Moonju Lee, PhD, RN, MSN
Associate Professor/Clinical
Moonju Lee, Ph.D., RN, is an Assistant Professor/Clinical at the UT Health San Antonio School of Nursing with 18 years of clinical experience in the oncology, bone marrow transplant, and neonatal intensive units. Her research and teaching areas focus on health disparities, health literacy, healthcare service utilization, community engagement, and capacity building among all underserved populations, including Hispanics, refugees, and Korean immigrants.
As an undergraduate and graduate faculty, she has taught Research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Population focused Health, Health Assessment, and Advanced Nursing Seminar, and worked with the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student as the committee chair. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she volunteered from the drive-through testing site to the vaccine clinics, presented the COVID-19 Pandemic issues to the national and international organizations, and kept sharing up-to-date COVID-19 and vaccine information with the socially and linguistically isolated underserved populations through the media and community partners.
She has served the several University Committees and the Mays Cancer Center Community Engagement Advisory Council as a member. Currently, Dr. Lee has leadership roles at the professional health organizations in the American Public Health Association (APHA), Caucus of Refugee and Immigrant Health, and the Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF)-USA.
Since 2016, she has been deeply involved in the San Antonio Korean American community as a Founder of the Korean American Health School, Community Advisory Board member, and President of the San Antonio Korean American Scholarship Foundation. In 2019, she was appointed as the Oversea Council Member and Policy Committee Chair of the US-Houston Chapter of the National Unification Advisory Council of the Republic of Korea.
Dr. Lee has received several awards, including:
- Center for Global Health Scholar, University of Virginia (2003)
- Carol Lindeman Award, Western Institute of Nursing (2015)
- Best 25 Nurses of South Central Texas, San Antonio Nursing Consortium (2021)
- Minister of Foreign Affairs Award, Republic of Korea (2021)
Professional Background
- 2013 - Doctor of Philosophy - Nursing, Health Disparities in Cancer Prevention - University of Arizona, College of Nursing
- 2003 - Master of Science in Nursing - Community & Public Health Nursing Leadership - University of Virginia, School of Nursing
- 1994 - Bachelor of Science in Nurisng - Nursing - Ewha Womans University, School of Nursing
Licensures and Certifications
- Registered Nurse (Texas)
- Certification, UTeach, UT Health San Antonio
- Certification, BCFS HHS EMD Emergency Medical Shelter
Honors and Awards
- 2022 Fellow of the Diversity Leadership Institute The American Association of the College of Nursing (AACN)
- 2021 The Minister of Foreign Affairs Award The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Korea
- 2020 - present - Assistant Professor/Clinical - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2015 - 2020 - Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track - UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
Instruction & Training
- 2022, NURS 4217 Population Focused Health: Clinical Application , UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2022, NURS 3375 Nursing Research and EBP, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 4227 Population Focused Health: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 3273 Health Assessment & Promotion: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 4217 Population Focused Health: Clinical Application, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 3375 Nursing Research & EBP, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 3110 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Lab, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2021, NURS 7111 Advanced Nursing Seminar, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 4217 Population Focused Health: Clinical Application , UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 3375 Nursing Research and EBP, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
- 2020, NURS 3110 Health Assessment: Clinical Application Lab, UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
Research & Grants
