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Neil A Kirby, PhD
Associate Professor
Dr. Kirby is a physicist and an associate professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. His research interests include advanced radiation measurement and delivery techniques, theranostic use of nanoparticles, deformable image registration, machine learning, and total-body irradiation.
D. K. Johnson et al. “Positron Production by X Rays Emitted by Betatron Motion in a Plasma Wiggler.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 175003, 2006.
I. Blumenfeld et al. “Energy Doubling of 42 GeV Electrons in a Metre-Scale Plasma Wakefield Accelerator.” Nature 445 741-744, 2007.
M.C. Thompson et al. “Preliminary results from the UCLA/SLAC ultra-high gradient Cerenkov wakefield accelerator experiment.” SLAC-PUB-13117, 2007. 12pp. Prepared for Workshop on the Physics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams (PAHBEB 2005), Erice, Sicily, Italy, 9-14 Oct 2005. Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys.A22:4343-4354,2007.
E. Oz et al. “Ionization-Induced Electron Trapping in Ultrarelativistic Plasma Wakes.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 084801, 2007.
C. Huang et al. “Hosing Instability in the Blow-Out Regime for Plasma-Wakefield Acceleration.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 255001, 2007.
M.C. Thompson et al. “Breakdown Limits on Gigavolt-per-Meter Electron-Beam-Driven Wake- fields in Dielectric Structures.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 214801, 2008.
N. Kirby et al. “Transverse Emittance and Current of Multi-GeV Trapped Electrons in a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator.” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 051302 (2009).
I. Blumenfeld et al. “Scaling of the Longitudinal Electric Field and Transformer Ratio in a Nonlinear Plasma Wakefield Accelerator.” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 13, 111301 (2010).
N. Kirby, C. Chuang, and J. Pouliot, “A two-dimensional deformable phantom for quantitatively verifying deformation algorithms,” Med. Phys. 38(8), 4583 (2011).
N. Kirby, C. Chuang, J. Pouliot, A. Hwang, and I.J. Barani, “Physics strategies for sparing neural stem cells during whole-brain radiation treatments,” Med. Phys. 38(10), 5338 (2011).
N. Kirby, C. Chuang, J. Pouliot, A. Hwang, and I.J. Barani, “Response to In regards to Kirby et al., Physics strategies for sparing neural stem cells during whole-brain radiation treatments,” Med. Phys. 39(3), 1679 (2012).
N. Kirby, M. Held, O. Morin, S. Fogh, and J. Pouliot, “Inverse-planned modulated-arc total-body Irradiation,” Med. Phys. 39(5), 2761 (2012).
M. Held, N. Kirby, O. Morin, and J. Pouliot, “Dosimetric aspects of modulated-arc inverse- planned total- body irradiation,” Med. Phys. 39(8), 5263 (2012).
L. Ma, N. Kirby, R. Korol, D.A. Larson, and A. Sahgal, “Assessing small-volume spinal cord dose for repeat spinal stereotactic body radiotherapy treatments,” Phys. Med. Biol. 57(23), 7843 (2012).
N. Kirby, C. Chuang, U. Ueda, and J. Pouliot, “The need for application-based adaptation of deformable image registration,” Med. Phys. 40(1), 011702 (2013).
P. Graff, N. Kirby, V. Weinberg, J. Chen, S.S. Yom, L. Lambert, and J. Pouliot, “The residual setup errors of different IGRT alignment procedures for head & neck IMRT and the resulting dosimetric impact,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol., Biol., Phys. 86(1), 170 (2013).
K. Nie, C. Chuang, N. Kirby, S. Braunstein, and J. Pouliot, “Site-specific deformable image registration (DIR) algorithm selection using patient-based simulated deformations,” Med. Phys. 40(4), 041911 (2013).
P. Graff, S. Hunger, N. Kirby, and J. Pouliot, "Head and neck adaptive radiotherapy," Cancer/Radiothérapie, 17, 513-22 (2013).
K. Singhrao, N. Kirby, and J. Pouliot, “A three-dimensional head-and-neck phantom for validation of multi-modality deformable image registration for adaptive radiotherapy,” Med. Phys. 41(12), 121709 (2014).
Z.A. Seymour, A.J. Chang, L. Zhang, N. Kirby, M. Descovich, M. Roach III, I.C. Hsu, and A.R. Gottschalk, “Dose-volume analysis and the temporal nature of toxicity with stereotactic body radiation therapy for prostate cancer,” Practical Radiation Oncology (in press).