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- Lee Ann Schwarz
- schwarzl@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-5643
Departments & Divisions
Stephen R. Kraus, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.S.
Professor and Chair
Chief, Division of Female Urology, Neuro-Urology and Voiding Dysfunction
Hans H. Scharringhausen Professorship
Professor, Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Dr. Kraus is Professor & Chair of the Department of Urology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) where he heads the Division of Female Urology, Neuro-Urology & Voiding Dysfunction. He completed his undergraduate education at Brandeis University in 1987 and received his MD from UMDNJ-Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in 1991where he also completed his residency in urology. He completed a fellowship in Neuro-Urology, Incontinence, and Urodynamics at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and he received his Master of Science in Clinical Investigation at the UTHSCSA. Dr Kraus received his subspecialty certification in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS) from the American Board of Urology in June 2013. More recently, Dr Kraus obtained his MBA with a healthcare focus from the University of Texas at San Antonio College of Business in 2020.
A Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, Dr Kraus is also a member of the American Urological Association, the American Urogynecologic Society, the International Continence Society and the Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU). He is on the Board of Directors for SUFU and for the Texas Urological Society where he also serves as Chair of the Education Committees for both organizations.
Dr Kraus has served as faculty for many post graduate courses on topics including Neurourology, Female Urology, Overactive Bladder, Male Incontinence & Voiding Disorders and Urodynamics. Dr Kraus served on the AUA Guidelines Panel on Urodynamics and the AUA Guidelines Panel on Female Stress Urinary Incontinence. Dr Kraus is co-Chair of the AUA Guidelines Panel on Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction and also heads the SUFU OAB Clinical Care Pathway Project. He is actively engaged in research and has served as principal investigator for a variety of studies and grants including the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network, sponsored by the NIH/NIDDK. In addition to serving on the editorial board of Drugs & Aging and BMC Urology, Dr. Kraus serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Urology, Urology and Neurourology & Urodynamics. Dr Kraus’ clinical practice is heavily focused on urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, Neurogenic Bladder and complex voiding disorders.
Professional Background
- 2020 - MBA - Business Administration - University of Texas San Antonio
- 2008 - MS - Clinical Investigation - University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1998 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Neurourology and Urodynamics - Baylor College of Medicine, Scott Department of Urology
- 1997 - Residency - Urology - U.M.D.N.J.-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- 1993 - Internship - General Surgery - U.M.D.N.J.-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- 1991 - MD - Medicine - U.M.D.N.J.-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- 1987 - BS - Biology - Brandeis University
- Cross Appointment with Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Barshop Institute, San Antonio
- 9/2018 - Program Director, Physician Assistant Urology Training Program and Program Director, Physician Assistant Urology Training Program - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Urology, San Antonio
- 9/2009 - Professor & Vice-Chairman of Dept Urology - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Urology, San Antonio
- 11/2000 - Attending Staff Urologist - Audie Murphy Veterans Administration HospitalSan Antonio
- 11/2000 - Medical Director - South Texas Pelvic Floor and Bladder Center, Urology, San Antonio
- 11/2000 - Director, Neuro-Urology & Urodynamics - Audie Murphy Veterans Administration Hospital, Urology, San Antonio
