Departments & Divisions
Research Areas
Infectious Disease Longevity & AgingEllen Kraig, Ph.D.
Department of Cell Systems and Anatomy
Currently seeking M.S. students
Dr. Ellen Kraig’s lab is currently focused on two studies in human subjects that build on her previous research in pre-clinical models, both in mice and in non-human primates. First, in collaboration with colleagues at UTHSA, her laboratory is testing the effects of rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, delivered either orally or topically, on older human subjects (>65 years old). They are studying parameters of inflammation, immune responsiveness, epigenetics, neurological and physiological function with a particular focus on markers known to change with age. Second, this collaborative group is now measuring endothelial dysfunction and underlying inflammatory regulators in a nation-wide cohort of PASC (Long COVID) subjects and controls available through the NIH-funded RECOVER study.
Professional Background
- 1983 - Postdoctoral Training with Dr. Leroy Hood - Biology - California Institute of Technology
- 1981 - PhD with Dr. James Haber - Biology - Brandeis University
- 1975 - BS - Biology (Graduation with honors in Biology) - University of Denver
Minnie Piper Professorship recipient
ROTA (UT Regents Outstanding Teacher Award)
Council on Principal Investigators, UTHSA, inaugural member
American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Distinguished Service Award
Distinguished Teaching Professor, UTHSA
UT Academy of Health Science Educators (Ken Shine Academy)
Inaugural Graduate Dean‘s Award: Exceptional Graduate Teaching
UTHSCSA Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence
- 3/2012 - Member of the Review Committee, Teaching STARS, UT Regents - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Cellular & Structural Biology, San Antonio
- 1/2010 - Member - Barshop Institute of Aging and Logevity Studies, Barshop Institute of Aging and Logevity Studies, San Antonio
- 9/1997 - Professor with tenure - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Department of Cell Systems and Anatomy (CSA/CSB), San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 1/2017 - Present, Genetics (CSBL 5025)
- 1/2015 - 2021, Presentation Skills for M.S. Students (CSBL 6072)
- 1/2014 - 2020, Integrating Molecular Biology with Patient-Oriented Research (MEDI 5073)
- 4/2007 - 2021, Biology of Aging (CSBL 6048)
- 1/1984 - 2019, Graduate Colloquium (CSBL 5089)
Research & Grants
Project Number: R21 HD088948
(E Kraig, Contact PI; C Li and Q Dong, Pis)
Title: Maternal obesity and immune developmental programming, role of the microbiome
The goal of this R21 is to assess the effects of a high fat diet during pregnancy on the developing immune system and microbiome. This is modeled in a baboon cohort.
Dates of Proposed Project: 8/1/2016-7/31/2020
Pepper Center Rapid Turnaround Grant
(E Kraig, Contact PI for pilot; D Kellogg, Co-PI)
Source: NIH/NIA (Pepper Center pilot grant)
Title: Rapamycin in the elderly: Effects on the DNA methylation age profile
The goal is to determine whether mTOR inhibition can reverse age-associated changes in DNA methylation.
Dates of Proposed Project: 4/1/2019-7/31/2020
CTSA/IIMS COVID-19 pilot grant
(D Kellogg, Contact PI for pilot; E Kraig Co-PI)
Source: NIH (CTSA pilot grant)
Title: Effects of mTOR inhibition with Rapamycin in patients with COVID-19 to ameliorate progression to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RAPA-CARDS)
The goal is to determine whether rapamycin can slow the progression of lung damage in late stage COVID infection.
Dates of Proposed Project: 7/1/2020-6/30/2021
PART THE CLOUD (PTC) Clinical Trials Program
(S Seshadri and M Gonzales, PIs; E Kraig, Co-I)
Source: Alzheimer’s Association
Title: Phase 2 Trial of Rapamycin for Alzheimer's Disease
The goal of this project is to conduct a placebo-controlled trial of rapamycin in subjects with cognitive impairment.
Dates of Proposed Project: 7/1/2020-12/31/2025
Journal Article
Rubicz R, Yolken R, Drigalenko E, Carless MA, Dyer TD, Bauman L, Melton PE, Kent JW, Harley JB, Curran JE, Johnson MP, Cole SA, Almasy L, Moses EK, Dhurandhar NV, Kraig E, Blangero J, Leach CT, Goring HH. A genome-wide integrative genomic study localizes genetic factors influencing antibodies against Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1) PLoS Genetics 2013 Jan;9(1):1-17.
Kraig, E; LA Linehan, H Liang, TQ Romo, Q Liu, Y Wu, AD Benavides, TJ Curiel, MA Javors, N Musi, L Chiodo, W Koek, JAL Gelfond, DL Kellogg, Jr. (2018) A randomized control trial to establish the feasibility and safety of rapamycin treatment in an older human cohort Experimental Gerontology. 105:53-69
Nalawade, SA; N Ji, IRaphael, A Pratt, E Kraig, and TG Forsthuber (2018) Aire is not essential for regulating neuroinflammatory disease in mice transgenic for human autoimmune-diseases associated MHC class II genes. Cellular Immunology. 331:38-48.
Stacy, S, EL Williams, NE Standifer, A Pasquali, KA Krolick, AJ Infante, E Kraig (2010) Maintenance of immune tolerance to a neo-self acetylcholine receptor antigen with aging: implications for late-onset autoimmunity J Immunol 184:6067-75