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Carmen Landaverde, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Transplant Hepatologist
Texas Liver Institute Hepatologist
Dr. Carmen Landaverde is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to joining The Texas liver Institute, Dr. Landaverde completed her gastroenterology fellowship at the University of California at Los Angeles
(UCLA) and her transplant hepatology fellowship at Baylor University Medical Center of Dallas, Texas, where she served as faculty for 5 years, caring for patients with highly complex liver disease. She specializes in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), end-stage liver disease and liver transplantation medicine. She has authored and co-authored review articles on the management of fluid retention and cirrhosis, NAFLD and nutrition, outcomes in liver re-transplantation and in the optimization of hepatitis C treatment. Dr. Landaverde is fluent in Spanish.