- 11/2000 - Chief of Spinal Cord Urology - Audie Murphy Veterans Administration Hospital Spinal Cord and Urodynamics, Urology, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/2005 - Present, Instructor, UTHSCSA
- 10/2004 - Present, Instructor, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 11/2000 - Present, Adv Clin Eval Skills, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
Funding Agency National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Title Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Trial (UITN Protocol #1) (SISTER) Status Active Period 10/2001 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Principal Investigator
Co-Chairman, Protocol Subcommittee
Steering Committee Core Member for UITN (with salary support)
Publication and Presentation Committee
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria work group
Pad Test, Diary, Quality of Life, Self-Efficacy, & Costs Work Group
Complications and Adverse Events Committee
$1,120,755 (adjusted for supplements & extension)
Duration: 6 years (projected completion year 2007) Funding Agency National Cancer Institute, Early Detection Research Network Title Detection of Bladder cancer by Microsatellite Analysis (MSA) of Urinary Sediment: Status Active Period 3/2004 - Present Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Multi-Institutional StudyPrivate
Funding Agency Merch & Co. Inc. Title Double-Blind Randomized, Placebo Controlled., Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Effect of Adjuvant Treatment with Rofecoib (MK-0966) in Localized Prostate Cancer Status Complete Period - Present Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Closed Funding Agency Lilly-ICOS Title Lilly-ICOS LVHK: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Design, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Urodynamic Effects of
Tadalafil Once a Day for 12 Weeks in Men With Signs and Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Status Active Period 2/2007 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Award is based on competitive recruitment. Total dollar value represents awarded funds for 21 subjects recruited. Original recruitment goal of 7 subjects was surpassed in 3 months with IRB approval. Funding Agency Pfizer Title Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Four Arm Study (Placebo Tolterodine ER, Tamsulosin, and combination Tolterodine ER plus Tamsulosin) for the treatment of men with lower urinary track symptoms Status Complete Period 11/2004 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Enrollment closed Funding Agency University of California at San Francisco in conjunction with Pfizer Title BRIDGES: Bring simple Urge Incontinence Diagnosis and treatment to providers Status Active Period 10/2008 - Present Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Randomized clinical trial examining new simple diagnostic instrument for evaluation of overactive bladder and urinary incontinence in patients with mixed incontinence including assessing treatment outcome -
Elizabeth Rourke, William Meeks, Daniel Pichardo, Stephen Kraus. Impact of AUA Practice Guidelines on Urodynamic Practice Patterns; 2018 Feb. (Neurourology and Urodynamics; vol. 37, no. S1). Kimberly Kenton, Anne Stoddard, Halina Zyczynski, Leslie Rickey, Clifford Wai, Mike Albo, Peggy Norton, Larry Sirls, Stephen Kraus, Holly Richter. 5-Year Outcomes After Retropubic and Transobturator Midurethral Sling; 2014 Apr. (Journal of Urology; vol. 191, no. 4). E. Ann Gormley, Linda Brubaker, Gary Lemack, Emily Lukacz, Stephen Kraus, Peggy Norton, Holly Richter, Leslie Rickey, Larry Sirls, Halina Zyczynski, Anne Stoddard, Hae-Young Kim. Predictors of Surgical Retreatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women; 2014 Apr. (Journal of Urology; vol. 191, no. 4).
Book Chapter
David Ginsberg, Quentin Clemens,Doreen Chung,Francisco Cruz, Teresa Danforth,Angelo Gousse, Stephanie Kielb, Stephen Kraus, Altaf Mangera, Sheilagh Reid, Nicole Szell,Blayne Welk, Claire Yang. Surveillance and Management of Urologic Complications After Spinal Cord Injury. In: David Ginsberg, Quentin Clemens,Doreen Chung,Francisco Cruz, Teresa Danforth,Angelo Gousse, Stephanie Kielb, Stephen Kraus, Altaf Mangera, Sheilagh Reid, Nicole Szell,Blayne Welk, Claire Yang