Currently Funded:
- 2020 – 2022 Funder: Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF) Research Grant, $10,000. Title: A program development to improve nursing capacity for patients with emerging infectious diseases. Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Sunjoo Kang)
Completed Research/Projects:
- 2019 – 2020, Funder: UT Health School of Nursing, Nursing Advisory Council (NAC) Research Grant, $12,000. Title: A biobehavioral approach to identifying factors of blood pressure in Korean American with hypertension and exploring salt sensitivity. Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Jisook Ko)
- 2018 – 2019, Funder: UT Health School of Nursing, Nursing Advisory Council (NAC) Research Grant, $10,000. Title: Building Community Capacity and Engagement in the San Antonio Korean American Community. Role: PI (PI: Moonju Lee)
- 2018, Funder: Texas Women’s University.Title: Korean American Health Promotion Pilot Project: Examining Factors Influential to Health Care Access and Health Promotion Management of Korean Americans. Role: Co-PI (PI: Mikyoung Lee)
Student Mentees/Trainess
- 2021 – 2022 Alexis Gillespie, DNP, supervision of doctoral quality improvement project, 1hour/week for five months as the DNP committee chair
- 2020 – 2021 Isabel Leija, DNP candidate, supervision of doctoral quality improvement project, 1 hour/week for eight months as the DNP committee chair
- 2018 – Current JiEun Moon, BSN, the guidance of career development, current BSN-DNP student
- 2022 - UT Health SA-School of Nursing, SON 5-Years Strategic Planning DEI Intiative
- 2021 - Present, UT Health SA-University, Council of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Member
- 2021 - UT Health SA-University, Vice-President of DEI Search Committee, Member
- 2020-2023 UT Health SA-School of Nursing Council of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Member, Curriculum Subcommittee, Chair
- 2020 - Present UT Health SA-University International Relations Committee, Member
- 2020 - 2021 UT Health SA-University Infection Policy and Education Committee, Member
- 2020 - 2021 UT Health SA-School of Nursing Committee on International Program Member
- 2019 - Present UT Health SA- Mays Cancer Center Community Outreach and Engagement Internal Advisory Committee, Member
Service to the Profession
- 2020 – Present, Membership Committee Chair, Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF)
- 2020 – Present, Social Media Chair, American Public Health Association (APHA)
- 2019 – Present, Board Member, Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF)
Manuscript/Conference Abstract Reviews
- 2017 – Present, Abstract Reviewer, The Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Caucus for Refugee and Immigrant Health
- 2016 – Present, Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Transcultural Nursing
Conference Session Moderator
- 2021 Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association Caucus on Refugee and Immigrant Health, Virtual
- 2020 Webinar Series, Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF)-USA
Professional Affiliations
- 2018 – Present, Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association
- 2016 – Present, Council of Advancement of Nursing Science
- 2003 – Present, Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing
- 2003 – Present, American Public Health Association
2022 – Present San Antonio Korean American Scholarship Foundation Role: President
2019 - Present, National Unification Advisory Council - The Republic of Korea, Role: Oversees Council Member/Policy Planning Committee Co-Chair (US-Houston Chapter)
Guest Speaker
- 2020, Effective Communication Skills with Health Care Providers K-Forum Wise, New Jersey (YouTube Live streaming)
- 2020, US Nursing Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Ulsan University, School of Nursing, South Korea
2022 Flu/COVID community vaccine clinic Our Lady of Lake University; SA Korean American Community; (2/26) Refugee Community Health Event
2021 COVID Mobile Vaccination, SA Korean American Community UT Health San Antonio, School of Nursing
2020 – 2021, COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic UT Health San Antonio, SON
2020 UT Health IPE: Flu Vaccination Refugee Clinic; COVID-19 Drive through Testing Site & Call Center (STRAC)
- Lee, M., Lee, M. A. Ahn, H., Ko, J., Yon, E., Lee, J., Kim, M., Braden, C. J. (2021). Health Literacy and Access to Care on Cancer Screening among Korean Americans. Health Literacy Research and Practice, 5(4), e310-e318
