Aging J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2014 May;epub.
Monkul ES, Silva LAP, Narayana S, Peluso MAM, Zamarripa F, Nery FG, Najt P, Li J, Lancaster JL, Fox PT, Lafer B, Soares JC. Abnormal resting state corticolimbic blood flow in depressed unmedicated patients with major depression: A 15O‐H2O PET study Human Brain Mapping 2012 Feb;33(2):272-279.
Wey HY, Li J, Szabo CA, Fox PT, Leland MM, Jones L, Duong TQ. BOLD fMRI of visual and somatosensory-motor stimulations in baboons Neuroimage 2010 May;52(4):1420-1427.