. SIU-ICUD Joint Consultation on Urologic Management of the Spinal Cord Injured. 2016.Journal Article
Qurratul Ann Warsi, Alison J. Huang, Rachel Hess, Lily A. Arya, Holly E. Richter, Catherine S. Bradley, Rebecca G. Rogers, Deborah L. Myers, Karen C. Johnson, Janis M. Miller, W. Thomas Gregory, Stephen R. Kraus, Michael Schembri, Jeanette S. Brown, K. Stone and Leslee L. Subak. The Effect of Pharmacologic Treatment of Urgency Urinary Incontinence on Sleep Quality and Daytime Sleepiness Obstetrics and Gynecology 2018 Feb;131(2):204-211. Kobashi,KC, Albo ME, Dmochowski RR, Ginsberg DA
Goldman HB, Gomelsky A, Kraus SR, Sandhu JS, Shepler T, Treadwell JR, Vasavada S and Lemack GE
. Surgical Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: AUA/SUFU Guideline Journal of Urology 2017 Oct;198(4):875-883. Kraus SR. Sacral Neuromodulation is Preferred over OnabotulinumtoxinA Injection for Overactive Bladder in Women Journal of Urology 2017 Sep;198(3):501-502. Kraus SR. Point-Counterpoint: Occult SUI-What Have the Clinical Trials Taught Us? Don't Do the SUI Surgery at the Time of the Prolapse Repair Urology Times 2015 Jan;. Kimberly Kenton, Anne M. Stoddard, Halina Zyczynski,Michael Albo,Leslie Rickey, Peggy Norton, lifford Wai, Stephen R. Kraus, Larry T. Sirls,John W. Kusek, Heather J. Litman, Robert P. Chang, Holly E. Richter. Fiver Year Longitudinal Followup after Retropubic and Transobturator Mid Urethral Slings Journal of Urology 2015 Jan;193(1):203-210. K.L. Ferrante, H-Y. Kim, L. Brubaker, C.Y. Wai, P. Norton, S.R. Kraus, J. Shepherd, L.T. Sirls, and C.W. Nager, for the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network. Repeat Post-Op Voiding Trials: An Inconvenient Correlate with Success Neurourology and Urodynamics 2014 Nov;33(8):1225-1228. Leslee L. Subak, MD, Patricia S. Goode, MSN, MD, Linda Brubaker, MD, MS, John W. Kusek, PhD, Michael Schembri, BS, Emily S. Lukacz, MD, MAS, Stephen R. Kraus, MD, Toby C. Chai, MD, Wendy W. Leng MD and Sharon Tennstedt, PhD for the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network. Urinary Incontinence Management Costs are Reduced at 24 months Following Burch or Sling Surgery for Stress Incontinence American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014 Aug;:171e-1-171e-7. Philippe Zimmern*, Heather Litman, Charles W. Nager; Gary E. Lemack, Holly E. Richter, Larry
Sirls, Stephen R. Kraus, Gary Sutkin; and Elizabeth R. Mueller
. Effect of Aging on Storage and Voiding Function in Women with Stress−Predominant Urinary Incontinence Journal of Urology 2014 Aug;:464-468. Philippe Zimmern, Heather Litman, Charles Nager, Larry Sirls, Stephen Kraus, Kimberly Kenton,
Tracey Wilson, Gary Sutkin, Nazema Siddiqui, Sandip Vasavada, Peggy Norton, and
For the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network. Preoperative Urodynamics in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence Increases Physician Confidence, but Does Not Improve Outcomes Neurourology and Urodynamics 2014 Mar;33(3):302-306. Catherine E. DuBeau, Stephen R. Kraus, Tomas L. Griebling, Diane K. Newman, Jean F. Wyman, Theodore M. Johnson 2nd, Joseph G. Ouslander, Tamara Bavendam, Franklin Sun, Jason Gong. Effect of Fesoterodine in Vulnerable Elderly Subjects With Urgency Incontinence: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Journal of Urology 2014 Feb;191(2):395-404. P Norton, CW Nager, L Brubaker, GE Lemack, L Sirls, R Holley, TC Chai, S Kraus, H Zyczynski, B Smith, A Stoddard for the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network. The Cost of Preoperative Urodynamics: a Secondary Analysis of the ValUE Trial Neurourology and Urodynamics (in press) 2014 Jan;. Hess R, Huang A, Richter HE, Ghetti CC, Sung VW, Barrett-Connor E, Gregory T, Pinkerton JV, Bradley CS, Kraus SR, Rogers RG, Subak LL, Johnson KC, Arya LA, Schembri M, Brown JS. Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Questionnaire-based Initiation of Urgency Urinary Incontinence Treatment American Journal of Obstetrics 2013 Sep;209(3):244.E1-244.E9. -
Board Certifications
- American Board of Urology
- American Board of Urology