- Song, H. J., Yoon, Y. T., Kim, S., Yang, M., & Lee, M. (2021). Association of depression with chewing and swallowing function among elderly vendors in a conventional market: preliminary research. Journal of the Korean Dysphagia Society, 11 (2)
- Ko, J., Lee, M., Patel, D., Nguyen, V., & Wang, J. (2021). Examining the potential effect of a salt sensitivity biomarker in Korean American immigrants: A pilot study. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health,
- Song, H. J., Bluhm, D. M., Lee, M., & Moon, H. S. (2021). The relationship between lower urinary track symptoms and osteoarthritis symptoms among vendors in a conventional market. International Neurourology Journal
- Song, C. E., Park, H. Y., Lee, M., & Stevens, K. R. (2021). Integrating EBP into an undergraduate research methodology course using the Star Model of Knowledge Transformation: A mixed-method study. Nurse Education Today, 105. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105021
- Ahn, H., Jackon, N., An, K., Fillingim, R. B., Miao, H., Lee, M., Ko, J., Galle, K., Lee, M. A. (2020). Relationship between acculturative stress and pain catastrophizing in Korean Americans. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, doi:
- Salt, R. J., Sickora, C., Page, T. L., Martinez, M. L., Cantu, A. G., Schwab, K. W., & Lee, M. (2020). “We didn’t forget” Utilizing a community-nurse partnership to promote health in Rockport Texas after Hurricane Harvey. Public Health Nursing, 37(1), 113-120. doi:10.1111/phn.12684
- Sickora, C., Salt, R. J., Page, T. S., Lee, W., Cantu, A. G., Lee, M., Schwab, K.W., Martinez, M. L., & Byrd, D. (2020). Evolution of experiential learning opportunities for nursing students after natural disaster. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(1), 30-33. doi:10.3928/01484834-20191223-07
- MacDonald, K., Lee, C. S., Chen, H. C., Ko, M. L., Fiedel, G. E., Brie, H., Hermans, C., Vancayzeele, S., Reel, S., Van der Niepen, P., & Abraham, I. (2010). A sub-analysis of the Belgian PREVIEW study. Journal of Human Hypertension, 1-11
- Oh, K. M., An, K., & Lee, M., & Kreps, G. L. (2022). Cultural factors influencing health literacy, health care access, and health behaviors among Korean-Americans. Global Health Communication for Immigrants and Refugees: Cases, Theories, and Strategies DOI: 10.4324/9781003230243-2
- Oh, K. M., An, K., Lee, M., & Shin, C. (2022). Colorectal cancer screening disparities in Asian Americans: The influences of social media use and patient-provider communication. Journal of Cancer Education
- Shin, C., Oh, K., Lee, M., An, K. & Sim, J. (2022). Promoting physical activity through a technology-enhanced intervention. Clinical Nursing Research
- Lee, M. (April 16, 2021). COVID Vaccination Event at the San Antonio Korean American Community (April 7 and April 28).
- Lee, M. (January 9, 2021). COVID-19 and U. S. COVID Vaccine Program.
- Lee, M. (May 1, 2020). How to be healthy in an uncertain situation related to COVID-19 pandemic?
- Lee, M. (April 3, 2020). What is COVID-19 Virus?
- Lee, M. (December 14, 2019). Cardiovascular Disease: Myocardial infarction & Emergency Responses
- Lee, M. (August 31, 2019). Health Insurance: Medicare and Medicaid
- Lee, M. (July 31, 2019). Healthy Retirement Life Styles
- Lee, M. (June 24, 2019). Diabetes: Prevention and Management
- Lee, M. (April 5,2019). Effectiveness and Importance of Exercise for Health
- Lee, M. (March 24, 2019). What is Prediabetes?
- Lee, M. (January 4, 2019). Mental Health: How to love myself?
- 2022 Cancer survivors’ utilization of Health Internet of Things (HIoT) and Health Behaviors. (An., K. Oh, K., Lee, M., Shin, C., & Patel, A.). Accepted as an oral presentation at Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress. Edinburgh, Scotland. July 21-25.
- 2022 Efficacy of a technology-enhanced physical activity intervention in Korean American adults. (Shin, C., Oh, K., Lee, M., & An, K.). Accepted as an oral presentation at Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress. Edinburgh, Scotland. July 21-25.
- 2022 Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates among Asians and Whites: Roles of Online Health Communication. (Oh, K., An, K., Lee, M., & Shin, C.). Accepted as an oral presentation at Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 21-25.
- 2022 Disparity in Utilization of Health Internet of Things (HIoT) and its Impact on Health Behaviors among Cancer Survivors. (An, K. Oh, K.M., Lee, M., Patel D.). The 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Nursing Research Society, New Orleans, LA, February 22-25.
- 2022 Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates among Asian Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites: Roles of Internet and Social Media Use and Health Information Sharing. (Oh, K., An, K., Lee, M., & Shin, C.) The 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Nursing Research Society, New Orleans, LA. Feb 23-25.
- 2022 Community Engagement and Capacity Building: Virtual approaches and Community Actions during the COVID-19 pandemic (Lee, M.). The 1st Health and Nursing Research Institute International Conference, virtual, January 06
- 2021 Disparity in Health-Information Seeking and Internet Use among Cancer Survivors: Trend in Health Information National Trends Survey, 2017-2019. (An, K., Oh, K. M., Lee, M.). Congress of Advancement in Nursing Science, Oct 6, 2021, Virtual.
- 2020, “We didn’t forget” Utilizing a community-nurse partnership to promote health in Rockport Texas after Hurricane Harvey (Salt, R. J., Sickora, C., Page, T. L., Martinez, M. L., Cantu, A. G., Schwab, K. W., & Lee, M.). Virtual symposium presentation of the 31st International Nursing Research Congress of Sigma Theta Tau International, Abu Dhabi, UAE, July 22-24, 2020
- 2020, U. S. Nursing Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Lee, M.) Virtual presentation at the 2020 3rd Moim Kim Academic Open Forum. Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF) Korea & USA Joint Web Conference: Nursing Leadership in Pandemic Disaster, April 28, 2020
- 2019, Building community capacity and engagement to reduce health disparities and increase health literacy in the Korean immigrant community. (Lee, M., Braden, C. J., Ramirez, A. J., Lee, M., Kim, D., DeLeon, Y., & Chung, S.) The Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, November 2-6, 2019
- 2019, Academic-community partnership among linguistically and socially underserved Korean immigrant community (Lee, M., Braden, C. J., Ramirez, A. J., Lee, M., Kim, D., DeLeon, Y., Kim, S., & Chung, S.). The 2019 Institute for the Integration of Medicine and Science (IIMS) Community Engagement Symposium, San Antonio, TX, October 12, 2019
- 2022 Preparing future pandemics: Reflections from frontline nurses’ experience in South Korea and the United States. (Seo, J., Lee, M., Kang, S., Oh, H. K., Yang, S. Y., & Kim, H.). The Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland. July 21-25.
- 2022 Developing open modules to train nurses on emerging infectious diseases in acute hospital settings (Kang, S., Oh, H. K., Yang, S. Y., Kim, H., Seo, J. & Lee, M.). The Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland. July 21-25.
- 2021 Health literacy and access to care on cancer screening among Korean Americans (Lee, M., Lee, M. A., Ahn, H., Ko, J., Yon, E., Lee, J., Kim, M. & Braden, C. B.). The Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association, virtual.
- 2021, Relationship between Osteoarthritis Symptoms and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms among Sellers Working at Traditional Market in South Korea. (Song, H. J., Bluhm, M.D., & Lee, M.). E-poster presentation at the 53rd Annual Conference of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN), Virtual Conference, to be held June 27-30, 2021
- 2020, The Status of Evidence-Based Practice Readiness of Undergraduate Nursing Students in South Korea. (Song, J., Park, H., Lee, M., & Stevens, K. R). Virtual poster presentation of the 31st International Nursing Research Congress of Sigma Theta Tau International, Abu Dhabi, UAE, July 22-24, 2020
Peer Reviewed Articles
Book Chapter
Under Review
Non-Peer-reviewed Articles
Korean Journal, Newspaper Health Column, San Antonio, TX
Peer Reviewed Podium Presentations
Peer Reviewed Poster Presentations